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The Official Organ of 'Zurich:land Hay Township.';
Vol. X.
FEB. 4, 1910.
No. 28
l welts ate# E el=08C3fte2e8CIK it 3t 3 s 311=as 'tai
1Clearing Sale 0
0 OF §
Winter Goods'
0 RemnafltS, Etc. §
THE BIGGEST SALE ever attempted by us 0
has started. Never before have we slashed
prices so unmercifully. We have cut away
1 the profit and many of the goods enumerated be -
glow are marked down regardless of cost, a n d 8
gi must be cleared out to make room for our
11 large Spring Stock. Remember the goods are all .0
il first class and the reduced prices will clear them
out quickly. This is your Opportunity to buy
il good goods right.
0 We advise you to call early. I.
041M,IIMIIM-IMCMr",04,4474.0, ,r -r[6410410:1
Read .W H. Hoffama's ad on
page 8 in this issue.
Mr. C. Eilber is having a tele-
phone installed in hes residence.
Mr. and Mre. d Axt -visited
with their soneterbert at Exeter,
on Tuesday. "'
Mrs. Jaoob Howald. who cuts
taken seriously ill a few days ago,
is improving.
From present indications there
will be very little building done
in town, next season.
In the year 1875 Huron County
had 201 liquor licenses, the number
at present being fib ^f: t,50.
Mr. S. Hardy of -ter, was in
town on Tisesday acid: called on
some of his former neighbors.
Mrs. Fred:LeJbold left on Sat.
nrday`for Clinton to 'visit her aunt,
Mrs. George Nott, for n few weeks,
I have a place for $3000.00 on
farm mortgage at 5 per cent inter-
est. Apply to E. Zeller. Zurich.
Mr. WillibM Lreibold, of the
'Babylon LtnO'i9 quits ill at present
frolic • enlargement of the heart.
His conditions is reported to be
serious. ,
The Rev. A.'D. Gisehler attend-
ed the leoture on "Personal
Liberty" delivered by Rev. Sam
Small on Wednesday evening in
Zion EvangeliouJ church, of Credi-
Mr. C. Se brag i'e handling the
popular De Laval cream separator,
and bas placed quite a number.
Particulars will, . be cheerfully
given by addressing him at Blake
P. 0.
Mr. Jobn Foster hes sold ninety
thousand 'brink t ' Mr. Coxworth.
of HensakdVto k►i3 :ed in the erec-
tion of. al hotel + the site of the
Centennial., a 1l was destroy.
.ed by fuse„sever.de tees lives •
One step ' won't takeiertr ve_ y
far—yote've•go't to lkeep th%' 1 ,
ing ; . ones`:" word wort"t ''te11 ' folks
whet You are One
got'" to keep
on growing ; one little "ad" won't
do it all—you've got to keep 'ern
Mr. Moses Gescho has purchased
the grocery, flour and feed busi
ness next. .TIRE HERALD office,
from the S... Rennie estate ' Mose
is a reliable young man • and his
friends wish,him every success in
his business venture.
Mr. Nicholas Kennel, of Blake
has purchased five acres of land
from Mr. Christian Gasoho, Bron-
son Line. There' is a good frame
house and barn on the land and
the price was $1025.00, Mr, Kennel
has secured,e, Mice house •
Mr. Altai* :,Liberal otenide.te was
on Saturdy bleated by a majority
of 658 over the. ,centie oativ.,.oandi•
ti Dress Goods COATINGS 0
Nowis the' time for a Save money. Buy your :0
new dress. Biggest values Coatings now,
!l6bii ever offeredr Regular $1.25 for` 75 asa yd
Regular 60 cts, for 40 a yard Gr 85 cts. for 52 a yard 0
50 cteaj for 30 a yard GG 60 cts, for 40 a yard
0 eta f. 0 y`f1
All`th? d'naaon's styles.
`-Regular $1750 for 11.50
16.00, for 10,50
12.50, for 9.00
12.00, for 8:50
11.00, for 7.50
10.00; for 6.50
9.00, for 6.00
6.50 for 4.00
' Ga
Tar •,. a ts'
1 Black Beaver Mom'ot Iined
regular $40.00 for 33.00
1 Astrachan Jacket, regular
*35.00, for *28.00
1 Astrachan Jacket, regular
$25.00, for 18.00
1 Astrachan Jacket, regular
$18.00, for 12.00
1 Fur -lined Cape, regular
$20.00, for 13.50
Wrapperettes, regular 12-• teats, for 10 cents
Prints, regular 13:4- cents, for 10 cents
Prints, regular 10 cents, for 8 cents
Factory Cotton, 40 inches wide, regular 124 cts for 10 -cts
English Flannelette, 36 inches wide, reg 124 cts for 10 ots e
Table Linens, extra value at 18 and 23 cents
A lot of remnants at your own price.
