HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-12-31, Page 8.s..4414.044444.1.fflommt.4.1.4...rommasawavagrav.......... Autumn PHONE Shades NO and Ideas 2 8 Exhilarating new styles rcre constantly ar— riving at our store. This being rjght in the midst of our fall season. We have just received and placed on sale a spiendid line of almost everything men and women wear. The new fall and -winter styles have now been definitely es- tablished, the garments and materials we are no -w .showing will be correct in style and colors throughout this entire season. Every itexn we sell is a bargain because we do not place fictitious values on_ merchandise. We sell goods at a fair price, the lowest al— ways, consistent with good quality. New- Black and Colored Dress Goods at very Reasonable Prices Aln3ost ebery new and fashionable weave is represented in our large range of Dress Ooode, stripes and plain; staple styles in Cloth. and lighter weight for street, house or evening wear. FRESH STYLES FIRST PICK The Juice of the Stock Exceptionally Good Value 1 LADIESMANTLES The styles and Cuts have never been as good as shown this season, and the prices are at the lowest notch, this accounts for our Big turn over of Mantles. We have hit the nail fair and square on tl in the Coat Business Trnra, ads We are haiig excels everything in Style, Quality f -and Price. Call and look through our ock of Coati—eit's always nice to look at Up -to date GarIllents. roadway Brand Clothing excels everything in the Clothing We can show you the genuine Line, New York Styles in Read3-ma,de Suits and Overcoats. We can show you Men's Suits from $5 t� S9 - Call in and see tock our s, Ladies' Furs Fur lirvad rl•ges CapeoinesSczji Ties Muffs Vien's Fur Coats and Military Overcoats are the new thing. • Fur Ca A good stock to choose from. We handle all kinds of Farm Produce. s GENERAL MERCHANT urich, entari 11111111sa*Mtell111111rilllesialliesof • sks—sitIV'stW'Isotr pannipalg This space has been reserved by the Local Option Ootornittee of the Township of Kay. • ' Markyour Ballot thus For Local Option Against Local Option 41L7Cxamokt•ftwnisaiak...M.a.{srJfaMMZMLVsi.art....t,,M.V...a.t. "MEN AND BRETHREN" For the sake of mother, ,of sister, of wife, of child, of all that is ins chided in that sacred. word HOME (o to the polls and vote For Local Option. ROME HINTS FOR VOTER,Ss—Cit, izenship is a privilege. It is also a solemn duty. Indifference to your civic responsibility is a orinse against your fellow men. You have a right ISS vote You have no right not to vote, The bar room is a horne.destroyer Local Option is a home preserver. Your vote for Local Option will be a vote for the good of men, worrien, and children. A vote to keep up the bar rooms is a vote to throw down the boys One open bar. room will sell more liquor in a trionth. than a dozen boot loggers will in a year. The fact that some breathy hog may get through the fence, is not at good. reason for turning your garden into a pig pen. Vote wisely. Vote right. Vote Local Option. CZIEIRIMMIZSNEM=IROMSITZEIm2DEUMMZIMME=Makarca 4 Yi We take the liberty once more to extend tf you all a wish for a Most Happy and Prosperous New Year forulagolo. e. HART El PHONE 13 ZURICH nimmumsaurnmaresazimemarmanzanintamtusrommmeraimmiHURON'S LARcST commiN"whi STORE Whiter January 3rd IMCIRIMPT.•••••••••!...011•104, OPENS Students mats enter any day of the school year Individnalinstruction Our graduates get the best positions. Iaj1. Courses. We train more y01111,9: peo- ple than any other mai:mem:tient irx Con, ada Affiliated with Commer cial Educators' As3ociation of Canada. Write for p4rticulars. