HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-01-14, Page 41 .. . .140. ''' ... '40421111/41141111002 0 016.D. "IMMD„ ... :AO 411140.5/0410$ . Fr#,It .;
•••,000:: 0 .
S ''4,4T, A !,,'. 1. ,, ' .:0 .'I.‘r •
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ofiPITAL•'''''..... *. 0 '',6124500#0067
, •
:--44 l':' '. • • . MOST FUND .., -... - • $3 800 000
vilas 35 Branches in Cjinada, endsAgents andrgeirespiktidenti iti:.e..1.i
the Trincir,e4, Cities in the .woila.. -
at.all 13ratiehi8. ', Interest allowed at highest.ourrent rate.
Ziirieh Briesscia , ., - ':- J. ,A; CONSTANTIM;iiiiIrt
• ;.1
.• • et. •
• •
. "
t • ' ,NotaryPuhlie,HeetwelieOntexio.
e ;
ett"41:frieh (Zeller's.offlee):, el/mei/Won-
e • •
toficdtiE00T, HAYS ac BLAIR', BAR-
telei,e3ea, Solicitoev, Notaries Public, eto.,
CressalaW. ProuIlfoot. mcie
.ft.O H&ys T.G. F. Blair. •
• 'Afdirilifbili.4
tL T. P. WienAITGELYAN,q,;:for,,,
•• merly with' Dree, gTansen;
site' and Biers;-•cf
many; also iisaistaht L sergpml at
IMOOFefi,e41ds' (Royal London Optbal-
41.o) - 'i3Ye 4tOsOita.l• and Golden
'pare ; Nose.sind Throat ElosOtal,
onion England, . etp. General,
Ortiloitee. with spial attention to
• eye, ear, none and throat. Eyes
+tested. (Retinoecope used.) and
glasses supplied.
ausiivEsp ,OARDS.
,VJC-febNle•Ela., Exeter.
tieilliliet'*eigheelati.11,. portion of
"*1101dIlierlef0**..'to.. insure
datideIttritlefi;minv: ”ettears
were or °Put
groceries tnber bends, 'mother
said Ben, taking the, parcels from"'
her 'end leoaing her to a °heir,
"mother" cltitying her .bonnet
stringnd gently kissing her lips.
She burst into tears at the little
attentions so long misied, he wiped
them aVray tenderly, uttering no
word matt that reiterated-, moth-
er" kissingtsgain the poor worn
face. She did not eat a mouthful
though 'Beneet the table as nicely
as postale, cool:13E1th° oetineal and
menagedle shake a few .grains of
tea frotn t. caddy enough for 7a
single oup. She could not eat, but
she watched him -out of eyes hap-
pier than they bad been for month!
elle would never be quite. desolstee''
whilo She bed"hine near, while.. hie
loved her. Jamie chatted. a ettel,cia
deallyhtle,,lien worked, and climb;
ed up hastily to the table when all
was ready. It was his first meal
for that day. "Wont -meg ever eat
anything again?" he ,asked, and
hurried onto say before. lie,. Was
answered that patsy didn't after he
died" And 1 may 'have two' pinees
of bread, mayn't 1 Ben mine end.
meg's? "femme She wont wantany"
and Ben nodded assent, while •he
said "Bush" in a choking voice
and looked at his mother. Rat
Jamie grew soddenly silent, ;When
his father shuffled out of the:
joining room and sat down to .,the
table. The man gave grunt ,aeLhe
glanced at the bed "SicraIletbee
time why dont the doctor help her"
"The doctor can do nothing mot&
for her," his wife replied "shale;
dead." "Dead I" he looked at the
oorpse, then at his wife, sworeUti
awful oath and left the table and
the house and they never saw his
face again. They searched 'for
him when his absence grew pro
longed, they had been accustomed
to missing him for weeks at a time,
but when the weeks made months
and he did not appear, Ben visited
all the haunts he frequented end
inquired for him.
(To be continu('d)
Ethel M. Williains,
Pres. Supt.
grit jialttaie did not die, he did not
:e•Yeetjake the lever. the older he
grevrehe More ,certaineite had be-
come that, hfr lacked , mental vigor.
