The Herald, 1910-01-21, Page 4TOM( ie veel es I':uc°.or'pur'1�-teed. �5�8 CA -- -. S3,500,000 °$`3t,h'I00,OOO ea Has 65 Brancllteps in Canada, da, snd Cities a tin tane World.oCorrespondents in all w the Principal es A,, GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. ca fa en AVi BANK lENT' as + ed at hi Nest current rate• ' at all Branches. Interest allow g It 'Zurich Branch - 3. A, CONST..NTI E, AgentQ1 ble=ss (3i)a' Qi)0M(3€9 e3a� ID tIIA QA ua ;et <ID ee fir- .. I-E:'GxA.LL. CAI DS.Y Z. PUBLISHED BY E. ZELLE.LR,. tlT.D.C Ot1' r. BARRISTER AND SO • i lio,ter, Ne fry foully, lIensa'u.. Ontailo. At Z1�I it t:: �:ellor's oi"aice) every Men.- , lay. ristoi PI101.11!]:OO'r, BAYS & I3LAIn, 3.�I- W. T. U. ',�:,iat tot;. Notaries Public, etc., i C.1. ,,t,: ,, Canada \Y. Proudfoot. K.C. , FRIDAY JAN. 21st, 1910 R. E iial:s. tz. F.131c'ir. Prfeada cry iT311)ortan t part In his old friend's program), for at least one day. Indeed to Keith W eswiok Eleanor was still little 'more than the child he used to admire and pet, "a good little' thing" .but be. neath the dignity of his sprouting mustache. ;Ho had not seen Eleanor before for a year or more, except across the'church or on the street, and it was by the merest accident that slie with a part of the 000asion ; one of the girls bad invited her, Her father attended her as of old, and tall and young womanly as she had grown,, Ben saw ,the same kindly light in her gray eyes, the sanshalf.protective, half depend ent aa.titucle tawurd her parents that had marked other days. She had only boon Thome a. fecv weeks, and hardly cared to accept tees Tn• vitation, wonlcl not have done so under any consideration had not her friend. included her father. She bad missed hien so much these months ail realized how he had missed her. she was thinking now how aelightf*il it was to be there watching the great waves coming THE CRY OF THE TWO-THIRDS NI DIIC:Al.. No one had sera him, no one knew unytlaing about him, by and le to think of him as z+ . i`i.`I.i:1LI•' 1 . , for. 1 ' .. ' ., Dr . : ertsei1,' l \\•its. ..1 t - of t al, e ; e r- ' "e. eget , , eoneider: (en hal- sit ,r.t -t2!• :tee i •til 1 ;,?Ill nail ; ar,:,i c'' tl. J. { , 1 -z..+a , r. , it'1 ci al tY: 'r t . t t ;ate ,r to eee• r .s all • i, 1,• , -.. t 1 e gave to his mother and felt by they eau dead. '.len worked pretty steadily atter the resolve he formed ahat morning. He got odd jobs, drove a team for a man, while he was laid aside ;With sore foot, sawed wood for another. he even hired out for ;L while to a saloon keeper ; but ;.oit•ething on his mother's face chen.1tetold her of this position tit i sled him. I must do somee.hing le- Lelia, answering that look. "ern,' in, for she had retained her faculi- ty of en utmost are:,.. still drained tho sweets • of each moment les it passed. Did I say Ben "Il ought her unchanged? nay, she was much changed, there was something about her budding ; womanheocl that awed hint as be gazed on her. •'Little Princess" was drifting away, not only from him but from the world ; losing herself in this quietely dignified yet sweetly merry girlwoman before hint, it be loved before be adored I now as his oyes followed the grace' ! ful figure and his ears caught the 1 modulations of the -musical voice. l In his attic roam, in an old tumble :veru some of the rarest and fairest aovinT everything to the warm tI V1K G obF Pr wkk for the Care of Canada's Needy Com 6 ves re net. going to work so hard, This wild fiewers he had ever seen, be is all that turne ul)" "I'd rather had gathered them,.tet daybreak them 11 anti air- !starve" FIIe replied with something TF1 w its, :eCil}1'tr tender• r ........._,-_..�-.._.- ;. , a sob in her ,S• r• n.' taste, 1te t r 1 hunted for different ness as wen ae delieney a• 'th til g illi the new upon lei , 1'er voice so lie drop- ranged them. with 1 th t. rfla•t, i,t eeex,io- gloat 1 ut Fen did not give thought o them ee that. 