The Herald, 1910-02-04, Page 2PITY YOUR MOTHER IF St1E IS' FRAIL OR WEAK. The hel•oie side of life le most often found in the strttlgle between slut,- to- wards the family, and the iiiotl'er'S in• ability through ill -health to perform butt duty ` "Words sometimes seer_, poor things to express one's feelings," writes Mrs.) J. P. Merritt: "I have a family of fire, all pretty close together. After baby was 'born my strength didn't come back. 1 The child pulled nee down a lot, and. I couldn't wean him in the hot wencher, my other children needed so much to Tie done for them. My system did rot come right—my color was pallid, and 'a►sarnin and night and all the time I Wag lived. My druggist told me o: how well his, customers spoke of Perrozone. and I got six boxes right away. You wouldn't believe how well it built me up. It seems 1 USEFUL TREES OF FLORIDA. t Great Variety Growing in the State- , Durable Woods. Florida has perhaps more useful trees growing within her borders than army 1 other State in the T nion-a greater var- fiety. But there is a general desire to in- troduee more, as the soap berry, the tal- low tree and the eucalyptus. An addition to the diseussiou of the lati,ar, a tree which is very valuable be- cause it has the unusual quality of grow- ing with great rapidity yet furnishing a hard and durable wood, is furnished by a letter to the editor of the Florida Fruit and Produce News by E. E. Thomp- son, of Avon Park. Mr. Thompson says, in part: "Epealyptus trees were first planted here about 1894 and were injur- ed by the great freeze, but sprouted and grew like the orange trees. A'few euca- +vptus trees planted later have made such wonderful growth as to cause peo- ple to look up, take notice and rubber- neck to see the lofty tops. The growth in ten years is six feet around the body. 'The seasoned wood is hard as hick- ory and posts show no decay in the ground. The limbs, twigs, leaves and seed cases make the very best fuel. Our people are convinced of the great value of eucalyptus and are planting them up and down the avenues and in the ceme- tery, and will soon plant them in forest form." In California some species oz eucalyp- tus show greatest development in low places where rain water stands and in swamps, river bottoms, etc., though they will endure drought, according to a bul- letin of the Ttniversity of California. The durability of the wood, according to oth- er authorities. is due to an oil with which it is impregnated and which is ex- tracted for commercial purposes --Flori- da Times-T:nion. FEIRROZONE CURES WEAKNESS. quite strange now to be real well again, to feel like my old self once incite. I was really hopelessly in despair and too completely worn out to feel like living taefore I used perrozone, so you can imagine how highly 1 prize such a good medicine. Sty cI'ildren now say 'Mother isn't tired any more.' and for my children's sake I am to glad to be well enough to give them all the care and attention that every good mother feels she must bestow upon l'er family." 3'ou are sure to be invigorated, cer- tain to be built tip and kept always at your beet -you are bound to enjoy all the happiness of lasting good health of you use Ferrozone. Try it, one of two tablets along with your_ meals. Fifty cents a box, six for $2.50, all dealers, or The Catarrhozone Company, Kingston, Canada. 4 4. UP TO DATE. Winston Spencer Churchill, president lof the Board of Trade, itt the Liberal blrs. John Pettigrew, of Cancra; Economy, inistry of Great Britain, is certainly i N- s-, was practically helpless from rheum- adtraaneed in his radicalism. The 'Ea- i atism, plgyers' (unlimited) Liability act and She could not scop, and her liasbs ached the Old Age Pension act were largely s around, theihousertnra for her to hn up and of his making; his projected bill to iAs Mrs. Pettigrew put it, "I was all crip- •create a National Thiployment Ex- a pled up. I saw Gin Pine advertised and sent .change, which is to be a sort of clearing { for some, and after taking only ttc•o boxes, am a different woman. Gin Pills are :he only ,house for men out of work, is in Com- { things that helped me. and I cannot nay too :mittee; and now he promises to intro- k much tor theca." •duce an rnemplotmlent Insurance bill, If YOU have that dreadful pain in the back • with provisions for compulsory contribu- -i Gif you are tortured with rheumatism -get :ions by employers as well as by the n Write s at once. rite National Drug & Chemic*, Co. -employees and the Government to the i *Dept. ILL.), Toronto, for free sample. Re- • eensenee fund. ! solar size at dealers, 50c a box, 6 for 1.e.50. e - s 1 s-+ 1-+4+e l WANT WIVES. 