`Me fact. so terrible tO any moth-
er, ,so terrible at.firet to. this moth-
er became more end more a. source
of comfort to her WON' be not
always be te.ehild? • aqditt she not
keep him at her 'op; ;•control him
lifelong? Wouldenethie weakness
be his safety? IRO 'Wes not an
idiot, yet he vras not '"rsll there,"
as Mrs. Elpinfeesys Would put it.
Small and slender,' he had an
absolutely colorless skin and big,
vacant 'bine eyes. .Vacant? Nay,
hardlythat. There lurked behind
their Shallowness a sert.of slyness,
a suggestion of develdom patent
VI'. • any •beholder well gifted. in
character reading. Alas ! why had
this mother's son such a heritage?
What power bud Warped the soul
• .A.' commerotal traveller ,,,jvas -re.
beffetiveepvtoted ptueang ineniting.
Itengeftegee'efiee'„Onteselo St.,., Port
TIOpe;4end is: noW7'.iiii*g montb
its Cobourg jat. t '18,ppeare• Thai
be epeke to the
and wilted' to, ',.se 0; • . her ;`,Irpie. ad;
(Anima that she bowed' ud smiled
to him previoosly. The. Maw re-
presents a first °lass' grocery firm.
rit Montreal emdlhe had of the
firm Went to Portiffripa to airenlate'
n• petition 'to the e Minister' eg.
Justice tnehave him ' released...
The attempt was eels() made to
have a. cony:lotion ireaebed. At
the trial the'Magistreile, meld the
prisoner was eeidentlyennaware of
the seriousness of, lilareoffence, and
deolared that taiOtherte.' and, sister*:
:wait:be protected: frown this sata06'
anneyeait*i4,1hieiisgistreee Wat
tipite.,tigtia410;1114#044,Ch. ervitaiation
4litatttif, 'Vow?' ,sayar the
•Sentinie3' f4re-er';:ledeptleo, Mit it
adds, ethers . etier'a-"%ittimber of
yonreg girls paradiegethe streets
of the teterage town in Ontario at
.night who give strangers every
,enceinirageneent totatep.chp to them
soid#;tter #40.,'aforeverseition. with,
thine& think' t 'e smart to'
flirt with. toallittangersand if'
ibey'areefteoolited they have only
„then:0014.a to bionc', . It in this
!Sort of feildness enatkeforwardness
Which indnees the' folly, to whiole,
the men in leorti,flopts, was 'found
Bates voriductro: ',L. Oh parts.: bAis- .;
...„, . or body both el every child in their
. ,),,.,,.... .,,,,,,, _,.. i....,, cfnee honse-hold? Why was it, they
1,- ;qv,. %terms
• •will be 1 1:-.,....,,i.l,y at !.' wlei; ,,-;,. .-;were, aIl deformed either in will,
. • i ill form, or primie gifts to the
.-tis thee' is Feu
'LlueSS;1.. dem
- . . tl MI til a t t
. ,......0••on*,.........0000•.*00..00,....* „ .
14'2.9.-7•;.:.• 'I rail 1N- Kt.: it...A..;,,. 1 :Kai
Ei at
''.apv..,'.ii.. f . q.2., ,,Mr. LC1111011, - .C....,...
Er-.0111bill.it:,0, 'Nat tiVi.:.., Yrs k.V.IV'i' 11 , 'S. t/ttnti,i' Iimo. 'de:4de,- ethe 1
ikrd , N1- ,lill-i:.i.t-.... il.ii• ..1. 1..1,', ..t.... very- 1
after her d. trills heart. wa.
la ii.0 11.s:Lti S, _1 ".'C. • i Nyitli many ,conflioting emotio
-- - - . -- -7 The 'room was very quiet, though 1
ot,:..,,.... „e 7,- 7,p,v 7;!••••• -i•-•!. f.",\be judged it must be nearing noonel
ee.,ee ee„,.,;:e..ei Dental by the few rays of the sunlight '
e, , „,. „tee ee.reele , e•e: 1...',...r grade.- lereeping.through the sine window
hte -e; 1 • ,:el...;,.; -; e., . ..try, To- The patient, wastedforui usually
-'• ere' 17'11,21-1(),T1 1.setting there was gone, her chair
. :eel.. ?1,4., et i e ,41 ‘-', , At varlent, this • started him, where
lee,: e •, .:, e. e . ' •,., • • ,ry ),lon-. 1 could his mother be? sho never
, ev• I went •''at until alter dark - and then
• • •;.'..."!6 '
....---.---- -••-•.---.--- • ---- - • • ---- 1 ou:y tO return. or .get work. As he
/7. ',, '''' • 4,„. ,,..1. :', • ' ,11•• ANDIdtew himself and. his eyes met. the
e .
