The Herald, 1910-01-07, Page 44 0 D 05511DelDt;v ;4>°(3D ,, t,>CD elteraDG DdDt?i1UeDr 11DCam ^')Qo The LISONS BASK i ,. aIncorporated 1855 iREST FUND - - 53,500,000ee �'Agents and Correspondents in all ee Has 65 Branches in Canada, and the Principal Cities in the World. ea A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, ao SAV NGS BANKPAt TME `ET i 3e.n ti.� �mm „s ae cit ease ; at all •Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. st 1 Zurich Branch - J. A, CONSTANTI1 E, Agent 1 sateCe=f3D CD c „ alDCi .30430 Diel? (b;e+r).43he QID an'cs{> ern ------ CO.PDTAlt. - S3,5000000 LEGAL- CARDS. EL 3.1). COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO- li.eiti*r, Notary Public, :lensali Ontario. At Zurich (Ze11er's office) every Mon- day. PROUDPOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, BAR- risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc., Goderieh, Canada W. Proudfoot. R. O. Hays. G. F. Blair. MEDICAL DR„ T. P. MeleAUGHLIN, for- merly with Drs. Jansen, Halle and Biers, of Berlin, Ger- many ; also assistant surgeon at Moorefields' (Royal London Opthal- mio) eye Hospital and Golden Square ; Nose and Throat Hospital, London England, •eto. General practice, with special attention to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested (Retinoscope used) and glasses supplied. OFFICE DASHWOOD, ONT. BUSINESS CARDS. B. S. PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, Exeter. �ju`1rd I E. .h 'al La PUBLISRED I3Y E. ZELLE,R. FRIDAY JAN. 7th, 19111 W. C. T. U. THE CRY OF THE TWO-THIRDS The ' .' rich Herald. the dead child close beside her, I�T AS STAMPS and with gide open eyes stared at the farther wall. Idle rl,t last. No will, no wish to work, no wish to weep. The clamp burned on, wasting the precious oil saved for her labcrs she bad forgotten her economies, As numb, as seeming ly dead was she to hope, to felling, as the little heart stilled at her side. The hours went by and still she lay sleepless and motionless. At lust ft step upon the stairs That step had never failed to thrill her cube, its echoes always smote tier be -'rt, it did not fail now, 0 what t. stumbling step it was tonight! She caught her breath as it came over her, how young he was to be so lost. Ho opened the loor ; she was there to meet him. She tooa his hand and led him to the bed. There was something in her manner that aimed him and he did not resist. She put his hand upon the little face, its obi'1 struck through hint. When she bad begged him to stay with her that night saying she feared Meg was dying, he had sneered, complaining that she was forever whining over that child of late. She would not whine for the same cause again. "She is dead," she whispered, "Ben, our Meg is dead." Oh, how she loved hien vet. Row instinctively she turned to him for sympathy in her woe ! He cried great, blubbering tears,'said silly things in a maudlin fashion, as he could not have done had he been himself. When he nodded off to sleep in the midst of it all, Bessie lay back again beside her dead, a few tears wringing 'themselves ' from her heart, wrenching, her body -with actual pain in their passage. She wished that night as she put a pillow beneath his head and an old shawl over him, that he too bad died when young; that she had left to her only atuemory of his innocen- ce. A moment later. she cried aloud. Cried? Nay. she shrieked ; this poor, -silent, repressed woman shrieked. e0 God ! out of your heart of Nye, taka him too ! (To(be continued) Ethel M. 'R' illiams, Pres. Supt. To lay aside her needle meant starvation, lack of everything, medicine, food, the very roof over the sick child's head. There were kind people in that great city, who would gladly have helped her, but Bessie could not beg. nay, she could not even breathe her poverty to another. so she worked on with her mother's heart breaking. She tried to sew with her little oae on her bosom. alas, it was impossible; nor could meg rest as well as thus, she drew the bed close to her chair then ; she must be near the window to see. and she felt she must be near her child; where she could smooth her hair or kiss her face without much interruption of her work She tried to sing when she- ec!uld control her voice ; meg was so fond of siuging, it seemed