The Herald, 1910-01-07, Page 6lett.
"Sick Man's Friend"
That's the Name Given by Thou-
sands to the Old Family
Stand-by, "Nerviline."
100000000 Bottles Used Annually
No better known or more popular
family remedy has ever been compound-
ed. than "Nerviline." During the past
half century its success has been plce-
nomenal—due to the fact that it always
"No one could get me to go to bed at
night unless 1 was sure we had Nervi -
line in the house," writes Mrs. R. 11.
Weightman, of Holtman P. 0. "tiix years
ago my husband was taken badly with
rheumatism, which affected his right
arm and shoulder. It was so sore and
stiff as to be almost helpless for four
years. I read of the cure of James
E. Everett, and felt
sure that when
Nerviline cured a
case like his, it
would cure my
husband. I got a
dollar's worth of
Nerviline, five bot-
tles. in Buffalo, and am pleased to
write you that the fourth bottle cured.
We have since used Nerviline for Lum-
bago, Neuralgia, Colds, Chest Tightness
and other minor ailments in the family
and found `Nerviline' to be the `Sick
Man's Friend.'"
No other remedy is so useful in the
home, so universally employed to alle-
viate pain and curing the sick. Refuse
anything offered you iustead of Nervi -
line, winch is sold: Large lac. bottles or
five for $L00. By all dealers, or The
Catarrhozone Company, Kingston, Ont.
Sentence Sermons.
They miss the place of power who
dodge all pain.
You cannot stir up love with the pok-
er of anger.
A man begins to die as soon as he
lowers his ideas.
No man can be wholly free as long as
any remain bound.
When the divine is only a proposition
piety is only a theory.
There is only evil in the goodness that
makes other evil.
No man helps people much who thinks
onl yof pleasing them,
One way to defend the right is to at-
tack all wrong vigorously.
Many believe in the discipline of suf-
fering, providing others take it.
No man hits the mark of righteous-
ness by aiming at respectability.
If you never dream of the impossible
you will never od the possible.
Making the best of that which is
wrong is ften buttressing an evil.
Tau cannot sow weeds in your heart
and keep the burrs to yourself.
Many talk so freely of religion be-
cause they have never met their al
You will Hever lead a boy into your
fatith until you have much faith in
The best way to get the help of hea-
ven is to give some other fellow a little
help, •
The mushroom of emotionalism usually
pities the slow growth of the tree of
Many a sain eats pickles and cream
and then goes to sleep waiting for a vis-
ion from God.
Many a man is so busy making a liv-
ing for his children that he forgets to
think of their real lives.
ID r°. 1®/l.' c rs s'
irtdiara IR? ®c't Fp ilIs
Cure many common ailments which are
very different, but which all arise from
the same cause—a system clogged with
impurities. The Pills cause the bowels
to move regularly, rlY, strengthenthen and stim-
ulate the kidneys and open up the pores
of the skin. These organs immediately
throav off the accumulated impu�rities,
and Biliousness, Indigestion, Liver t'Com-
plaint, Kidney Troubles, Headaches,
Rheumatism and similar ailments van-
ish. Dr. Morse's ,Indian Root Pills
at Nees ocltc,rm.' EBB iI
Escaped Her.
Absent windedly the young
"Pardon me," she 'said. "I didn't mean
to do that." ' it qiK ii;
"I see," remarked Mr. Lingerlong.
"Opened by missttllde''
Grapes Growing in Places Reached
Only by Ropes and Ladders.
The steepeat vineyards in all Europe if
not in all the' world are situated on the.
northwest coast of Italy. 1 have seen
grapevines growing in many countries
and in many queer places, but nowhere
have 1 ever seen vineyards„ located like
those on the seacoast between Levanto
and Spezzia.
The vines in some places along the
Rhine grow on very steep hillsides, but
nothing to compare with those growing
on the lofty Italian cliffs. You can now
and then get a good glimpse of these
vineyards while riding in the train from
Genoa to' Pisa, which follows the coast
almost all the way. The trouble is that
tunnels succeed each other in rapid sue-
ceesion, thus continually breaking off
the view of the sea and of the rocky
After leaving Levanto, a small town
situated on a semicircular bay, and go-
ing through a long tunnel, you soon
come to what are called the villages of
the Cinque Terre. Jfach village is sep-
arated from the other by lofty cliffs.
The vines cover the face of 'these bold
cliffs, which are almost perpendicular. As
such places can be reached only by lad-
der. or ropes the difficulty of working
the vineyard and of gathering the crop
of grapes can easily be imagined.
