HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-01-14, Page 8t '‘• trr.,1.1••••••-•,. ,•; 1 9S Mosto • 1•2110[4.000111100110104•0100/1..09001011*,101•00:00101.100111410)•••••••••••0110.14/04 1 4.4 vil G earT g Up Sale StartS'onday ‘L.Mbrning LL, ,0 uary loth will con- . -tinue 'until Feb. 1st. . • Furs of all kinds 'coats, fur coats, -,fqr, j,,11.11p0 coats, Ladies'. astraehaii JAC-? 4.ets, Ladies' muskrat lined with: sable collars,' stoles, scarfs and muffs'. Ladies' and Children's Mantles Children's Bear Clottirats.. Remnartts Odds and ends picked up in the various dapaitinents of our big storeo. and these will have to be sold regardless of. what we have to lose on them. They must.be sold Readp.torivear ClOthik....B:argains We find. our stook much too heavy and we are making big cuts to clear out as many suits and overcoats as possible. To buy these will mean a big saving to yon. 12c during this sale at 10r, per ‘41e• yard. We handle all kinds of Farm Produce. J. MERNER. OENERAL MERCHANT / Zurich, = Ontario • /./ZNIti TRE 11,IMON A OCOUNITY'?cOUNeiti. e couno ,ot,th.e.,„oppra 10,0Tet. rp.001.1nty of,Efutep, t, e eouncii`giooter;:iti,,tbez....-Town of Goderichv at'a'Ololook on Tues - clay the 25th1til&cif January, .1910. All acconutti against the county must be, placed with the .01erk be- fore thiafiate. • Lane; Clerk. Dated Jan, 1001,1910: • ••• More than aJhonsand mils of new steel wer6;,laid hy the railway companies:6,f WStOr±i Oan1ta• d ur ing ',the paaSOn:'' Thits total- is Made lip by the different companies as follows :—C;okk, Ji4.404 miles; Canadian Northern, 250 'tniles ; Grand Trunk ePacific,.. op miles, .thus making a tetaibri.057 miles In addition to this some work was done by the ...Great Northern in British. Columbia, Accordiug to these figures more than one-tenth of the railway mileage of the country was added to the existing systems, the total ,for the entire western provinces at the beginh- ing of 1909 being 10,415. miles. The end of the year thus SUM 11,472 miles of tailweiy existing in that part 'of Catiaga:lying 'West of the Great LOOS: Reports,from, the political seat war in tho,oldlOol'inslicute a real, old fashioned,7:red'hat conte§t. .• Immense atidienne sernble and straight frOM the sliMilder edh ea are in Order:, The.Lords appear tri"lietvitkingi'up..to the fact, that, while they may possess thousands ef.aerethey do not own the con- scienees- ata: treedom of will of the mighty' ns known as the comiston:veople4 y4-4 the .finai- ity.of the7electiprogill be. may 120 be settled niktil4heolcae,of the fiklit, ut .9.4e,thInF is assured the old time veto:" PfAttlii i1neve play the'Same roleriiiiVit. has and the dawn 4.of-•-a. hright.er,, better and broader :slay isk.a.,10a#Y• purpling. the pcditioiaksky, , 'There are great' interests.•a,t,.st4e, iT1Or e. than' 9040117 wisdomwill be necessary teCiatfely ,of State- through;the, hiekliers,..into the bread exPanOl'Of liberty, brotherli. lieSs:iind$3011,,eOrdli" ;We netioe that &IOW' fot-PieVICarlifokS.are oandt dates ancythekShould be able to give ' the 1YLilitherland • 'pointers of real viclue'i,and:plerite, No pont!. cial7viat corded by u ' `*.it the romnsirmasansammeniannin 4.. i , tr.;,,, A', , .' „ , . , . • .,. ,f. ..,...ri,:bs, ../ , . ,,, . t. , • -. 1 ,v,i,„. ,,,,,t c:„ 1, , ..t :., „I. ,i17,54: 1:.,., j •t: :tt ..4 .; ! , '4:,!",. • '• . ' ' '' ir •'• • IV': ^ ....•.' :. l'..1:1' •• ' :4.,i ',. ., • .. . • ...,i 'Pt '1- '414, 4 . !? : • '. • 1 • • • ...i ,'..• ; ' f, 9 t•I'),,, ..'.1,''',14' ‘,' ...II .0. tr.', .J.4, • ••• • i'l .0 '00,1,, : :: ,••••!••• ".• . . !IL* '04 •••••1*,;.•7•: 0, • ••••• • 1 ' /4:44'! • It 1.1•10•••40.0:•1,•, 4.1,1• : I:•••::,,C.:.?::',.4.•1•:1:Ii•i':. : 'Y. • i '! •• r • e We take the liberty one more to extend. to you all a wisti, for a Most Happy, arid Prosperous .New ' Vear for Kilo. L . . 