. • - fe, ee.. 7,..... eye. r c; :,' .' -.!ortages; s-r.c lit figure on the :boil, he began
e, ,,e., .,, • e.,,. -e• eve:- ' ee: • et'l,cai'lte, dimly recollect what had hap -
Ie. . .10e3 . Leeelee i''.1''.".. v 014°07- I retied, ho arose and presently look.
171c,A• ..f,,,,,,..,, ...,.... I ed into the roombeyond, there lay
his father in druti4en slumber, he
* - ---- '- --- . - ' ----- i felt his lip, curl ezv ith cor temptuous
i dieust- vv leen sornetleine reminded
FOR S ..47: .t..iii". . e
.. • •
-,".•' :; that lust so his
' 1 Wei that jus -t so..lie,:hadbeen sleep
- in g an hour ago
[...1..„,..,.......•,.1;. g,..r..i. iat.i, wi:4,-.1... ',-.Too,1 INt"Ic I m0 I her had found. 111711 When she
17, ••L' ' .7- II,' '''',-.. II 'r.-'-'•'..1....-The' I robbed 'heesete of. pillow and shawl
„ , • ....• 1 l, II.", . An 1ply Io •
f•.•i, ,'', „, '',..,!•. uito .1-, . t, ' y - ', ,(.•,7.4 Nva,te. r i .
i ler lus comfort. A hot flush dyed
' ' l';':' -Y.'. ,let,
.• •
ritOusiO4 'arid mightiest Ifttler-
IklitiSOilxat Atigir irtonitide0.
StOniliolV eilt.Liee:deqab-
.;19,tif,?c,•;,,r41:7,4ii' the. woekeWlinnever
treeoigiIife.4.etleeiii:Sit15:1 These
tablets chane venikeniis into
strength, ' lieteeness -heti energy,
:glootninese..Into jeYonsness. Their .
•aotign is so gentle !Inc don't -realize
they have taken alItirgative. .Sold
,10^., J. J. Merner.
lowing is the report of Zuridle
markets corrected,up tc Thursday,
' . • 50 to 50
i 1 •
• " • A t
Bran ^ • u:ev 22.00
Shorts .....,. , . ... 24-00 24.00
7 heiit . 1.G5
; • Ariaeree. „.„ . „. 12.00
'01r7der:' 0(4.! -feero';0•5,00' 5.75
•e•Potateeeiee,35 35
' " Butteree - '21 2i
Eggs, .. ... . :..:.:... 26 26
llogriliCe•We1get. 8.30
)11,1b1 1 Co aer-. fern for ,sale.
,et r0011 c3,a7 ;4°1.1 wild
r111, ton, •wir1;1; he going the way ,his father had
e„ee fen,Td eine? never." iris mouth opened
v oven r' c, (ewe" br1k med.:dint over the word emphateettl-
heese • rd -4-.40,; hank btr IY HIS eyes fellOn the bundle of
„fee neiefee • • ,
wood work on the table, shop work, he
el. id I gemmed. ...His mother was wearing
•-•• 1•`11,,.. welts, 10 herself out. for them all, he would
his cheeks, spread to the roots of
his Lair ; never before had ho been
so humiliated, he sank into a chair
With bowed heaciand set lips, was
' 'Onberlain'eCotigb Remedy is
a 7.0..Orialuishlethedicine fotlihroat
and.Alung.Arettblets., cinickly relieve
andoureenainfed breathing ,and
indicates., ,congested Sbld. ANY person who is the sole head of a
-o use it
'Cook's Bast FlOtir.
