The Herald, 1910-01-28, Page 2Carol Constipation Quickly
Tells of a Remedy That
Is Safe For Young and
Old, For All Stomach
and Bowel Troubles.
Writing from hie hone in Barcelona,
Mr, Frederick G. Mayer states: "I think
no one ever suffered as severely from
constipation as 1 did for nearly six
months. So many serious symptoms
were developing as a consequence of this
evil condition of the system, that I real-
ized I must find a remedy. The Strong
pine of various kinds I tried seemed ter their first effects were over to make
me far worse and I did not know which
way to turn for relief. I saw Dr. Ham-
1lton's Pills advertised, and the first
box used satisfied rale I found a true
remedy. Instead of griping by undue
e activity, Dr. Hamilton's Pills acted as
naturally as if physic had not been tak-
en. - I never had to increase the dose,
and, indeed, within a month I reduced it
and when the system filially acted of its
own accord as a result of Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pills, I took a dose •twice a weell'
only, just to make sure- the old condi-
tion would not come back."
•No other reemdy cures constipation
and biliousness so easily or safely as Dr.
Hamilton's Pills; they are an ideal fam-
ily remedy for all diseases of the stom-
acha.-jiver and bowels. Sold in 25c boxes,
all heelers, or the • Catarrltozone Co.,
Kingston, Ont.
Indians Swearing Off.
Uncle Sam's eampaign for "moral up -
life" among his vast army of Indian
wards has beenchiefly significant be-
cause of the almost total suppression of
the sale and use of "firewater" among
the braves and the consequent diminu-
tion of warlike outbreaks on the reser-
Washington officials evinced much in-
terest in the report to Assistant Indian
Commissioner Abbott that 700 Navajo In-
dians went recently to their "white fath-
er" superintendent and, surrendering
an enormous stock of gambling para-
phernalia, enrolled their names along-
side those of the "simple life" expon-
ents. These gambling devices of varied
sorts and descriptions were shipped here
and have been placed on exhibition with
the immense collection of relics and tro-
phies at the Indian bureau.—From the
Washington Star.
o e
Not only is Cuticura Soap, assisted by
Cutieura Ointment, unrivalled for pre-
serving, purifying and beautifying the
skin and hair, but it is a luxury for
shampooing, bathing and especially for
shaving. It possesses in modified form
the- medicinal, emollient, sanative and
antiseptic properties of Cutieura Oint-
ment, while supplying a firm, moist, nen-
drying, ereamy and fragrant lather. Af-
ter shaving, and before bathing the face,
gently anoint the shaven parts with a
bit of Cuticura Ointment. This method
renders frequent shaving a pleasure and
eommends itself to men with tender,
easily irritated skin,, and as a prevent-
ive of irritation and inflammation of the
hair glands which, if neglected, often leads
to obstinate and disfiguring eruptions.
Cure for, H igh Prices.
We may differ about gold, the tariff,
trusts, and so on, but we do not differ
about the need of keeping intelligent
men on farms, of encouraging immi-
grants to take -up .land instead of ped-
dling as a means of livelihood, of im-
proving agricultural. educiition and mul-
tiplying government stations aitd ex-
periments calculated 'to diversify crops,
to raise the yield per acre,+ -to give us
greater and greater abundance. We
have opportunities,esources and men;
let us see that the .fields and farms, in-
stead of the already.' oveecrotbdnd great
cities, get the mens --and• -Witt. .they in
burn get the right agricultural ,.educa-
tion.—Chicago Record-, Ieralc ss .
Write Murine Eye Remedy' Co., Chicago, for
46 -page illustrated Eye Bdokr:Dree. Write all
about Your Eye Trouble and they will advise
ne to the Proper Application, of the Murine.
Bye Remedies in Your Spe ial Case. Your
Druggist will tell you tha. Murine Relieves
Sore Eyes, •Strengthens Wok Eyes, Doesn't
Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, and cells for SOc,
Try, It in your Eyes and in'Baby's Eyes for..
Scaly Eyelids and e:ranulatton,••
"But why, my Iove, are you burning
gas so recklessly?" ' ee
"Because, John, dear," said Mrs. New-
lywed, "for every dollar's worth • I' burn
yoti'll get 20 cents."—Earper's Bazaar.
• s .
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
A aa. •
A Tar Heel- Word. ,
"Marrify," a good. old Word which has
been familiar hereabout for generations.