4 •♦ e + ` DELICATE LITTLE BABIES y Toronto Saturday Night.': + ; `With girls in the East wanting hus- CURED HER KIDNEYS. • Every de:irtte baby starts rtfd + s bands and men in t he West wanting + 4. cc.tii a serious hanetieap. 1 "n v..4 wores-what steps should be. taken to • trivial illness may end fatally + ; bring then together? That is the gist and the mother is fent in a state + % of the letter I have received ' p� from :ALLOVER THE WORLD thousands "of, housewives use Sunlight Soap in Pref- erence to any other, becausee It cleanses the clothes more thoroughly, and at half the cost without injury to hands or fabric. 111.8 Europeaa Sentry Boxes. The characteristics of the art of the different countries of Do Contin- ent are often expressed in the man- ner in which t •le sentry boxes are made and ,anted, says Popular Mechanics. Warty of them are very picturesque, a.ti invariably the tour- ist army mak' them the object of attack with tie omnipresent kodak. While in Engle'_; the box is as simple as pos'aible: and favoid of ornamental features,. s(} le those which may be seen in'It.ly a l Greece are splendid specimen of eettaitecture and are constructed of rearbJe and other stone. $ 1 • Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. Mable Clinker Makers. It seems inconceivable that two men can be kept steadily employed the year round making caeekrre. Yet that is what is done in a still at Bethel. The average output of •rheek'rs from this mil is 800 barrels. It has been as high as 1,040 and down ; i deo, but 800 is the average. This di.'rs not sound very large, bat when tai figures are worked out it is found to bet a lot. In every barrel shipped there are 30,000 checkers of the ordinary size, while in 800 bar- rels there are 28,800,00x1, or 1,200,000 sets of 24 checkers each. That is to say, with the output of this Maine mill 2,400,000 persons could be playing check- ers at the same time.—Kennebec Jour- nal. • M41. TO CURE A COLD '1'i ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROM Qninlne Tablets_ Druggists retunl m t'faila to cure. E. Y . GR'OVE'S sigxitit each box. 25c a 1 men; out Brest, who protests against the s general belief that it is a mistake for a 'to promise to marry a man whom + , h? rad never Sion. "There are lots of + .1 us out here," he writes, 'who have ener el prosper to and comfortable homes, • . but have no time to o East looking for + f wives. We are lonely and need compan- + unship. Can't t so.r.ething be done to + 'r bring us. it 'to'teh with the girls who reals,- wan: 'homes of their own and + p Who are wvillin;; tJ give- up something in + : the way of xltrt ;" The appeal seems • genuine, and if it leo not, the .fact re- + trains that :here is many a Man in our +«u own Northwest wino is deprived of the + opportunity e'f meeting r rls 'from whom he would care to select a wife. + s s A Philistine. 4-+.+-4-+-4-4-4-4-4-0-0-4-4-t--4--•^* +* e n 4'+-4+ e "Would you advise me to write for money Bird's Fondness for Tobacco. budding or p or posterity?" asked the poet. A correspondent sta:aa that he pas. i "Write for money, by all means, if senses a tame magpie to which he sport- replzed� the- hhardened me willstand # Philr a- lvel,- offered an extinguished cigar : delphia Record. stump. the bird began to tear the• ' • stamp apart, but apparently changing its. ; 1:31 not Sr -see;',. mind, proceeded to rub the stump held ' 11-1 d # la to 1:2 e:a cot n ite beak over every part of its body, are made according to a formula in . ine.uding the inside of the wings, in a use nearly a century ago among very eareful and methodical manner. a the Indians,and learned from The experiment was subsequently repeat- ' them by DMorse. Though re• ed mans- times, always with the same 1 pealed attempts have been made, result. l by