1-174RTLE113, ZURICU HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION STORE ...V.:..,75-414111071041WOMPIEMlega"4011.401W ,P7 vtfl 0.0...mine•••••••••••••••••••1•110. torm Windows are a great saverLii)f ft:id And add to Oe, comfort of your home. . . . , We are ready to make Storm Windows • and Doors Ad "order on. very short notice. You want them Now W LOGS ill buy all you ve and will pay top write hone before selling. 14‘. 4,1,6 .44-1. A 'Mr. n ..;va.s in the. The TeoAfek0 °Mali t tee in pOnnebtiOn 4wtli the -Evangelical .Sunday; gdliont iia's.ppointed, on Sinidair li.lie-Yeonsisting• of ,the fol1owingttini Birk. George Kellerman,' Liiinial• -Weber, God - Ira(' bestteiiiher'iind-J• K. Goetz. Mr. Jacob ;teliernian who had his leg' amputated on, New Year's. Dsy is doing 'nicely and .bids f'air to a speedy re.Ogver.T. • Mr. Allas ,Bi'enner is this week findis in Sjsratford. Mr. and Mrki., , Charles Ftitz and, •faraily•spent.Siindli, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jaeol, Kellerman Mark .131'04:enslave has moved into his hew hotts. • , Danie Mina, says we are to -hitetr,e. Many marriages in. onr cern- nannitY•:in:the neat:41.1t4re, • The Village' trfistees took the deolaratien ,of office on Monday and haVe,alreadttaken control of the village'aitairs. Those of our villagers needing ice are this week busy storing the mune which seams to be of extra good qualitY. • - ' Several, froni this community attended the annual rneetin of the Ha.y Township Fire Insurance Co. heldat Zurich,. on Ttiesday. asememeedeirereedeoromosommemeo. Winter* Term OPENS January 3rd fituctents ma.;C, enter any day of the school year, Individual inStrnetion Ow graduates get the best pOeitions. • Mail Woursqs. We trailkteore yeung poo. • pletwthan any other •management in Can- : adtl.14P.,:- a' seCi -Aft1i,iated witiOcitnnr- eial EductorsAoation of Canada. , particulars. 'trINTON A, • BUSINESS COLLEGE „ A4noi zPOTTO,'g Pi. PHONE 11111111111111•111111•1111111111 9 (A:Li FLEISCR = ZURICU. No Trouble IN. BAKING IF YOU USE Royal House40141 Five Roses • or other Brands of Flour from Rannie's and Feed Store, The best in Groceries at 'plor Prices. All kinds of Feed on hand. S. RANNIE, ZURICU Highest price in Cash paid for Butter and Eggs DOESPODOINIDMIDGIIMIDODOMIDIOw I a .e7 gGirls wanted for newest I' brightest. dimmest and' most up-to-date blouse and ,white- A wear factory in Canada. 0 a Work consists of sewing U 0 a Ladies' waists. Girls ex. Iperieneed on power sewing machines preferred. but- A A beginners will be taugh,tt a a Comfortable quarters. ISteady work. Good wages, 'WANTED 1 a a THE STAR WHITEWEAR a a MFG. CO. 1 Berlin, — Ontatio. a IghlIMIDODGIND0004111111110400411114 FIRST CLASS TILE . I have a large iiipply of the very best tile on hand, from 2i in. to six 'inch. If you need any oall, write or telephone to John Foster, Zur- ich, 13rtok.and Tile yards. 11 tf, , I : $2200 , 0 0 priv..,io runds to loan at r,04; on good farm seaurity, Apply to E Zeller, Zurioh. e 1181101/1111/M Clearing The Way.—The farmer had the toothache, and to save a trip to town and a dentist's fee he asked his man Jake to pull tht. aching tooth. Jake led him to the barn, 'seated him on a bench, and took from the harness.room u pair of very large. rusty pincers. "Here goes," he said. brach*, himself extracted a huge tooth. The farmer clapped his hand. to, his jaw and pointed reproachfullY to the large white tooth in OAP' pincers. "Why, .lake," he moaned, "that't the wrong one." FARM PROFITS (,) Stay be largely increased by knowing t)* exact condition of the ratmer's placket, and by learning of the best method ire farm practice. This ,e precisely tbir' sort of information the Farmerp' Weekly Soo givesiit every issue. It his no equal as a Parmer's Business Paper. 40,Gorit1 farmers rely on it. For price lip?, OW clubting ,offer. 1