HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-02-04, Page 4The N1OLSONS BANK 8
Incorporated 1855
CAPITAL R - - S3,500,000
REST FUND - - $3,500,000 n
I Has 65 Branches in Canada, sand Agents and Correspondents in all
the Principal Cities in the World.
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Zurich Branch - J. A. CONSTANTINE, Agent
licitor, Notary Public,Hens:t,li; Ontario.
At Zurich (Zeller's office) every Mon-
risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc.,
Goclerich, Canada W. Proudfoot. K.C.
R. 0. Hays. G. F. Blair.
I jR. T. P. MoLAUGHLIN, for-
merly with Drs. Jansen,
Halle and Biers, of Berlin, Ger-
many ; also assistant surgeon at
Moorefields' (Royal London Opthal-
mic) eye Hospital and Golden
Square ; Nose and Throat Hospital,
London England, etc. General
practice, with special attention to
eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes
tested (Retinoscope used) and
glasses supplied.
Sales conducted in all parts. Satis-
faetion guaranteed or no pay. Terms
-easonable. Orders left at this office
will be promptly attended to.
co agent, representing the London,
Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand-
ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every-
thing in fire insurance.
dilate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Toronto, also lienor gradu-
ate of Department of Dentistry, To-
ronto University. Painless extraction
of teeth. Plate work a ;3peeiality. At
Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon-
day. 7-26
Notary Public. De e d s , Mortgages,
Wills and other Legal Documents care
fully and promptly prepared. Office—
Zeller block, Zurich, Ont.
For Sale or rent—Frame building
suitable for stable or wareroom
Apply to Louis Prang, Zurich.
50 acres, alt good land, with good bank
barn, -frame house, all in good repair. The
farm is well drained, plenty of good water
and will be sold for $3000.00. Apply to
E. Zeller, Zurich.
50 acres being West half Lot 18 S. B.
Stanley. Good frame house and kitchen,
good barn 3404 with cement stabling
underneath. Plenty of good water, well
drained and fenced. and will be sold at
a reasonable figure. Possession will be
given any time. Apply to H. Zapfe on
the premises or address Blake P. 0,
(1 (\7"1 C',url Zurich No. 1240
'• - ? y every 1st and 3rd
nh ,nn nth at 8 o'clock p. m.
8 '. �. .. i, , .kal).
T. `,'IEILNER, C. R,
A. 0.9J. YV •B'acl:beil Lodge
No. 3 93, meets
the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month,
at 8 o'clock, in their Hall, Merner Block.
' FRED. WITwER , ld'. W
lowing is the report of Zurich
markets corrected up tc Thursday,
Barley........,. 50 to 52
Peas 85
Bran 22.00
Shorts .. 24.00 24.00
Oats 36 37
Wheat .... 1.04 1 05
Hay - . 12.00
Dries apples .. - . 5 5
Clover seed ..... 5.00 5.75
Potatoes 35 35
Butter 20 20
Eggs 26 26
Hogs liveweiget 8.30
Cook's Best Flour..
Hog's l.iveweight
98 98
37 37
55 55
70 70
FRIDAY, FEB. 4th, 1910
The National Trust Company,
liquidators of the York Loan Com-
pany's affairs, are preparing to
send out 700 to 1,000 cheques on
April 1st to the shareholders
whose books were not returned in
time for the payment of the first
dividend of 25 per cent paid on
November 1st. As soon as the
news of the first dividend had
spread, 700 more books made their
appearance in ones and twos, but
there are still over 9,000 out, and
unless they are sent to the head
office within the next few weeks
their owners will not figure in the
figure in the April let payment.
With the cold and dreary winter
days and nearly all signs of green
foliage having disappeared, does
not the planting of evergreen trees
and shrubbery appeal to us?
Just a little consideration for our
home comforts and pleasures
would suggest and induce us to
attend to these important economic
questions without further delay
It is not how much we spend. but
how we spend it to get the genuine
pleahure, happiness and comfort
that nature is willing to provide,
if we but do our little share. Plant
more evergreen trees on your
Ontario farm this spring.
