The Herald, 1910-01-07, Page 1Vol. X.
The Official Organ of Zurich U' Hay Township.5
3 A N .
•a� r t. * tit (i.e'o) Vonknd of Detroit Messrs Charles 4.`s' riz e ;11(+;
New year's and Thomas 1:az2(t+ < y'1
LOCAL NEWS visited in town
Over c , of Father'Llindreyille, 1)rTtcl3a.]t'
Mr. Henry Heideman of 'Detro
� 1• t + lroit
��+ ���'�� Qtlea di(, i:iit21 „„
t T� ,*�F' eJ' w '"" is home for a visit
and r1 nephew, all:Tema Joliette
,a , ig. ill �t. 1 .
They are pleased wv'tli this part of
Canada altli,euab solra.evOittt handl-
cupped at not being t1'*') to talk
the King's Engl (h, �v'(ten they
stepped off the train et 1Ieneai1,
the genial Torn Muz,e casls, Veteran
liveryman pruoureci 1!1, interpret -
All signs of an open winter fail visiting r. Simon
Geiger of Mr M (in i
in this kind of weather,
Mrs John Laporte of Drysdale Geiger, and other friends.
spent the New Year's bol#datys Miss ]l±iN1110r Hart1eil)Bsileft (:ol-
with her children, at Chatham Monday, to1lttencl
During the balance of the month sego, at Clinton
we will give some extraordinary
values in all lines. ti. J. 1\I.e.rner.
The new Councils 'will meet on
Monday next for the transaction
of business.
Miss. Brown of Goderich and
Miss Yungblut of waterloo, visited
at the home of Mrs. C3 Rannio, on
Mr John Walper, who had been
clerking in New Ontario for some
months, has returned house for • a
visit. •
Dr. Oven's Surgeon, Oculist
specialist will be ext Royal Hotel,
Hensall, on Friday, Jan. 7th
Hours all- day. Glasses properly
fitted, Catarrh, deafness, fail•
ing eyesight and throat troubles
Local Option wrlTM ere some
what disconreged at the batt show-
ing made in this Township. to abo-
lish the ler r(`s m'. N esever
,Hensall has also turned down local
t ' A *n • .,..r ••t yell that
Merner's cleitrin>;.'' tip sale will
save you ri1022ey Chine Marl, and er and landed thea. „1t(ely of
y their journey's pend, :het they
secures some of the bargains. are now enjoying the, Bess,t�atiite
of their brother.
For Sale—A. fresh. nilly cosy, and
number coming in shortly. Ap
ply to William Fee, Zurich.
trill' Lehman
bieOlary Mfg Co London, paid his A quiet but very pretty wo(i ling
annual New Year's visit to
parents in town.
Mr 'William . L of the
Our stook cloth-
ing is too heavy, and at reduced
sale prices yon will save dollars
on every garment. J. J. Memel..
Mrs. J. Preeter- was oalied to
Berlin this week to attend the
funeral of her another, Mrs.
Moyer. who bad been' ailing for
some weeks: The deeeased was
was solemnized at 'the,' 1,'Mlle of IL.
and Mrs. Samuel McBride Sr..
Stanley, on Wednesday, December
27th, when their third daughter,
Margaret Jeane was It ir!'ily unit-
ed in marriage to iii' Alvin E
Nicholson a 'prosper ons yr i ng busi
ness roan of Blake. Ii;a1 ,tulia.tely
at twelve o'clock to the strains of
the wedding march played. by the
bride's sister Miss Maude McBride,
the bride entered the ja i,)r
ing on the arm of her tallier, who
about sixty-three year , of .age. gave her away. She was ' te2v
Quite a Dumber of our sub• prettily attired in a gory., o k rt tion
scribers have alrecdy renewed for pilatt silk trimmed with snita:;he
this rot •. ane'l ;°.. :ill hese that braid and silk insertion 'elect earrir`:1
all %111 2sntiae .t21 a livrt iJ t):L:y .til t 1.; n:, l:e.'f�rti er ti t: o i`:'
t en sentlieninna ,
op .iri2 it: , ., ,_,::.. � ::
arrears and :: year in advance. pistil and 'rhito chry .