Almost as striking are those places
where the vines are trained upon wire
across gorges made, by the streams
which cut the rocky coast. This whole
region is probably unique in its Y:ticuI-
ture. Only men like ,the Italian peasant
farmers, who lone the vine and its lus-
cious fruit, -Would ge to to hunch labor
and trouble as to plant vineyards on the
face of sheer cliffs.• -American. -Wine
Press. `]
Minard's Liniment. Cares Distemper.
"Young gentlemen," •- announced the
professor in• nglish.literature, "to -mor-
row I wish you to come prepared to dis-
cuss this sentence from the work, of
Henry James." •
"The entire sentence, professor?"
groaned the class.
"Well, take t as far as thefirst semi-
Those Who Lack Energy and Are
Unsuccessful Should `Read •
This Closely:
"I am only thirty years old, yet for
almost two years I have felt more like
seventy-two. I have found it difficult to
sleep at, night and in thhe morning feel
so depressed and heavy that effort was
difficult. My hands were always clammy
and perspiration on slight effort would
break out all over tree. It was not un-
natural that I should begin to brood
over the chance that I Should soon be
unfit to do my work, ,and this dread
made rely sleepless nights perfect misery.
After repeated trials of medicine and
mixtures Dr. Hamilton's Pills gave me
the first gleam of hope. From thevery
first I could see they were different in
action from other pills. They .didn't
grips and acted as naturally as if nature
and not the pills were cleansing my
clogged up system. My spirits rose, T
felt much better, the sluggish action of
the system gave way to normal activity.
Dizziness and headaches ceased, appe-
tite, good color and ambition to work
returned and have remained. I am like
a new man and I thank Dr. Hamilton's
Pills for it alt"
This was the experience of J. E.
Parkhurst a well-known grocery dealer
in Jefferson. Follow his advice, use Dr.
Hamilton's Pills for your stomach, kid-
neys and liver and you'll enjoy long life
and robust good health. All dealers sell
Dr. Hamilton's Pills, in yellow boxes,
25e. per box, from The Catarrhozone
Co., Kingston, Ont.
Hickory Cane Cut ,,by Old Hickory.
Fred Tillman, a farmer of White Store
township, has in his possession a hickory
cane cut from woods near "The Her-
mitage" by Andrew Jackson, "Old Hick-
it n
Mr.T ima sg randfathe
r David Till-
man, father of the late Dr. David C.
Tillman, was going to some point in
Tennessee during the year 1830 and pass-
ed the night at "The Hermitage," the
home of the ex -President. Nest day he
walked, over 'the plantation with the
grand old man, who cut the hickory
cane and presented it to Mr. Tillman. It
has been polished and mounted with sil-
ver.—e rom the Wadesboro Ansonian.
Do you know the difference
between working and having
the work done for you
Suniight Soap actually makes
the dirt drop out --saves you
time and money—but injures
neither hands nor
clothes. That
is just the
Sunlight Soap
and ordinary
Different Views,
She—This is the candy store where
we first met. You teak shelter here from
the rain, do you remember?
He (angrily)—Yes, and now I see that
there was a saloon nest door, which I
must have run past.—Fliegende Blaet-
Quickly stops coughs, cures colds, heals
the throat and lungs. • • - 25 cents.
"Lady De Bathe—our old friend, Mrs.
Langtry—is bringing out a novel and a
volue of memoirs," said a Chicago pub-
lisher. "Both books should be witty."
"Lady De Bathe is a very witty •per
son. Her wit is audacious. I'll -never
forget a specimen of it that enlivened a
Michigan avenue dinner party on her
last American tour.
"Lady De Bathe during dinner to a
woman seated near her:
" `Who is that fat man over there
with the curious bine face?'
"'That is my husband:,: the woman
answered, her voice tremulous with rage.
"'Oh, how fertpgnate,' said Lady De
Bathe. `You're th9 very person I want-
ed to meet. Now tell me, is lie blue all
LifebouY Soap isItghtfully refreshing for
bath or toilet.. For gashing underclothing it
is unequalled. Clea es and purifies.
Dante and Airships. •
A writer to thet'3ior:nale d'Italian of.
Rome complains th t is discussing the
predecessors of W' ght and Zeppelin—
Daedalus, Icarus,tenon Magus, Appol-
lonius of Tyana— o one has made men-
tion of Dante arc- .tis trip to the eighth
circle of hell on board the monster
Geryon, a formidable type .of the
heavier-than-air machine; to judge from
the poet's account. Not even •Wilbur
Wright could have been calmer than
Dante's guide, Virgil, who made his
passenger mount in front to protect him
against any mischance from 0eryon's
proneller—tsc mean his tail. But as for
Dante, to quote Professor Norton's
translation, he was "as is he who has
the shivering fits of the quartan so near
phis pilot clasped him with steady arms
'and said: ` Geryon, move on now; let
thy circles be wide, and thy descending
slow: eon;icier the novel burden that
thou hast."