—From the Oliarlottte dews and -Ob-
The Musee Guimet of Paris ba
acquired a preeious,,treasure, provided -
that it will bear investigation better'
than did the • notorious tiara of the
Louvre a few years ago. M. Guimet,
whose name the museum bears, is an am-
tiquarian and a: voluminous writer on
antiquities. Ho scents quite satisfied
that he has ridded to his collection a
ring of the time of Rameses IL, who
flourished about 1,800 years before 'our
The ring was acquired from. a family
of Grenoble in Whose possession it had
been for long years and the former own-
ers produced documents which satisfied
�I. Uuiet>et as to the authenticity of his
acquisition. The ring bears hieroglyphic
inscriptions showing that it graeede the
hand of Nefritarimeri Mout, one of the
wives of the once powerful monarch of
The ring is of thick gold, carrying a
cornelian stone rectangular: large and
flat. The stone is enelosed in gold and
the ring itself is ornamented with a
fillet of gold. The stone tells the story
in hieroglyphics said to represent the
King and Nefritarimeri. The perfection
of the entaillure is considered proof of
the genuineness of the ring, for the mod-
ern engraver seldom succeeds with that
sureness of cut which is the wonder and
'admiration of all who are familiar with
the engraving of the ancients.
The ring, we are further. told, al-
though gracing the ehand of a court.
beauty of Egypt in. the depths of the
past ages, would not be much sought af-
ter by a fashionable lady to-day.—Don-
don Globe.
When little ones are sleepless and
cross it is a sure sign that they are not
well. Probably the little; 'stomach or
the bowels is out of order, or the child
may be suffering from teething trou-
bles. Give Baby's Own Tablets and see
how quickly the child grows well and
happy and seeps soundly—not the drug-
ged sleep of "soothing" medicines, but
the natural sleep of health. Mrs. Ed-
ward Sicord, Maskinonge, Que., says:
"I have used Baby's Own Tablets for
indigestion and other troubles of child-
hood, and they always work like a
Charm. They always keep my little one
well." Sold by medicine dealers or by
mail at 25 cents a box, from The Dr.
Williams ;Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
A Few Horse Don'ts.
Don't ask me to "back" with blinds
on; I'm afraid to.
Don't let some blockhead drive me
that has less sense than I have.
Don't run me down a steep hill, for if
anything should give way I might break
your neck.
Don't -whip me 'when I get frightened.
or 1 will expect it next titne and may
make you trouble.
Don't trot me up hill, for I have you,
the buggy and myself to carry. Try run-
ning up hill with a load yourself.
Don't drive ins with an "over check"
on; the sun hurts my eyes and I can't
see Where to step. It's inhuman and
Teach me to stop when you say
"whoa," and this you can do withoat
jerking my head off or tearing my
mouth. It may check me if the lines
should drop or break and save a run-
away and smashup.—California Voice.
Send for' free simple to Dept. H. L., Na-
tional asrur & Chemical Co.. Toronto.
HE KNEW. Tele.. M.
(Utica' Globe.)
Collector Loeb, at a .dinner in •".tiety
:York; praised a .'certain custoinsd in -
'&Vector. • •
' "Ills success," said Collector •Loeb, "is
due to his• knowledge of human 'nature.
He is like a • boy, I used to' knoyr in
Albany. .
"This bey.. got. vaccinated on the'right
arm, and the doctor 'gave him peered
Tye been vaccinated' 'ribbon to *ear
on hie'•doat sleeve. 13ttt the -lad petieeed-
ed 'to tie the ribbon on ;the : }et.. arm.
"Wily,' said the doctor; °ybtr-aro put-
ting the ribbon on the 'wrong,, lima'
-, 'No,' said .;tthe urchin, 'you don't
.know the boys at otic school.'"
1 -ltd`
hroat stops
snd coughs, cures- colds, ceats.
(San Francisco Chronicle.)
.A noted clergyman was in his study
writing, when his -five-year-old daughter
walked in and asked:
"What are you writing, papa?"
"I am writing a sermon, daughter."
"Flow do you know what to write,
"God tells me what to write, daugh-
After watching her father a fete min-
utes the little girl said:
"Papa, if God tells you what to write
why do you scratch some of it out?"
Lots of fellows agwa
have a finger in
age waiter see
thumb in . •th
The • fin ffabric Is
not too -Beate to
be safely washed with
Sunlight ,soap. When
other snaps have injured
your linens
and faded
the coloured
ll -es things, re-
member the
WQ!d Sain-
����111\\1 i•;r : light, s,,
.,.ems ... .
A Glimpse of the Future.
KnickerWhat`'d•, you suppose we
shall do by 20102.
Booker—We'll have so many canals
we shall subsidize railroads. '
Money has a queer habit of leaving
us about ten times es fast as it is left
't,, us.
