HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-02-18, Page 1The Official Organ of Z.U' t",i : Vol. X, T'Cl' viiship. FRIDAY MORNING, FEB. 1 OUR OPENING DISPLAY of New Spring Goods is now on. Spring is just around the corner and Spring Apparel needs will soon be urgent. Only time enough now to, haye the k/ pretty materials made up before yott Want to wear them. -thkESS G , NEW PRINTS NEW GINGHA S FANCY SUITINGS, ETC Ask our New Prints and g� to ��� A. jti (lingharus selling at ioc. a .7 ar Value They are Special S In all the Newest Shades. s GoodCOATINGS Now is .the tirn& for a Save money. Buy your new dress. Biggest values Coatings uow. ever offeredr Regular $1.25 for 75 cis a yd .iegiaa w -ut fo 0;' t r1y °.a_« 1 -. 193 otige .'rw8' n. 4ar .�: s. 50 cue, for 30,a yard " 60 ets, for 40 a yard 4 30 cts, for 20 a ysrcl LADIES' MANTLES All this season's styles. Regular $17.50 for 11.50 16.00, for 10,50 12.50, for 9.00 12.00, for 8. 50 11.00, for 7.50 10.00; for 6.50 0.00, kir 11.00 6.50 for 4.00 fX 4 • Ladies' Fur .Coats 1 Black Leaver Momut dined regular,$'40.00 for 33.00 1 Astrachan Jacket, regular $35.00, for $28.00 1 Astrachan Jacket, regular $25.00, for 10.00 1 Astrachan Jacket, regular $15.00, for 12.00 1 Fur -lined Cape, regular $30.00, for 13.50 'SPECIALS \Vrapperettes, regular 12>• cents, for 10 cents Prints, regular 12 • cents, for 10 cents Prints, regular 10 cents, for 8 cents Factory Cotton, 40 inches wide, regular 123 ats for 10 English Flannelette, 36 inches wide, reg 12> cis for 10 Table Linens, extra value at 18 and 23 cents A lot of remnants at your own price. RUFFS, 11UFFS, ETC 20 per cent oil' all ladies' Fur Ruffs and Muffs. Eegul- ar 31.50 to $I500. These ' values are unsurpassed. 0 WINDOW SHADES A special line of Window shades, mounted on rollers, complete, for only 25 cents each. Th Cts.. is still On. cts ets Nen's and Boys' Overcoats A special discount of 25 per cent on all men's and boys' overcoats during this sale. Special prices on Men's at,d Boys' reaey-to wear suits. Sewing Machines, 10 year guarantee $20.00. Cross cut saws and handles, sets, files, etc. 13' 0 0 0 0 0 ale Only wx : more week. 0 n't live§ • IOt KEN r PRODUCE OF ALS; KINDS TA Telephouc 9 3tFa4 3 # ? 3a 3< 3x=40:3 1:30111K 01:11*Clit Preet Z 0 0 b 9 URICHv 6 I91'O. LOCAL NEWS. C��GY�c�lr��t?�:°. ,y'93�'91�t1•�."iq There will be :ITOto a number of auction. sales this spring.. N:ew'advertise Qets -Jas White, D. S. Faust hi. (fool.-. Sons c Co, Mr.. E. B.annie .tif Hensall was; in town on busineskon Wednesday. Mr. George Cocky, of Dashwood visited relatives here, on Sunday, Mr. John Glallllaan has rented Mrs 5, Rannie's 'dwelling for a year. For Sale. -- A.bont 100 cords good tan bark. Unequalled for summer wood. Apply Mfrs. S. Ronnie. CORN -A Cain corn just araiving at the Henson oatrneal mills. D. Urquhart. Miss Lizzie 'V olland of the Bronson Line, is recovering from a severe attack of La grippe. I have e. place for $3000.00 on farm mortgage at 6 per Dent inter. est. .Apply to E Zeller. Zurich. Miss Melvina Koehler returned on Wednesday evening from a. five weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. Studer, at Tavistozk. Mrs. Daniel Koehler retnrned on Thursday evening from Detroit, 'accompanied by ler sister Miss Vercy Witmer, 'who spout the past year an t a half in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Fre Riekbeil left on Wednesday, • t'Or Exeter, and will leave there in a week or so for their home at Lorna N. D., after t several months' visit with their parents and other relatives. The Council of Hay will hold a special meeting to-dav (Friday) to consider the matter of passing a by-law to restrain dogs from rnn- nirig at large; owing to the prevel . ante. of rabies fp We;, era Ontario. I 0a)f Otl}t#1P' who has ' sold Jain 'farm to Mr. Gilliam Schenck, will hold a sale on March. 4th to dispose of his farm stock and implements. Mr. Lowson and family will then take up their residence in town. Do you know that croup can be prevented? Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even after the croupy cough appears and it will prevent the attack. It is also a certain cure for croup and has never been known to fail. Sold by J. 7. Merger. The Uniform Promotion Exam- inations for the Public Schools of the County of Huron will begin on March 22nd1910. Teachers should notify their inspector at once of the number of papers required for the II. III. IV. book classes. The papers ordered in time will be sent to the teachers address before March 16th. 1910. The South Huron` Telephone Company,litnited, has been formed to take over the present system in Zurich and the rural lines con- nected with same. The provisional directors of the Company are, Dr. Campbell and' Messrs P. Lamont, E. Zeller, J. 3. Merner and tel'. .Preeter, Subscriptions for stock are now being taken and it is the intention of the promoters to make this the centre of as rural telephone system with from four to five hundred subscribers. G. iMMRI .l YH NW1& Y asiMa..