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited:
Gentlemen,—I have used MIN'AXI)'S
LINIMENT on my vessel and in my
for c.�er •
the ,
or •ea • and
family f isclay
ills and accidents of life I consider it
has no equal
"I would not start on a voyage with-
out it, if it cost a dollar a bottle.
Schr, "Stroker,” St. Andre, Kamouraska.
If you suffer from bleeding, itching, •
blind or protruding Piles, send me, your
address, and I will tell you' how to 'cure
yourself at lipme by the new absr5'rption
treatment; and will also send'soinn of
this home treatment free for trial, •with
• references from your own"loeaility if
requested. I7nfnediate relief' and' :per-
manent cure assured., Sendand' •money, .
but tell others of this offeree Write to-
day to Mrs.. M. Summers, Box P. 8,
Windsor, Out;
Prison Advantages.
Rev. J. Powell, chaplain of the Suffolk
county jail, who is ,about to retire, as-
serts that a prison is not so depressing
a'place as many imagine, and adds that
he. woiildrtrather serve six months in
prison ty,t be an inmate .of a, workhouse
for -a similar period. A prisoner has his
ow;it rooin ;and is not' herded with"many
others. Mr.. Powell relates that a man
awaiting trial said to him: `You night
.ask the judge to give me three years.
When I'm outside I, haven't a bed to
sleep on, but while I am here I have my
own ..private sitting room, my butler to
bring in my meals, my doctor to . see
after me, and even my private chaplain"
—London. Evening Standard,
.Rough .on the Deacon.
li _rather pompous looking deacon in
a certain city church was asked to take
charge of a class of boys during the
absence of- the regular teacher, says
Lippincott's. While. endeavoring to im-
press upon their young minds the im-
portance of living a 'Christian life. the
following question was propounded:
"Why do people call me a Chris-
tian, children?" the worthy dignitary
asked, standing very erect and smiling
down upon them,
"Beeause they don't know you," was
the ready answer of a bright-eyed little
boy, responding to the ingratiating
smile with one equally guileless and
w inning.
Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in
Euclid was deep in mathematics.
"My clear," announced his wife, "I
want to give Mary Smith a present that
will look like it cost more than the one
she sent me, but really ,be less; and I
don't know what she paid: for it. How
much should I spend?"
Herewith he sought safety in flight.
PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any
case of Itching„Blind, Bleeding or Protruding
Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 60c
(New York Times.)
"Who made that man, mamma?" ask-
ed a child on a Broadway car, pointing
to a hot sport opposite.
"Hush, my child," answered the moth-
er, "why, Providence, of course."
. "Ohl" said the open-mouthed young-
ster, "and what for?"
,, Tthen the sport changed cars.
Miriard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc.
� s p
His Trouble.
A Trenton couple were married the
other day, and all their friends i•e-
narked: "They will certainly be very
happy—they have waited for each other
a very long while."
(Fliegende Blaetter.)
Husband—I have paid your dress-
maker who has been dunning you.
Wife—Oh, then I mast go and order
a new frock, or she will think I am
offended with her.
Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, for
48 -page illustrated Eye Book 'Free. Write all
about Your Eye Trouble and they will advise
as to the Proper Application of the Murine
Eye Remedies In Your Special. Case. Your
Druggist will tell you that Murine Relieves
Sore Eyes, Strengthens Weak 27Yes, Doesn't
Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, and 80115 for 60e,
Try It in Your Eyes and in Baby's Ilyes for
Scaly Eyelids and Granulation,
His Delicate Sarcasm.
Lounger—The lady who went out just
now was Mrs. Wiggers, the authoress,
wasn't she?
Bookstore Salesman—Yea, she's one
of the best-er--oustonneresses we have.
Take LAXATIVE BRO11fO tleinlno Tablets.
Druggists refund money if it mile to cure, E.
W. OROVL'S signature is on each box. 20e.
ISSUE NO. 1. 1910.
a./ —buy suburtan lots while they are loco.
Building lots 25 x 100 for 876 and upwards.
Terms—$5 down and 41 per week. Write for
booklet A—Burke f Co„ 204 Ding street east.
This Snap Shot Camera,
complete, for taking
Photos 21x2%, free tor
selling 30 of our 10e
packages of beautiful
namet cards.
addr ss us your
we will retail you the cards to soli.
Bijou Specialty Co,,Dept.G,Hamilton,0et.
Do you trap or bay
Furs? 1 am Canada's
largest dealer, Ipay
highest prices. 'X our
shipments solicited.
I pay mail and ex-
press charges; remit
promptly. Also largest dealer in Beefhides,
Sbecpsktns, etc. Quotations and shipping tags
sent free.