physicians and chemists, it has The magpie is so fond of tobacco that 1 been found impossible t� improve t has repeatedly snatched a lighted the formula or the pills. Dr. cigar from his hand against his wit:. It a Morse's Indian Root Pills are a also picks up fallen cigar ashes and j household remedy throughout the strew,: them Icer its feather=..He thinks j -. world for Constipation and all these actions have a purpose, the de- Kidney and Liver troubles. They stnie•tlon of parasites, and are determin- °• act promptly and effectively, and ed by atavism or inherited instinct, In •C l as r -s s e> -t ,m -t -es ten the wild state some unidentified pant. must have been use-, iu=tead of, tobatae,' THE BISHOP AND HATS. ix an Stseetie.ide. The magpie's nate, , seems Sfes to be anti .TnytIIeSliaan (Toronto Star t Bishop Farthing thtnksnlys wfei ed for able instance of the use of 11361s" $+J• a e a W2,znan to spendS'30 onahat.:ts eri-•lower .Ema:—~rem the Kosnos. • v 32'y, no doubt. as such bevelg ones can • a ® lw purehas23 now for $1.98. In WOCd Green, England there is + of ter:stant dread. Baby's Own Tablets ets havedont' more than sine- : other neck• ne to make si kiy + leCeles well and strong. They i. te•e • i:e .hers a fee" -e• of se•„ri' a as through their nes the sees her de::»ate child developing hearnhi:y, i Mrs. i'h,=c'tiore 2ilortoa, Bala, Ont.. d sal "I can say with confidence + :hat Battle: Own rab:e's :avwi • baby's _ifs, 1 did not kale + whir it was to here a s -Atoi } night's rest until we starre+l nein + 'the Tablets, but they have toad; .+, ben a strong, healtlei L,hi 1 "' Solei + by •i eu:rine dealere or by mail ++ at ' e-nts a b.,c from .h,, Dr. # 1b-liates' \led zixte Co.. Mock - 4 • Ont. living a woman of 10.5 tiesti of age 'Minard's. Liniment Cures Distemper. wee•= can read without'glasses.. r• • . o - Future of Calcium. I=utas been pointed out that, although • ^d:? .ani' is' the metal next' to iron •in natural abiandance chemists .and metal- :urgists ar agile y•just beginning to ap- preciate its • possibilities. The ore costs t but a few cents a ton for quarrying, since At• 6Oeitte in inenha a -i ole gnan- tity as, Kure i'alcltim carbonate i i 1 me- st+ine,.shall. and-ma.11e, and t.I-i,e pre•.! ductionoof the meta) i9 the specril teak of 114ie�lecicirerT1 At. 'ezngeraturr5 aooretred'flieat oat: • cindn-.,l'a5, j itg. atiOn est Yitetaliic base, and • it is believed 'ley Many that by its use many problems may find their solution, such as. the complete deoxidation of melted metals and the reduction of rare elements. The metal calcium may Sino, as alrfminium has done, find many tenet in the arts. "When I grow ::p and marry, moth- er, will' I have a yetf's*aaud like papar asked Mary. "I hope so, dear" said mother. "And if I don't marry, will I be like Aunt Sue?" • "I hope so." ""Drax ,Li,' said Mary, as she turn- ed away, 'what a fix I'm in :"—De- lineator. Fairville, Sept. 30, 1902. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Dear Sirs, -We wish to inform you that we c•ansider your MINARD'S LINI- MENT a very superior article, and we use it. as a sure relief for sore throat and chest. When I tell you I would not be without it if the price was one dol- lar a bottle, I mean it. Yours truly, CHAS. P. TILTON. PSCHYIC SCIENCE. When thetlatest ,rietins ,of a psychic spell heard that the wan sire was tag- und the confrry said to his wileging, 'aro1 have the`rignht pig by the tail at last," • she realized that he was not her true soul -mate, but a base counter- feit, and she promptly emancipated her- self from paychia influences and settled the alienation suit which: the wife had instituted. It looks as though the psychic influeuoea were of a very eom- monplace character, and that the soul - mate business were. not Distinguishable from ordinary forme of sentimentality. The fact that the girl has< $3,000,000 ex. plains the' efforts to hypnotize Tier. 4,, Bhiroh elfre gtlicklystoes coughs, cures colds, .heals the throat and. lulus. - - 2o cents, ''"' - :r 3• SURPRISE. Washington Star.) "Did I understand you to say your automa:i.:e is behaving very strange - "ye=s, • an,:hared Mr. G'huggius, "It has 'rsn -, three days without any kind of sa .,,-ojdent. '• EARNER'S. ALMAVAC FREE. ISee. advettneement. oaf the "win -Ru -Co.. Alnlann - tills issue and write to- d•far a of this book of vat- uablayy et i li t.ipy :nation._• ijo you trap or buy s I irgest dealer, X pay highest prices. Your ah i put a its 'solicited I pay mail and ex- press charges; remit promptty. Also largest dealer in Beefhides, sheepskins, eta. 