HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-01-21, Page 6Fr 0 Clic
tt '•
lea is the Time to Enrich Your
Eiieod, Strengthen Your nerves,
and Get Real Well.
You can profitably take a page from
the volume of Mrs. Geo. E. Aluar'llieee
experience --she has been through the
mill—ehe knows, "The many months of
almost useless depression, the nervous
fears and the sleepless nights I might
have prevented --to think of them is
almost enough to make me i11 again, A
little care and just a simple remedy at
first would have averted, a long serious
"In the spring, two years ago, I had
typhoid fever. I gained in weight, but
my flesh was puffy and my strength
feeble. I was easily tired, and my color
not good. But I
depended on a hith-
IxE€eROZONE erto rugged consti-
UILDS UP tution to keep it-
self, and kept on
THE WEAK doing more than I
ought. The out-
_ maga_- come was collapse
of a nervous character. From the im-
provement `Ferrozone' has made, giving
me strength, color and endurance, it is
reasonably certain that had I used it
when I first felt poorly my strength
would speedily have been restored. I
can strongly urge those recovering from
illness. those who feel ill, in fact every-
one who needs better health can quickly
gain it by using Ferrozone."
It's because Ferrozone converts what
you eat into nourishment, because it
contains blood making and nerve -
strengthening qualities. These are the
reasone why, it builds up the weak and
cures the sick. Try one or two Ferro -
zone Tablets with your meals, and watch
the gain. Fifty cents per box, six for
$2.50; all dealers, or the Catarrhozone
.Oo., Kingston, Canada.
Rapid Radiograms.
\lee:uc 'Institutions,
It is the custom. of banks, hospitals,
universities, schools of medicine and pub-
lic buildings such as city halls, State
houses and Federal Halls to eolll,e t por-
traits of their representative Ieadeali.
Would not these buildings gain iu
dignity and beauty if the portraits were
given a mural setting that contributed
to the enrichment of the halls and
chambers of the structure?
English country houses, guild halls,
college buildings at Oxford and else-
where, as well as many palaces on the
continent, have successful) employed
this kind of decoration. The country
is particularly rich' in portraits. Those
are preserved with much care and be-
come in some cases a feature of decor-
ation in great houses, pointed to with
There are collections of portraits own..
ed by municipal and State buildings in
this country which could be readily
made available for really handsome de-
coration by removing the frames, which
are often ugly objeets he themselves,
and with an architectural purpose ar-
ranging these pictures as a frieze above
a high wainscoting.
An acquaintance who is planning a
country house tells me that he is really
building his house around the portrait,
which he highly prizes, of his father.
It is placed, set in, over the dining
room fireplace and may be approached
through a suite of rooms and seem at a
distance of 90 or 100 feet.
5«ad ograms may now be made with
the same rapidity as ordinary photo-
graphs. This has been accomplished by
a German inventor, who has devised au
induction coil which produces one sud-
den and very intense spark, and this
makes it possible to take au instantane-
ous radiogram. The effect is produced
by using a fuse in place of the inter-
. upter in the primary circuit, and this
melted when the proper intensity of
be current is reached, thus very sud-
u,lcnlc breaking the circuit and produc-
-nir an intense discharge. The exposure
f.xum 1-50 to 1-250 of a second, and as
es; is a simple matter to replace the fuse,
e large number of exposures can be
made in the course of an hour. The fuse
consists of a small silver or copper wire.
+.xaet13- meet the need which so often
arises in every family for a medicine
t,, op;'n up and regulate the bowels
;To, one' <-are they effective in all
enGt-s of Constipation, but they help
greatly in breaking up a Cold. or La
Grippe by cleaning out the system
and purifying the blood. In the same
wey tber relieve or cure 73iliou ne.ta,
indigestion, Side headaches, Rheum-
atism and other common ailments.
in the fullest sense of the we rd Dr.
Morse's 'Indian Root Pills are
5"4 a.ia?Ia FnEcatrim ceciyo
The little sharp vexations,
Aad the briars that catch and fret;
Why not take all to the Helper
Who has never failed us yet?
Tell Him about the heartaches,
And tel Him the louglags too;
Tell Him the baffled purpose
When we scarce know what to da
Then, leaving all our weakness
With the One divinely strong,
Forget that we bore the burden
And carry away the Margaret D. Sangster.
The baby who suffers front indiges-
tion is simply starving to death. If it
takes food it does the child no good, and
it is cross, restless and sleepless, and the
mother is worn out carting for it, Baby's
Owtt Tablets always cure indigestion,
and give the little one healthy, natural
steep. Mrs. A. P. Daigle, Lower Sapin,.
