HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-02-18, Page 2POSITION iN SLEEPING, Variety of Opinions Among Eminent French Doctors, number of French medical men ha e. given their opinion to the Matin asf Paris ,on what they consider the healthiest position for sleep. Dr. Delorme, army medical inspector, declares .that the natural position is to lie'flat on one's back. Professor Debone and Dr. Daveniere, of the School of Hygiene, are of the same opinion, And pointout that lying on either side causes pressure of the arm, wbioh may eventually bring about paralysis. Dr, Landeuzey, of the medical faculty, says that tete., best position is the most comfortable position, and this is aequir- •ed by habit. It would be well, how- ever, to accustom oneself to sleep on the right side. Dr. Letulle, of the Med- ical Academy, maintains emphatically that' the sleeper should always lie on the right side and thus avoid indigestion ar}d heart troubles. In startling contradiction comes a statement from a heart specialist, Dr. Huchard: "I always sleep on my left side, and I think it is quite immaterial whether you lie on your left or right side. The idea, however, that those .who cannotlie on the left side suffer from heart affection is quite erroneous," e - i 1 HAPPY DAYS FOR BA - Y. The healthy child is always a happy child. A11 its little trou- bles vanish when its food digests properly and it is free from child- ish ailments. Most of these ail- ments come from stomach or bowel troubles, colds, feverishness, teething and worms. Baby's Own Tablets promptly cure all these troubles and keep little ones well. Mrs, W. G. Martin, Ravenscliffe, Que., says, "I have used Baby's Own Tablets in my home for the past four years, and since using them my little ones have enjoyed the best of health. I can recom- mend them to every mother as a sure cure for the little troubles of childhood." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. a, A Suggestion. ' When Miss Lucy E. Anthony was 'visiting her little nieces last summer she was besought to make a kite. As she had made some in her youth wh' had b n fairly success*, she pre ,iserl tom: 'uati,-Leet; nwhile-^ ing to have th chilyden disappointed, she 'expressed doubts as to whether it would fly very well. While they were working on the kite, a small boy came by selling fly paper. Miss Anthony said that they did not wish any. One little niece said: `But, Aunt Lucy, if you think the kite may not fly, why don't you buy some fly paper, and then it surely will?" e Do You Value Health Regulate and. Cleanse Your System., Spring elearli g., does -not answer the body. . The prime element in the main- tenance aintenance or in the.recovery of health is activity of liver, kidneys and skin. Not occasionally but only by weekly' Winn-' lation of these functions can poisons, waste matter 'and acciumulations within the body be drawn out so 'that the blood and inward parts be purified and kept wholesome. Dr: Hamilton's Pills are the mildest laxative medicine known; they purify the blood, fortify the activ- ity of liver and kidneys, increase the eliminating power of the skin and. create a general feeling of well being—the out- coine of wholesome conditions within. Dr. Hamilton's Pills are a general tonic to the' digestive system; they restore functional effectiveness to all the organs of secretion and ocntribute in this way enormously to the stability of health.' For general family use in all cases of biliousness, bad. blood, indigestion and disorders of the stomach, Dr. Hamil- ton's amil- tons Pills have no equal. Sold in yellow boxes, 25c, all dealers, or the Catarrho- zone Co,, Kingston, Canada. A Church in a Rock. In the quaint old German town of Ob- erstein an ancient church stands, built in the great 'rock rising from the river. The front of the building is of !tone, but the church itself is hollowed out of the rock and penetrates far into its heart. Tradition says that in the four- SAVED iN HIS 010 AGE teeuth century the Count of Oberstein, one of the, old robber barons, fell deeply in love with a beautiful young lady, the daughter of a neighboring knight. His brother also sought the fair maid- en's hand and the two suitors had a vio- lent quarrel. The upshot was that the count flung his hapless brother from the top of his castle wall, high up the preci- pitous cliff. Repenting of his awful deed, the count vowed that he would build a church where his brother's body first touched the ground. He did so, exsevat- ing the church in the rock; and tradi- tion goes on to say a miraculous spring of clear water .sprang from the crag as a token that heaven was appeased. This curious church is now the only Protest- ant place of worship in the town.