'Quotations and shipping tags sent free. 9 JOHN HALLAM, TORONTO The Art of ti , G:irtoortlet. One thing is •esa'lnill;-' iii order to obtain a ettceer+sflll result vary careful observation is nevemary, whether draw- ing from Nature or illesnery• In study ing a subject, weakness, or ettalnyftil of character should he grump that; hal, almost equally .important iH to ,tote ev- ery detail of dress• ---the shape end pitch of a hat, for iestaneo•-for these are es- sential to the eariveturc.•f elf-eottseiges- ttess, and 6ometimee nerves/stleas, shows itself in various ways. The fact. is that few men know what t.:hey, appear to be to others. I have kne''u a' peer expres.l an objeetioii to being drawn with spate, because he did not consider they looked well in a picture, although he always wore then. Another, who' had been epl- endidly carioatured • 'by` .Pellogz•ini, said to nee: "I get the shivers. when I ant in the room with that man ever since he so grossly libelled mo. If there is ono thing upon which I`. pride ,myself it is ..my physique, and lie has made me bent and stooping•" And yet his lordship's stoop was the first thing one noticed about him, -"Spy" in the February Strand. A WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL To All Wenn: I win send free with tali ieetruetlone, my home treatment which Doetively cures Leucorrhoea, Uloeratlon, Displacements, Falling of the Womb. Pain- ful or Irregular periods, Uterine and Ovar- ian Tumors or Growths, also Hot Flushes, Nervousness. Melancholy, Patna in the Head, Back or Bowels, Kidney and Bladder troubl'ees, where caused by weakness ,peculiar to our sex. You can oomtinus treatment at home at a cost of only •12 Omits a week. My book, "Woman's Own Medical Adviser," also seat free on request. Write to -day. • -Address, Mra. M. Summers. Box•11. 8, Windsor', Ont. •DRY TERRITORY CACHE. The tailor -Hip ,pockets2 The customer -:des. The tailor -Large or small? The customer -Haft pints. FREE TO OUR READERS. Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago,. for 48 -page illustrated Eye Book Free. Write all about Tom- Eye Trouble and they will advise se to 'the Proper Application of the Murine Eye Remedies in Your special Case. Tour Druggist will tell you that murine Relleres Sore Eyes, Strengthens Weak Foes, Doesn't Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, and sells for 50e: Try It in Tour Eyes and in Baby's Eyes for Scaly Eyelid's and Granulation. (Brantford Courier.) The labor men just now in the Old Land are singing: "Send ne victorious, We, the Iaborious." Minard's liniment Cures Colds, Etc. f R:UBBIXG IT IN. He -What a perfect fool I've been. She„-Dontit be so conceited; no on, is perfect. .:SSUJae NO, 1. W1.O AGENTS WAPI1::O. MEN or WOMEN WANTED In" ay, ty lo»allty to sell goods as necosenry In every home an bread, salary $2.00 per day :tad tttninhl Ian.-' 1Vl'lto The J. L. Niche's Co„ Limiter, Termite, Ont. FOR SALE. ea e • eyes.; - .( (AMll.l'ON, ONTARIO. 19 GROWING It la fast, Buy suburban lots in .the path of development while they are low: they are bound to increaserepidly In value, Choice lute, 25';c 100, tor'•"t$,7e to` $100 per lot. Spa- cial olret for pee it."$;:i$5 down• and SI per wsseic buytt two lots, Write for:ffee booklets and maps, Burke & Co., 204 Kingeatreet east. PERSONAL. e Dr. Martel's Female Pills •ww.Aniw,+.va�r...r•+ww*np,y,nyiar..,..rw.*a�2y.,,yw,.... SEVENTEEN YEARS THE STANDARD Prescribed and recommended for wo- men's ailments, a scientifically pre- pared remedy of proven worth. the result from their use is quick and per- manent. For saleat all drug stores. Won't Stand for a War. A structure known as Stoodley Pike, which stands 90 yards high 4nd is situ< ated near Hebden Bridge, England, has a remarkable story. It was built in 1814 to commemorate the peace of Ghent, Singular to relate, however, it fell on the very day that the Russian ambassa- dor left England prior to •the Crimean ;war. .Rebuilt by public subscription, it -*ithstood storm and rain for half a century,• but on the same day that the British Government issued its ultimatum to the Boers it was struck by lightning and buys, damaged. These coincidences have strangely perplexed local people.