to ease her pain. Once or twice during undnctrtl in all parts. Satis- E that weary, v htle the mother ask. Sales raetion guaranteed or r:o pay. Temaeel her son to hold the little one. to -e:ioitalale. Orders ]eft at this office rock her as he used to do. But Ben will be promptly attended to. !was not himself, ho usually refused unr,:ractensly, lie also refnsed to.re- ronin in the house according to the ANDREW ngefl F. HESS, FIRE 1NSUURAN- i T,liseicurrn's order . be would do as tie agent r\V;tte ,rtiug the London, � he ]titan etl, one night, indeed.. he Economical, Waterloo Vt,,aarcir, Stand- i slid take the child in his arms and art Wellington .ria guardian. Every- f tell the Stories she loved Best of t,lriugiu fire insurance. 1 Princess and Keith. He- was -so nn,ssertnterrenert ITV VII, 4uate of the Royal Osla, 3argt'ons, 'Toronto, also hour„ ,ra-=. u to suffer much, there was no tex- tile of Department of- Dentistry, To- I rime pilin, only a slow consuming; ronin University. rainless extraction n tanning heat, an titter weakness f teeth. Plate work n spec:;,lity. At that mails every breath "a burden WHELP CANADA'S NEEDY CONSUMPTIVES IIE net proceeds frond stamps sold will be used for the extension of the work of the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives. The avail- able beds were trebled as the result of last year's Stamp Campaign. BUY THEM. USE THEN. HELP THE GOOD WORK ALONG. THE BEST INVESTMENT YOU EVER MADE. ONE CENT EACHI. a Not a single patient has ever been refused admission to the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives because of his or her inability to pay. XVERT STAMP SOLD IS A DULLET IN THE WARFARE AGAINST TUBERCULOSIS. If not on sale in your town, write .T. S. ROBERTSON, See.-Treas. National Sanitarium Association, 347 Piing S. W., Toronto. Ail information furn- ished and stamps mailed promptly on receipt of order. 'Oliainb 'lain's cough remedy' never dist ppoints those who use it for obst ate coughs, colds and irritatin t of the throat and lungs. It stand: nrivalled its a remedy for all tilt at and lung diseases. Sold by , cT . Merner. !sled of, that tcfterwKTail, • lint it was .ti Doutal j her very sick. Sine did `not seem a00123 Hi Z. P. S, .fort e ro 1 e December. III clas:a Theo Mittelholtz. Ferd 13aberer, Roy Appel, Lloyd Kalb- fieieell. Bernard Hildebrand 1, Erna Fritz. Elvin Bock, Chtra Thiel.' Sr II Verde Fuss, Samn['1 Fisher, Percy Weido, Helmet Sehilbe, Mary Jeffrey, iiav'y,Price, Gilbert Jeffrey Gertrude 13oek, Albert McCormick. AW"n' 't iwT,r',>`+':9 7 t.. 3i. :i no eta?. „ .e,: i i:; the reI)ort of t' rkr r,' h. month -41111. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Cham- berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab- lets. They do the work whenever yon regnire their aid. These tablets change weakness into strength, listleness into energy,,; gloominess into ;joyousness • Their action is so gentle one don't realize they have taken a purgative. Sold by J. J. Merner. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a very valuable medicine for throat and lung troubles, quickly relieves and cures painful breathing and a dangerously sounding cough which indicates congested lungs. Solcl I ANY person who is the sole head of a. 1),M1111 1011 lienee, Ztn•icl1 , �•, tv Mon- day. 7-4.111 5. ZELLElt, CONVEYANCER \tit ER SND Notary Public,• 1he e d , '+It.t tt r es, \\'lila and other Legal lir., ug,. ,rats are stood so well iter mother's need to ; Willie C"lausius, Feeders Howald. Milton Beyrock. (absent.) Sr pt II Gledvs Fisher, Maggie Fuss, Reinhold Koch, Hazel Fritz, Ada Rowa.ld, Janet Thiel, Lawren- ce Rau, Ernest Bender, Garfield Witmer. Roy Foster. jr pt II Edgar Schnell. Elmore °tansies, Clarence Brenner, Claytus Mittelholtz, Earl Zetttel. Tho pupils and teacher of this room wish those who have been unable to attend, school, A Happy New Year. M. R. Jackson. Teacher. The child of poverty learns early pat'ienc'e, it was pathetic to see her willing waiting for -a i ,tiflent's at tcntion, her c•ltikli::b nratitnrle for first a -mile r:r wordshe under - of fully and promptly prepared. Office-- xvork that she never asked to he Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. lifted or held, not even when the little body ached so severely from FOR SALE. 50 acres, all good land, with good bunk barn, frame house, all in good re•; ;sir, The farm is well drained, plenty of good water and wilt be sold for 83000.00. Apply to E. 