HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-12-31, Page 7t.tday Selgoole LESSON 1. --JAN. 2, 1910. John, the Forerunner of Jesus. Matt. 3: 1-I2. Commentary. -•1. J o11n's coming ( vs. ,guilty. -Barnes. This can be escaped only by experiencing the inwardehenge set forth by this fearless preacher. fruit worthy •of repentanec (R. V.) - They had not shown themselves truly penitent. The feet that they desired baptism, or even that they had been baptized did not change their nature. Repentance is manifested by an .awls- - j. wls .6j, end. conscience, godly sorrow for sin, 1. In those days -About lntdsnmmer eonfession and reformation, 9. we.lra'ce A. D. 26 John the Baptist began his min- Abraham to our father -Th eJews boast- istry and continued a half year before Christ appeared as' a public teacher. Jesus was still living at Nazareth. eth. John the Baptist -He was the soar of.,.Zaehttr- las and Elizabeth, both of the priestly tribe (Luke 1: 5.) Elizabeth was a cou- sin of Mary, hence John and Jesus were second cousins. John was consecrated as a Nazarine (Luke 1: 15), according to the vow given in. Num. U. AR that we know of his history from his birth to the beginning of his public ministry is contained in the verse, "Andthe child grew, and waxed strong' in spirit, and was on the deserts tilt the day of his showing into Israel" (Luke I: 90.) Preaching --John was divinely commie= stoned, therefore he had. a message. He proclaimed the speedy conning of the Christ. Wilderness -This was not an un- inhabited region, but one thinly populat- ed. It was the wild country west of the Jordan and the Dead Sea. 2. Repent ye ---Repentance includes sorrow for sin and and a turning froth it. To repent implies a change of purpose and that new purpose shown by right conduct. Kingdom sof heaven -The Jews • were looking for the Messiah and expected him to establish a kingdom of earthly splendor. Their views were wrong, but they maintained then tenaciously. The hely kingdom was to be spiritual. Christ was to be King, to rule in the hearts of men. At hand -It was only a few months, or possibly a few days, before the King would appear to establish the kingdom. 3. This is he -Matthew refers now to the prophecy concerning John. Estes - This is the Greek form the Hebrew name lsaiah. The prophecy occur: in Tse. 40: 3. The voice -Attention is not drawn to the person of the speaker, but to the message. John did not wish to exalt himself. He was willing to be sim- ply a "voice" proclaiming th ecoming King. Crying in the wilderness -There was activity and earnestness in deliver- ing the message. The prophecy was lit- erally fulfilled as to the messenger, the message and the place. Prepare ye the way -The King was soon to come and imitable preparations must be made. in ancient times the approach of a monarch was heralded long enough beforehand for the inhabitants of the country through which he was to pass to put the road in readiness. Valleys were filled and, hills towered. 4. A raiment of camel's hair -A cloth made from the long and shaggy hair of the camel. Bishop Porteous says, 'This raiment of camel's hair was nothing elee than that sackcloth of which we read so much in the scriptures." Leath- ern girdle -Undressed skin. The girdle was used to gather in and hold the loose flowing garments worn in the East. Meat--"Food"-R. V. Locusts -"The common brown locust is about three inches in length and the general form Is that of the grasshopper." -Harris. This was the food of the poor who lived in the deserts where locusts abount. \Vild honey -Honey was found in abund- ance, deposited by bees in trees and clefts of the rocks. Roney and locusts were often mixed as an article of food. Elijah was a type of John. The two were alike in their disposition and man- ner of living. 