HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-02-11, Page 6sesturadMISMI ,r CATLE CWhich do you value the' most:—your cattle or your c :ildren ? You know that the health and developmentof yo r llive stock tock depends on the quality of the food you give must have good, strong, nourishing food. Are you as par- ticular about your children? Do you insist on their diet s consisting of food that will build up the little muscles, that will develop the brain and .keep the stomach sweet and clean°—so essential to growing children ? Give them the best and most natural food `,for growing. children -- R N. i BISCUIT made from the whole wheat berry; steam -cooked, shredded and baked. Nothing added, nothing taken away. it con- tains all the material for building brain, bone and muscular means sound teeth and good digestion. A light, palatable tissue. Its very crispness promotes mastication, which and nutritious food that insures sturdy, robust health. O Two biscuits (heated in oven) eaten with hot milk every morning for breakfast will enable a boy or girl to reach the top-notch of muscular agility and mental alertness and will Al fortifyhe themMeat sof i the thest dangers gWheat. cold Made in Canada. THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT CO., LIMITED NIAGARA FALLS, ONTARIO Toronto Office, 49 Wellington Street East ® Is i:.r:, ',I1 8 SPEZ188811111= • r' (. 000 'X 000cooC O :§.�'S to Brief �.J000CX)o00060000 0000o ,..,:,,ruin United. directors have agreed,.. to forego dividends for another year. Rev. Thomas Nicholson, a native of Woodburn, Ont., may be appointed T'res- .ideilt of Boston University. • Toronto Presbytery agreed to the eall from Lueknow of Rev. 1). T. L. MoKer- roll to Victoria Church, Toronto, The announcement. is male of the re- tirement of lir. J. J. 'Tilley, for 26 years Inepector of Provincial Model Schools. • The election for alderman in Bleecker Ward, Belleville, between }lope i1itain- nis and Joseph Templeton,. was won by . lieGinnis by 138 majority, The new eity directory, just issued, places the population of Winnipeg, St. Boniface and suburbs at 172,000, an in- crease of 15,000 over last year. At a meeting of the Counties Council for Northumberland and Durham, a third school inspector, lir• Boye-, of Caiuplbellford, was appointed. Bev. G. B. Fasken, St. Paul's Presby- terian' Church. Toronto, was elected moderator of the Toronto Presbytery.at the • monthly meeting yesterday. The Canadian Pacific is preparing to ® expend a huge sum, said to be thirty million dollars, upon construction and betterment work in the west this sea- son. • A big arena on Toronto's Fair grounds is the unanimous and vigorous demand of the Doti lion Shorthorn Breeders' AssoeiationF as expressed at their an- nual meeting held yesterday in the Tem- ple building. PAID DEARLY. Woman's Silence Cost Defaulting Treasurer $84,000. Cincinnati, O., Feb. 7.—Eighty-four Thousand dollars was the price Charles u. Warriner. defaulting Iocal treasurer t,f the Big Four Railroad, paid for a roman's silence. Fearing exposure of lis shortcomings, he gave Mrs. Jean - tette Stewart -Ford an average of $1,000 t month for seven years, the payments ;topping only when the exposure came from other sources on Nov. 2 last. Such was the substance of the testi- nony which Warriner gave to -day at the trial of Mrs. Ford on a charge of dackmailing him. Mrs. Ford sat through the recital with immobile countenance. Twice only dur- ing the day did she allow her feelings to show. The first instance came before Warriner appeared. when Judge Swing ordered her two children removed from the court room. Mrs. Ford's second ordeal came at the end of the proceedings. Just be- fore adjournment the court letters were introduced by the State which she heel! written to Edgar S. Cooke, formerly an employee of the Big Four Railway offices here. The missives mentioned visits she had made to "W." and were couched in the most endearing terms. As her declarations of affection. for Cooke were read to the jury, Mrs. Ford shook and tears streamed down her cheeks. Warriner testified that the initials in the letter referred to him. IIe prob- ably will resume the stand when the trial is resumed to -morrow. from woman's ailments are invited to write to the names and addresses here given, for positive proof that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound does cure female ills. Tumor Removed. Chicago, I11.oMrs, Alvena Sperling, 11 .Lang- don Street. Lindley, Ind.