'bright ; • 1 •• 1 • 'I a corner drink alt ,,tether., he resolved to heiul disappeared ,.ru :t::, ; ` ee at the' time of his sorrow and they reminded him eau'h of the `. felt il.:i kn,1t•[tin the lagan down other. Later in the (my Keith Wes - glass of wick laid a gland ti:i Igen' ehottld- t >. }. ^ first t i; t'i•f"ll hint a �- j t ', efter rre„'s ttraacth ; hut that er. mise, feeling \\ rt.) away, he intended to THEN SEND YOCH CONTI-M=0IO TO THE MUSKOKA FRES; HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTIVES ( be crntinued) Pres, Supt. 1 eels` ` Ethel M.\1 L111amG 1i' moderate, to keep within proper l: hallus»;, most e t' the smiley he earn- 1,IL•SXO1 .t FREE HOSPITAL FOR CONSL•SIPTIYES.• MAIN NUILI INO FOR PATIENTS, A national institution that accepts patients from all parts of Canada. Here is one -of Iiundrecls of letters being received daily „— John D. IleNaaughton, New Lis- keard, •Ont. : A young; man not be- longing here, and suffering froru, ib is `believed, consumption, is being kept by one of the hotels here. He has no means and has been refused admission to our hospital. The conditions where he is oiler him no chance. Could he be admitted to your Free Hos- pital pital for • Consumptives? If not, • could you inform me where lie can be sent, and what steps are neces- sary to seenre prompt admittallee ? t:OT A =; ILE t�AT1EtaT FtAS (cYEr3 aa::it tweeze ADM:3310ii TO TM MMUSKOKA. neeHOSPITAL BECAUSE es Ms OR Ka iiUi t T Y TO PAY. Si nee the hospital was opened in, Apr111. 1002, one thousand live hundred anal twenty -folie patient e have been treated in this one ineti- tuatit.n, representing people from elver province in the Dominion. For the week ending November 2�)t.h, MOO, one hundred and twenty - live l,atients were in residence. Ninety-six of these are net paying a pepper for thole maintenaance—absolutely free. The other twenty-nine paid wine 4ueLv v, v.. ... ber]ain's Stomach and Liven lets. They do the work when you require their aid. Thos tablets change weakness into strength, listle'ness into energy, gloominess into joyousness. Their action is so gentle one don't realize tb.ey have taken a purgative. Sold by -J. J. Merner, MARKET REPORT, --The fol- lowiilg is the report of Zurioll. markets corrected up to Thursday, Barley.... • . • 50 to 50 Peas 80 Bran • • , 22.00 Shorts......... . '34 00 24.00 Oats 35 33 Wheat , • .. 1.05 1.Gt'i Hay • . 12.00 Dried apples . • • . • 5 5 Clover seed • 5.00 5.75 Potatoes Butter 1 , Eggs Hogs liveweiget HENSALL MARKETS (look's Best Flour . Wheat Oats Barley Peas Hogs liveweight 35 35 21 21 26 20 8,30 • 3.00 98 98 37 37 55 55 70 70 8.30 Synopsie of Comedian Northwest l.anel Regulations. NY person who is the/sole head of •a family, or any male over 18 years old, cony homestead a quarter -section of avail- able 1)oaninion land in yla.nitob:a, tate Il, \Van or Alberta.. The arplieant must 1appear 111 1)c on at the 1 iomiuion 1 au•:i.s :'lgeney o.'Sub-Agency fur the district. I':nt by proxy ialav� 1, o tele. at ally , ,.t '', ori certain ,Y'It.LLill •., . 1 v •Wher. mother, son, daughter, bra. tl:er or sister of intending, homesteader. Duties.- Six month; residence upon au•1 . cultivation of the land in eaoh of three veal:?. A homesteader may live within nine laude-. of his 110111(..<014•1 an tt farm of at lovas; 50 acres solely owned ant oatatpied by hit:) or by his father, mother, son, daughter, 1 brother or si"a'r. t In tertian Lint rata a hntne-teatier .rood standing W.'.y lire•encll' to etuartel•se•^ tion rlongsi'lelain`hotnc>trtEtl Price $11.01 per acre. 1?.,ries- 'L i..t reside six months in eauh of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre- emption may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties—Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth $$300.00. W. W. (:OE,Y, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N. B.—Unauthorized publication of this advertiseme:•t will not he paid for. e� 1 °a his from $2.Ot) to *4 00 •a Wreck, No '11 O.