HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-02-11, Page 1TIDE HERAL
The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township.1
Vol. X.
No. 29
Goods is now on. Spring is just around.
15 the corner and Spring Apparel needs will soon
yl be urgent. Only time enough now to have the
pretty materials made up before you want to
wear them..
In all the Newest Shades.
ktour New Prints anti
Ask to see Uinghams selling at loc. a yard
They are Special Value �(
11 * §
rens Goods GOATIN S
Now is the time for a Save money. Buy your
O. new clyess. Biggest values Coatings now.
ever offeredr 1teszul'ar $1.25 for x75 cis a 37c1
:fiRegular t; c r� , =r . sat c1 " 85 cts. for 52 a yard
' r 40 cts, for 40 a yard
Fur Coats
' LADIES o -.l, -
A11 this season's styles.
'i Regular $17.50 for 11.50
gyp( cc 10.00, for 10,50
12.50, for 9.00
12.00, for 8 50
11.00, for '7.50
10.00; for 6.50
9.00, for 6.00
6.50 for 4.00
1 Black Beaver Momot lined
regular $40.00 for 33.00,
1 Astrachan Jacket, regular
$35.00, for $28.00
1 Astrachan Jacket, regular
$25.00, for 15.00
1 Astrachan Jacket, regular
$15.00, for 12.00
1 Fur -lined Cape, regular
$20.00, for 13.50
Wrapperettes, regular 124 cents, for 10 cents
Printf regular 121 cent:, for 10 cents
Prints, regular 10 cents,. for 8 cents
Factory Cotton, 40 inches wide, regular 12: cts for 10
English Flannelette, 36 inches wide, reg 12: cts for 10
Table Linens, extra value at 18 and 23 cents
A lot of remnants at your own price.
20 per cent off all ladies'
Fur Ruffs and Muffs. Regul-
ar $1.50 to $15.00. These
values are unsurpassed.
A special line of Window
shades, mounted on rollers,
complete, for only 25 cents
fIen's and Boys'
A special discount of 25
per cent on all men's and,boys'
overcoats during this sale.
Special prices on Men's and
Boys' reaey-to wear suits.
Sewing Machines,
10 year guarantee $20.00.
Cross cut saws and handles,
sets, files, etc.
The ig
eieariw'. Sale
is ,still on. Only one more week.
Telephone 9
aCiKaC 3> giCat C€ K3+IF3cf; 043E 3 . Fla 0/00 4 3
®raratarac ra oalitea%
17 below zero on St?uday night.
Miss Dianna. Rtoltbeil is home
from. Buffalo for ., a short visit.
Mr. Oscar Klopp 'visited his
parents at Stratford, on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. James' Whyte are
visiting Exeter relatives, this
Miss Elizabeth Bannie held a
recital for her pupils on Wednes-
day evening.
Mr. Cul Williams of Buffalo, is
visiting his parents, Mr, anct Mrs.
J. A.. Williams..
The town hall was crowded on
WVednesday, at thesitting of the
division court.
London had a $70.000 fire on
Saturday evening,' among the
wholesale houses on :5rk street,
I have a place for`. 93000.00 on
farm mortgage at 5 pas' cent inter-
est. Apply to E. Zeiler, Zurich.
Mr, Charles Fritz ` is in town
this week. He expects: to go on
the road as boot and shoe traveller.
Mr. rand Mrs. John Sohwants
of Colborne; paid their former
pastor a visit at the Evangelical
parsonage, on Tuesday.
Father Stroeder was in London
on Monday. He accompanied
John Ripper, who vva3 placed in
the Oathbc Home for old people.
Mr. Jacob Schwartzentruber has
purchased Mr.. Joseph,' O. Oesch's
farm on the Broni iu Line, for
$4300 00 The farm, contains 95
Our sleighing is kept fresh by a
Foot (more or less) of snow daily.
'the sight of the "beautiful" is
beginning to tell on a fellow's
Mr. John Sebilhe has dispdsed
of his farm. at the 14th, containing
seventy acres, to M Frank E,
Deal ormine, cif Ytol" a�¢ �.. The
purchase "price truey•' o'�ii:i.0.
Mr. Thomas Sherritt of near
Blake has purchased the farm of
the late James McArthur, near
Hensall, The farm contains about
ninety acres, the price paid being
$8000. Mr. Sherritt will take pos-
session in March.
Do you know that croup can he
prevented? Give Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy as soon as the
child becomes hoarse or even after
the croupy cough appears and it
will prevent the attack. It is also
a certain cure for croup and has
never been known to fail. Sold
by J. J. Merner.
A leading German newspaper,
prophesies that in ten years' time
the Canadian market will rank a-
long•side that of the United States
This surpasses the expectations of
the most optimistic Canadians,but
undoubtedily the Dominion has a
future which the average man's
imagination fanls to grasp.
Mr, August Flaxbard . died at 4
o'clock on Thursday n.,orning from
paralysis. He had reached the
age of over 80 years, and was in.
his usual good health up to a few
days ago. The funeral will be held
on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock,
from his late residence. The
remains will be laid to rest in the
Lutheran cemetery.
B,p all appearance there will be
a lively hustle for the West in the
corning Spring. Railroads are
reaching out and placing modern
conveniences to ninny who have
lived in the "remote" for a few
years. Tho introductory seasons
in the West do net begin to com-
pare with the pioneer days in
strenuousness and real hard work.
The pastor of the Evangelical
church will take for his sudject on
Sunday evening, "Conversion" A
"Sunbeam Choir," will assist in
the song service, Everybody come
and hear the Sunbeam Choir sing.