5. Went out to him- Sohn's preaching place was in the desert but the people found him. There was Intense itnerest. The Messiah was being anounced. Multitudes came from near and from far, insomuch that Matthew "gays, "All Judea, and all the region Lound about Jordan." 6. Baptized -- john was preaching reepntanee; and in presenting themselves for baptism the ,eople declared that they did repent. This application of water to the body was a sign of the inward work of re- pentance. . XL The Pharisees reproved (vs. 7.3.0). 7. Pharisees and Sadducees-The interest arused by John's preaching affected all classes. The Phaisees were a set of Jews claiming to be the strict observers of tho law. Their name means "separa- tion." At this time their religion was formal and lifeless. The Sadducees were materialists, denying the resurrection and the existence of spiritual beings. some to his baptism: -The announcement of the coining Christ attracted them. Some were doubtless genuine seekers af- ter truth, but more were merely curious or seeking after worldly advancement. generation of vipers -Tire serpent in the Bible is an emblem of evil. John under- stood the character of those to whom he gpoke and addressed them as a brood of vipers or serpents. who bath warned you -Has any preaching or exhortation moved you to realize the deceitfulness and selfishness of your hearts? the wrath to come -The divine indignation, or the punishment that will come on the ed of their descent from .Abraham and depended upon that fact largely for fu-, ture salvation. Even the added advan- tage of baptism would nob constitute theta children of God. Ancestry could not save them. children unto Abraham -Their boast was vain. If simply to be the descendents of Abraham would secure the favor of God, there could eas- ily be multitudes in that class, for God could take the stones lying along the Jordan and make of them children of Abraham. 10. and even now (R. V.) -Moral and spiritual character from this time is the test that determines destiny. No mere externalism avails anything. the axe is laid unto the roof of the trees -The fig- ure is that of a woodman who is examin- ing the trees of his orchard to determine which are profitable and which are not, with a view to cutting down the latter. This may refer to the Jewish nation which was soon to be destroyed because of their rejection of Jesus, but it also has emphatic reference to individual character and destiny. bringeth not forth good fruit -This expression teaches individual responsibility. What we are determines our fruit, and our fruit shows what we are. III. Christ's mission announced (vs. 11, 12). 11. He that cometh . after me- John does not lose. sight of the fact that he is but the forerunner of Jesus, nor is he silent regarding it. Mightier than I -He understood the character and power of hien whose coming be heralded. Shoes -These were sandals simply cov- ering the soles of the feet and bound upon thein with thongs, or leathern strings. Not worthy to bear -The san- dals were removed upon entering a house. It WAS the duty of a servant to loosen the sandals of his master and to mare for them. This was a lowly service, yet John declares himself up - worthy to perform it. Baptize you with the Iloly Ghost -The baptism with. water was an outward act, the baptism with the Holy Spirit was inward. "While John could only bid theta repent, and symbolize their purification by the washing of water, Jesus could really purify then, and give them a new heart by the Holy Spirit, and the fire of divine life and love." -Abbott. 