Lifebouy Soap 1s delightfully refreshing for
bath or toilet. For toasting underclothing it
is unequalled. Cleanses and purifies.
This year numbers of the frocks for
the older girls are made with transpar-
ent tunics over soft silk or :satin and
caught in at the waist with a folded
satin ceinture, the lung ends of which
fall over the jupe a little to one side,
while in some cases a tiny border of rile
lion work in rosebuds and leaves .edges
the tunic of ninon or net.
Dewdrop tulles and vinous are by no
means considered the prerogative of the
elders alone, and smile very charming
party frocks are' likewiee evolved of
these for girls 'who are enjoying their
last season of: children's parties before
snaking their debut its the world of
Ca ti pa icrii—
Is au enemy within the eantp. It will
undermine the strongest eoustitutioit
and • ruin the most vigorous health.
It leads to indigestion, biliousness,
impure blood, bad complexion, sick
headaches, and is one of the most
frequent causes of appendicitis. To
neglect it is slow suicide. Dr. Morse's
Indian Root Ville positively cure
Constipation.hey are entirely vege-
table in ,;t? rad do not. sieI.en,
weaken. or�" r' i tery
a n „ttpt, lie rte your health
by taking
r Ltzt,
1 rpt eel,i at tellF coCit. P4 l l Si
Of interest to Skaters.
Considering the many lives lost every
year by breaking through, or still of-
tener, by skating into holes in the ice,
a simple and very practical means of
saving oneself from drowning should be
of interest to skaters everywhere.
It depends on the use of a life-saving
awl, and the method of rescuing one-
self is about as follows:
1. As soon as you break through the
ice, extend the arms. Don't get excited.
2. Swim to the edge of the lee whence
you came. Rest one,.hand on the ice.
Gently tread water.
3. Take the awl in the other e.aul. Ind
remove the cork from the point with the
teeth. Reach over on the ice as far es
possible, and plant the point Firmly in
the surface.
4. By drawing in the arm you can now
easily bring the hips onto the ice. Stand
up, put the cork back ou the point of
the awl .And skate off.—Popular Me-
We publish, simple,' straight testimon-
ials, not press agents' interviews, from
well known people.
From all over America, they testify' to
the merits of MINARD'S LINIMENT,
the best *of Household. Remedies.
of Babes,
no day r t c ar-old Bobby was s'vi're•
ly chastised by his luothei', who turd pre-
viously told hint o1 his prehistorie where-.
abouts. "_1Lntatu tun," he sobbed, ," 1
w -wish I had s -stated iu,h-heaven "
Little ltoward- illanutnt, thirteen is
itn unlucky number, isn't it?
:\iautiva•--tiutne people think- • it
dear. '
Little 11ott•nrd-Well, there were thir-
teen pieces of cake o nthe kitchen tattle,
so I took one to break the hoodoo.
1et ter emnywbut part ofs ceel
i5 nosy'.
1 uanuy---Tt Isn't any part of 'speech.
Teacher.+lint it must IN.
Tunuuy-h1'ell, maybe yours is, IN-
you- talk through it—but the rattly
part -ot speech I've got is iuy auiouth.
At the turkey dinner ost Tltank+sgiving•
any snail Ruth -heard eaeh remark inttle
as the plates were pttsetl. 'One tiithtetl
"a email piece, of the drink meat" anal
another ",just a little light'Tneat.".•1Vhen
it carate her turn to be served site lifted.
her plate toward the euveted,fow'l eago.e
ly and .said: "You may give rate to much
of both kinds, if yon please, papa."—
Chicago News. -
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper,•
JUST I HI ,A1:. ,
want a man who knowe all about
aeroplanes and is sober"
"Pm just the man you are looking for,
sir. Haven't taken a drop in three
If you suffer from bleeding, itching,
blind or protruding Piles, send me your
address, and I will tell you how to cure
yourself at home by the new absorption
treatment; and will also send some of
this home treatment free for trial, with
references from your own locality if
requested. Immediate relief and per-
manent' cure •assured. Send no money,
but. tell others of this offer. Write to-
day to Mrs. M. Summers, Box P. 8,
Windsor, Ont.
4 •
Unhandy Way of Living.
The armless wonder in the dime mu-
seum was complaining of his hard lot.
"I lead such a there foot -to -mouth ex-
istence!" he said. ,
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc.
Wife --I sate Mr. Chaser this after-
noon, and he looks very bad. What's the
matter with ltim----do you know?
Hubby --Compound 'fracture.
Wife ---What sort of compound free-
ture ?