% light hearted on seem'„ her joy ; Chamberlain's cough remedy one p t bio more casesthan re at11ntitted j „ .I 1 ✓ e, ren`, re , o a.CI, \Vnllinr.tau •a,'' tLi•tgi -1 la` Leeden, a slie should nee err hear the burden dui a { .,.;, •..n, St end -1 of their support again. No one, never disapgoints those who use it prom),tly on cotnplh-tion of al)pli- ;,;,Piau. Every B form for obstinate coughs, colds and cation papers. was happier ens re f thethroat and lungs . •T n admiring frfendshill •fol Uis fol ,, J.Monier. , wN find receipt for Loy tick tat a, ^ �l ' health arid. spent oceat-•YonaT evenCxra�en receipt hoping t than Jake Sullivan, nobody bey irritations o a A GRATEFT.T1J PATIENT gloved mole in it, hestill kept up It stands unrivalled as a remedy for ail,, = at an 1 :lung diseases. Norah P. Canham :l iiclosed yon • ticket (IRA_ ` , old b , . 'ern z . that -you will . ,,,�; ,, •, of Dental e:a i °• ,. i ..y.►•.--.__---•. ,, ;Lt o f ' ' l l ritlx bias while be remained ir, he able to oblige me with the fare. t+ f t) I rr ^' , ., t was a -- lnont s an r ;.e"tor • rtte}tt_ ling Z t•.is city. Bessie \vas always glad NOTICE TO CREDITORS. I was at your Sanatorium ten c , ' ictl y . ' h , and I was scut away from �,• • 1 e ; - .- :,arra. A i 1 when he came ; she knew he agent cure. I ani ;.1 +r- i '.tllaty • �t afe ^awhile l for her son, buts 1 t f S e those as an app o,• ;'.,alt .:. 'ver}• \inn- 'utter a while Ben gat the position feeling -:0 of a newsboy on an outgoing train ; Retired f ' '' -- the year after he was on a baseball 1:1, \N1, n r.i . Both. of these situations held eltitt ,t•irtion:tacr perils for the youth and , arra, , au•, .,i11 took hien :core or less from z. Wile.• l.•,ine. But Ben was restless ; lie craved change ; he had no trade. he remained faithful, through all •-•-------- th£• :1ueteation of his fortunes, to t h vote lie hent taken to bear his part in the: support cd the home. of what ho earned he sent his mother ., 1 ban a poi tion _; and on ins return after rep 1, i ,l a;),eneee, ' „light 10 and Taamie •v•_ t5 )aanti-ll iattcstetion Of his con- . , !le' t ei''det relnt'tmbranro. Ile olerked r.•r two consecutive slimmers at a ' -E'it:'ide hotel, he was by this time a >-t, a tall. well formed straight liillbed yt.ung titan capable and fine look - a, 1L, neye \, a: +L ) ,,, Lot t a S. i' to ; one of those persons who can its. y, , ..,i c:Ilo'. ht a ant kitt'b'i', it,laa;)t themsi'lves to almost any b t , :.-it, t 1i tib t _talent ;+tt.l)ltt, ltnatian and do talmost anything t..ta. e. t a it:' �, va e ', e water•, wee i•F;iit'iitect of thetll well, when nicely i tot,,i tl btt 501,1 et dressed he was very attractive, 1,,n, li ,see , i t - ',sten will l,e ( a,, ii 'latpfe alt ; winning confidence by his fine al is , , n.nanilel•s and bright•, interesting plans, r ..Ii,l:ty, l:' -axle 1 • C)' . face. Isis mother's heat t constantly ------------- - L il.ra ted between hope and fear, • .1 i a t ata a ••,at? If srs . l loom and pride when he was him• o -Mann. c„1 t.,.) easeful. i'itt elf ; fear that was almost despair I . -;,,,t l,e gilt tv'."'ttlaeil1 too early. i during the elapses into dissipation I ., '1 i' -U]•'. ant ue-ee :1 snore liable' that every little while cane to mar -.ei•ltlaa•a .u,' '' ' '•ae••;, is al e,Lec.s `all ids prospects. It wits while at hard= '• to alto If you will ] the seaside hotel one sunnier that e , ,,e , ,,'n' 1ttir':a ttnn ;h Remedy i be again inet Keith Weswick aand z" th . .'',tse' .,,;e r,lll be ie ed Eleanor Myers. He had never quite , tt�t..r,,i')i•: n -ia1 oy J, 3. Mein ' lest the drift of their lives. They Farmers and Others: •} were to hitn Like little bits of a 1 l rnut;inee chapters frotu some book In the tnaatter of tie e5ta e o atoll Rennie late of the Villatge of Zurich in no working in washcity, and. b .Iann the county of Huron. Letirei armor, I for the care I got from the doctors diseased.ice i ' end staff, and I mast say that I Notice is hereby givende auiilsthat all ,,stone spent the time of my life while I having any claims or demands a;;aunvt'th,. I late Samuel Rennie, who died. on or about Was there. Oct. 11th 1900 at the fores+aid Pillage of Zurich are required to send by post pre. -';- paid or to deliver to the undersigned ex- i ., .