'Zeller, Zurich. Splendid 100 ur're farm fuer sale. Lot 14 (;on 12 hay Gond claysoil and all in fine working condition, with about 3 acres of hash : well fended a ad well drained (xoocl brick house and kitchen, gond bank burn 40 x 60. Driving shed and wood shed. 2 acres of gond orchard. God spring never failing wells. 10 acres in fall wheat For further particulars apply to Peter Duch- 'Irmo on t1ie premises or address Zurich P. 0. 11—tf. FARM FOR SALE. 50 acres being West half lot 18 S. B. Stanley. Good frame house and kitchen, good barn 34x74 with cement stabling underneath. Plenty of good water, well drained and fenced. and will he sold at a, reasonable figure. 1'osresaiou will be given any. time. Apply to H. Zapfe on the promises or address Blake P. 0. LODGE MEETINGS long lying that it hardly seemed endurable. Only the drawn lips testified to her suffering; ; only the hie eyes told of her 3 -earning or the anile that fairly illumined the wan face when. for a moment, her moths er dropped her work and drew the little form to her arms, Bessie prayed those days, bat not for• her child's life. what was life, what eoiilrl it bring to meg except suffer. inn? Yet could she see her die? she knew not what to ask, dared not seek either life or death for her beloved. But she bad to pray, she must call on one higher than her• self; as we all must and do when the storm overtakes ue. It was not vocal prayer, it was simply the C(1 d Court Zurich No. 1240 . 1d 'l meets every 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 8 o'clock p. m. in the A, 0. U. W. Tian. J. J.!VIEWER, C. Ii,. A0. TT R 9 . I ,ickbeil Lodge o No. 3 93, moots tho `2nd and: 1th Friday of every month, at 8 o'clock, itr their flail, Merner Block. Fenn. Wxrwsa ,M. W Chamberlain's Ootigb Remedy is not a common, every day cough mixture It is a meritorious rem MARKET REPORT.—The fol- lowing is the report of Zurich tna,rkets corrected up tc Thursday, 50 to 50 85 • 21.0000 24 00 24'00 35 35 1,05 1 05 12.00 Barley..,. Peas Bran Shorts Oats Wheat... Hay Drieu apples Clover seed 5,00 5.75 Potatoes 35 35 Butter ...............22 22 Eggs ., 26 26 Hogs liveweiget 8.00 FHENSALL MARKETS - -, 6 0 Gook's Best Flour....... Wheat Oats.. . , . Barley Peas Bogs liveweight' 3.00 38 98 37 37 55 55 70 70 8.00 Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. by 3. J. Merner. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. lo the matter of the estate of Samuel Rennie late of the Village of Zurich in the county of Huron. Retired farmer, diseased. Notice is hereby given that all persons having any claims or demands against the late Samuel Rennie, who died on or about Oct. llth 1909 at the forosaid Village of Zurich are required to send by post pre- paid or to deliver to the undersigned ex- ecutor of the last will and testament of the said deceased their names and ad - cheeses and full particulars in writing of family, or any male over 18 years old, may -homestead a quarter -section of avail- able Dominion land in Manitoba, Sask- atchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions, by father. mother, son, daughter, brother oe sister of intending homesteader. Duties.—Sox months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a. farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or Sister. In certain districts a homesteader in their claims and statements of their ,rood standing tray pre-empt a quartor•seo- account_ and the nature of the securities, tion alongside his homestead. Price 83.00 if any, held by theta and notice fs nrther 'per acre. Duties --Must reside six months given that after the l:Irlr day of January in each of six years from date of homestead 1010, the executor will proceed to dig- eutry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre- etnption may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price 83.00 per acre.. Duties --Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate Fifty acres and erect a house worth 300•00. t W. W. CORY, Deputy of tho Minister of the Interior. N. R. ---Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. tribute