Hubby=-- He's broke, and Miss Dough -
bag, discovering that fact, broke her en-
ISSUE NO. 4, 1910
• la every locality to sell goods as noce4sari
ro'ry home 0.0 broad. Salary $2:00 per day
t 1 .:um:nlsSTintt. Write
the ,1. 1,, Nit:bo.s Co., Limited, 'I'oroato,Ont.
fair. Buy suburban lots in the path of
3 to 'opment while they are low; they, are
bound to increase rapldly la value. Choice
lots. 25 v. k00, tor $66.7ti to $100 per lot. Spe-
el:ii ,utter for one month—$5 clown and $1 per
Write wee:: buys two lots. 1i rite Eor free boolslcts
and maps. Barite & Co., 201 King street east.
Dr. Mar tel's Female Pais
Prescribed and recommended for wo-
men's ailments, a scientifically pre-
pared remedy of proven worth. t ne
result from their use is quick and per-
manent. For sale at all drug stores.
Red Fox
4itt.44• "$9‘0r1•4i:.
' eit‘ rI "r ICI
Write for prices.
W. C. C: O F F A T T
All the Papers Have Been Turned
Over to the Company.
In pursuance of an order made by
Judge Denton in ,this case, the for-
mula, plans 'fund drawing of machinery
which the detectives found at the
houses of' Morrison and Gibson, for-
mer employees, have been -turned over
to the Gillett Company.
Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in
Satisfactory Assurance.
Mre. Upsome—"Dr. Mary Walker
makes fun of the spring styles of
Mrs, Goodsole—"I'm so glad to
I learn that the dear old lady is still
for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Used the
World over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 250.
Ozone Ventilation.
Ozone ventilating machines are ' now
quite common in many large buildings.
Little Ilelen had'been vcry•nobiy all
day long. Her pupa asked her to etaud corner to punish iiet ?
After crying a ttlirlo"she •very indig-
nantly said, "I wish Irapa hoed never mar-
ried in this family,"- '. -
PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any
ease of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding
Piles in 6 to 14 clays et money refunded. 60e.
Nell—Muss Antique says all risen are
alike. •
Belle—Yes, T suppose ail men 'do look
alike to Mise Antique.
Do you trap or buy
Furs? I am Canada's
at- est dealer, I pay
tprices. Your
M solicited.
A Gents' or Ladies' Solid Gold Watch costs from $25
to 550. Do not throw your money away. If you desire
to secure a Watch whtcit to keep time and last well will
be equal to any Solid Gold Watch send us your name and
address immediately and ag'•ee to sell 10 boxes only of
Dr. Maturin's Famous Vegetable Pills at 26c. a box.
They are the greatest remedy on earth for the cure of
poor and impure blood, indigestion headaches, consti-
pation, nervous troubles, liver, bladder and kidney dis-
eases, and all female weaknesses- they aro the Great
Blood Purifier and Invigorator, aGrand Tonic and Life
Builder. With the Pills we send 10 articles of jewelry to
give away with the pills—this makes them easy to sell.
This is the chance of a lifetime. • Do notmtss it. Send us
your order and we will send you the 10 boxes, post paid.
When you have sold them send us the money ($2.60) and
we will send you
the same day tho•money is received.
We areiviugthese beautiful Watches to advertise
our Remedies. This is a grand opportunity to secure a
valuable Watch without Navin pto spend a cent. And
our Watch Is a stem wind and stem set'and not the cheap
back wind article generally given as premiums, Send
for our pills without delay.' 'Address
DR. NI ATU R i N MEDICINE CO. .Watch Dept 20 Toronto, Ont.
Everybody Who Eats Bread
Should eivoid 'danger of impurities In delivery from the oven to
the horn&:` Insist on your baker wrapping his bread in
'We are the original manufacturers of bread wrappers now
used by leading bakers of Ottawa,+'Montreal, Toronto and other
cities. y
Tlie" E. R. EDDY COM'PAi (I Limited, Null; Canada
'Shin elegant watch ]adios' or gents' size, stem wind and set, fancy engraved eases
fully el 01 Lovel a Pio 0 bo
Pot Ca"rda BSO for OA TELY
h se aro E,if
mogt artistic,
fully ooloxed and embossed cards issued this season. Viow , Mottoes Fioral Hoil-
duy; , These aro the fastest sellers. Get the beet. rite today and we reit send
Sell them and return the 'money and wits this H' andelbnto Little W�Ietob.
I ve Te Set FREE if you will help its to enlarge our business by
and Without
OLDg E sell
, Card A 'Poronto, Ont.