Hay dal not carry the measure. v):1` k'a i )t negieot this lin- and wore a wreath of tirlltrya bless
ase c u not
Tn fart 3londay vvas 1t cold day for 1)or
sours in her hair. • Little Miss
tient dllty.
W .�'.i tY•1W t. 1'.i V (/ i! f W W D Y fl Wi
da �!
No. 24
MAIM` l` 'W l(V
My Stock is complete for Xmas, t bav( the 'Best -Stock
ever shown in Zurich, 1 invite one and all to come and.
visit my Store.
Dohs, Xmas cards, ,. rd
Albums, FancyPlates,
Fancy Dowel c.=ses, Hand=
GLOVES, F4flJY C1-IINAWARE, '1OYb;.;a full
Range of ''�`P OYS for the little Bays atld Girts,
FAN(."._ CANDIES—no better values in tcwn
All Farah Produce taken in' Exchange,
Highest Prices for Fow'rr7.
p pp FT: ARFITtz p! }� f Q e mac'
Pearl McBride, niece o ' the brute) j e'>
the temperance cause in ]Torun The election for police truatees was dressed in whito rgandy over ]
County. for the tTii:(a,z°' ci tr'^:l aooci deal pale blue mnede a very }ret y little
Mrs. Louis Durand, daughter of of interest andspeenl(Ition ast'] flower girl. The eelfAnony was; fa
SO•1122e11, v.ho 1e(�tant`1tT the re+ltlt. 'rho old F years WWI ri4• preformed by Rev. 14 i Sawyers Ai,
Mrs. 'T' H. el, teti Mut elle nn`.r man til 3?r. Trust of Brzlce(](s1d, beneath , 4 bettutilnl
returned front tho West, was ope:2 :?1�
ated en for appendicitis, oil Tues- Glee ran a do d rare :mil 1n011ec1 111 arch of evergreens deer' luted vial
The rotes t.+ the White sill- ribbon 'and e4 to �,, 'r`
votes. day.• The
o1'eratic)ir V. a : performed ventre hung a, beautif ti ,
by Dr. Gunn of Clinton, assisted' candidates were iti . II shaman vv .0 ` ,
b Dr. Campbell. Mrs, Duratn(1 19•I : Fred \\ itn ei 2' '. unit \".111iam After c()ngratultttiiiils
y attack O'Brien Alr O'Brien vices not pyrty returned to Ilse gi
has had several , ('.� ii Tl t, ittC<+ 121 1where e tl most tiaintt
past years and an np(Tango \vas in town during tilt.? voting. .
decided on as the only alternative. i While itr. John Laporte return- dinner was served ai.
The patient is said to be resting ;.eii from Hensall oil Monday even , tions of smilax a)acl ptn'
easily and. there is every ehtmee 4 in�g, accompanied by his wife, who crysanthemems and int
for a speedy recovery. I had been on a visit to Chatham, of the table hung, from
esteltsii . s''.. un •, f 7,J. q... r, t': had i'',.4, e ief rt '' e ee til, .s`€s! a ,1x44.1.. i.E111 :cyt isti• , • /:i-
i,nT Menne t3
Merino Uesch of tl•�e 13rc)ne.oli Lir.:}, i r l('Iz in the snow, and t)vvin� to caught tj) With while
the Bitter :storm raging Mrs. La- The happy couple am
.1( „11
t,eil. t
110 T� .lips I
vki'dding au,;,
1 ill"'T o 1 I/�Ishii • f
died on Tuesday forenoon after a
lingering illness of nearly six years
He was in the 2t'tli year of his age
and unmarried. He leaves. besides
his father, a number of brothers
and sisters to mourn his early
death. The funeral was held on
Thursday afternoon at the. Amish
oeinetory and was largely attended.
Rev. Noah Stauffer of Berlin con -
vv lmve 111 stork t1 largo agsolti?11,:'t
of Fall Footwt'.tal and your Wantt
call 1)e applied. 1)eLe with
*sr,: tnee,) + ,.te del)tri .� 12i1• ati'ftl,
b Showers
of rice took the evenin rain for
Berlin, Galt and otherla s The
bride's travelling suit las of
beautiful grey cloth., lit hat to 1
Match. Only the initmat friends
of the contracting pu ti being
present. Their many: f ends all
juin in wishing Mr.. a d Mrs.