— Wide World Magazine. Annapolis, N. S,. May 14, 1909. I am over eighty years of age and have suffered from Kidney and Bladder Trouble for fifteen years. I took doctors' medicine u tor sendit ng me the samplentbox o of Gin Pills, which helped me. I have taken six boxes of Gin/Pills alto- gether, but got relief. before I had taken near that amount. I had to get up some •nights every fifteen minutes; and had to use an instrument before I could urinate. Now, I can Ile in bed four or five hours without getting up. W. H. PIERCE. Write National Drug & Chem. Co. (Dept. H. L.), Toronto, for free sample. Regular size, 60c; 6 for $2.50,0 SOMETHING WRONG. While the movement to raise mere money for foreign missions grows in Toronto, a man with a _amily com- mitted suicide there the other day because he could not get work. There seems to be room for home mission work yet, work to save the bodied ra- ther than the souls of some people. e•4. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS PASO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 508 • Oldest Bank Notes. • At the Bank of England privileged 'visitors are sometimes shown the oldest known bank note, for £555, with the date "19th Xber, 1699." The memoran- da written across the note show that payment was made by three instalments. The bank notes of that period were printed from engraved plates, blank spaces being left for the date, the signa- ture, the number and the amgunt. The watermark can be clearly seen, and in texture and general appearance the notes were very similar to those of to- day.—London Globe. Dr co Er 1tz'm�i;ar R®aaillai are just the ,right medicine for the children. When they are constipated —when their kidneys are out of or- hen,, over• -i cyyc oe "i! o rood giv"�W1in nion —Mr. Morse's Indian Root Pills will quickly and surely put them right. Purely, vegetable, they neither sick- en, weaken or gripe, like harsh pur- gatives. Guard your children's health by always keeping a box of Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills in the house. 'They f.Ge®p'th® Children Watt 4 , UP-TO-DATE MILKING SCENE. Household Hints. For obstinate nosebleed, put an ice pack or a cloth wrung out in ice water at the back of the neck. A cloth skirt should never be hung up inside out, as this tends to crease it more than anything else. Boiled rice or. baked potato will go excellently with sweetbreads, and this dish is good for the sick. The cheer and lighter the pan the whiter aria lighter your bread when you bake in a gas range. Chiffon velvet is a most excellent thing for brushing a felt hat, whether a man's or a woman's. To insure that potted plants will thrive always have a little water in the saucer under the flower pot. When milk boils over on the stove, sprinkle on some salt at once. This will counteract the disagreeable odor. .Bronzes should be cleaned by rub- bing with sweet oil. Rub dry with a soft cloth and polish with chamois. Gruel, when properly prepared, should be a little thicker than cream, and should be- absolutely free from lumps. After putting luttered paper in the cake pans, sprinkle in just a little flour. This will keep the cakes from sticking, A little alcohol rubbed in water is equally good. wash KEEP BABY'S SKIN CLEAR. Few parents realize, how nanny estim- able lives' have been embittered and so- cial and business success prevented by serious skin a feetions which so often iesult from the neglect of minor erup- tions in infancy and childhood. With but a little care and the use of proper emollients, baby's skin and hair may be preserved, purified and beautified, minor eruptions prevented from becoming chronic and torturing, disfiguring rashes, itchings, irritations and