20 per cent off all ladies'
VFur Ruffs and Muffs. Regul-
ex $1.50 to $15.00. These
0values are unsurpassed.
A special line, of. `V:indoor-: . Sewing Machines,.
Vshades, mounted on rollers, . 10 year guarantee $20.00. .
;I complete, for' only 25 dents Cress files, et saws and handles, 0
. Seasonable . Hardware
r. Hockey sticks, 10 cents up. Hockey skates, 40 cerate up .
Shoe soles,` 15,' • and' 25 cents. Shoe heels, •:10 cents , 2 '
Shoe tacks, all sizes. Cobbler's outfit. Coat hangers, 5 ccs
Trunks, telescopes and suit cases. Harness 'naps and bits.
date, Dr. Chabot, to represent
Nen's and Boys' Ottawa in the Commons. rendered
vacant by the decision of Sir Wil-
frid Laurier to hold his Quebec
A special discount of 25 fseat in the House.
per cent on till men's and boys' 0 Rev. Valentin Gerber who has
overcoats during this sale. been in this section visiting for
Special prices • on 'Men's and ii the past. week, has purchased Mr.
Boys' reaey-to, wear snits:. George .Douglas' farm. • in. Stanley
for•his. sone and the -new- owner
will take •• possessions in ; the3"fa11.
Mr. and Mrs Gerber left for their
home in Minnesota, on Tuesday.
Overcoats 0
This Big Sale will start on
' Saturday, Jan. 29th ,
', andontinue until 0
Saturday, Feb. x►th .
Telephone 9 ;� Z U R I CH.
eaocsoc eE i nak isi ?Eft3 E E ElacsE 3t'pocx 3a@fiV2*
Do you know that croup can be
prevented? Give Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy as soon as the
child becomes hoarse or even after
the croupy cough appears and it
will prevent the attack. It iii also
a certain cure for croup and lies
.t/neveraheen Aenown tt, fail,, Sold
by J. J. Merger. •
.The polar bear is tbe'only animal
woloh really enjoys a trip on the
sea• He is quite jolly, generally,
when on shipboard ;tt all
suoh other
animals violently resent
voyage, and vociferously give vent
to their feelings until .seaeiokness
brings silence. A tiger suffers most
of all. He whines .pitifully, bis
eyes water continually, and he
constantly rubs bin stomach with
his terrible paws. -
20 per Cent
� IJiscount Sale![
CLOSES P1313. 12
7C TE are overloaded with Stock and in order to make room
YY for Spring Stock, we are giving this Money -saving
opportunity to you—all through the entire Stook of
Dry Goods and Chinaware. We do not pick out certain lines,
but give you the liberty to choose from the Entire Stock of
Dress Goods
Leading shades, and
Newest Designs.
Canadian Prints, regul-
ar prices were 10 cents a vu;
English Prints, regular prices
were 121 a yard.
Flannels, Wrapperet-
tes, Grey Flannel.
Towelling, Cottonade,
Ginghams, Shirt►ngs, Creton-
nes, Flannelette Blankets, and
Woollen Blankets, Ladies
Coats, Furs, White Bear cloth,
Shawls, Ladies underwear,
Gloves, Mitts, Hosery etc.
Ready Mades
Gents. Ready-made
Suits, .Overcoats, Smocks,
Pants, Socks, and Men's Un-
Men's and Boys' Cap
Tailor Made Suits
Tailor-made Suits, fit
guarantted. Men's Fur coats,
Men's Rain Coats.
200 yards prints, re-
gular 10 cents, for 5 cents a
yard; 600 yards of Towelling
at 4 cants a yard.
A full line of Rem nants,
in Prints, Dress Goods, , Flan-
nelettes, Toweling Etc,.
Come One, Conic All
and share .In these Bargains.
All Farm Produce taken in Exchange,
Principal Delgaty has sent in his
resignation, to take effect at Eas-
Mr Balsden of North Dakota is
visiting his brothertn-law, Mr. A.
