HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-01-28, Page 1Vol. X.
1 Clearing Sale 1
0 OF 1
1 Remnants, Etc. §
GGl-EST SALE ever attempted by us
The OMeial Organ of Zu stand Hay Township.
has started. Never before have we slashed
prices so unmercifully. We have cut away
theprofit and many of the goods •enumerated. -
fl fl low are marked down regardless room most,
n our
n di
Iti must be ccleared out to make
large Spring Stock. Remember the goods are he l w
A , first class and the reduced prices ill clear
earQbuy m 5
I out quickly. This is your Opportunity i
V good goods right. p�
O We advise you to call early. 1
tnrae amerce 0
Mr. Fred Viggo, of $Uff a}o,
visited at'the hotr#e,of Mr.' i1 liana
-t3telok the' past wee'b.
A number of good fox hound
pups,.6'Months old, for gale. Ap
ply to Chas Meyer$. Blake P. O.
Don't freeze your ears when
you can buy a fur lined cep for
such a entail price ttrD. 8. Faust.
Reeve Lamont is hi f3oderich
this week, attending ilthe meeting
of the County
C. Hartleib sold a malleable iron
steel range to Mr. Hy. Volland
Sr., .last week.
A big sleigh.load of young people
attended a dance at Mr. J. Mittel-
holtz' liensall, on Tuesday evening.
T4r. henry Geiger, evils has been
visiting in this seotion for some
creek*, returned' ton oMonday.is hnear
Hamilton, N
Mr. John Deoher Sr has dispos-
ed of his 3 -year old general,purpoee
chestnut teeth to Mr.T. Handford,
of Exeter for $400.00
The open .winter prophets have
drawn themselves back into their
shell The Minter of Ivowill
long be remembered.
Dress Goods COATINGS
Now is the time far a Save money. ' Buy your
Xl lic new dress. Biggest values Regular no`~5 far '75 cts a yd
ever lar 60 - a 85 cts. for 52 a yard
Regular 60 eta, for 40 a yard
50 clay for 30 a yard 60 eta, for 40 a yard
fti << 30 eta; for 20 a ysrd
li A11 this season's' styles.
Regular $17.50 for 11.50
16.00; for 10,50
12.50, for 9..00'
cc 12.00, for 8 50
11.00, for 7,50
10.00; for 0.50
9.00, for 6.00
{L 6.50 for 4.00
RUFFS, MUFFS, ETC 'Glen's and Boys'
Ladies' Fur Coaats:.
1. Black -Beaver ' Momot lined n
regular $40.00 for 33.00 ��ll
1 Astrachan Jacket; regular
$35,00, for. $28.00
Astrachan Jacket; regular
$25.00, for 12.00
1 Astrachan Jacket, regular V
$18.00, for 12.00
1 Fur -lined Cape, regular
$20.00, for 13.50
hictteregularilar l2?,-lycents,ttsfor f o1010cents•ts
Prints, regular 10 cents, foe 8 ceuts
Factory Cotton, 40 inches wide,' regular 123, cts for 10•
English Flannelette, 36 inches wide, reg 12?r cis for. 10
'fable Linens, extra value ' at 18 and 93 cents.
A lot of remnants at your own price.
20 per cent off all ladies'
Fur Rude and Muffs. Regul-
ar $1.50 to $15.00. `These
values are unsurpassed.
A special discount of 25
per cent on all men's and boys'
overcoats during this sale.
For Sale Or' , cent—House and
lot in the Village. of Blake Plentte
of day labor can, be got
vicinity, Apply to Walter Amess,
Blake P. 0. er E. Zeller, Zurich.
The subject tor • discussion.. for
next Sunday evening in the Evan,
gelical churcie will by 'The high-
est learning." An offering will be.
taken for the ,Educational institu-
tion of the Evangelical church.
You are cordially invited.
The Ladies Aidof the Evan-
gelical Church will Meet on Time -
day at 2.30 o'clock•ti4:tbe churoh.