Nieholson a long anti;' p osperous
married. life.
eyeti } i rr ,ryh11. jeetsid4ssitise tbe
poste had. to take shelter for the
night, at :tlr. R. Porterfinld'v, while
he came as far las the Dominion
House and remained until next
morning, when the journey hone
was successfully negotiated, Mrs.
Laporte speaks very highly of rile
hospitality of Mr, and Mrs. Porter-
field and their experience will not
ducted too funeral services, easily forgotten.
di 3tre .PM3 i9� 3 c E3 i 120::iE >, °.:3*-7a£i l 305rel AMM.. .��`.-:"
Oiu' prie_cs are x41','.ar,; to.ltt(I t() 1)r9
very' 1't'asoii111)Il. lull. :t vita to our
store will 1)e appreciated,
P. BENDER, Zurich
3. f :r. •
for De
Below we make special mention of a few of
are new and guaranteed to be as advertised. We are
Shop early and have first choice
Ladies' Fancy Collars
A new lot of Ladies' Fancy Collars just
in.. Put up one in ,t nicely decorated 'Lox, 2.)
emits and 50 cents,
.tI A /•'.itar�:Y
' Cy (
A special in "Atli& Embroidered Innen
Collars, regular, 20 and 25 cents goods, clearing
at 15 cents each.
Ladies' Fancy Belts
Just in a new lot of Ladies' Fancy Belts,
the newest and prettiest we Dave ever had. 1>e
sure and see them at 25 and 50 cents each.
Ladies' Hose
A special in Ladies' Worsted Ribbed Hose,
extra good value, at t?5 cents per pair.
Ladies' Vests Drawers
• A special in Ladies Vests and Drawers.
Regular 35 cents goods, special price 25 cite.
the lnaiiy specials we are offering for this mouth. ill goods
Headquarters for Gift Goods and Christmas Novelties.
of a ost o plete stock of Dryg cods, Groceries,
Hardware, &c.
Dress Oc ocls
A special in Ladies' Dress Goods. Good
value at 30 and 35 cents a y argil, Our price during
Dove1ni)et' 20 emits a y1!rti
ra _
fi "+'pro"Li IIItia,
We hil'iI-x)17 - �'.;; � 11 1.-: .' .. •.. ..
v: nicely (it;m:rated chin uca:0. Fame') cup:. i'•.t
saucers, "ash trays pin t1 a3 �, etc., ete. I-.loli lay
Price, 10, 15, and 25 cents.,
Dinner Setts
\Ve are giving special holiday prices on
Dinner and Toilet Sets.
Men's Neglige Shirts
You will Demi a new shirt for the Holidays.
Our new stock just in. Call a.nd look 'through
our Gents Furnishing Department. Everything
for men. '
We are giving special prices on all woollen
blankets to clear. Buy now and save money,
Dressed Poultry of all kinds wanted. Highest
3 3 '44 C2FAC is ' (
nJit ;3cx"2s01 3 c3 a gsnse
iC3C° IRS :3 3 E
We are giving special prise; on all Heats
leg stoves for December. Call and be convi:aue•l
- Hardware Hints
Se ee Shovels, :7.:
1' • 'aws ee 1( 11
`•-',t;,:-1.,'1It Saws `' .te , 1+
13la, k fixes, `•1 c•e(.ts
Cow Chains, : )ets up
Padlocks, 1(h.ts up
Linoleum binding, 10 and 15 nes
Brass Linoleum biutliil.Z, 20 and .:5
Hat and Coat hooka, lOcts a (1,,..
Glass Cutters, Sets
Liquid Veneer, '�5 cents
Raisin seeders, 75 Lents
1-<2 lb assorted rivets, • lo eent•
slotted rivets, 10 ente
'.Cuhnlar and 1 95 (1 ) :s
Zeuolenm•Uisinfeet am, ) and
1)1•. Scott's Stock and Poultry
• Compound, 5 a*icl 50 cents
Weather strip, •1 and mels .i foty.
Gillet's Safety Razor, 1,5.00
blade pocket knife. 10 cents
Granite pie plates, 3 for 25 cerate•
Tin Dippers, 5 ,'cuts
1� lout• Sifters, 10 cents
market prices paid.
3'ri s 3 `3COS1 f 3 3(i Z3SA 'SIA