N. B„ says: "For severe eases of indi-
gestion I think Baby's Own Tablets are
worth their weight in gold. 'My Iittle
one suffered terribly from this trouble
and the Tablets was the only thing that
removed the trouble." Sold everywhere
at 250 a box or by mail from The Dr.
Williams' :Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
""i "4•'U
t.s,y Willie --Say, pa, Mr. Goodfellow's
1Aep sermon, to-ddy, was on "Preaching
and Practice.' What does that
Pa—He ought to have given youan
illustration that you could under-
Willie—Can't you do it?
Pa—Sure! You know how nice . it
is to have things convenient and safe
for old people, and for the infirm?
Willie—Yes sir.
Pa—Well. You know that if you
advocate cleaning the ice off the side-
walks in winter it will add to their
convenience and safety.
Willie—Yea, sir,
Pa—When you advocate cleaning ice
off of the sidewalk, that's preaching.
Understand? •
Willie—Yes, sir.
Pa—And when you actually get out
and clean off the ice, that's practice.
Willie—I think I do.
Pa—Well. Take your ice pick out
of •the cellar and get busy.
that Sunlight Soap wiil spoil
your clothes. There are no
Injurious chemicals in
hole Sun-
Soap to
even the most delicate fabric.
$5,000 are offered to any-
onefinding adulteration in
Sunlight Soap.
Election Expenses.
Sir F. Delaval ;totalled seven votes
in an attempt on Andover in the gen-
eral election. of 1768. An item in his
election agent's bills is typical of
the reckoning he had to pay ; "To
being thrown out of the George Inn,
Andover, to my legs being thereby
broken, to surgeons bill and loss of
time and business, all in the service
of Sir P. Delaval, £500." Then in
later times Lord Llandaff won Dun-
garvan in 1868. The item, "£547,
whisky," caused an eyebrow to
twitch, and he faintly protested. `Be-
gorra," said his election agent, "if
ye want to squeeze a pippin like that
ye'll never do for Dungarvan, '—From
the London Chronicle_
Ltfeboui soap is deugbttully refreshing for
neaualled. Cleanses anpuifies.thtng it
How the Mule. Got His Mate Up.
The street was slippery and the drivel
Tool Hardening by Gas.
The use of the gas furnace for forging,
tempering and hardening steel is spread-
ful invention of a Scotchman. The in -
and tools are made. The old "hearths"
are disappearing, replaced by small,
clean gas furnaces, which are not only
economical in space and cost of running,
and comparatively clean and neat, but
furnish a uniform temperature of any
desired degree, thus avoiding damage to
the steel through "burning," oe irregu-
larity of temperature. The working of
the furnaces is economical, because the
vs ran be cut off the moment the
operation is finished.
Spanking does not cure children of
bed-wetting. There is a constitutional
cause for t
mers, Box W.
s8 trouble. Widsor, Ont., will send
free to any mother her successful home
treatment, with full instrutions. Send
no money, but write her to -day if your
children trouble you in this way. Don't
blame the child, the theme are it can't
help it. This treatment also cures adults
and aged people troubled with urine dif-
ficulties by day or night.
(Philedelphia Record.)
"I had a new hat sent home to-dny l"
exclaimed the editor's wife, "and it is
a poem."
That's what it is all right," replied
the editor, "and it goes back."
pulled at the reins. The mules strained
in their effort to tura the wagon. One
slipped. The next moment it was down
and mixed. rip in the harness. The driver
swore—and not gently..
"Twenty minutes now before I get
that fool mule up," he grumbled as he
left his seat on the wagon. But he
didn't count gn the mules. The one that
was still on Fhis feet looked at the one
on the ground. Then he reached over
and bit him on the "topknot." There
was an animal grunt and a kicking of
feet. Then without aid the mule got
up. By the time the driver was back on
his seat the mules were tugging again.
Kansas City Star.
New lndlan Woman.
Glare -in -the -Star, a member of the Spo-
kaue tribe, whose forebears hunted and
fished and smoked, as they were inclin-
ed, while their faithful squaws did men-
ial tasks without a word of complaint,
created a sensation among the old tim-
ers in Spokane when he appeared in
Riverside avenue carrying a papoose
with an• ease and iudifference seemingly
born of practice.
His squaw, gown in a bright dress and
shawl, walked by his side, apparently
unconscious of any irregularity. Glare -
in -the -Sun is a wealthy Indian and owns
several tracts of laud on the Columbia
River.—Spokane correspondence Minnea-
polis Sournal.
Yarmouth, N. S. June Mad, 1008.
"I have been bothered with Rheumatics
torthe past year and have taken a good
many kinds of medicines and found no relies
for IL
One day a friend advised me to try Gin
P1115, so I did, and after taking only e,ne
box of them, I felt like a new man.