It is all very well, when you
have nothing to do but kill time,
to talk about keeping the boys on
the farm, but you might as well
spend your time spj.tttng , at a
crack.. -Boys will stay on a farm
as well as anywhere, if they re-
ceive decent treatment at home.
The boy who is yanked out of bed
by the hair, kicked out to milk
and cuffed in . to breakfast, as a
preliminary to being popped throb-
gh in the field all day, is not likely
to be consumed by his love for the
glories of agriculture—nor for his
sire. Give the boy a fair show,
and He'll stay with you till the
cows come home. If you are so
mean he can't stay at home, don't
you go to your neighbors with a
hypocritical snuffle and tell about
your boy's ingratitude after you
have raised him.
AS -
Forestry Convention, Fredericton;
N.B., Feb. 23 & 24, 1910.
The sessions will be opened at 10
a. m. on the 23rd by addresse
from the representatives of th
Government, Municipal, Eduoa
tional, and Commercial institu
tions, etc.
In addition to the President, Mr.
Thomas Southworth, and the Vice
President, Hon. W. C. Edwards,
he following are expected to take
art : Hon. Clifford Sifton, Chair -
an of the Commission of Uon-
ervation ; Hon. Jules Allard,
Minister of Iands and mines,
uebec; Ikon. W. C. H. Grimmer,
Surveyor General of New Bruns.
ick ; Dr. B, E. Fernow, Dean of
he Faculty of Forestry, Univer-
ity of Toronto ; Mr. E. A. Sterling,
()rester of Pennsylvania Railroad;
Mr. W. C. .1. Hall. Supt. of the
Bureau of Forestry. Quebec ; Prof.
Gordon Tower of the University
f Maine ; Prof. R. B. Miller of
he University of New Brunswick,
It is expected that the Forestry
work of the Dominion and of the
Provinces will be well represented,
'.Cho Railways have granted special
rates, a large attendance is expect.
ed. Further information rnafbe had
by- addressing the secretary of the
Canadian Forestry Association,
Mr. James Lawler, who will he
at Frederictan till after the close �a�
oftho Convention.
Upon • the invitation of the
Government of New Brunswick
the Eleventh Annual Convention
of the Canadian Forestry Associa-
tion f0
r the consideration of
Forestr problems will be held in
the Legislative Buildings, Fred-
ericton. N. B., on Wednesday and
Thursday, • Feb. 23rd and 24th
The large centers were forever
linked to Maurice and her honey-
moon, just the spoken words, Paris
Berlin, Brussels, pierced her soul,
set all her nerves quivering, and
John, who did not understand saw
his hopes for her recovery grow
darker with every passing day.
Helen had shielded Justin from
even the smell of an intoxicant,
kept hini ignorant of the existence
of suoh things as long as it was
possible, when he began to go out
among the villagers and saw them
drink their sour wine, she warned
him. 'On hie bended knees she
made hire pro;nise never to touch
anything. of the kind, she named
every desoription of 'etiunulating
drink of which she knew the ap-
pelutioi}, and bade him swear to
avoid each of them. Then she
prayed over bis bowed head, her
tears dripping upon his curls, and
he never forgot the solemnity of
that hour. When Dr. Droutly
again visited Europe he found bis
nephew a tall, manly lad already
well versed in all the clergyman
could teach hire and tbristing for
some higher :school of learning.
The gentleman cherished grave
fears concerning Helen's training,
felt it bad serious defects. He
talked over her boy's future with
her soberly, trying to prove to her
that all maauhood demanded de-
velopment, ta:o best, the most; and
that every n an must, sooner or
Iater: meet tl temptations of life
who would ba fitted for its duties.
