HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-01-14, Page 1Vol. X.
The Official Organ of 4thtt .Bq.
FRIDAY M0}-3-14: JAN. 14. 1910
No. 25
• Mr. Edwin Koehler visited To-
Donk) for a few days this week.
For Sale—A fresh milk cow, and
a number °Online in shortly. Ap
ply to William Fee, Zurieh.
Mr. Minhael Ktiercher ie again
laid up by illness'and is under the
dector's care.
Miss • Alrna Brenner, of Dash-
wood is visiting relatives and
friends in town, this week.
Lutheran Church'—The evening
service in St. Peter's Lutheran
churoh will be conducted in Eng-
lish. All are invited to attend
Mr. Henry Geiger of Hamilton
North Dakota, is visiting his fath-
er and other a•elatives in town and
v ionatty. '
Mrs. Theo McAdams and Master
McAdams, returned home to De-
troit alter visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bassow.
Mr. John Gellman of the 14th
bas disposed of his fine hundred
acre farm to Mr. John Horner of
the Sauble Line Stanley, for
*7000 00, while Mr. Horner has
sold his farm to his neighbor Mr.
Josh Snyder, who now owns taunt
400 acres. Mr. Gallman and family
-will retire and will likely bscome
residents of Zurich in the near
There will be a demand tor years
to come for the beautiful picture
"Tbe ..Spul's Awakening," issued
by The Family Herald and Weekly
Star of Montreal. There will also
be 'many sorely disappointed -canon
YerY seon--theyare told. that not,
another eopy can be hade It is a
Be on the look out for D. S.
Faust's big sale, on the 22nd .Jan.
Mr. Elton Sobnell returned to
Pigeon, after visiting his parents,
for a few weeks,
Miss Irene Pope, of Hensall
visited at the home of Mr, C.
Fritz, over Sunday.
The Rev A D. Gisehler will
take for his subject for Sunday
evening service, "Profit and Loss"
Everybody cordially invited.
Mr Henry and Miss Mary Gall
man spent last Snnday with Mr.
and Mrs. W Reichert. Htllsgreen
For Sale or rent—Frame building
suitable for stable or wareroom.
Apply to. Louis Prang, Zurich. •
Last week Mr. C. Hartleib sold
a malleable iron range to E. M.
Brokenshire of Dashwood and an-
other one „to a party in Clinton.
The Women's Christian Temper-
ance Union. will meet Wednesday
afternoon, Jan 1.9th at 2 30, at the
home of Mrs. D Koehler. '
Dr. Oven's Surgeon, Oculist
specialist will be at Royal. Hotel,
Hensall, on Friday, •Feb; 4th,
Hours all i3ay. -Glasses properly,
fitted, Catarrh, deafness„. fail,
ing eyesight and throat troubles,
The amount of cement nse d in
Canada lastyear weuld be sufficient
to built a 4.foot•sidewalkhalf waf
round the world ; it would pave a
boulevard 15 feet wide from tl*,
Atlantic to the Pacific it would
produce aeon:Lain afoot squareind
15,000 miles in height • the barrels
in which it is contained, if laidend
to end would stretch 1750 miles,
It issuld, thatntliere, S riathing
bettertceprnteet-• sheep from dogs
tbasene ol&fash-iesesdageate.,Those,
animanninavenetitiari. at:lade= ...en&
wUlbunt thiaiiferout-oteneeirr five,
' wouderfially ohaenaing Pictuten• TEtilniiitS. Dogs; fear them' and if
,tonehes, the,beaet ot alivaaknuil, thy oncee try-anenel ions: never.
Janine&ion - e')70..At'thev"folmtittit/or t
• .0171414
feeling 'better orsavings' LOUtISj1C
But tb'ore is no !. reaonfo
withent a copflti yciur own lime.
The. ipublishers positively guar-
ante61)-that for samer': weeke, yet
pers' ,'-w110 remits a doilae for a
theyc•ill tb '•ev,ery
yeitzki subscription to vibe Family
Herald and Weekly . Star. Those,
whohave already subscribed are
surept‘ it. • Those who -have ITO
should do $o now, and best:we. fol'
they*ill certainly went it copy' if
they ever see • t ,-'••• at tbe.„Post Office for partioulars Douga Davidson,; See-Treas.
D.''Sf•Faiiit has „: i4ed a toe
eabinet of lock boxes in the Post
Office. Those buying .a lock box
will be able to getniail every night
except Sunday, in the summer up
till fo O'cloek. • The front -door will
beleft open for thosehaving a key.
And in.the winter till 9 o'clock.
Those that have no keys can not
1.ettbeir mailed ter the wicket is
So it -wilt be convenient
for you if yon get & box Inquire
• Mrs, Wm. BaSSOW tInd daughter
Edith, visited relatiVes andlfriends
in Detroit, last week, 4,
For Sale Or ,Rent--HOUgle end
lot in the Village of4iiike klenty
of day labor can 'be got in the
vicinity. Apply te Allirebree Mness,
Blake P. 0. or E. „greller, Zurich.
D. S. Faust -tali', have a large
assortment of reit:thanks in tires
goods, flannelettes, prints and ging-
ham in connection With the Big
Sale beginning on the 22nd day
of January.
The annual meeting of the 71.1r-
ioh Fall Agr•innIturel Society
be held in ,4130 'Town, Hall, KriGirif*
on Friday„ -Jan; 2lst, po; 'elle
o'cloek p.
Dai$ at Zurion, Jan. Fol, low„
• „Tbe semi annual. •*gentian of it
officersr in the Eyangeligal
o larch resulted as figlowan Bron.
res. Rev. A. D. GiSehler, • 1st
Vice. Henry Pfile, 2M Vice. Miss
Ida Ortwein, 3rd Vice, Lillie Fenst,
4th ,Vice, Miss Laura Geiger. Tress.
urer. Roland -(i.kraiger, Oggeniet MOP
Elia Rennie. "Assistant erganIst
Miss Dora Geiger.
:Willie' Koehler, • alY1' f4Milf7
in Vise Rem! Will fe)i .
taiumphrRs Superintendent.
the Junior, ;01 •
Assistants, Miss Lydla
Miss M. JacTison, ' ••,
The fclloveing coinmunieati on
from the Hospital for Fikilf, Qhildren
was received by BeVp U. R.
• :
Dean .Stra.---Viree,b000,, eeknowe
rant' Ovt,,orarstrzef601*A1011.#,.64:0).'-
thirtreentS,' .whicat
"we•httif;•4'`V • the • IX:
Watch this Space
Next •Week for a
Big Discount S le
1 am overloaded with
Stock. lust make
•room for Spring stock
All Farm Produce teateaR 4T4 Ixcbange.
terettt yone
Wealiia received
0,:ca.•*190 p • S1/4
•••'* ezV,,c7'94V!. .
We.have stook a largassiattgetit
of Fall.ZoottitOar wad: yaw:. Nv4t:
8 1i�d.here with
• !
iBest• irfthe- flarket
the • very,. kirid
dona.tion•bf ,r,trifit.,,h .ney, etc., sni* /i \
I,:rouldasks)Yenito I kindly convey, la,.
t9,your eparishieners the grateful' ,- 4, \
t#,Anks:.of t the ,Titittees' to* fine ,n-t,ir
generous contrilnitinit, ...:– ... .,/,.:,,,,a- . I/ t • .
Again:thanking yonwishinga
you the•Complinients of the =Sea - k,l,/ . li". IIENTIOnlit, iii011
139n. . - . Yours truly, • ti••. . • .•, .••
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