— The Strand. PILES CURED IN S TO, 14 DAYS PAZO OI.iTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c • Unkindest Cut of All. "Yes, miss," boasted the chivalrous old colonel, 'I was at the: battle of Chickamauga and was shot right here on top of the head. No one can dare say that I was up a tree during the fighting." "Er -where were you, colonel," ask- ed• the young hostess, • innocently, "down a welly": -Chicago Daily- Newts. e-► Lifebouy Soap is delightfully refreshing for bath or toilet. For washing underclothing It Is unequalled, Cleanses and purifies. GoodEnough. The Customer -Can you recommend these complexion powders? The Chemist -Well, madam, I caift say that they will wash like the nat- ural complexion, but they won't rub off 'on a coat -.ace f ,M. nard's Liniment IC ip aria. COLT D I ST E M PE Can be bandied very esesny. The sick are cored. and all others in stabl0. no toaster bow••ezpo ' kept -trona baying the -dis- ease, by neineroas'a I..Q,,w DygrrENPag CC= Give on the tongue ortn feed. Acte on the blood and ape), germs of alt Iforme of distemper. One bottle guaranteed to mare one case. see, and 51 a bottle: 06 and $10 dozen, of druggists and hansom dealers. Cut ebows bow to poettiee throats. Our free booklet tires ererytiling. L.rgeet selling horse remedy In existence— teen years eisraIs5rrotial .Ste lTholosalo Drug Eames. SPUN MEDICAL CO., ci:esetslo sad Betteriotegtats, Goshen, Ind., U. S.A. HANDSOME WATCH FREE. THE A Gents' or Ladles' Solid Gold Watch coats from $26 to $50. Do not throw your money away. If you desire to secure Watch which to keep time and last well will be equal to any Scald Gold Watch send us your name and address immediately and area to sell 10 boxes only of Dr. Maturin's Famous Vegetable Pitts at 20e. a box. They are the greatest remedy on earth for the cure of poor and impure blood, indigestion headaches, consti- pation, nervous' troubles, liver, bladder and kidnea dis- eases, and all female weaknesses • they are the Great Blood Purifier and Invigorator, a Grand Tonic and Life Builder.: With the Pills we send 10 articles of jewelry to give away with the pills -this makes them easy to sell. This is the chance of a lifetime. Do notmissit. Send us your order and we will send you the 10 boxes,st paid. when you have sold them send us the money 0105,,1 and we will send you AGENTS or LADIES WATCH the same day the money is received. 'We .arslulu these beautiful Watches to advertlae our Remedies. Thin is a grand opportunity to secure a valuable Watch without having to spend acme And our Watch is a stem wind and stem set and not the cheap back wind article generally &teen as premiums. Send for our pills without delay. Address DR. MATURIN MEDICINE CO. Watch Dept p 20 Toronto, Ont. Everybody Who Eats r read Should avoid danger of impurities in delivery from the oven to the home. Insist on your baker wrapping his bread in EDDY'S BREAD WRAPPERS We are the original manufacturers of bread wrappers now used by leading bakers of Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and other cities, The E, L.•,, EDDY COMPANY, Limited, Hull, Canada ,''.'^+! :'7't..�*n1 t',Wr.i�c • I ' FANCY ENGRAVE',' -WATCH DECORATED TEA. SET This elegant watch, laches' or -gents' size stein wind and set, fanep e gra d as , FULLYMEE,-GBARA�iTEED, will be sent to you AB M1 M d you will sell only r . es.c'0 worth of high ,► l c glade collar buttons at loc. per card (4 buttons rd) oaTetadhse each tons are very fast r sellers. Write to -day and wewill send you a package; sell them and return the "1k' money and win this HANDSObI LIT- TLE WATCH. You earl also win a lovely TEA. SET FREE it you wfii help te,. us enlarge our business by getting only . 6 other agents and without having to sell anymore goods. Only $3.00 worth—.no e more, no less, and you can twin both these splendid premiums FR BB. COBALT GOLD PEN CO.. Button 31ept. 19 Toronto,