The meeting will'befieethe interest
of, young won. ' 0 ', r tai;pro-
gram' . will bee riziyabre ' by the
Aid. Ladie§.. are .moat° medially
invited to attend
The "kiddies" iu awe orooms of
the publio School had, e. half hall -
1 day on Mondaiy'.: anti, it was nearly
four o'clock, when the principal
got himself shovelled: out• of the
Stanley,' snow banks: Miss: Keys
whose home is also in Stanley
managed to get in about noon.
At the recent HuronCounty
Poultry Show at Clinton Jan.. 17
to 20 1910, J. W. Ortwein of Hen -
sail, Ont., showed 16 Birds, wino.
ing 9 Firsts, 2 Seconds, 1 Third
and 3 Specials. The Exhibits . Were
White ,Rocks, Buff andotan otes.
Silver: 'Laced W y „ t
White.WYandottes. •`• ' '
Tree annual . meeting. `of. the
Zurich Agricultural Society was
held here on. Friday, Mr. John
Pfaff was elected president, W. T.
Caldwell let vice, C. Eilber 2nd
vice and the directors aro John
Deoher Sr., .Toon Hey Jr., John
Weiner. LouisSohilbei•W. Battler,
0 Oswald, Jacob i3araras, H. Neeb
and Fred. Willert, D. S. Faust
was., again reappointed ._secretary
No. 27
Special prices on Men's and
Boys', reaey-to .wear•.suits: ,.
es, i
A special' lane of Window Seeming Machine
shades', : mounted on. rollers, 10 year guarantee $20.0
4 complete, Tor only 25 cents Cross cut saws and handl
.sets, files, etc.
each. -
Seasonable Hardware
Hockey sticks,. 10 cents :up. Hockey skates, 40 cents
Shoe solea, 15 ' and 25 cents. Shoe 'heels, 10 cents
Shoe tacks, all sizes. Cobbler's outfit. Coat hangers, 5 cis
Crunka,'telescopes and suit ,cases. Harness snaps and., bits,
I This 'Big .Sale will . Start On
Saturday, Jan. 39th
and• contiflue 'until
• Saturday, Feb. loth D
20 Per Cent
Discount Sale !
WE are overloaded with Stook and in order to make room
9L9L for Spring Stock, we -are giving this Moneysaving
opportunity to you—all through the entire Stock of
Dry Goods and Chinaware. We do not pick out certain lines,
but give you the liberty to choose from the Entire Stock of
Dress Goods
Leading shades
Newest Designs.
• Canadian Prints, regul-
ar prices were 10 cerits a ye;
English Prints, regular prices
were 12i a yard.
Flannels, Wrapperet-
tes, Grey Flannel.
Towelling, Cottonade,
Ginghams, Shirtings, Creton-
nes, Flannelette blankets, and
Woollen Blankets, Ladies
Coats, Furs, White Bear cloth,
Shawls, Ladies underwear,
Gloves, Mitts, Rosary etc.
J. Preeter
Telephone 9'
Ready Madess
Gents. Ready-made
Suits, Overcoats, Smocks,
Pants, Socks, and Men's Un-
Men's and Boys' Cap
Tailor Madan Suits
Tailor-made Suits, fit
gnarantted. Men's Fur coats,
Men's Rain Coats.
200 yards prints, re-
gular I0 cents, for 5 cents a
yard; 600 yards of Towelling
at 4 cents a yard.
A full line of Remnants,
in Prints, Dress Goods, , Flan-
nelettes, Toweling Eta
Coyne One, Come All.
and share in these Bargains.
All Farm Produce taken in Exchange,
ivimicwwwwwwt M
Men's ready made suits at a big
*discount, at D. S. Faust.
Mr. Jacob Weido made a very
rapid recovery from his injury and
is able to be out again.
D. 5, Faust has received another
shipment of towelling, selling at 4
cents per yard.