I thought I would wr•lte you a few lines
to let you know how thankful I am for the
relief they gave me, and would advise alit
sufferers from Rheumatism to get
Cn Pills."
WM. ,
Sample free if you write National Drug
& Chemical Co. (Dept. }1.L.). Toronto. Alt
dealers have Gin Pills at lOc a box -6 for $2.00.
"Did you peel your apple before eating
it, Deily?"
"Yes, mother."
"But where have you put the peel,
"Olt, I ate it first!"
1.101,3 x:, .- • v , •
Boys, Stat deo Business
Be independent. sell our ItOCKISY TAPE.
Everybody buys at sight. hockey, Lacrosse,
Baseball Players, Automobillsts. Bicyclists,
Electricians and others use it to wind handles,
punctured tires, leaky garden hose, mending
broker, furniture, factory belts, insulating
wlre and thousands of other uses. We make
It ip small rolis, is to the pound, 10 feet to
the rolt, nicely wrapped in tin foil, They
soil fast �1 10 cents each. will send sample
trial pot;vl package by registered mail 76
cents. •slate quicte and get the Agoaoy for
year Lewd.
Dept, A„ Montreal.
M'finaYd'b Lh .imnOts Co., Limited.
Gentlerrieu,- i have used :1INARD S
LINIMENT from time to time for the
past twenty years. It was recommended
to me by a prominent physician of i4lont-
real, who called it the "great Nova Sco-
ciat Liniment." It does the doctor's
work; it is particularly good in cases
of Rlteutnatism and Sprains.
Yours truly,
Chartered Accountant.
Halifax, MI.'8,, Sept. 21, 1005.
A BRANCH OFFICE has been established
at107 St. James' Chambers, Toronto.
permits PRICE
This important change
being reduced to those prevailing in Europe,
namely:—Full package, 812.00; half do., 36.50;
quarter do. 83.75; postage or express charges
Pamphlet mailed free on application.
Beware of spurious imitations. All pack-
ages of Trench's Remedy mustbear our trade.
nark seal in unbrn'a" ,•rendition on each end.
Bargain Days.
They're here.
Hats are "off."
Boas are sacritieed.
Stockings are down.
Coats are actually "cut in half."
Muted linens are often great bargains.
Why not put by an umbrella for a
rainy day?
A pair of rubbers or overshoes is a
safe investment. •
Fur hats of the popular sorts are
down with a dull thud.
Bargains in blouses of every variety
are scheduled for these post -Christmas
Take LAXATIVE BRO:IO Quinine Tablets.
Druggists refund money if it fabs to cure. E.
W. GROVE'S signature is on each box. 23e.
quickly stops coughs, cures colds, heals
the throat and lungs. - • • 25 cents
Crime Increasing.
Whereas in 1850 there was only one
convict to every 3,400 of population in
the United States, in 1880 there was
actualy one prisoner to every 750 in-
habitants. During the last thirty years
we are told that our criminal popula-
tion has increased, relatively to popula-
tion, by one-third.—Bench and Bar.
Dr. Martel's Female Pills
Prescribed and recommended for wo-
men's ailments, a scientifically pre-
pared remedy of proven worth. sine
result from their use is quick and per-
manent. For sale at all drug stores.
Novelty in London Club .Life;
The fact that in all existing clubs it
is against the rule to use the premises
forubisiness purposes has suggested the
formation of a new club to combine
business with social facilities. The pro-
prietors of the institution, the premises
of which are in Piccadilly, have called it
the London Club.
In addition to the ordinary club roams
there will be a "business reception
room," where members can discuss busi-
ness with each other. Boards will oc-
cupy the wall space, on which, by per-
mission of the secretary, the details of
business propositions in which xnembers
desire co-operation will be displayed.—
London Evening Standard.
M1narers Liniment Cures Distemper.
(Boston Transcript.)
Tom—My wife is au angel.
Dick—I notice she is always flying
PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any
case of Itching, mind. Bleeding or Protruding,
Mei in 6 to 14 days or money refundeth 500
(George Macdonald).
May xray God give me grace to prefer
a hundred deaths to- a life gained by the
suffering of one simplest creature. He -
holds • his life as T hold mine, by find-
ing himself where I find myself.
0 _ •
Mireardt's Liniment Cures Garget in
The Sketch.)
Proud Father—Bless me, it's really
marvellous about that baby of mine.
You'll hardly credit it, but every time
it looks up into my face it smiles—posi-
tively smiles.
The-Friend—Well, 1 suppose even a.
baby has some glimmering sense of hu-
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc.
It is always easy to be good it
you can be absolutely lonesome.