=Mra. May Fry. Singlesy Kana.=Airs. Stella Gifford Beaman. Scott, 3i Y.aMrs. S. J. Barber. Oornwallville, N,Y.=Mrs. Wm. Boughton. Cinoinnatl,O... Mrs.w.K,Housh 7EastvtewAv Mllwankee, Wis.=Mrs. Emma Imes, 883 1st St„ German. Change of Life. South Bend, Ind.=Mrs. Fred Certia, 1014 S. Lafayette Street. Noah, Kentucky.=Airs. Lizzie Holland. Brookfield Mo. Mrs. Sarah Lousignont, 207 8. Markt St. Paterson N.J, —Mra. Wm. Somerville, 195 Hamiiurgli Avenue. PbiladeI hla, Pa, ® Mrs. E. E. Garrett, 2407 North Garnet Street. Kewaakum, was.=Mrs. Carl Dahlke. Maternity Troubles. Worcester, Math... Mrs. Dosylva Co* 117 Southgate Street. Indianapolis, lad.=Mrs. A. P. Anderson, 1207 Es Pratt Street. Big Run, Pa...Mrs. W. E. Peeler. Atwater Station, 0.=Mrs. Anton Muelhauppt. Cincinnati, Ohio.=Mrs. E. H. Maddocks, 2135 Gilbert Avenue. Mogadore, Ohio.oMrs. Lee Mangos, Box 131. Dowlttville, N.Y.=Airs, A.A. Gres. Johnstown, N.Y.=Mra. Homer N. Seaman, 108 E. Main Street. Burtonview, IlL=Mrs. Peter Langenbahn. Avoid Operations. Hampstead, Md.=Airs. Jos. Ii. Dandy, Adrian, Ga.=Lena V. Henry, Route 1,7o. 3. Indianapolis, Ind.=Bessie V. Piper, 29 South Addison Street. Louisville, Ky.=Mrs. Sam Lee, 3523 Fourth St. South 'West harbor, Maine.=Mrs. Lillian Robbins, Mt. Desert Light Station. Detroit, Mich, .. Airs. Frieda Roseuau, 543 Meldrum Avenue, German. Organic Displacements. Wexler, 111s Mrs. Mary Ball. Ligonier, Ind...Mrs. Eliza Wood,R.P.D. No. 4. Melbourne, Iowa... Mrs. Clara Waterman, It, F. D. No. 1. Bardstown Ityy,=M'rs. Joseph Hall. Lewiston, Malne.Mrs. henry Cloutier, 56 Oxford Street. Minneapolis, Minn...Mra. John G. Moldan, 2115 Second Street, , ' Shamrock, Mo.=Josie Ham, 13,.F. D. No. 1; Box 22. Marlton, N.J....Mrs. Geo. Jordy, Route No.3, Box 40. Chester Arlt.=Mrs. Ella Wood Ocilla, iia,=Mrs. T. A. Cribb. Pendleton, Ind.=Mrs. May Marshall,R.R.44, +Oambridgo, Nob.=Irirs. Nellie Moslander. These women are only a few of thousands of living witnesses of the power of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to cure female diseases. Not one of these women ever received compensation in any form for the use of their names in this advertisement --but are will. Ing that we should refer to thein because of the good. they. may do other suffering women to prove that Lydia P. Pinkham's I Vegetable Compound is a reliable and honest medicine, and that the statements made In our advertisements regarding its merit are the ( truth and nothing but the truth. Painful Periods. Goshen, Ala...Mrs.W. T. Dalton Route No. 8. Chicago, Ill.=Mrs, Wm, Tully, 465 Ogden Av. Paw Paw, Mich..Mrs. Emma Draper. Flushing, Mieh,= Mrs, Burt Loyd, R. F. D. No, 3; care of D.A. Sanborn. Cof eeville, Miss.=Mrs. S. J. Jones. Cincinnati, Ohio...Mrs. Flora Ahr, 1362 Ernst Strad. Cleveland, Ohio =Miss Lizzie Steiger, 5510 Fleet Avenue, S.E. Wesleyville, Pa.=Mrs. MaggieEster,R.F.D.a Dyersburg'T�enn,=Airs. Lae Hilliard, R,R.1. Hayfield, V#,—Mrs. Mayme Windle. Irregularity. Herrin, I11,®Mrs, Ohaa. Fo1ke1. Winchester, Ind,=Mrs. May Deal... Dyer, Ind,. Mrs. Wm. Oberloh, 11, F. D. No, 1. Baltimore, Md.=Mrs. W. S. Ford, 1938 Lans- downe Street. Roxbury, Mass.=Mrs. FrancisMerkle,13 Field Street. Clarksdalo, Mo.—Miss Anna Wallace. Gaysville Ohio,'.Mrs. Ella Michael, Dayton, Ohio. = Mrs. Ida Hale, Box 25, Na- dorsal Military Home. Lebanon, Pa.=Mra. Harry Z. Rattle, 233 Loh- man Street. Sykes Tenn.—Minnie Hall. Detroit,Mich.=Mrs. Louise Jung,332Chcstnut SI, Ovarian Trouble. Vincennes Ind.—Mrs. Syl. B. Jerauld, 508 N. Tenth Street. Gardiner, Maine,=Mra. S. A. Williams, R. F. D. No. 14; Box 39. Philadelphia, Pa.=Mrs. Chas. Been, 2407 N. Garnet Street. Plattsburg,Miss.=MissVernawilkes,R,F.D.1. Female Weakness. Willimantic, Conn.=Mrs. Etta Donovan, Box 299. Woodside, Idaho..—Mrs. Rachel Johnson. Rockland, Maine,=Mrs. Will Young, 6 Col- umbia Avenue. Seottville, Mich.