HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-02-11, Page 2ACUTE DYSPEPSIA Restoration of Stomach Power Comes quickly With the .Right Medicine. "i'iy food seemed to decompose in uty itemaoh," writes Mr. Ralph l'le t:mums, of 'Newbridge P. O. "I had astomach that failed in some way to perform lie work, Digestion seemed more or lees !arrested and I grew thin, yellow, nerv- ous. The stomas h became distended and Impeded apparently the action of the heart, for often at night it would do great stunts. At tines I would vomit a Mucous mass, and at these tiuhes my head ached most terribly. A frieii , who had been cured of a similar condi- tion, advised me to take Dr. Hamilton's Pills regularly, which 1 dial. The result In my case was simply marvellous. Dr. Hamilton's Pills removed the cause, !strengthened the. stomach, excited the liver to normal action, the kidneys were released of excessive work. Health soon glowed within me. I can now eat, sleep and live like a live roan." Be advised—use Dr. Hemilton's Pills —they are sure to do you good. 25c. per box, at all dealers, or The Ca- tarrhozone Co., Kingston, Canada. Track Walking increases. 'she Pennsylvania, Railroad continues its. vigorous campaign against trespass- ers on its tracks and trains, but the task is a formidable one. An officer of the rend who has lately been reviewing the subject, says that the practice of walk• ing on railway tracks has been growing eonstantly; and yet the Pennsylvania alone had over 11,000 trespassers arrest- ed in the year 1908. This statement is given in a circular which has been is, sued by the eump:uly, prefaced by some figures showing the aggregate number of trespassers killed and injured un the railways of the country during the ton }rears ended December 31 last. The to- tal number killed was 47,416, a truly startling figure, although every one who cares has had the information before him, year by year, in the reports of the interstate commerce commission. The number has been constantly increasing with the increasing population and w*itll the building of new railways. In. 1898 the number -killed was 4,003, in 1903 it was 5,000, and in 1907 the number of trespassers killed was 915. These are not all tramps by any means; the list in- cludes factory workmen and other labor- ers, and also the wives and children of nten living near the tracks.—Railroad Age -Gazette. Toothpicks as a Diet. A well-known sculptor tells the fol- lowing story: "Whenever I see a toothpick I think of a dinner that was given in Rome in honor of two Turkish noblemen. "I sat beside the younger of the noblemen. He glittered with gold em- broidery and great diamonds, but never- theless I pitied him sincerely, for he was strange to our table manners, and some of his errors were both ludicrous and painful. Toward the diner's end a servant ex- tended to the young man a plate of toothpicks. He waved the plate away, saying, in a low and bitter voice: "'No, thank you; 1 have already eat en two of the accursed things, and 1 want no more.' "—Independent. TRENCH'S EMEDY —F OIt— EPILEPSY %;.ND FITS II 190RTANT NOTICE A BRANCH OFFICE has been established at 107 St. James' Chambers, Toronto. REDUCTION IN PRICE This important change permits of prices being reduced to those prevailing in Europe, lu.7psu quarter do. 5.75;otagear a press charges extra. THE ONLY CANADIAN AND U.S. ADDRESS TRENCH'S REMEDIES, LIMITED 107 5T. JAMES. CHAMRCR6, TORONTO, Pamphlet mailed free on application. Beware of spurious imitations. All pack- ages of Trench's Remedy must bear our trade- mark seal in unbroken condition on each end. e . S A MESSAGE Of DOPE TO WORRIED MOTHERS. There is no other medicine can equal Baby's -Own Tablets for the cure of stom- ach, bowel and teething troubles. They come as a message of hope to worried mothers, as they make sickly, peevish, crying children bright and well, and the mother has the guarantee of a Govern- ment analyst that the medicine contains no opiate or poisonous soothing stuff. Mrs. Maurice _Murphy, Glanford, Ont., says: "I think Baby's Own Tablets the best medicine in the world. I know of nothing that can equal them in curing stomach, bowel and teething trou'bles." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ♦ Effects of Ivy on Wales. A. writer in the Revue Scientifique dis- cusses the effects of ivy growing on walls of various kinds, and arrives at the fol- lowing conclusions: It is not advisable to allow the plant to grow on walls formed of newly cut stone, since it soon destroys the smooth surface, although the damage does not extend to any no- ticeable depth; it is bad for ancient walls of cut stone, the joints of which have ben opened joy the various effects of time and the weather; it is not in- jurious to brick walls, if the inhabitants are not subject to rheumatism; andeet is useful on ancient walls of rubble, since its interlaced branches tend to prevent the fall of loose stones. Was ; Dead. Alexander Tire, the Lord Advocate of Scotland, is a keen golfer and he leas. a good store of golfing tales. These he is always ready to relate even if they tell against himself. Playing on a certain course in Scot- land he remarked incidentally to his caddie: "By the way, I played a round with Todd. McGregor the last time I was here. Grand player, McGregor!" "Ay," said the caddie, "but ye could bate McGregor the noo" "Do you think so?" exclaimed the gratified Lord. Advocate, being well aware of McGregor's prowess. eAy, a drawled the caddie. "Mc- Gregor's deid."