-.--r-.....-... ...,`ff`MM��//,. +�f W Y.IX1111ln' A GREAT TREAT Ralph Conner's new story "The Foreigner," hes been hotzvht by the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal and publication will begin in two or three weeks. Ralph Connor's former stories "The Doctor, 'The Prospector," "The Man from Glengatrry," and others have made him fatuous as a Story writer. and "The Foreigner" is reg- arded by many as has best. It is a thrilling sto.ey of the Canadian West, It is said tlltat the price was the bigbest by far ever paid for a 1 1 Be on the watch for NEXT WEAK Di FAUST S. ZURICH NWWWWWVMNYMY.PANYVWWMPANWA Mr. Harvey Colosky, who has been employed in a Blyth hardware store is home at present. Mr. and Mrs, Solomon Kuepfer and daughter returned on Monday evening from a two weeks' visit in Waterloo County. Mrs, Heyrook and Misses Ethel Williams and Ella Rannie are in roronto this week, attending a temperance convention. Mr. John McBride disposed of his work team to John Armstrong, for a big figure. They will be snipped to Manitoba. Messrs Bernard Mittelholtz and Alex Foster left on Tuesday morn. ing for the West by way of Detroit, wbere they will remain for a few days. Quite a number of dogs are wearing muzzles, some have gone to the happy hunting grounds while others are still running at large, go as you please style. London beat Goderiob at hockey on Wednesday evening tit London, by 6--2. A number frotn here attended. The re=urn ganga will be played at tloderich this (Friday) evening A dog :suspected to be afflicted with rabies bit a number of cattle and oohs belonging to Mr. Tetreau, of Stephen Township. The animals are carefully watched but have not yet developed the disease. Mr. David Schnell has disposed serial story. It will be a great treat of his heavy chestnut teats, to Mr. to readers of the Family Herald John McBride, Blind Line, for and Weekly Star and those who be- 4485.Oo. They were got by the come subscribers to that great. ,prior's Hero and Southport, are weekly during the next two weeks both rising four and took a number will be in time for the opening of prizes at the fall fairs. chapter. The beautiful pioture"The Soul's Awakening'' is still offered Owing to nontinuecl indisposi• as a preunium, The., combination is tion, Mr. Delgaty, principal of the the biggest dollar's worth in' the public school has been forced to 'market to -day. quit, and his place is taken by Miss Fingland, of Goderioh. Mr. Delgaty had a splendid reputation Lox as a teacher and it is to be regret S. gARRAs-At Zirriult, on the.14th ed.that be had to retire from the inst., to Mr. add tars. .Noah profession. Miss Finland cotr- Sararaa, a daugliter. rnenced her duties., on Monday. Thorobred bull calf for sale. Apply to Ernst.Gies, Zurich P. U. Mr. Sol Jacobe has rented Mr. W. Dowson's farm for five years. Miss Flossie Hartleib visited her sister Miss Ellenore, at Clinton, over Sunday, Mrs, Bernhardt, of Preston is visiting her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Maass, at the Lutheran parsonage. • Goocl frame house, good frame stable„ and lot containing over an acre for sale Price 8x1000,0(1. Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich. br. Oven's Surgeon, Oculist specialist will be at Royal Hotel, Hensall, on Friday; March 4th. Hours all day. Glasses properly fitted, Catarrh, deafness, fail- ing eyesight and throat troublea treated.. Alvan McLean, son of Mr. D. B. McLean, who lives about two miles Jthtst of Hensall, shot him- self at his rooms in Ottawa, on Monday evening. The young men was a 1907 graduate of the School of Science at Tornnto, in the department of civil engineering, A letter from a lady in Toronto was supposed to be the cause of the rash act. The remains were shipped to Hensall on Wednesday. Dr. Keoun of St. Jacob's, Ont., leaving developed a ease of rabies by being bitten by a horse wafer- ing from a horse has left for the Pasteur Institute in New York. Out of 1.349 Clydesdales exported by the Clydesdale Horse Society of Scotland last year, 1,149 came to Canada. The Society has de. aided to invest one thousand pounds of its funds in some Can- adian security as a small acknow- ledgement of the patronage a000rded. Live hogs at local points are: quoted as follows t Hamilton, 8 to 83.50 ; London. 86,15 ;' Belleville, 48; Teterboro. $8.26; Stratford.. 88,10; Chatham, $7.75 to 87,80; St. Thomas, $8; and Owen Sound