(Boston Transcript.)
Mr. Figg—Glasser says he kept per-
fectly cool last night when that burglar
got into his house.
Mrs. Figg—So his wife told me. She
found him trying to hide in the re,e
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria,
A'Geats or Ladles $olid Gold Watch eos "'ym
you5desirrotto secure
01 at throw
howov your
to away,
and last wall will be equal to any Solid Gold
Watch, send us pour name end address immediate-
ly and a"roe to sell 10 boxes only, of Dr. Meterin'■
FURIOUS Vegetable Pills, at 26c. a box. They are
the greatest remedy on earth for the cure of poor
and impure blood, indigestion, headaches, coneci-
pation,nervous troubles, liver, bladder and kid-
ney diseaaos, and all female wesknessos; they are
the Great Blood Purifier and Invigorator, a Grand
Ton -o and Life Builder. With tho Pills we. send
10 articles of jewelry to giro away with the pills—
this makes them easy to sell- This is the asses
of a lifetime. De not miss it. Send an your order
and we will send you the 10 bores, post paid -
When you have sold them, send ne the money $2.60
and wo will rend you
the same day the money is received.
We are giving those beautiful Watches to advertise
our Remedies. This is a grand opportunity to so-
cure a valuable Watch without having to spend a
cent. And our Watch is a stem wind and stem sot
and not the cheap back: wind article generally
given as premiums. Send for our pills without
delay. Address T13E DR. MATD'RIN MEDIC/NE
CO., Watch Dont. 20 Toronto, Ont.
NEZEM '50 0"11'n*"1`,...r.:N'Aie5'dbii'.. te'P°W;:4.1.1,01. er
Everybody Who Eats Bread
Should avoid danger of impurit:.i in delivery from the oven to 1
the home. Insist on your baker wrapping his bread in
We are the original manufacturers of bread wrappers now
used by leading bakers of Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and other
The E. B. EDDY COMPANY, Limited, Hull, Canada
This is a fine, handsome., clear-toned
in, highly polished, richly
complete with string bridge, three gut strings, ebony fin3h Sar1ongbow
of white horse hair, and box of resin. Ereiyhingcomptato sent securely
packed in a box., just send as • lour. name and address, and agree to aell
only 8 boxes of Dr. Maturity a Pamcua Vegetable'Pi11e, at 250. a box.
A grand remedy and cure for weak and impure conditions of the blood indi-
gostion, stomach troubles constipation, nervous daeorders, diseases of the liver and kidneys,
rheumatism, and Female troubles. A mild laxative, Grand Tonic and Life Builder. They are
easy to sell as each customer buying a box of pills from you, receives, at the same time, a nice
fancy Pin, which we send you with the Pills. pills,
not miss the chance of your life.
Don't Bond any money—Only yournameand address, at once, and we will promptly send
you by mail, postpaid, the 8 boxes of Pills and the Pins. When Bold remit to us the $9.00 and
we will send you this handsome Violin, oto. just as represented. 'rite to -day.
Dept. 166, TORONTO, ON?
This. elegant watch ladles' or gents' size, stem wind and set, fancy engraved oases
full guar5nteerl,Will beSent toyou ABSOLUTELY FREt,ifyouwill sell only$8.0
worm of Lovely Picture,Post Cards: 0 for lee. These ate'the most artistic, beauti-
fully colored anddembossed extras issued nils Season, Views, Mottoes, Floral,, Holi-
day, 6,e, These are the fastest sellers. Get the best. Write to -day and we will send
you apackage. Sell them and return the money and win this Handsome Little Watch.
"You can also win a lovely To Set FREE if you will help us to enlarge our business by
getting oniyo'other agents and without having to sell anymore goods.
COBALT'CooLD PEN CO., Card Dept. 58 Toronto, Ont.
This FIND AIR RIFLE, nickeled steel barrel, peep sights, polished walnut ,tock,.
shooting BB shot or darts with sufficient force to kill birds, squirrels, etc. Bo this is the
best Air Ellie made and we given to you PRB$ for selling.8 boxes, only, of lir. Maturiu's
Famous Vegetable d3ilis at 26o. a box. These Pills are the best remedy known in all casein of
weak and impure blood, indigestion, stomach troubles, constipation, nervous diseases, rheuaaa.
Bar etc.
Just send your name and address plainly written, and we will send on 8 bogey of out Pills
and 8 Fancy Pine to give away, as a premium, with each box sold. 'When you have mold the 1
boxes, send us the money $2.00 end we will immediately, send You this handsome Air Ririe.
We do not ask anymoney before the Pills are sold and we take heck what you ca>ano6eell;
' Address—TRE UL MNTURIN MEDICINE CO,, Dept, 51. Tomato, Est.