chafings dis- pelled. To this end nothing is so pure, so sweet, so speedily effective as the use of Cnticura Soap, assisted when necessary by Cuticura Ointment. Sold by druggists everywhere. Send to Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Boston, U. S. A., sole proprietors, for their free 32 -page Cuticura Book,'telling all about the care and treatment of the skin. Muskra4 Nearly Extinct. Persons in this locality who are en- gaged in hunting and trapping fur bearing animals for profit state that in this section at least the muskrat is nearly extinct. Old trappers claim that until reoent years this little ani- mal was considered the most plenti- ful of the fur bearing varieties, and at that time the skin of e, muskrat rom 10 cents to 20c each. diffe ent, as some t�kaireasoi4's eateh ch. -This high price "What's going on around here?" asked the surprised visitor. "Is this a hos- pital?" "Oh, no," answered the tall man in the silk hat; "this is the stage setting for a New England farm drama. The next act will be the milking scene." "But I thought the young lady in the antiseptic apron was a trained. nurses" "Oh, no; she is the milkmaid. The young man in the rubber 'gloves that you thought was a doctor is the farm boy. .As soon as they bring in the steril- ized stool and the pasteurized pails and find the cow's tooth brush the milking scene will begin; e.e. FREE TO OUR READERS. Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, for 48 -page illustrated Eye Book Free. Write all about Your Eye Trouble and they will advise as to the Proper Application of the Murine Eye Remedies in YSur Special Case. Your DruggLst will tell you that Murine Relieves Sore Eyes, Strengthens Weak Eyes, Doesn't Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, and sells for 50o. Try It in Your Eyes and in Baby's Byes for Scaly Eyelids and Granulation. was worth Now ..' a for 60 cents e is what he i nearly exterminated this animal by causing all kinds of trap- pers to _mr.ke a specialty of the musk- rat, which has been hunted so earnest- ly that there are few left to breed from. Many predict that for years to come the muskrat, like the quail, will be difficult to find.—Manchester Cor- respondence Rochester Herald. • The Diplomat. "And, oh, mother," said the little girl, "Lucy Jones had such an awful hat on. So Annie gave her an 'int; she said, 'I wouldn't wear a thing like that. Manchester Guardian. • quickly thro t and coughs, cures. colds, cents. • - m EAT HAY. Some publisher will make a hit with a cook -book showing how to prepare baled hay in a manner to tempt the human palate. The Nova Scotia. `Lumber King" says: "I consider MINARD'S LINIMENT the BEST liniment in use. I got my foot badly jammed lately. 1 bathedit well with MINARD'S LINI- IVLENT and it was as well as ever next day. Yours very truly, T. G. •McMULLLN. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. • 0• -Lying Two Weeks on a Wire. India is blessed—or perhaps, cursed— with the largest congregation of itilier- ant beggars of any country in the world. These mendicants, or ascetics, as they are usually called. are in a sense `'veli- JUST THINK With half the labor, and at half the cost of other soap, Sunlight does the whole washing in half the time, yet without injuring the most delicate fabric. Reform by Suicide. The course of true reform never runs smooth—not even in China. Not long ago Yunk Lin, a Chinese patriot, despondent over the rapidity wiith which everything was going to' the Chinese terriers, wrote a long letter to the Emperor -regent complaining about things in general. To add emphasis to his remarks. he committed suicide. The Government, in recognition of his patri- otic devotion, issued an edict in his honor,. but whether it has taken any steps toward the reforms he suggested the despatch does not state. The letter of protest is said to be one of the most ,hmarkable pieces •of muck- raking on record. "Rice," said the ardent reformer in one' choice passage,' "has become as dear as pearls, and firewood as costly as cas- sia buds." So it seems that even in far -away China the ultimate consumer has his grievances. If we only had. in America men who would put as much devotion in- to living as poor Yung Lin did into dy inq for his, we should indeed ,be fortus nate.