=Mre.J. G. Johnson, R,F.D.3. Dayton, Ohto...Mre. F. It. Smith, 431 Elm St, Erie, Pa.•=Mrs. J. 1'. Endlioh, It. F. D. 170.7. Beaver Falls, re.— Mrs. W. P. Boyd, 2108 Seventh Avenue. Fairchanco, Pa .=Mrs. I, A. Dunham, Box 152. Fort Hunter, Pa.=Mrs. Mary Jane Matto. East Eat 1, Pa.=Mrs, Au_ggustus Lyon, R.F.D. 2. Vienna, W. Va.=Mrs. Emma Wheaton. Nervous ]Prostration. Oronogo, Mo.=Mrs, Mao McKnight. Camden, 1 ,J.—Mrs. Tints Waters, 451 Libor- ty Street. Joseph, Oregon.=Mrs. Alice Huffman. Philadelphia, Pa. — Mrs. John Johnston, 210 Singel Street. Christiana, Tenn,=Mrs. Mary Wood, R.F.D. No, 8. Pecos, Texas.=Airs, Ade Young Eggleston. Granitevllle, Vt.=Mrs. Chas. Barclay, It,F.D, Es -Aid. Charles Taylor died in Victo- ria Hospita'1, London, from an attack of pneumonia. He was 85 years of age and had ,lived in London for more than half a. century. Miss 'Thelma Abraham, the girl who eloped from Chicago with Alfred Purges, a marled man, coming to To- ronto, has : been placed in the Queen Street Asylum for the Insane, and ef- forts are sing made to have her de- ported. Mr. George' H. Gooderham, M. P. P., was re-elecrted president of. the Toronto Industrial Exhibition Association at the meeting of the Board of Directors yes- terday afternoon, and Mr. John G. Kent was re-elected first vice-president. Ex - Mayor Joseph Oliver was elected second vice-president. At Mourmelon, France, Orville Wright's record of an aeroplane flight with passengers, 1 hour 37 minutes, was beaten by the a.viator'3 Efitoff, who renin -10 in the air 1 hour and 50 minutes, •and Vandenborn. 1 'ho& and 42 minutes. Both earrietl passengers, and made the flight in Farman biplanes. /4 HAVE YOU A' TELEPHONE? WHY NOT? You ought to have a If 3•ou'll let us well answer that for 'phone inyourhorne,Mr,Partner. you—we'll. tell you all the details of our have North- ern receiver, transmitter, gen- erator, ringers, gongs, switch -hook and every other part—we'll gb into the particulars for yens''- tell you why each, part is better—what its particular advantages are. Simplywrite us that you want Bulletin No. 3131 and You'll get the story complete by return all.Fbook REE RAll it ememcosts von is onewe sends sic cent for a post card. Send it to -day. --ought to a Electric" No.1317Type �� tfo>o& Telephone,Set, 4.,'Q We want you to know about this instrpment—the hEERN 'phone that cost $10.000 n' M and months of patient effort ou the part of the best tele- phone engineers in the country ereit wasperfccted It's not a question of do you need a 'phone- the problem for yowls: 'Why is the Northern Electric betterthan other 'phones?" u�11 18EI . Gt'dANNFACTIV(EtE16iI1411TED Manufacturer's and auppliers of all apparatus and equipment used in the con- struction and maintenance of Telephone and Power Plants. Address nearest office. MONTREAL TORONTO REGINA VANCOUVER WINNIPEG Cor. Notre Dame and Gar Stn. 00 Front St. W. CALGARY 918 fender St. W. 599 Henry Ave. CRT GOT RABIES. Strathroy Veterinary Inflicted b Germ From Mad Horse. Strathroy, Ont., despatch: As a re- sult el attending a horse that • was suffering from hydrophobia at the forst of Norman Brock, 'Alain Road, Adelaide Township, yesterday, 1)r. 0. C. Stoner, a veterinary surgeon of this town, believes he was infected with the germ and will -Leave to -morrow for Ne; ;'ori., where he will take the Pasteur treatment. Dr. Stoner placed his hand, the thumb of which had been cut, into the horse's mouth. The horse died of rabies last night. Brock had several cattle and' horses bitten by a nand' dog several weeks ' ag i, and at the time one cow and his own dog died as a result. ' About ten days . ago Inspector Stark, of Tor- onto. notified Brock that the Govern- ment would sdnd an Oficial to raise the quarantine in a few days. The body of George Weigand, the'"'al- leged Niagara River fish pirate, wiio was shot in a battle with Canadian Fisheries Overseeer Thomas Briggs last Wednes- day, was cremated in Buffalo yesterday afternoon, thus putting a stop to any in- vestigation of the affair that might have been instituted by the Canadian police. A beginning in ;.be work of abolishing