12. Fan is in his hand -Reference is made to a winnowing fan, or shovel, by means of which the chaff could be sep- arated from the wheat by exposing them to the wind. Purge -Cleanse. Floor - The Oriental threshing floor was a flat- tened space of ground made hard for threshing the grain. Wheat into the garner -The wheat was to be placed in the granary, where it would be safe from the elements and from enemies. It is here need as a figure of heaven, as fire is the figure of hell. Questions. -Who were the parents of John and what was their character? What is meant by the wilderness? What was the theme of John's preach- ing? What was the prophecy concern- ing him? Describe John the Baptist with respect to his clothing and food. Where did he preach? Who heard him? What Old Testament prophet did he resemble? What did John say to the Pharisees and Sadducees? Describe these classes of people. How did John compare himself with Jesus? What is meant by the fan and the threshing floor? The garner? The fire? PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS . The preacher, Four hundreds years before John came, Malachi had written, "Behold, I will send my messenger" (Mal. 3: 1). Seven hundred years be- fore Isaiah had written, "The voice of him that crieth" (Isa. 40: 3). John was more than a prophet (Matt. 11: 11). He was not only the last prophet of the old dispensation (Matt. 11: 13), but the beginner sof the new (Acts 1: 21, 22; 10: 37). In personality and preaching he belonged with the Old Testament pro- phets; in humility and devotion, with the New Testament preachers. For years he prepared the way before the Lord, then he cried to the people, "Pre- pare ye the way." He preached "re- pentance," and his coarse clothing • and plain food were object lessons upon his word. His life kept step with his lips. Ivo wonder that "all men counted" that John "was a prophet indeed." The proclamation. God compares stern Bible truth to an ax (v. 10). Like an an ax, his word is sharp and powerful (Heb. 4. 12). He who wields it should, like John, be filled with and led by the Spirit. Some of John's words were: 1. "Prepare ye the way of the Lord" (v. 3). Fill every valley of dejection and despondency with joyful praise; tear DOCTORS.. ALL USE iT ! Wondeirful Cure for Catarrh Colds, Branohitis, Throat. Weakness. cure an ailment in the throat or airier, to rout olii,. Catarrh dt'"Asthina, it is essentialthat the medicine be convey ed direct •to tht,affeoted'parts. Tilde is 'why' no other xezneay•,has _achieved such •''world-wide success. as CGata,rrhoxone. s which .'alupe .Can be breathed in' one seeend • to ',eveey ;air yell in the breathing or Bans . The .healing veva porn 'of Cetareho/.ono+ .raiz With the breath ant descend through the throat, dot n the , lir on-'. shish,bubes„ to•the'deep- e5t .ail cells in the'lungs' all .parts • are saturated with -the rich piney es- Set eee that east, heal an ` care. 1 atarrhozone has eu- t r•. ty displaced the old- fas'.ioned remedies, such .as rough syrups„ sprays, Valets and sedative powders. it contains none of the opium, chlo- ral r.nd drowsy narcotics so :'onmionly found in li- quid cough and catarrh remt��]ies. The extraordinary eur- a.tive power of Catarr•ho- zorle is well explained in a ite er from A. B. Cow- an, the well-known res- taurattter of Carleton, who writes: "Some time BREATHE ago 1 suffered severely CATARRHOZONE from frightful cold ]n the head and chest. st was nothing but ,one continual cough, haalk, headache from morning till night. My nose and throat were so completely stuffed up that I could scarcely breathe. C'ata7rlt- ozone eased the cough instantly, that would not yield even to the doctor's medicines. Hour by hour Catarrhozone relieved and by pursuing its treatment I have been permanently cured of all trace of Asthma, Catarrh and Bronchial Irritation." Once you try Catarrhozone you'll re- alize how indispensable it is -the large dollar size contains, an indestructible hard rubber inhaler and sufficient medi- cation to last two months. Smaller trial sizes 25c. and 50c. Beware of the sub- stitutor and imitators of Catarrhozone -use the genuine and you'll get cured. By mail from the Catarrhozone Com- pany, Kingston, Ont. TORONTO MARKETS. FARMERS' MARKET. The receipts of grain to -day were small. ',Wheat was firm, withsales , of 100 bushels ,of;,;fall at. 81..09 and 200 bushels isf'goose at $1.04 and $1.05. Bar- ley. eteedy, 200 bushels selling at • 64e. .Oasts firmer, swith sales of 100 bushels nit 41 to 42c. Hay is•`unchariged, with sales of 20 '•Brads at,.ti17- to $,21 a ton for timothy and at $,ZU to ii16 for mixed and clover. Sevexal4oads. of brindled straw sold at $17 it ton. ., .Dressed hogs are steady, with ruling at- 210:75 to $1. Wheat, white; uew ....