—Success Magazine. ' e PILES CURED AT HOME BY NEW ADSORPTION METHOD HOW NOT 'TO WRITE. There are severalways.ef writing to a newspaper, and mere than several ways in which it is wise not• to write. The greatest fault to be found wviith the average communication is that it invites; the its and. pigeon-hole ieit of es'two othree pages of foolscap to say what could have been condensed iiuto a few sentences. Some- times, however, the writer transgresses in more than the mutter of space., i w TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box. 25c. 4- , gious fanatics, who inflict bodily tor- tures on themselves with the dual idea of performing certain religious functions and also of calling attention to them- selves with the view of receiving alms fromcurious and devout passersby. ,A. ,than will remain suspended on a thin; ,ilMb wire, supported by two barn - boo piles, for lengthy periods, often a fortnight. Below, on the ground, lies outspread the mat upon which he re into a firm paste. Then roll out the ceives the contributions of the sympa- wafers very thin, and bake them. thetic crowd.—The Wide World Maga zine: Minard's,Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. If you suffer from bleeding, itching, blind or protruding Piles, send me your address, and I will tell you how to cure yourself at home by the new absorption treatment; and will also send some of flip Nome ttreatment free'for trial, ith references from. • your own localii if requested. Immediate relief and per- manent eure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write to- day do Mrs. M. summers, Box P. 8, Windsor, Ont. ISSUE NO. 7. 1910 AGENTS WAN1 ED. MEN or WOMEN WANTED In every locality to sell goods as necessary in every home as bread. Salary $2.60 per day and commission, Write The J. L. Plioho!s Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. TAT ANTED—LADIES TO DO PLAIN AND , If light sewing at home, whole or spare time. Good pay. Work sent any distance; charges paid. Send stamp or full particu- lars. National Manufacturing Co., Montreal. FOR SALE. ANIILTON, ONTARIO, IS GROWING -ILL fast. Buy suburban lots in the path of development while they are low; . they are bound to increase rapidly in value. Choice lots, 25 x 100, for $68.76 to $100 per lot. Spe- cial offer for one month—$5 down and $1 per week buys two lots. Write for free booklets and maps. Burke & Co., 204 King street east. PERSONAL. Dr. M artel's Feil tale Dials LK.,..-rv... ,...1,n,+• -r• SEVENTEEN YEARS THE STANDARD Prescribed and recommended for wo- men's ailments, a scientifically pre- pared remedy of proven worth. 'iris result from their use is quick and per. manent. For sale at all drug stores. .0116,11 e-ve How to Get a Coonskin Coat. 'Coonskin overcoats are within the reach of Minnesotans who will spend a few days in the woods witli a coal oil barrel wind some parsnips, according to J. L. Ferguson, a trapper, who lives in the vicinity of Cass Lake. "11 you'll go to the timbered district," he said, sink a coal oil barrel two-thirds of its length in the ground, suspend a .parsnip over it about a foot 'from the' top and leave it over night, you should catch at least one coon, and possibly three The head of the barrel must be removed, and there must still be traces of coal oil on the inside, so the staves will be slick. The coon will be attracted by the smell of the parsnip (there le nothing a coon likes better); he will climb the outside of the barrel and in trying to stand ou the rim and reach the suspended parsnip wil fall in. There is no possibility of his climbing out.—St. !Paul Dispatch. HE SHOULD. "Should a man lift his hat when he meets his wife?" asks a correspondent. If he has been properly trained he will, anyway. e•• Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows, Age of a Fish. Professor Herdman, lecturing at the Royal Institution, and describing how to tell the age of a fish, said the lines on. the scales of the herring are lines of annual growth. The number of lines on the bones are another indi- cation.