"He will not :{lways have you be-
side him, He,en; he will surely
meet temptation, he must learn to
overcome it. The blessing of God is
promised to the overcomer, you
know, but no than can oome over
to the blessing who has not 'first
come to that which must be over-
come, I should be the last person
to advise the thrusting of any
youth into temptation in order to
make him strong, but I would not
hold one back from longer useful-
ness because it lay across the path,
Forearm him by forewarning teach
him his own weakness and his
Helper's strength and then trust
him to God." Helen thus urged,
moved to an -English village, think-
ing to send her son to the academy
in an adjoining town, bat her
courage failed 1idr and she ended
by hiring a proficient tutor and
keeping her daring still under her
watch pare. Before two years were
ended she was Conscious that Jus-
tin was growing x'ative under con
stant surveilliin '" and`she'yield,ed
to his.entreatie. Dr Droutly's
advice, and permitted him to de-
part to the.. farfarued .university,
which.it had become his; highest
ambition to • enter. Through all
the years John's letter had been as
frequent as delightful. several
times the busy man, had .dropped
his °area and s1ed away the chief
care of his life, •he always knew
Helen needed him, when she was
getting too lonely ,or. discouraged,
and he always hoped that when be
went to her again she would realize
that he was the complement of her
life, and would give him the privi-
lege he coveted to be ever near her.
Yet, when be was at her side. held
her hands, looked into her eyes,
something on her face hushed his
eagerness sent bim home to wait a
while longer On his last visit he
found her almost sick, she was
worrying over Justin's bills, which
were large, too large, she feared,
not that she Oared Ter expenditure,
she never troubled herself about
money, John managed that. But
she feared there must be revelry
behind such disbursement, and her
true friend, quick to scent her
anxiety came to her help, he was
determined she should return witb
Farmers and others:
1 invite everybody to look
through our Warehouse
and see if we can't show
you the Best Line of
Machinery eve1.'5 shown it
Zurich. ,1 also sell the
Best Lane of Cutters
that can be put' on the
From '$26.00 up.
Also Repairs for
All Kinds of
Massey.i-Darr s Machines
Ag' t.
urn this time He ran down to the
university to pay Justin a visit,
bringing him back with him for a
few days, the youth's proud heart
throbbed high with exulation over
tho impression bis distinguished
looking relative had made on both
of faculty and students, he was
willing to receive the law at his
uncle's mouth. It had been a plea-
sant three weeks, but it was nearly
at an end, the doctor's travelling
bag, stood packed, ready for de-
parture on the morrow, and yet his
fate remained unsettled. John was
not a timid man, btit he did dread
rebuff here and he was almost sure
to get it, "I am going tomorrow,
Helen, and I have not yet asked
you the question, that brdught me
here" "And you will not." she re-
plied with gentle persuasiveness.
-Why not, Helen?" -because I
would rather not bear it, John" I
cannot answer it as you wish and
it 18 much better unasked," 'Helen
do you not love me a little?" "a
great deal, John, but it is as wo-
men love angels and men love
heroes, not as a# wife should love
her husband," she answeredtremn-
lously. "But if I am content to
take an angel's portion, Helen?"
he smiled tenderly. "You must
not be, I cannot let you, 0, John,
you deserve the best ; I haven't it
to give you, I will not let you take
less" "not even if I wish to? Helen
my dear one, a little from you is
worth much from any one else, I
only ask what you have, no more,
nay love can make amends for all
you lack ; let me tell you how great
it is." She raised her thin hand
deprecatingly, "please 1" she said
beseechingly. "I will not trouble
you, my love" he answered "but
must I always go unsatisfied? will
you never yield what I desire?"
"Dont ask me" she whispered
slowly, painfully, as if in mortal
agony, "0, John 1" she threw her
head up with a gasp, her face tak-
ing the hue of death, her lips clos-
ing convulsively. He was at her
side in an instent, his strong arms
bearing her to conch, "0, my
love !" he groaned as he• bent
above her. "She unclosed her
eyes with a taint smile" I am bet-
ter ; she •wuispered, "it is nothing
alarming, I ata often taken this
(To be continued)
Ethel M. Williams,
— — Pres. Supt.
Resist not evil.—Jesus abrogates
entirely the right . of private
vengeance. When a vindictive
spirit is let loose it will not stop at
a bare justice of like for like. The
only safety is in the denial of all
human right to retaliate.
If troubled with indigestion,
constipation. no appetite or feel
bilious, give Chamberlain's Stom-
'aoh and Liver Tablets a trial and
you will be pleased with the re-
sult. These tablets invigorate the
stomach and liver and strengthen
the digestion. .Sold by J. J. Mer-
Turn to him the other—The
figurative language must be kept
constantly in mind, Jesus spoke
as an Orielntal to Orientals.