Good frame house, good frame
1.tr. and Mrs. Simon • Wainer, of
ther Canadian West- are- renewing
acquaintances in this section. Mr.
'W alper-va+as at one time proprietor
of the old Huron hotel, now :the
Doutinion house. He has prosper-
ed in the West, and physically, his
six -foist Pix and three hundred
weight .are carried as lightly as
they were twenty-five or more
years ago. His many friends are
pleased to see him and his estimab-
le wire.
stable,, and lot containing over an
acre for sale prioe $1000,00.
Apply to E. Zeller,- Zurio'h..
D. 8, Faust lies fine men's fur
coats;y.ou can : get. et e big,bargain
Owing to the badstorm and a
balky horse, it took the' stage over
two hours on Saturday
Heevening to
make the trip from
The Rev. E. H. Bean of C„lrediton,
visited et the Evangelical Parson-
age on Tuesday. He gave a► short
. in ro ram in the Y. ction tth1 A h®
Laiterary p g
Tho outbreak of rabies is becom-
ing so alarming in Western
te g
C)ntario, that immediate p•
should be taken by all councils to.
protect the publics.. The dog
ttnisdnce.should be abated in some
et?feottve;way, either by •i4 big tax.
on the shot -gun. We have a lot
of dogs in this vicinity that would
be worth something if shipped to
a soap factory, but, roaming the
streets they are a menace and a
danger to the people, Elsewhere
in this issue we print a despatch
from Chatham, and it is shudder-
ing to think what some of these
little children mey have to suffer
as a result of ti 0 attack. Tut
HERALD hopes t
remedy will be:
by the c►
• bi-s .L e
some drastic
ided at once
s from
e most
Bargains in dress goods at D. S.
Faust's big sale. •
For Sale or rent—Frame building
suitable for stable or warero om.
Apply to Louis Prang, Zurich.
Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Gerber
of Minnesota are visiting relatives
and friends in this section. They
arrived on Saturday evening, and
will visit in Ontario for a few
weeks before•returning home.
The business man who is looking
for the greatest measure of success
these days is., the man who is a
consistent, persistent,-• •• insistent
and intense advertiser, The busi-
ness man who is looking for this
same success and who does not
introduce these publicity elements
into his advertising. if he does
any at all, will be able to measure
out bis days in grunts, growls
grouches and apologies, minus the
Dr. Oven's Surgeon, Oculist
specialist will be at Royal H H4otel,
Hensall, on Friday,
Hours all day. Glasses properly
fitted, Catarrh, deafness, fail-
ing eyesight and throat troubles
Lutheran Church. --The evening
service in St. Peter's ;Lutheran
church will be conducted in Eng-
.lish. .The subject ofl,tne41ita;tion
will be "Christ the Carpenter.
The sermon being devoted especial.
ly to the hard working people,
a cordial invitation is extended to
all mechanics.
Of the grain crop produced in
the . Canadian west there were
passed out through Canadian ports
before the close of navigation
nearly thirty-seven million bushels
and out through American
million. The
less than twenty care
Canadian Pacific Railway
forty thousand carloads, the Can-
` D. Northern over eighteen
Groat Northern
six hundred,
r ; cific over
There has just been issued at
Ottawa the report of railways and.
and canals for the year ending
June 30th last. It is interesting
in that it shows that th.Domlwlay
DOW has the greatest
mileage in the world in proportion.
to the population of the country,
the smraallestion to the area it
t. During the year .
antler reyieaa the mileage nacreas-
ea 1,138 miles, as compared with.
an intirease of 514 miles in the
previous twelve months. The year
saw considerable increase in equips
went. the report stating
there were added to the existing
rolling stock --97 locomotives, 2,090
freight cars and 66 passenger oaraa.
The freight tonnage for the year
showed an increase of 3,771,091
tons while the number of passen-
gers carried showed a decrease of
1,361,683. The net earnings repre-
d rees° ofr8 $46 freinpertle the 19080
age. This is accounted for by the
rapid increase of mileage as com-
pared with the increase of net