—Froin 'the Westminster Ga- zette. Do you trap or buy Furs? I am Canada's largest dealer, I pay highest prices. Your shipments solicited. I pay mail and ex- press charges; remit promptly. Also largest dealer in Beefhides, Sheepskins, etc. Quotations and shipping tags sent free. JOHN HALLAirill, TORONTO ALL WANT TO TAX THE OTHiele FELLOW. (Toronto Star.) A tariff commission carried on by pri- vate funds at the instance of Mr. Cham- berlain examined the farmers, and found some enthusiasm for taxes on foreign grail•, but none for a preference for col- onial grain; a royal commission would probably have a similar experience. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Caught 120 Pound Cod. When. the fishing schooner Athena, Capt. Edward Forbes, docked yester- day at T wharf a monster cod was un- loaded. The cod was caught off ,the Middle Banks Tuesday and when pulled aboard the Athena tipped the scales at 120 pounds. The fish was . captured by Capt. Forbes and dory, niate and put up no fight, . An ordinary cod. hook was used in catching the fish. ' This fish is the largest that has been brought into T wharf for several months. The head was as large as the head of a full grown Newfound- land ewfoundland dog and the extended jaws meas- ured nine inches from tip to base.— From the Boston Post. ••o 1FFZIM OE Y. TRIS HANDSOME EXPANSION GOLD- PLATED BRACELET, one of the latest Nov- elties in Bracelets; will fit any wrist. WE GIVE FREE for selling only 8 boxes, at 25c, a box, of illi. MATURIN'S FAMOUS VEGE- TABLE PILLS, the greatest Remedy known for Weak and Impure Blood, Indigestion, Con- stipation, Rheumatism, Catarrh and for all Liver and Kidney Troubles. SEND NO MONEY—WE TRUST YOU. Only send your name and address and we will send you 8 boxes of Pills and 8 Fancy Pins to give away with the Pills. Sell the Pills 26c. a box, and when all are sold send us the proceeds of your sales ($2.00) and we will send you at once, by mail postpaid, this handsome Bracelet, which will please you and all your friends. Write to -day. Address THE DR. MATURIN MEDICINE CO., DEPT. 207, TORONTO, ONT. Lifebouy Soap Is delightfully refreshing for bath or toilet. For washing underclothing it is unequalled. cleanse° and purifies. Recipe for Oatmeal Wafers. Mix togethee two cupfuls of oatmeal or rolled oats and two cupfuls of flour. Add a little:baking powder, two table- spoonfuls of sugar, and salt to taste. Rub in four tablespoonfuls of butter, and add enough water to bind the whole For P1 K EYE DISTEMPER CATARRHAL FEVER AND ALL NOSE AND THROAT DISEASES . Cures the sick and acts as a preventive for others. Liquid given oh the tongue. Safe for brood mares and all others. Best kidney remedy; 50c and $1 a bottle; $5 and $10 the dozen. Sold .by all druggists and horse goals houses. Distributors: All Wholesale DrUg Houses. SPOIIN MEDICAL CO., Chemists, GOSHIEN, INDIANA, IL S.A. Everybody Who Eats Bread Should avoid danger of impurities in delivery from the oven to the home. Insist on your baker wrapping his bread 1n EDDY'S BREAD WRAPPERS Wo are the original manufacturers of bread wrappers now used by leading bakers of Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and other cities. The E. D. EDDY COMPANY, Limited, Hull, Canada SOLO ACCORDION FREE Sweet toned, deep voiced instrument, with which you can play beautiful music for concerts and dances. Large frame 10 keys, full set of reeds, two stops, double bellows, ebonised case, nickel plated valves and trimmings. To advertise Dr. Nfaturin'a Famous Vegetable Pilo, a great remedy for the cure of weak and impure blood, indigestion headache, constipation, tibrvous troubles, liver, bladder and kidney diseases end all female weaknesses; a Great Blood Purifier and Invigorator, a Grand Tonic and Life Builder, we will give this Beautiful Accordion I'RIIIt, for the sale 'of 12 boxes of these Famous Vegetable Phis at 25 cents a box, }teary person .raying from you a box of these Pills, also receives is piece of jewelry which and wnewillusend yoh u thelPillsl)postp ld. tAs soon at y to You havll. e teryour all sold, remit to tit he proceeds of your sales, $8.00, and we will send you this Grand Accordion, inneediately, We trust you with the goods until sold. Write to -day. ddress,— TIE DR, 1VIATURIN MEDICINE CO.sEP"C.76, TORONTO 'ONT. :1