$ 1 09. Do., red, new. . • , . 1 08 Do., godsb .. . .Oats,- bushel .. Peas, bushel . .. Turley, bushel ... Rye, bushel . . , . . 0 70 )=lay, timothy, ton .. .. 17.00 Do., mixed, ton , . .. 10 00 Straw, per ton .... 17 00 Heeds- Alsike, fancy, bushel ... 6 S0 Do.. No. 1 0 15 Do., No. 2 5 60 Do., No. 3 .. .. 5 25 Red clover, No. 1, bushel 7 50 Timothy. ... , 1 40 Dressed hogs .. .. .... 10 75 Butter, dairy .. ..,. 0 26 Do., inferior ... Eggs. new laid, dozen Do.. fresh .. .. .. Chickens, lb..... ... ... Ducks, lb. . .... .. .. Turkeys. lb. ... .. . Geese, lb. ... ... ..... Fowl, Ib. .... Apples, bbl.• . .. ... Potatoes, bag, by load Celery, dozen . Onions, bag .. .. .. Ca uliflower, dozen .. .. Cabbage. dozen .. ... Cabbage, dozen ... Beef, hindquarters .. . Do., forequarters , , . Do., choice, carcase Do., medium, carcase , Mutton, per cwt. ... Veal, prime, per cwt. Spring lamb, per cwt. 1 04 0 40 0 88 .. 41 63 down every mountain of pride and con- ceit and selfishness by lowly, loving acts of kindness isa. 40. 3, 4). 2. "Make his paths eiseeight" (v. 3). Have no crooked ways. Indulge in no under- hand practises. Do not slyly take a few peanuts from a fruit -stand, nor rob a melon patch or corn field, nor steal a ride on a car, nor copy the example of of some industrious, pupil., nor cheat even for fun in playing games, nor play for keeps, nor follow the crooked ways of the mercantile world. Be straightfor- ward, be honest, be true. How? By look- ing constantly at the Christ. If you look at circumstanbes, discourageinents, past failures, or the wrong -doings of others, your path will be crooked. You can only make his paths straight by "looking" to Him (Heb. 12. 1, 2). 3. "Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance" (v. 8). Repentance is a prominent scripture theme. Our Lord preached repentance (Matt. 4. 17). Be commanded us to preach it (Luke 24. 47). It was the theme of apostolic- preaching (Acts 2. 38; 3. 19; 17. 30; 26. 20). True repent- ance is a heart broken for sin, and a 'life broken from sin. 4. "Ho shall bap- tize you with the Holy Ghost and with. fire" (v. 11). Fire burns, brightens, blesses. John the apostle saw "seven lamps of fire -which are the seven spir- its of God," the fulness of the Holy Spirit (Rev. 4. ,5). "The spirit of holi- ness" (Rom. 1. 4), "the spirit of .... burning" (Isa. 4. 4), consumes, refines, purifies, sanctifies, makes holy. Fire warms, soothes, melts and moves. The tongue of fire (Acts. 2. 3) is God's mes- sage of blessing. Prayer under the pow- er of the Holy Spirit brings conviction to sinhers, and encouragement to saints. The Proclaimed. John was always disciples heard John and followed Jesus baptized with the Holy Spirit and fire. John only baptized with water (v. 11). Jesus was "the Word" (John 1. 1). John was only "the voice" to draw man to his great Successor (John 1. 23). Jesus must increase, John must de- crease (John 3. 30). Jesus was preferred before John (John 1. 27, 30), for the disciples heard John and followed Jesus (John 1. 37). "Jesus was "the Christ," John only `sent" John 1. 20; 3. 28). Jesus was "that prophet," John was only His herald (John 1. 21). Jesus was "the Light," John was "a witness." John was "a witness" (John -, 7). Jesus was the Bridegroom, John caly the Bride- groom's friend (John 3. 