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE Gi:ORCR SPOTTON PraN4 For tiale—A fresh milk cow, aria d numbsr corning in shortly. Ap ply to SN'illiain Fee, Zurich. Misses Lama and Alum Koch of Dashwood spent ChrL4tin,t4 with their sister, .lars. Elmore Thiel. i THE NOMINATION The annual Municipal Nomina- tion on Monday brought in a large number of ratepayers, the large Town Hall being literally packed to the doors. Mr. Fred, Hess the clerk received nominations from one to two o'clock after wlaich a public meeting was organized aud Mr, Hess voted to the chair. The old conacil gavenn account of the work of the :veal. and a number of new aspirants were heard from. For reeve, 'Messrs. P, Lamont, Geo. :en and .15/in Geiger were, nominated but when the stnoko e'• • ji ,. way, Laine:qtt gS • .a poNirit,n tl'ono: • Tbiti rAtlat for l.pcnrInt, tet 144 hn)w are a great saver of fue/ and add to the comfort of your home. We are ready to Make Storm -Windows and Doors to- order 011 very short notice. kt We will buy all you have and Will pay top prices. Call, write or telephone before selling. PHONE 19 ZURICH IF YOU USE Royal Household Five Roses •or other Brands of Flour from Rannie's Flour and Feed Store. The best in Groceries at close Prices. All kinds of Feed on hand. S. ANNIE, ZURICH Highest priee in Cash 1)aid for Butter and Eggs ' efli,;e to, ten yeas, tald !IQ', : cs• r' '''''' — • n ! , .. 3 • , '-7": `MMADC"' '‘,....1t, siD • • short of an eartinstrake can shake him from the position- For the! WANTED council tliero wiflbe a contest. as besides the old council. Jon n (01g.er, L. Xalbileisch, T. R. Goetz, and Robert McArthur, the following new names are up s—Wni. Consit, W. l3attler, F. Willett and Henry Neeb The whole meeting, was very harmonious and very little dissatisfaction with the 109 coun oil was manifested. Of course. at 1 this tini • es * sa Girls wanted for newest brightest, cleanest and most up.to-clate blouse and white. es wear faetory in Canada. * Work consists of sewing a Ladies' waists. Girls ex- perieneed on power sewing' machines preferr 1 but tlie year everybody 0., beginners will bo tanti1it. has a chance to ran for office and — Comfortable quarters, it is always a good Sign when an . Steady wor.k. Clood wages. earnest interest is shown in intini.- of al o1ijcs. Reeve Lamont Savo1P, THE STAR WIIITEWEAR et:a3 a good explanation of the proposed 1 .". • MPG, 00. loan for cement bridges, and we believe it will be for the general Berlin, per -1 FIR ST CIA SS TILE 1 welfare of the Township, if theby.. itt — — Ontario. law is carried. We will not look' D43111111D"C41811€3Q*D(411"3432*(1.11043 ii y great °baso • in the ances are that one or two of . of the 1910 council, although -- ar's council will have a close/ I have a large supply of the very t any rate they ate all good, best tile on hand, from 2S in. to six en and there need be no fear ' inch. If you need any call, 'write he Township's affairs will , or telephone to Jelin 'Poster, &Tr- pliteed in good hancia, i 1011, Brick a,nd Tile yards, 1 I tf. -,S air. IssinfsO l'hic..t of Waterloo. ' was here attending the funeral of ihisfa, on good farm security, A'pply g ther. cst $2200,00 private funds to loan at to E. Zeller, Zarich. "Are you aware of the fact that *4 over 20,000 bags of "Snow Drift" flour have been used by our local mill -door customers during the a last twelve months, and we feel + satisfied that this amount will be qo doubled during the next year. Have you tried it during, the last year? If not, will you give vs the opportunity of supplying yon 'with your next requirements? It is possible for yon to buy a better grade of flour at any cost, even if you paid double the price.. We are at,present selling our "Snow Drift' flour tit *2. ?r, per bag; onr "Baker's Favorite" pure Manitobts ilour at$2.75 per bag ; bran at, St20.00 per ton ; shorts $22.00 per ton ; chopping fine or •rolled, 5 cts per bag. Highest price paid • for. wheat. Wesolicit your patronage. Cook, Sens tts Cm, • Ont, for an sonell i the oh [last y A able 1/1 400.4000.44604=0, I that t not be : • 6