Otherwise he would not have been
heard. We must follow, not the
liberal words but the essential
principle. Certainly evildoers and
impostors are not to have their -
way without restraint. But for
giveness and unselfishness must
have their way. The meaning here
is plain : a man.
An attack of the grip is often
followed by a persistent cough,
which to many proves a great
annoyance. Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy has been extensively used
and with good success for the
relief and cure of this cough.
Many cases have been cured after
all other remedies had failed.
Sold by J. J. Merrier.
TBE iP0.)14" We."
Talk about tit,• fur.
;L; Aylnu r J4xlrres.:. ro . •
Harley Teeple, of Jaffa, brought in
a load of clover seed and sold it to
G. A. Bingham & Co. for $532, and
it wasn't a very big load either.
There are many ways for a farmer
to get rich these days that they
hardly know which one to select
although we notice that many of
them take the one with the least
work. All a farmer has got to do
now is to keep half a dozen hens
laying and the problem of living is
solved. If he raises two or three
hogs also he is safe in erecting a
bank barn. A good three.year-old
fat steer would pay off the biggest
mortgage in the country, Half a
dozen dairy cows produce more
profit than half the mines in
Cobalt, while an average -sized
flock of turkeys, which will enable
the farmer and his family to spend
the winter months in Florida.
When you add to this list butter,
hay, wheat, corn, oats, horses,
sheep and other products of the
farm, one remembers that he gets
cash for everything ho sells, the
mystery of why every farmer who
comes into this office to renew his
subscription, pull out a roll of bills
as big as your log (with nothing
smaller than a five) is solved.
After a long wistful look at the,
object of $0 much money, the poor
printer turns his back on the
farmer and his wad, brushes away
a few silent tears, and then out
among the other business then of
the town to hunt for one who can
change a five But such is life,
the money does not seem to be
properly divided in this world.
The printer has to look for .his in
the next.
While it is often impossible to
prevent an accident, it is never
impossible to be prepared—it is not
beyond any one's purse. Invest
25 cents in a bottle of Chamber-
lain's Liniment and you are
prepared for sprains., bruises and
like injuries. Sold by J. J. Merner.
• ti largely increased by knowing thf
. .ordition of the farmer's market,
y learning of the best method in
practice. This is precisely the
irformation the Farmers' Weekly
e1 in every issue, It has no equal
' • ruler's Business Paper. It Good
rely on, it. For price see our
Lavits ?..szsd
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land
ANY person who is the sole head of a
family, or any male over 18 years old,
may homestead a quarter -section of avail-
able Dominion land in Manitoba, Sask-
atchewan or Alberta. The applicant must,
appear in person at the Dominion Lands
Agency or Sub -Agency for the district.
Entry by proxy may be made at any
agency, on certain conditions, by father,
mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of
intending homesteader.
Duties.—Six months' residence upon and
cultivation of the land in each of three
years. A homesteader may live within nine
miles of his homestead on a farm of at least
80 acres solely owned and occupied by him
or by his father, mother, son, daughter,
brother or sister.
In certain districts a homesteader in
rood standing fray pre-empt a quarter -sec-
tion alongside his homestead. Price $3.00
per acre. Duties—:dust reside six months
in Bath of six years from date of homestead
entry (including the time required to earn
homestead patent) and cultivate fifty, acres
A homesteadea who ha.- ex austed his
homestea '" `'
emptiou may tilkd a u as.
in certain districts. Price $3.00 per: acre.
Duties—Must reside six months in each of
three years, cultivate fifty acres and ;erect
a house worth $300.00.
', W. CORY,
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior.
N. B.—Unauthorized publication of this
advertisement will not bo paid for.
Savi ngs and
. Loan Co.
Money advanced on good
Farm Mortgages,
Prompt attention given
to applications for loans.
—"7 lr ., 7
HA 9
. - nItr,' " 1111 S
ifn�a SSIMIMERL9aaa®aaaoas��
;CV -32,33:119
vanso 'r hs,Co1ds
0 LI
1 g
This remedy can aIways be depended upon and
is pleasant to take. It contains no opium or
other harmful drug and may be given as confi-
dently to a baby as to an adult.
Price 2S cents, large size SS cents.