grade crossings in Toronto will be made by the Grand Trunk Railway on May 1, and the first project to be undertaken «rill be the elimination of all level cross- ings from Bathurst street to the Hum- ber River, at an estimated cost of two million dollars, of which the city;s share will be about $400,000. Final action for the expropriation of land for the purpose of big down town freight sheds in Toronto have been tak- en during the :vast few days. From Montreal , comes word presumably offi- ;;ia1 that the C. P. R. was to move its freight sheds from the lake front where they are now to Front, Wellington and King streets. The auctioning off of the entire con- tents of Holnnelaey, the historic seat of the Earls of Chesterfield, near ;Here- ford, was begun in London on Tuesday. The present Earl is abandoning the mansion. The contents of the house in-. elude furniture of nearly every period of English history from the Tudor to the Victorian. There are also many paintings by famous masters, such. as Van Dyck; Lely and Knell. An increase over the year 1908 of 2,- 516 in the number of persons arrested or summoned in the city of Toronto is shown in the annual report for the year 1909 of Chief Constable H. J. Grasett, which was presented to the Board of Police Commissioners yesterday. The total number, ineluding both sexes, amounted to 21,553. The principal in- creases appear under the headings of breaches of city by-laws, 2,000; gam- ing act, 133; drunks and disorderlies, 21T. Mrs. Philip Webster, of Niagara 1''alIs, Ont., 42 years old, colored, gave birth to her 26th child, a girl, yesterday. She was married to her first husband when sixteen years old, and had six children by that union. In 1892 she married Webster, and in their eighteen years of married life. has presented lt.,r husband with twenty children, among the collec- tion being four sets of twins and one of triplets. Only ,Nseven of the children grew up, the others dying in cllildltood. A. W. Smithcrs, presiding at the Can- ada Club banquet in London yesterday evening, deelared that Canada was not -liver-advertised. He advocated a State system of • emigration. Sir Edgar Speyer remarked that Canada. is going to be the most remarkable deevlopment in modern history. tirotliing could stop it. Britain is ready to supply the capital. Sir W. 4Vltite said the character of Can- ada's warm-hearted, optimistic, proud citizens alone assured her futihre, PURE 1 WHOI,ESONE This elegant watch ladies' or gents' size, stem wind and set, fancy engraved eases, fully guaranteed, will be sent to you ABSO LUTE LY FR EE, if you will sell only$3.Oo worth of Lovely Picture Poet Cards 11 for 100. These are the most artistic, beauti- fnlly colored and embossed cards Maned this season, Viows, Mottoes, Floral, Holy day, dsc, These are tile fastest sellers. Get the beat. Write today and we will send. You a package. Sell them and return the money and win this Handeo me Little Watch. You can also win a lovely Tea Set FREE 1f you will helpus to enlarge our business by getting on11+0Other agents and without COBALT GOLD PEN CO.. te sell Gard Dept. 58 Toronto,Ont, FREE ;LOCKET AND CHAIN TO LADIES AND GIRLS' This beautiful Cold Finish Locket, mounted with precious stones, with this lovely neck chain is one of the latest ornaments. No dress is complete without an ornament of this kind. SEND NO MONEY. Send your name and address and we will *sad you 4 boxes of Dr. Maturin's Famous Vegetable Pills. the most powerful Tonic and Blond Purifier known. Sell them at 25 cents a bot, giving free to each purchaser one of the pins sent you with the Pills. This helps you to sell rapidly. As soon as the Pills are sold, send us the $1.00 collected and we will send you this handsome LOCKET & CHAIN FREE. write to -day, ADDRESS The Dr. Maturin Medicine Co., Dept. 429 Toronto, Ont. SHIP TO US YOUR 9 i Our Advice to Our Shippers Was Correct LTES So now would advise to ship goods to us and obtain the High Prides which we acro now paying. Write for price lint and shipping tags, which will by cheerfully furnished. References, Dominion Bank, Montreal A. & E PIERCE & CO. 600 and 507 St. Paul Street, Montreal