—Golfing. A BASKET FULL. of clean, sweet-smelling linen is obtained with half the toil and half the time if Sunlight Soap is used. Sunlight shortens the day's Work, but lengthens the life of your clothes. BETTER THAN SPANKING. Spanking does not cure children of bed-wetting. There is a constitutional cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Sum- mers, Box. W. 8, Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother her successful home treatment, with full instrutions. Send no money, but write her to -day if your children trouble you in this way. Don't blame the child, the chances are it can't help it. This treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with urine dif- ficulties by day or night. .. • WOULD NOT SPOIL 'TIE MOMENT. (Fliegende Blaetter.) "Good gracious, we've been sitting on a newly painted bench." "1 know." "You knew, and didn't say anything!" "Don't be angry, dearest. You were just telling me you loved me, and 1 wanted you to finish first." PiLES CURED IN TO 14 DAYS YAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any ease of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 daysArs money refunded. 60e AND HE CLOSED. Smiley—Now, remember, I don't want a very large picture. Photographer—All right, sir. Then please close your mouth. -o Society in Porter's Corners. Harry Rose, of Honey Rule, visited his parent:3 over Sunday. --Saratoga Eagle. A Floating Telescope. At the Harvard University Observa- tory a gigantic telescope floats in'a tank of water. It is one of the largest in the world, the reflecting mirror being five feet wide. Mounted on a watertight cylindrical steel float the telescope swings in a concrete, tank full of water, only slightly larger than the cylinder, which is designated to fit it closely and serve as a pivot for the telescope instead of having it mounted on a solid base. Machinery en each side holds and guides it. There -titter bears the weight and the 2novenienrs of the telescope are regulated by tine electric motors. The gigantic mirrotcan be easily removed and resilvered -When it grows dim, al- though two tone' are indicated when it is placed on Vise:males. Through this telescope stars of the sixteenth and the eighteenth magnitude aro revealed. National Magazine. Send for free sample to Dept. H. L., Na-- ti�nal Drug 8 Chemical Co.. Toronto. When Winter Comes.. When winter conies it brings the plays, And who's as grad as we?, When sister takes me Saturdays, What lovely things we see! Though snow is flying through the air, And afternoons are gray, It seems like sunshine everywhere When riding to the play. When I am settled in my seat, As cosy as can be, The music plays so soft and sweet, It aaya, "Come dance to mei" Though dancing down the slanting aisle( I'd dearly like to go, I know it's best to wait awhile. And watch the leader's bow. Until the curtain slides above,' And then the play's begun— With things to please' and things to love, And always Iots of fun. If sad times come to make me sigh, I knew they'll soon be past; Before we bid the piay good-bY It all comes right at last. I hate to leave the pleasant place, But sister says to me, "Let's hurry home now, little Grace; There'll be iced cake for tea." At home, I tell dear mama all About my happy day, And. tucked in bed beside my doll I dream about the play. —Cecil Cavendish. in the February St. Nicholas. • -spa* MISFORTUNE FOR THE LESS. Wlsfortune for the bloodless— that should be printed in the public places.. You roust have blood to have strong lungs to enable you to withstand all the dust and microbes of summer and the piercing winds and: cold of winter. Consumption is, properly speak- ing, lack of blood; the natural result of anaemia. To prevent consumption rich blood is necessary. The best way to protect the organs is to circulate this rich blood through the lungs. Many have been saved by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, because these Pills are a remark- able blood builder; not indirectly, but directly—with each dose. They have cured thousands of cases of anaemia; green sickness, general debility, and all other troubles arising out of poor blood. BLOOD - Mee) Ls IImei "tEy of the bowels is an absolute neces- sity for good' health. Unless the waste matter from the food which collects 'there is got rice of at Ieast once a day, it_ • ecays and poisons the whole body, -using biliousness, in- digestion and sick headaches. Salts and other harts mineral purgatives irritate the delicate lining of the bowels. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills—entirely vegetable—regulate the bowels effectively without weak- ening, sickening- or griping. Use r. c:o t"`.-.nr'- ®� Qr e�llaity Rcld"t F i9U9 4r4 eason fq raying in Secret. The lat . rt., of South Da- kota, often in u s sermons brought out a point With sr apt story, says the Louisville Times. "These religious and unscrupulous fin- anciers," he said in a winter discohirse in Deadwood, "remind me of a little Philadelphia :girl :1 know. "This little girl insisted, at bedtime, in saying her prayers by !herself. She was allowed to do so. Later her mother asked her why she had demanded this right of private prayer. For a long time the little grl refused -to answer, but finally, after much coaxing, she said.: "‘ jes' wanted to give fanks for bein' 'lowed to steal some Christmas fruit cake.'" Butter Two Centuries Old. Ghee is used in ludic as is butter in America and European countries, and, in fact, is butter, so prepared that it never grows stale, instances being known of its preservation for as long as two hundred. years. In preparing ghee but- ter is boiled until all the watery parti- cles and curds have been thrown off by repeated skimmings. When the liquor is clear oil it is poured into a vessel to cool. When cooled it is in granulated form. and will keep for years without becoming rancid or of bad color. Ghee has been found in deserted castles, where it must have been left more than two centuries ago.—Popular Mechanics. floh quickly stops coughs, cures colds, heals the throat and lungs. • • • 25 cents o . A ROLAND FOR AN OLIVER Nell --You should have heard what George said when he proposed to me. Belle—You should have seen how he acted when I refused him. 4.a FREE TO OUR READERS. Write Murine nye Remedy Co., Chicago, for 48 -page illustrated Dye Book Free. Write all about Your Bye Trouble and they will advise as to the Proper Application of the Murine By Remedies in Your special Case. Your Druggist will tell you that Murine Relieves Sore Eyes, Strengthens Weal[ Eyes, Doesn't Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, and sells for 60e. Try It in Your Eyes and in Baby's Dyes for Scaly Eyelids and Granulation. • Cost of Legislation in Ohio, The meetings of the General Assem- bly are expensive luxuries. Representa- tive Ritter introduced in the House on Tuesday afternoon a sundry appropria- tion bili carrying $250,000, to pay sal- aries of members of the Assembly, the salaries of clerks, porters, doorkeepers, sergeants -at -arms, pages, stenographer*. etc., and other eapenees. There are 149 members of the Assembly, drawing $1,- 000 each a year, or $149,000, so the ex- dnses incidental to the session will coat ist $101,000.—Prom the Columbus Des- patch. 4•• A Big Insurance. The life of the Czar's son is insured for more than $2,000,000. 4-4 Moving Pictures of German Royalty. In the latest moving pictures taken by the royal cinematographers at the com- mand of Emperor William, the Crewn Prince of the German ruling house is shown leading a fierce charge woes the parade rounds. After the charge, says Popular Mechanics, he was taken while instructing his officers in the art of handling Bannon, and places a shell in the breech with his own hands. The films have been ordered put on sale, according to reports from Ger- many, so that the millions of people who ,patronize the moving picture 'theatres tuay see how their'future T.mperor real- ly appears in battle array. Only One ": BROMO QU That is #.Ax0A'TIV> dratm .11 for -the signature of E. W. G O World over to Cure a Cold in One ISSUE N0. 6, 1910 AGENTS WANTED. MEN ars WOMEN WANTED In every locality to sell goods as neeeseary in every home as bread. Salary .$2.00 per day and commission, 'Write The J. L. Nichols Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont, FOR SALE: T AMILTON, ONTARIO, I5 GROWING 11. fast. Buy suburban lots in the path of development while they arilow; theyy are bound to increase rapidly In lots, 26 x 100, for $68.76 to $100 per lot. Spe- cial offer for one month—$5 down and $1 per week buys two lots. Write for free booklets and maps, Burke & Co., 204 King street east. PERSONAL. Dr. Martel's Fe f ; . 1e Pills r.rc .RTMi,..mbP'w.F:.nc. h«.:,4iu:TsmYC3. _.F."ARF.M.. SEVENTEEN YEARS THE STANDARD Prescribed and recommended for wo- men's ailments, a scientifically pre- pared remedy of proven worth. 1 ne . result from their use is quick and per- manent. For sale at all drug stores. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Some time ago I had a bad attack of Quinsy which laid me up for two weeks and cost a let of money. Finding the lump 'again forming in my throat, I bathed freely with MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT, and saturating a cloth with the liniment left it on all night. Next morning the swelling was gone and I attributed the warding off of an attaok of Quinsy to the free use of MINA.RD'S LIN, IMENT. G. P. WORT/EN. St. John. Possible Effect? Guard—I beg your pardon, ma'am, but this is the smoking ear. Austere Matron—I know it, sir, btt that other car is exclusively for women, and there are all kinds of women in there. Do you trap or buy Furs? I am Canada's largest dealer, I pay highest prices. Your shipments solicited. I pay snail anti ex- press charges; remit promptly Also largest dealer in Beefhides, Sheepskins, etc. Quotations and shipping tags sent f ree. JOHN HALLAM, TORONTO New Electric Heater. The Bastian electric heater, recently invented in. England, consists of tubes of quartz containing a spiral of nickel or other wire mounted in a frame, from which they east readily be removed for renewal. Within a few seconds atter the current is turned on the tubes be- come incandescent, exposing. a large, rcd- hot surface, which can be used for eook- int or heating. WOMAN'S CHARMS Of Skin, Hands and Hair Preserved. For preserving, purifying and beauti- fying the skin, scalp, hair and hands; for allaying minor irritations of the skin and scalp and for preventing them be- coming chronic; for imparting a velvety softness to the skin; for sanative, anti• septic cleansing, and, in short, for every use in promoting skin and hair health and bodily purity, Cuticura Soap and ('utieura Ointment are unsurpassed. In the speedy and economical treatment of tortnring, disfiguring eczemas, rashes, itchings, and inflammations, Cuticurn succeeds when all else fails. • Sr CESS GUARANTEED. His Status. Well, my little roan," inquired tor pleasantly, "who are you?" "I'm the baby's brother," was genuous reply.—The Truth Seeke ily o_• a"vise Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. the in- Trying to shoot folly as it flies • to lie a waste of ammunition. seems THE In all caseslof DISTEMPER,'PiNi4EYE,a0iNFLUENZ t, COLDS, ETC. of all horses, broodmares, colts, stallions, is :to on their tongues or in the feed put Spohn's Liquid Compound. Give the remedy to all of them. It acts on the blood and glands. It routs the disease by expelling the disease genus. ;t wards oft the trouble no matter how they are exposed" Ab- solutely, free from anything injurious. A child tan he dozen take Sold3by d00 and druggistsiand harness dealers Distributors: All Wholexale Druggists SPORN MEDIUMEL CO., Chemists and facterielogists ''} f - , GOSHEN, IND., U.S. A. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in COWL, - •-• DONE HIM WRONG. (Everybody's.) The stranger laid down four aces and scooped in the pot. "This game ain't on the level," protest- ed Sagebrush Sam, at the same time producing a gun to Mend force to This accusation. "That ain't the hand that I dealt you!" Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. 4.5 No Alternative. Mrs. %nicker—Would you adorn your- self with anything torn from a living creature." Litebouy Soap in delightfully refreshing for bath or toilet, Fa washing• underclothing it is unequalled, Cleanses and purifies. Sooch a Beautiful Lankwich. De Broke—Funny things I got my cold sitting in a draft playing draughts and the doctor gave me a draught to . cure it. Wise --Yes; and probably another draft Will be necessary ,before he gets bis fee. --Boston Transcript, Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. i n IP, . aSF. :ib'et .. e4 <n;Aa ::lr • Everybody Who Eats ?;.tread Should avoid danger of impurities in delivery from the oven to the home. Insist on your baker wrapping his bread in EDDY'S BREAD WRAPPERS r'Wo are the original manufacturers of bread wrappers now used by leading bakers of Ottawa,' Montreal, Toronto and other cities. The E. Ba EBBY COMPANY, limited, Hull, Canada HAN DSOIV E. WATCH FREE. A Gents' or Ladies' Solid Gold Watch costs from $25 to $50. Do not throw your money away. If you desire to secure a Watch Walsh to keep time and last well will be equal to any Solid Gold Watch send us your name and address immediately and ag-oe to sell 10 boxes onlyof Dr. Maturin's Famous Vegetable Pills at 25o. a ox. They are the greatest remedy on earth for the cure of poor and impure blood, indigestion headaches, consti- pation, nervous troubles, liver, bladder and kidney dis- eases, and all female weaknesses • they are the Greet Blood Purifier and Invigorator, a Grand Tonic and Life Builder. With the Pills we send 10 articles of Jewelry to glvo away with the pills—this makes them easy to sell. This is the chance of a Lifetime. Do not miss it. on Us your order and we will send you the 10 boxes, post paid. When you have sold them send us the money ($2.50) and we will send you A GENTS or LADIES WATCH 4t the same' day the moneyis received. Wo are giving these beautifuWatches to advertise our Remedies. This is a grand opportunity to secure a valuablo Watch without havingto spend scents And our Watch is a stem wind and sem set and not the cheap back wind article generally given as promlums. Sen for our pills without delay, :Address. THE DR.MATUR1N MEDICINE CO. Watch Dept 20 Toronto,_ Ont.