The Herald, 1910-01-07, Page 5rM 0 oved! Mived! SHOP AND STOOK You will find this Establishment on MAIN STREET aireetly,.West:of Dominion House Ready to supply you with just a —little bit the Nicest— JEWELLERY for HOLIDAY GIFTS. HAY ELECTION. The municipal elections on Mon- day for the Council brought a surprise in the defeat of Mr. John Geiger, who lead been a member of the council for three years and always gave a good account of himself. M.r, Robert McArthur another of the old Board went down to defeat, after a long and valuable service. The by-law to raise x;10.000 for culverts and bridges was also defeated and the defeat of the two councillors was no doubt due in part to that by. -law, and possibly to the local option contest. The new council will be composed of Peter Lamont reeve, (acclamrttion) Henry Neeb, William Oonset. Louis Kalbfieisch and Fred Willert. concillors. Messrs Neeb and Willert are now men, while Mr. Consit has had been in the council some years ago. The new Board ought to prove a good one and are nicely distributed through the muni- cipality. The outstanding feature of the contest was the large rote given to Neeb, he having headed the poll. Following is the result of the voting by divisions : Rings, Silver Thimbles, Fobs, • Necklets, Watches )Brooches, Bracelets, Yell Pins, Collar Pins. Everything in this Line.. COME ALONG, We will try to PLEASE YOU, F. W. HESS, JEWELLER G. It. BEN, Assistant. 1 1 That New Winter Suit. When looking for your new Winter Suit, do not forget to give us a call. We have a fine range of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., to choose from. Our prices are as cheap as any. Suits made at short notice. We also have a large nnmber of Samples to select from. 1 Launday in connection. VI W HOFFMAN �p Ilomnasa®e foa'SoaoMEM,MADaoo=coma , 5 9 7t R. N.DOUGLAS, Oeneral \1erchant, B T. A K E. 0 oaseoaoa®,aouooap ommaaaa,rmaomaoaacroeajL �7C TE TAKE this opportu- nity of wishing our Customers a Happy and Prosperous New Year, and thank each and all for having made the last year our most prosperous year since we have been in busi- ness. We ask you again fair your heart\ supine. t for 191o. and lye will (1(> onr best to merit it, by giving you value for .your money. ...Z.HIHH■.. MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a " full line o fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a call. Y UNlBIUT Sc W `CHERT. ea CA zm �• f4 CR cm CID ,w C,4 H CO to o w a CO bo r C7 1 1 Giw 4*- r Gs co is Go w ra -its 0▪ o to w to Cit If w• oo CO W fO 4, co oowoa+rcn oent.,kcm 10.CP .41141. Mr. and Mrs. William Kaeroher of Toledo, Ohio, wore visitors in town over the holidays. The annual meeting of the Hay Fire Ins. Co. will be held in the Town Hall, on Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. Dan Herdford. of Elkton. Mich„ who have been visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Gellman over the holidays, left for their home on Tweed I:,y , A GRECIAN TINKER. A :;(.phia:t, wis'ling to puzzle Tliales. a Milesian, one of the wise glen of Greece proposed to hi: i the following dit:ict,lt ques- tions in rai,id 'i:('t.ession. The phil+,snplu r replh d t,I them all, without the least lhi -it:itilin and with bow ranch propriety and de- cision our readers can judge for themselves : What is the olde,t of all things? God—because he always existed. What is the most beautiful? The world, because it is the work of God. What is the greatest of all things? Space—because it contains all that is created. What is : the quickest of all things? • Thought—because in a moment it can fey to the end of the uni- verse. What is the strongest? Necessity—because it snakes men face all the dangers of lite. What is the' most difficult? To know yourself. rWhatis the most all- thin gel' Mope --because it remains with pian after he has lost every thing else. Clubbing rates. . EXETER. Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrett of the North end, celebrated their golden wedding on the 23rd December, Mr, and Mrs. Axt visited relativ- es in Detroit during the holidays Mr. and Mrs S. Hardy entertain e'1 a. number of Michigan relatives over the holidays The Exeter district of the Metho dist church is arranging for athree 7;nnday missianary campaign to begin next Sabbath, The first Sun - (ley eneh pastor is to preach mis- sionary sermons in his own pulpit while the following Sunday the ministers will exchange - their ( harges throughout the district and the third Sunday each pastor is to be assisted by outside help. Local option was defeated in town by 19 although the majority for the measure was 61, Tho Y M. C. A. are making pre parations for a concert to be held some time in the near future to take the form of a play which is entitled "The Bachelor's Club." It is exceedingly funny and amus- ing. Y. M. C. A. Would You Provide for the _ . re of Canada's Needy Consumptives ? The quarterly meeting of the County Committee of the Huron Young Men's Christian Association was held in the County Office in Clinton Wednesday Deo. 29th inst. Present were F. Buchanan, Wing - ham, J. McNay, Egmondville, G. Chesney, Seaforth, E. Bender, Blyth, J Soott, Dr. C. W. Thomp- son, Clinton. In the `absence Mr. G. F. Blair, Mr. F. Buchanan acted as chairman and in the absence of Mr. R. Maxwell. Mr. L. C. Fleming anted as Secretary. After devo- tional exercises the minutes of the last meeting were read and ap- Iporoved. The Treasurer's report was then (received and was as, follows:— Receipt since Sept 1st 1909..$497,16 Disbursements since Sept 1st 1909 408.82 Balance on hand'Dec 29th 88.:35 Outstanding pledge of 1904...132.72 Liabilities to Deo. 29th 1909..264.16 Estimated deficit for 1909 43,45 The County Secretary's report showed that a financial campaign been made in Seaforth, Edmond- viile for their share of the Badger for 1909, and that Blyth and Clinton had been canvassed for 1910. Seaforth had also been organized, it being the seventh Association in the County. A very profitable day'had been spent in :Stratford Nov. 12th, at the Physical Training Institute, as a result of good work is being done in some of the organizations of the Counties Huron and Bruce by the volunteer leaders of the physicial work who attended the Institute. Messrs Scott, Thompson and Blair ointed a nominating Com - This spacf will Pay IoQ, profit to the business in this Town that is not now using these columns■ iii ""We have made arrangements -to offer the following low clubbing rates with Tuts Hs:n.iLD : Daily Globe . , $ 4.25 „ Mail & Empire 4.25 Weekly. Globe. . . 1.60 Mail & Empire 1.60 Berliner journal (German) 2,50 Family Herald & Star 1.75 .L)aily Advertiser 2.75 Weekly .Advertise), 1,50 Weekly Sun 1.75 'J arnaer's Advocate , 2.25 constant of 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description MY quickly ascertain our opinion tree whether en invention is probably patentable. Commnnlca• done strictly confidential. (Handbook on Patents pent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patonts taken through Munn do Co. receive apeefat flake, without Charge, to the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any scientific journal. 'Perms, $ $ a year; four menthe, $L Sold by an newsdealers. MU'NN & Co.361Broadway. New York Branch office. 6E, 1;' St., Washington, i? fl. FARM PROFITS a, May be largely increased by knowing the exact condition of the farmer's market,. and by learning of the best method in fann practice. This is 'precisely the sort of information the Farmers' Weekly Sun gives in every issue. It has no equal : as a Farmer's Business; Paper. *Good farmers rely on it. For price see our clubbing oiler. THEN :CND YCU1 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE MUSKOKA FREE HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTIVES were app mittee to nominate five men to , take the place of the following five retiring members : Messrs R. i Maxwell, Winghain, C. H. Thomp- son, Clinton, T. E. Handford, Exeter, H. E. Hodgens, Goderich, R. M. Young, Carlow, . Messrs J ' Hartley and W. S. R. Holmes were appointed to audit