HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-01-28, Page 813 14 -Zurich's most War Siore AVING ing Up Sale Starts Monday Morning January loth will con= tinue until Feb. 1st. urs.:f all kinds Men's fur coats, fur lined coats, Ladies' astrachan jac= kets, Ladies' muskrat lined with sable collars, stoles, scarfs and muffs. La ief7,-)9�;k �4 d 1 di ' antics • Children's Bear Cloth Coats, thinet- nts Odds and ends picked up in the various dapartments of our big store, and these will llav' to be, sold regardless of what we have to loco ' 1x them. They rnust.be sold ar argains We final our stock much too heavy and we are making big cuts to clear out as many snits nr'd neer oats as possible, To buy these will mewl a i'lg saving to you. ii of • erten, boys and. worn . prices. , The of a skating rink is felt in town -d some of onr citizens should ht1d one this year. Winter sports, s has curling, hockey and skating are t l increasing in popu- larly and there should be sufficient returns to warrant the erection.of an up to date rink. ANNUAL MEETING The Fourth Annual Meeting of the Huron Weather Insurance Mutual Company. will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Tues- day Feb. ist„ at one o'clock. • The business consists of receiving the Directors', Auditors', and Treasur- er's reports, Election of Directors and Auditors, and such other busi- ness as may be necessary for the good and welfare of the company . You are invited to attend. Chas Monteith, A. G. Smillie, President Secretary Reviews of the railway construe- tion work in Canada completed during 1909 estimate that $28,000,- 000 havebeen spent on construc- tion work alone, an almost equal sum having been expended on supplies and material. Progress has ,been specially marked in Western Canada, where all three of the larger Canadian railway companies have made, extensive additions. The Grand Trunk Paci- fic Railway Company completed communications between .Edmon- ton and head, of • the • lakes. The Canadian Northern Railway Com• pany has opened up the Goose Lake ooustry, while the Canadian Pact, fie Railway company completed its second track from Winnipeg to Port William thereby doubling the capacity of the. grain• outlet and completed its third trunk line between Winnipeg and Edmonton. The outlook is that 1910 will be quite as active .especially in Al. berta and British Colombia where the plans of the Grand Trunk Pacific and Canadian Northern Companies axe very extensive. A • The Key to the Situation if ytafare looking for a situation a Classified 'Want Ad., Is the koy which Will unlock the door to the ,prliroitp office efthe business roan. lie 9s toobusy to tnterscw all protraseuous salters, but yeu can catch his attention and secure an appointehent by a "Situation Wantad^ lift; . Oe QI Mangy Thanks! Last year we enjoyed the largest trade we ever had. Our customers can al— ways rely on getting . the best goods in the market at fair and honest prices. Our Motto for loco "A stili bigger business and a largely increased number of satisfied customers" We will be pleased to see you. P. BENDER, Zurich The only exclusive Shoe Dealer in Town '1. .�.a moo o a� ado a o0 4 cr•o 00 • SP SP 0.6 �-I�r�leib's Big Store Bargains for next week only li( 4?(t1)d tli011/li7®Dc av 1 WAND. a Girls wanted for newes t ® brightest, cleanest and most Yaxp.to=date blouse and white- • wear factory in Canada. Work consists of sewing o Ladies' waists. Girls ex. perieneed on power sewing Machines. preferred, but a' beginners will betaugbt. ;,. a Coinforttible ' quarters. Steady `vork Good• wages. , 20 Per eent Off Sleigh Bells, Skates, Hockey Sticks, and Stock Food. For Cash to clear out. L'. I-I1TLEI a v 1 es 9 P:ONEl3 ZURIC HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION STORE es THE STAR WRITEWEAR a MFG. UO. IBerlin. — — Ontario • , a cDa�aOD(are)GOID �® 1 0 4 1 during this sale at I O'-' '. per yard. We handle all kinds of Farm Produce,. MOM Winter Term OPENS January 3rd Students may' enter any day of the school year. individual instrnotion vur graduates get the bdst positions. Mail Courses. We train more young peo• pie than any other ana,gement in Can- da l .. GENERAL MIERCHA ted with Commer" Aq•natation of St r Windows are a great saver of fuel and add to the comfort of your home... We are ready to make Storm ' Windows and Doors to order o very short notice. You want them Now SAW LOGS We will buy all you have and will . pay, top prices... Call, write .or telephone before 'selling. F. C. KALI PHONE 10 ftp FL No Trouble IN BAKING IF YOU USE Royal 'household Five Roses or other Brands of Flour from Rannie's and Feed Store. The best in Groceries at close Prices. All kinds of Feed on hand. .ANN F, ZURICH Cash paid for Butter awl Eggs