Bring your Revival power song cents per yard, J. Preeter.
Rev. C. Littwiller of St. Agatha,
Mr. Jacob Schwartzentruber of
Baden, and Mr. and. Mrs. David
Leis and daughter of Wellesley,
are visiting relatives and friends
of Winnipeg•, has been constructed in this section.
a railway bridge that is one of the Hon. Dr. Reaume, Minister of
biggest engineering works ever Pante Works, has announced thatattempted in Canada. Twenty woo• instructions have been issned to
den trestles have been replaced by game wardens and inspectors thr.
two immense iron viaducts, one onghout Ontario to rigidly enforce
over the Belly River? 327, 6 feet the law prohibiting the killing of
in length and 314 feet above the; partridge. Until September, 1912,
bed of the river. The seeoual bridge! a close season is being observed in
is over the Old Man River, 1,900 1 pa rtridges, although flagrant viol.
feet in len gth and 146 feet in . ,tions have recently been In evi-
height above the \'titer, !dente.
Perent t
OSE„. Ih�:.
t� z1
rZ TE are overloaded with Stock and in order to make room
1L.iL for Spring Stock, we are giving this Moneysaving
opportunity to you—all through the entire Stock of
Dry Goods and Chinaware. We do not pick out certain lines,
but give you the liberty to choose from the Entire Stock of
Dress Goods
Leading shades, and
Newest Designs.
Canadian Prints, regul-
ar prices were 10 cents a yu;
English Prints, regular prices
were 12-.1- a yard.
Flannels, Wrapperet-
tes, Grey Flannel.
Towelling, Cottonacle,
Gingham, Sbirtcngs, Creton-
nes, Flannelette Blankets, and
Woollen Blankets, Ladies
Coats, Fars, White Bear cloth,
Shawls, Ladies underwear,
Gloves, Mitts, Hosery etc.
Ready Mades
Gents. Read v-ivade
Suits, Overcoats; Smocks,
Pants, Sucks, and Men's Un-
Men's and Boys' Cap
Tailor Made Suits
Tailor-made Suits, fit
guarantted. Men's Fur coats,
.Men's Rain Coats.
200 yards prints, re
gular 10 cents, for 5 cents a�
yard; 000 yards of '.Swelling
at 4 cents a yard.'
A•full line of -Remnants,
in Prints, Dress Goods,. Flan-
nelettes, 'Toweling Etc.
Come One, Com ��'All
and share in these Bargains.
All Farm Produce taken in Exchange, •
D. a °AUST
Mr. W. C. Calfas was at Exeter
on Thursday.
Mrs. Henry Thiel took a trip to
London, on Saturday
Messrs J. Preeter and C.- Hart-
leib attended a convention of
hardware men at London, this
Good. frame house, good frame
Thorobred bull calf for sale. stable„ and lot containing over an
.Apply to Ernst Gies, Zurich P. O. acre for sale Price $1000,00.
Mr. Moses Gaseho, 'grocer, flour Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich.
and feed, has a telephone installed Dr. Oven's Surgeon, Oculist
in his store. specialist will be at Royal Hotel,
Mr. and Mrs. Alvan Foster have Hensall, on Friday, March 4th.
moved in with Miss Kate Cook, Hours all day. Glasses properly
for the present. fitted, Catarrh, deafness, fail -
The big sale is still on at ing eyesight and throat troubles
Preete:'s. Best goods at .genuine treated.
money saving prices, one more Mr. .Andrew Thiel has purchased
week. the' cottage, occupied for $ome
Mrs. McAlpine, of Woodstock years by John Fuss, from Dr.
visited her mother, Mrs. George Buchanan of Toronto. The price
Thiel Sr., and other relatives, over paid was $750 00. Mr. Thiel has
Sunday. bought it for his son Elmore, who
Mr. William Lehman of London. was married recently.
spent this week in town, with A sitting of the Tenth Division
bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Court was held in the Town Hall
Lebraan, here on Wednesday, Judge Holt,
1l 1r August Flaxbard was stria. of (loclerich presided. The action.
en with paralysis the latter part Laporte vs Cantin, was adjourned
of last week and is in a serious until the May Court. Williamscondition. vs Talbot was a disputed. account.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Oeseh of Judgment was given for Plaintiff
Michigan, who have been visiting for $9 00 without costs. In Beaver
hero the past month, expect to vs Johnston, the Plaintiff was
return home shortly. awarded judgement for the full
A big shipment of new dress
amount of note sued.
goods, prints, ginghanms, etc.. etc., A series of Evangelistic meetings
just in. See our leaders at 10 will be held in the Evci.ngelirul
church next week. The pastor ,vill
be assisted by the following Clerh-
ymen, A. Y. Haist P. E. of Berlin ;
E. F. Haist Benmiller, L. K.
Eidt Dashwood, E H. Sean Credi.
ton, and S. 141. Hauch Stratford.
A. four day meeting will begin on
Tuesday foruoon, there will be two
services daily except Satnrday,
service commencing at 10 A. M.
and 7:45 P. M. The Revival power
song books will be used for the
evening service. Pledge ; "I promise
to make this my daily prayer until
the answer 001110S." "•Lot•d, send
us a great Revival, and let it begin
in me,, for Jesus Sake, Amen."
rho politic is cordially invited to
Mend these meetings,
books, these books are especially
adapted for Evangelistic Campaign
and will be used for the evening
At Lethbridge, n. thriving town
Southern thern Alberta 750 miles west