the treas- urer's books. The meeting was then adjourned. STEPHEN ELECTION RETURNS The following is the correct re- turn of the vote polled for Reeve, Deputy -reeve and Councillors of the Township of Stephen and the vote fortified against Local Option Election held on January 3rd., A, D. 1910. „"• G fa m 7q ° o ®y G - ta RC1 sx p; W 0 ® , �w ®�' • '1 (1. m m ct tV-4m *MUSKOKA FREE HOSPITAL FOR CONSVMPrIVES. MAIN BUILDING FOR PATIENTS. A. national institution that accepts patients�from all parts of Canada. Flere is one of hundreds of letters being received daily John D. McNaughton, New Lis- keard, Ont.: A young man not be- longing here, and suffering from, it is believed, consumption, is being kept by one of the hotels here. He has no means and has been refused admission to our hospital. The conditions where he is offer hint no chance. Could he be admitted to your Free Hos- pital for Consumptives? If not, could you inform me where he can be sent, and what steps are neces- sary to secure prompt admittance? � Ver cr; tat 's' CO COCID • ' 0 /Pt •-0 .+ t,G CO 0 CD c.o.= cc Go 0.a• d 1g, MN tin II.. 11P is' re .. 01 co as, o P4 40 0 is 6, 4A to -4 t=6 00 - 0 t A'+ co Co,A Ca �Ca moIfs Illi H. N. CO Co 0 n ao Uo•+t r Ih r '0 i# ✓ 00 of u CR CO 4, IR -0 CO v CO C4 *D91) rsr aS co cl CO Cr � 4 a c gaCoGo I'1 CZ en o co Of -0 ' .I G p C I1 Goo N 5- NOT A SINGLE PATIENT HAS EVER BEEN REFUSED ADMISSION TO THE MUSKOKA FREE HOSPITAL BECAUSE OF HIS OR HER INABILITY TO PAY. Since the hospital was opened in April, 1902, one thousand five hundred and twenty-four patients have been treated in this one insti- tution, representing people from every province in the Dominion. For the week ending November 20th, 1909, one hundred and twenty- five patients were in residence. Ninety-six of these are not paying a Dopper for their maintenanoe—absolutely free. The other twenty-nine paid from $2,00 to 54.90 a week. No one pays more than 54.00. Suitable cases are admitted promptly on completion of appli- cation papers. A GRATEFUL PATIENT Norah P. Canham :Enclosed you will find receipt for my ticket from GJDvenhurst, hoping..that you will be able to oblige zee with the fairs'. I was at your Sanatorium tell (months, and. I was sent away froiii there as au apparent curt'. 1 and now working in the city, and I ani feeling fine. 1 was most thankful for the care I got from the doctors and staff, and I must say that ::pent the tieue of my life while 1 was there. A wise woman once said that there were three follies of then that always amused her. The first was climbing trees to shake t1 a fruit down, when if . thee' wit long enough, the fruit will fall itself ; the second was going to war to kill each other, when if they only wait- ed they would die naturally ; and the third was that they should run latter the women, when if they did, not dose the women would be sure to. run lifter the men i' KING TUR C1'RR IN WINTER Al' NICSNOliA FRSE nosrrr,tr. POR CONSL'AMPTIVVs. The Muskoka Tree Hospital for gendent on the ood will and gifts tives is of the Canadian public. Money is urgently needed at the present time. to :make, it. possible to care for the largo' dei+f increasing nu,uber of patients thstt are. en tering the institutio1J. Will you help ? Where greater urgenoy Truly, Canada's greatest charity. C'uut.ributions magi but serip to W. J. Clage, Esq,., 84 Spadini Aare., or .1. S. Robertson, See'l-Treas. National Sanitarinnl llasociation, 847 King St. W., Toronto, Cainacla. H EN8ALL Mimi Case of Toronto is visiting' with Mr..rnd Mrs Moir. Dr, Sellery took a trip to Sarnia., on Wednesday'. Mr, and Mrs Yuugblut, of Water- loo were renewing acquaintances here during the holidays. George Iron got his sten seret•ely injured recently, while working in the flax mill. Tll,ometa McPherson who has been living in. North Dakota for nearly twenty years, and recently. settled in Saila, is visiting bis parent; . Arnold Mactirtliur has' seemed. a position in at Winnipeg bank. Andy Ytuugi>lut sulci wife of of Alberta are visiting relstivei in town.