• •
98 98
37 37
55 55
70 70
Synopsis of Cardin Northwest Land
Regulations. •
deingerottely.somming nough h
by .'.• • or any 'nude over 18 years old,
• ,• may homestead a quarter -section of avail-
able Dominion land in Manitoba, Sask-
. ' • NOTICE, TO CitnITO* S.
atchewan or Alberta. The applicant must
•appear in person at the ifominion Lands
in the matter o—f th• estate of, Samue Ageney or Sub-Ageney for the district.
Entry 'by proxy may be made at any
Rennie late of the Village of Zurich in
the county of Huron. Retired farmer, agency, on eertaiet conditions, by father.
mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of
intending homesteader.
Notice is hereby given that all persons
having any claims or demands against the Duties. -Six months' resitlenee upon and
late Samuel Rennie, who died on or about cultivation of the land in each of throe
Oct. llth 1909 at the foresaid Village of years. A homesteader may live within nine
Zurich are required- to send by post pre- miles of his homestead on a farm of at least
paid or to deliver to the undersigned ex- SO acres solely owned and occupied by him
ecutor of the last, will and testament of .or by his father, mother, son, daughter,
the said deceased their names and ad- brother or simter.
dresses and full particulars in writing of In certain districts a homesteader in
their claims and statements of their e•ood standing way pre-empt a quarter.sec-
a,ccn t -I the nature of the sem- hies, tion alongside his homestead. Price $3.00
th ad nboEstice6iis Tee acre, Duties -Must reside six months
.g cliseases. amou!
l'eme tribut
each qf six years from date of homestead
re"ed ' t..rAgnired to ea
as, . said ornestead.pate oultilate fifty ac
persons entitled thereto, • extra.,
A homesteader who has exhausted his
homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-
emption may take a purchased homestead
in =lain districts. Price $3.00 per acre.
Duties -Must reside six months in each of
three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect
a house worth MO.00.
W. W. CORI',
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior.
N.. B. -Unauthorized publication of this
advertisement will not be paid for.
•,,;rf.- • I regal' 'only the claims of which hts shall
I then have had eotiee, and that he said
1 executor will n u, be liable for ' the ••aid
assets or any part thereof to any person
of whose Claim, heshall not then have
received notice.
Dated at lienFall thi3rd flay of Dec,
The (..0 lendar, as an advertising ember Mg. E. RAN:SIN EXesellt0V,
medium, has been exploited to Hansa%
death. A merchant will invest all I
the way from ten to sixty dollars I THE NEW YEAR
f • one hundred to five kand-
in om
red oalenderse These will probably
reach two or three hundred"people.,
For the same money it column ad-
vertisement could be carried on in
the local paper for froiii; two to
twelve months. Each copy of the
paper is read by ten or tee d.oep.
people every week for the „entire.
time, while nearly alvvays, the:- ca:e
lender has the advertisement unItal
face covered up and is /planed, in,
the spare room or dining room. It
does not take very much figuring
to arrive at the relative value of •
the two classes of advertising. The
calender is all right as. a pretty
souvenir for any business' 1.1:111.1.3 to
give out to his customers, if he
feels he can stand the expense. hut
as an advertising medium it is
worth less.
. • • 'eer • further 1..be arH
, he would at least -sup.
himeelre. ah*' should never ave You a .weak throitt?
on cannot be too eareftil: Yu
pertieulaee ete,le • 'j •'titer vnon. _ .
sitid bit
arm,(1 on tho le-,,,,Trosiz....4 cir addresSiv,'‘.1 k 50 hard•again. Ben'
11 ....t f 1 ter things aetti net himself as, with
ri,11•!cli P. 0. eyes ootiverte(1from the dead, he
' bathed his face and hands and
--- ' combed Itis hair at the cracked
ee „ere. Being \Veit half lot 18 8. B. I mirror. He lutcl loved his little
l.)ml frm <- 1:oovA and kitchen, sister tenderly ; yet with all of his
frc ' 1.x.• ,-;.. v. ,70 %%103 stabling ; eorrow over the little frozen form,
r,r, , ••• • lo -9.. 4'1.c:t,• of .,01 water, w611 ' with all of his misery over his own
0 7 ar I ...cam( I. al.• , Ilk be sold at i
i deeradation, to his credit ho said
4, •4,,.1., ' ,5:- •-1011 will 1
i hi, chief thought was of his mother
;\-(•‘, v iily.t. Ai,T,1,: tr: IL Zame., no „ ' , .,
rt ow suricaeri she must be, how she
ei a --1 I: I,e P. O.
eeeded him, how he had failed her
_. e ......_—__ I Ties last was the bitterest drop in
. his one., he ewore that morning
LODGE 10 0:F a: T 1 NGS '
, tiwtho would never fail her again.