the assets of the sar'1 deceased among the persons entitled tt'e"•eto, having regard only the claims of which he shall then have had notice, and that the said executor will nit. be liable for the laid assets or tiny part thereof to any person of whose claim. he :hall not theu have received notice. Dated at Heneali this _'3rd day of nee - ember 1909. E. 1tag lie Executor, Hensall. Have you a weak throat? If so, you cannot be too careful. You cannot begin treatment too early Each cold makes you more liable to another and the last is always the harder to cure. if you will take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy soul's (Iamb agony seeking its only ! tit the outset• you will be saved sympathizer. And littlerneg grew much trouble. Sold by J. J. Mena. worse one day Mrs. Hiltz folded up er. her work desperately and put it away and sat beside her darling, hung over her all the day long, she knew it was the last day wee meg "Its so nice• would -need her care. to have the ,whole of you. mamma" the child whispered feebly but with a look of absolute content as she nestled to the poor bleeding heart, n1t, how many times afterward Bessie heard the plaintive voice and recalled the rapturous glance! That meg should give so much and get so little even of her mother, this was the ache that never got ease after she was beyond touch or care, Mr. Hiltz had been gone from home several days, but be came back that night drunken and Cross, Bessie felt the shudder that went through the frame of dying Onee as he broke forth intolcurses because there was nothing in " the house to eat. The poor dazed woman had given the last to Jamie, and caring for nothing herself, had forgotten every day needs in the need of this one day. After all there is nothing just like death hut death.. When he has come, is at the door, there is noth- all fire troublesorr,e r* inelse imliortant. He went to edy Ifo .r NOTICE entice is hereby given that the 35 annual meeting of the .members of The, Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co., will be held at the Town Hall, . Zurich, on Tuesday. ,Tan. filth, 1910, at one o'clock p. iii. Business --Receiving the Directors Auditors' and Tree. surer's reports ; Election of Direot ors, and such other business as may be nesessttry for the good and welfare of the Company. You are requested to attend. John w herritt, Henry tinier, President. .Secretary. VA aeLe The Key to the Situation if you are looking for a situation a Classified' Want Ad. is the koy which Will unlock the door to tho private office of the business Dian. Ho Is too busy to interview all promiscuous callers, but you can catch his attention and secure an appoiatmont by a "Situation Wanted" ad. 0• y R • 1teetn., THERE IS BUT ONE . Every farmer should know that the price, offered by the dealers for eattle, hogs, ete., is a fair one. How can he know thin if he does not take a farm busiuees papert What doctor er 1a,w- yer or business alien would he without his business paper There is batt one farmers' business and market napes, 1114 is The Weekly Sun. Start MO right by: mils -scribing. bin gr and dangerous complications re- sleep at last and the mother sat . rutting from ooid in, the head, • alone and held her babe in her throat, ohest or lungs. Sold by .1. clasp until the angels took her. el then she lay back upon the bed, Massey Harris. Go. Farmers and Others: Agricultural Savings: and Loan Co I invite everybody to look through our Warehouse and see if we can't show you the Best Line of Machinery ever shown in Zurich. I also sell the Best Line of Cutters that can be put ori the Market, From $26.00 up. CALL .AND SE@ THEM REND OFFICE LONDON - - ONTARIO Money advanced on good Farm Mortgages, Prompt attention given ...to applicaticns• for loans, Also Repairs for All Kinds of Massey -Harris Machines L Coiiak O lent'£ • I;t� 4 . 7 �' hyte, •Ag' be �igmtb8}•�i>i3 S Dtarrhota )?i31er rlj4 Never fails. Bad+ it nbw. It :iI 11e i E Z E LLE R. Zurich, CHAM' (ILAIPIS COUGH Coughs,Co1ds. F OUP, hoopingCb This remedy an always lit depended upon and is pleasant to take. It contains no opium or other baneful drug and may beeiven amoral- Oft sconal-deftly to *baby as to an sdte. Wise 25 cents, large eine 50 cettts. 41)