A Gents' or 3,adies' Solid Gold Watelt costs from $26
to 550. leo not throw your money away. If you desire
to secure a Watch which to keep time and last well will
be equal to an Solid Gold Watch send us your name and
• address Immediately and agree to sell 10 boxes only of
Dr. •htaturin'a Famous Vegetable antis at 250. a box.
They ore the greatest remedy on arth for the euro of
# poor and ,impure blood, indigestion headaches, consti-
pation, nervous, troubles, livor, bladder and kidney dis-
eases, and all female weaknesses • they are the Great
Blood Purifier and Invigorator, a (:ran Tonle and Life
Builder, With the. Pills we send 10 articles of jewelry to
give away with the pills—this makes them easy to sell.
This Is the chance of a lifetime. Do notmiss it. Send us
your order and we will send you the 10 boxes, post paid.
When 3'ou have sold them send us the money ($2,50) and
we will send you
'% the same day the money is received.
We are iges. his is ab o`portunito to advertise
our al abmeWat. T grandPP
valuable Watch without suing to spenda cent. And
our Watch is a stem wind andstemset and not the cheap
wind s article delay tyAddress s premiums. Send
MEDiCINE CO.. Watch Dept.20 Toronto, Ont.
— _ s,l" ITIS® •
Killing Two Birds.
A neatly dressed woman rushed into a
Euclid avenue grocery yesterday and
priced the different sizes of pots of bak-
ed beans that the grocery keeps put up
hot ready to take home aid serve.
"I guess the small size will do, c he
said, hesitating.
"How many do you desire to serve?"
inquired the clerk, ready to advise. ��
"Oh, I'm not buying them to serve,
the customer replied. "0f course I shall
use them, but I'm getting them to keep
my hands warm on the car. I came
away from home without either muff or
mittens."—Front the Cleveland Plain
Write Murtha Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, for
48 -page illustrated Eye Book Free. Write all
about Your Lye Trouble and they will advise
as to the Proper ,Applieatio oraf the
CasI same
Eye Remedies 'in Your Sp
Druggist will tell you that Murine Relieves
art, SoothesEyeandak Esells foro50e,
Try It in Your Eyes and in. Baby's Eyes for
Scaly Eyelids and Granulation,
Barber -Do you wish a close shave,
sir? mouthed
shave, if you please.
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
Beach of Etiquette.
The two women stopped in front of a
dentist's showcase on Tremont street.
"There, mamma," said the younger wo-
man, pointing. "I want a set just like
"Hush, my child," commanded her
mother, "don't you know that it's vul-
gar to pick your teeth on the street."
—Boston Transcript..
(The Sketch.)
The Kind Lady --You clear off, or lilt
Set the dog at you.
The Tramp—Ah, 'ow deceptive is
'umen natur'. Fer two nights I've slept
in yer barn, eaten of yer poultry an'
drunk of yer cider ,and now yer, treats
me as an utter stranger.
r ..
Ostriches In Australia.
There are now about 2,000 ostriches
in Australia and. although the industry
was first established nearly 30 years
ago, and despite the feet that it has at
different times been the recipient of
Government assistance, it can hardly be
called a flourisbing• one. A great many
of the birds were imported from South
.Africa„ where there are many flourish-
ing farms devoted to their culture. The
outlook is a little more promising and
the latest to embark in the business
have been more successful, profiting by
the failures and the experiences of those
who were the pioneers.
Fyou trap
largest dealer, I pay
hignestprices. Your
shipments solicited.
1 pay mail and ex-
,.. — press charges; remit
promptly. Also largest dealer in Beefhtdes,
Sheepskins, etc. Quotations and shipping tags
sent free.
Everybody Who Eats Bread
Should avoid da..Ler of impurit:.: in delivc-y from the oven to
the home. Insist on your baker wrapping his bread in
We are the original manufacturers of bread wrappers naw
used by leading bakers of Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and other
The E. B. EDDY COMPANY, limited, Hull, Canada
a" :feat, �,rf prtYK1Jt `.iY�i ? � "M15•. r'1�a'r�YYaM 'riff �r4?K 55'I 41 .w"
t. r,
This elegant watch ladies' or gents' size, stem windLand set fancy engraved cases
fully guaranteed,
ofaLovel a y Piotu, Picture Poet Cards 0 for 100. These FREE,
the if inoswill
s to nbeauti--
fnllycoloredand embossedcardsissuedthis season. Views, Mottoes, floral, Holl.
are etrlh aHasitlt
yuapck. Shema fastest
untemoydwinthisndomeLte will
You can also, win a levely,Tea Sot FREE if you will help us to enlarge our business by
getting 0011' 0 other agents COBALTnGOLDgPEN1CO CardgDept, 58 Toront
.14 illi