------ - ------------------7--.! thet she should never went again.
-1 .,1, 7:1 1 »"'r 7.oriph No. leen She mane in presently holding
e; 'lk 1 .. r . , , , 1st, anc03rd Jamie by the band, her bonnet on
TIPtirwiw. flf 4'l011 month et 8 o'clock p• to. and tthnut her shoulders the little
in 330 A. 0. 4, . \. It'i... faded slum' in which she used to
•.1, .i. Vitesee, C. R. wx,a,.I., nR,g,.
She had found it lin.
poesible to Flew' that morning, and
- the work already finished must be
A I' 'T* AX7 ltickbeil Lunge funiieuted before being sent back
'._I IL . v V . -'.;0• 93, rnot'4" F.0.) She litl:41 forth to purchase sulp.
rho end. 1011 WI. Friday of every month. jive teuee tultut -e c,rquarantine, as
4.1 '•i 'ic•1'"41(7 ;I, i'll" 0101' it*'rner '61c'vk • Sn'no :Vault° woke, hurrying him
31(1(1), wrov" ,M • W away lost be should disturb the
sleepere before there was anything
in the house for there to eat. Jam-
ie,ha I. (1 warm bun from. the bak-
er's in his hand and was wily hap
per Bessie had not had the heart to
i )(3 leen the -usual lutary Or that
cannot begin treatment too early
Each cold makes you more" liable
to another and the last is always
the harder to cure, 11. you Will
take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
et the outset yon will be saved
much trouble. Sold by J..' 3. Mern-
A new year has opened before us, . .
and Miturally..overy heart asks, IA
••What has it in.siore for me?" The
spirit with whiah we view the past
will ,determine, 'largely. what we
shs.11•reCeive from' the experiences C,
the. coniing yeitr. Will bring. One 4-1
thing is certain. To all the new
year will bring opportunities for
ser -vice, and: we can scarcely do *
better than face its mysteries with
that spirit in our hearts that made
Browning write. "Make life a min-
istry of love, and it will always be
worth living."
• Chamberlai n 's tiough Remedy
is not i nommen, every day cough
mixture. it is a meritorious rem -
for oil the troublesome
Of you are looking for art aftwatiarn
s Classified' Want. Ad. 1* the key
which Will unlock ttie door to Thep
prhiste Once OM!, i4111110*** man.
ts too busy to intentiew aU
promiscuous comers, brit 'WU CAM
said, his attention and secure
151) slOpoUrtaustii by Siburflen
Wanted^ sid„i
Every farther should know that, the
price ,offered by the dealers for cattle,
hogs, eto: v is a fair one. Now can be
knew thia if he does not take a farm
business' - paper? • What doctor or law-
yer or business ine,n would be without
his business paper? There is but one
!salvers' business. and market paper, that
is The Weekly Sun. Start 1910 right by
arris Co.
Farmers and Others:
T. invite eVerybody to look
through our 'Warehouse
and see if we Can't show
yoa the Best Line of
Machinery ever shown in
Zurich. 1 also sell the
Best. Line of Cutters
that can be put on the
From $26.00 up.
Alsn Repairs for
All Kinds of.
avings and
. Loan Co.
Money advanced on good
Farm Mortgages.
Prompt . attention given
to applications for loans.
E ZELLER. Zurich,
Massey -Harris Machines
ii0§Eingagmati itaiMenandi
This remedy can always be depeeded44,88 and
Is pleasant to take. It contains ne opkgrk or
other handle drng and may be given at evon*
Ontly to a baby as 14 ani
Price 25 can, large size 50 cola