S. Faust.
Mr. W. B. McLean of the Ex-
positor, Seafortli, was a visitor
r here: •on `Tuesday.
If you want to save $3 to $4.00
on a suit of clothes, give me a
call. W. H. Hoffman.
Are you in need of a ladies coat?
If so come to D. S. Faust for rook
bottom prices.
The fine weather of the past
week has been much appreciated
after the- recent • stormy weather.
At the G. T. 1'ad offices
figures' have been given that' 921 mileos tae. ot, 4Ii• ,a w.now.
down on the mein:, line wise ae
Wtalairsnirstaetlate . coast, Taking off
a hundred/ xittiA, ai oda the waist end.
where ateet^its• being laid now, and
line .
t►alltua; • it to the
would rnsko ;1,,7..50. iuiles' *st off
SVinta[peg • leaving• ostlye a ltttia
over 71'0 milee.of •tiled to bel:n06n-
pleted to open. •thee. waY, to ':l'rinee'
Mr; (Ieore Sienion has sold his
farm on the Zurich Road. to his
son•in-law, !dr. Jacob Meidinger.
Good frame house, good frame
stable„ and lot containing over an
acre for sale. Price $1000,00.
Apply.to E. Zeller, Zurich.
Let a,snan dig and he is sudden.
ly full of good qualities, his faults
ere all forgotten and only the good
all right,; butitw.ill do no good
then. wby ` nut 'tS'ti'lia ovor: the'
shortcoming of the living -while
they are- with you and you can do
them some good. Be kind to the
living means sornthing. Be kind to
the dead means nothing to him.
Mrs. Daniel Koehler left on
Tuesday, for a visit to Detroit.
D. 8 Faust has souvenir post
cards of Zurich, at 2 for 5 cents.
Miss Josephine Howald bas an
attack of appendicitis and we
understand that an operation will
be necessary.
• Hogs have taken a drop in price
and farmers have been delivering
quite a number, this week. The .
price this week is $8 05, and even
this price is away above the
A town whose citizens have no
public spirit is on the way to the
cemetery. The citizen who will do
nothing to help the town ie helping
to dig its grave. The citizen who
grovels about hie town being `•f:iie
worst ever" is .e ssieting in itis buri-
al. The businea: masa who will not
ad•vertiee is driving the •hearse.
The citresitA who ••knocks" and
howls heard tiiiires" pi'eabliowt' ;the"
funeral sermon,
. Tire animal meeting of The Margo
Weather.lrinurance Mikael (4oaapany vriis
0r uead
The three retiring
directors, Meseta. Northcott,
.1. Ixel-
leranau,,and f:.;.Monteith were re•elooted.
The ronpa*y is iia good fiinaainial oen•
ditiou and is filling a long 'e't want
among the farmers.
A surprise party, or more strict-
ly speaking, a basket ball was
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Casper Walper, on Friday evening
last. A grand time was reported
by those present.
Dr. Oven's Surgeon, Oculist
specialist will be at Royal Hotel,
Hensall, on Friday, Feb. 4th.
Hours all day. Glasses properly
fitted, Cate,rrh, deafness, fail-
ing eyesight and throat troubles
The South Huron Minieteri al
meeting will meet in the James
street Methodist church Exeter,
on .Monday afternoon at 2.30.
Subject under discussion will be
"Evils of Gambling" by Rev. A.
D. Gischler,
A very pretty wedding was soleruOEiz d.
in St. Boniface 11, C. church, on Tuesday
inorniug eb'eb.let, when Ater. 0• T. Barry,
son of.derry Barry of Dnnn'ille, Ont.,
was united in marriage, to kiss Matilda
M•, daughtir of lir. Wendel Snaith of
Zurich, The bride wee dressed in white,
with veil arsd orange blossoms and was
attended by her sister Miss Susanna. who
also wore white. 11afx. Jobe J. Jaevhuest
of..Y)'dsltrl+ill 'Wrs troosiernas. After the
wedding a reception. was held at the
home of the bride's p rents, where guests
to the number of ninety 'Dunnville,
cluding friends from Dunnville, 6t,
Clemens, Parkhill, Drysdale and .other
points. The presents word nimerous •acid
costly, showing the esteem in which,: the
grid° is held., gyne' .a short honey noon
urip, the happy, ebuple wilt make' their
residence at Dunnville.