• ecutox of the last will and tee-tiunent of . the said deceased their natnt' and nal..l dxessesand full particular; i.: writtn;• of their claims anti statements of their i accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, hula. by them and notice i' urtlier given that after the lith day of .,anuu•y 1910, the executor will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only the claims of which he shall then have bad notice, and that the said execrator will not be liable for the «`aid I assets or any parfr-thereof to any person of whose claim, he shall not then have received notice. Dated at Hensel' this 23rd day of nee. ember 1909. E. RAit,ttr Executor,Hensa E eoiio, Cholera an, �'.�Ci'dI11�121C"A'dii3 S Diarrhoea itemed}o: Never fails. Buy -it now. at may save litre. - � I He beheld old either of it were but for a instant l VeY' UOCi he read. nevor el if{ hrolagh our Warehouse ' in a crowd, .but that he was sins• ;incl St'.•C if we can't show r'• :,rt /urine, No, ileo I nleithitely wafted. to fairyland, , to i and. thee fest Line o r to look P�” E7 fN S them, in'4 ite e y :5 I?Ill', TARING THE CMS IN 'WINTER Ar NEST 0XA Irma HOSPITAL roc CONSa•MPTIVES. The Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives is dependent on the good -will and gifts of the Canadian public. Money is urgently needed at the. present time to make it possible to care for the large and increasing number of patients that are entering the institution. Will you help a here greater urgency ? Truly, Canada's greatest charity. Contribetiotts rorty be sent to .1. Gage, Bee., `11- e,patdit)a Ave., or T. S. `'Ittibe t tsou, ;3ec'y-Treas. National Sarnitarinnt .Association, 847 li]nl; St. \V., Toronto, Canaria. Born Adriculturai Savings, and O 0 Fob. �; 'coq, itb;AI) oFFICi: LONDON - - ONTARIO Money advanced on gooti Farm Mortgages, Prompt attention given . to applicatic•11s for loans, E ZELLER. Zurich, 6 nee - ,:>cty let And 3rd another world. a world of which hi, I tib' C,xr''1zo\v—At the Goshen Line,' ! eerst]ar• of «;ae:.'Iln,t' t tat s o'clock P. m. nand once had a taste, caught a I ,1.V'iachinevy ever shown ill Hay, on the 14th inst , to efr. and : rite. A. O. U. `' bit glimpse. That Eleanor had been �ilil'i('i also sell the gars Frank Walekerorv, a stn. .1, .1. M.ataNEi'., C. 1.. away attending , 1�1.iCPt,'i�iitR•--lira Zurich , imply J n lin school and Keith 1on the 6th was in csllegea• he knew; and un- Best Line of Cutters er, a daughter. f consciously he had woven a day ' lost to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. a ern- -W]rkbe]1 Loci,re l dreutii about thein both, now they a that can be put on the �Lu 0.1.1*. W. Ne, 3 93, meet's stood before him. It was a merry) i.,. end had et.h ti ralaar of every month, pt nit; party, the gentlemen being ,=t: 8 ineleck iu their Rall, Wrier 11100.:- mostly friends of Mr. Weswick's ' filen, 'tyrtwmt ,M • W- many of them college chums. The young ladies were from the first families of the city, beautiful, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is not iL common, every day couggh i;iixture. It is a meritorious rem• graceful creatures, full of life and. gladness, the very sight of whom wrought all Ben's respectful aciora. tion to the front,'.He wondered ed for all. the. troublesome and dangerous aonrplioations re- „how it would seem to be on terms igniting from colt) in the head, of easy acquaintance with such and throat, chest or lungs. Sold. by J. could. not imagine it. He was some - .1, Merrier. what disgusted tol:see that Keith Market, From $2. .00 up. \TOLLAND---At the Babylon Line, I Hay, on the 8tb inst., to Mr. and Mrs, Henry Voliand Jr., a CALL AND SEE] THEM 1 daughter. Also Repairs for All :Kinds of Massey -Harris Machines Jas.Whyte, Ag't. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is, l u; very valuable medicine for throat I and lungtroubles, quickly relieves la painful breathing and a . I dangerously sounding cough which indicates congested 'lungs, Sold by T. J, Memos, t✓a perateaaaaac, nneupoiummiamecscomeneuxima.j CIT =S gol ooptit}COU This remedy can always be depended upon and Is pleasant to take. 1t contains no opium or other, harmful drug and may be given as confi- dently to a baby as to an adult. trice 25 cents, large size 50