29). John's words and Itis work all pointed to an- other, who was soon to appear. f - New Year Greeting, Ii aide A. nniversary P rovidentlally P rowiddng Y ou In all cases:of ®ISTEMPER,lPINKETE,9INFLUENZ:A. COLDS. ETC. el all horses, broodmares, colts, stailions, is.;to "S THEM" en their tongues or in'tho feed put 8golm's Liquid Compound. Give the remedy to ail of them. It acts on the blood and glands. It routs the disease by expelling the disease germs. it wards off the trouble no matter how they are exposed. Ab- eoalutel free from anythin500 and g ip]nrious. A child the safely tSooldlb' ddrdegistsfa d harness dealers. $5.50 ands Distributors: All Wholesale Drugglsis SPOIIN MEDiC2U. CO., Chemists and Bac>telrlaloglafa GOSHEN. AND.. ll. Si. A. 0 22 6 45 03 5 Q 15 0 1:i 0 21 0 13 0 11 2 00 0 55 0 30 1 00 ilv 75 0 75 0 50 8 50 6 00 8 00 6 50 8 00 9 30 11 00 prices $ 1 10 1 10 ' 0 00 0 41 0 00 (► 64 0 72 21 00 16 00 17 50 BRONCHIT" If Neglected, it soon reaches the . and may Prove Fatal. Mr. G. L. Gamow cf 116 Millicent Toronto, writes under date of Septe 13, 1908, "One year ago this spring I tracted a severe cold in the chest, w developed into Bronchitis, I took t kinds of medicine and found no impr, ment. Arfriend of mine advised me t PSYCHJNE and inthsee days t felt li new managain. I desire to let others k what a.valuable cdre yon have in P CHINEfor it cured me where allotherm icings hadfailed. Tarn morethanthankfu be wellag�ain, and for the sake ofothers may be ilLyou may publish thiatcstimoni ' 'Stop' that cold or the results will serious. - YOU can do by toning up system with PSYCI-IINE. , Forsiie by .n Divests,50c. & 31 scree Dr. T. A. SLOC LIMITED, TORO 0 75 6 35 5 85 5 50 8 25 1 60 11 00 O 30 0 24 O 55 O 40 O 17 0 17 0 23 0 15 0 13 3 50 0 (10 O 40 1 10 1 25 1 25 O 60 10 00 7 00 8 50 7 50 9 00 10 50 12 50 TORONTO LIVE STOCK. Trade was brisk, considering that it is so close to the end of the year. It is many years since all classes of live stock sold at such high prices as are now be- ing paid. Butchers -Geo, Rowntree bought for the Harris Abattoir Company, 292 cat- tle -butchers' steers and heifers at $4.r to $5.40; cows, $1.75 to $4.35; bul $2 to $4.35 per "owt, Stockers and Feeders -Mr. Murb ports prices strong at unchanged q tations, as follows: Best steers, 900 t 1,050 lbs. each, at 24 to $4.60; best steers, 800 to 900 lbs. each, $3.75 to $4.15; best stockers, 600 to 700 lbs. ea., at $3.40 to $3.80. Milkers and Springers -Christmas hol- idays being at hand, the demand for milkers and springers has fallen off, and prices are easier. Prices for those of- fered to -day ranged at from $30 to 860 each. Extra quality cows would bring more money. Veal calves -Receipts of veal calves were light; prices firm, at $4 to $7 per cwt. Sheep and Lambs -Export ewes, $4 to $4.50; culls and rams, $3 ;.o $3.25; lambs, 86.50 to $6.90 per cwt. Hogs -Mr. Harris reports the market steady at $8 per cwt. for selects, fed and watered, and $7.75 f.o.b. cars at eoun- try points. roads are reported in good conditi Hamiton reports say a good trade is moving in all lines of there. Holiday goods are .in activ tunnel, and the total volume of tra going to be exceedingly heavy. London reports say retail tra< now active. Ottawa reports- sr..y there has bee change in business conditions there ing the week other than a .prono increase in the retail trade in ho lines. New Year Resolutions. To drink no more I now desire - Except when 1 am dry; And smoking, too, I'll shun, of owe At least, that is, 1'11 try! And flirting? Well, it's rather hart But like cures like, they say- .1nd so to break myself I'll try The homeopathic a-ayl And spending money, too, 1'11 quit - As soon as it's all gone - That is, unless my watch will bring Ten dollars more in pawn! And swearing, also, I'll avoid; Please don't say that I scoff, For swearing I hate so very much 1'11 e'en stop swearing off. Bohem; A New Year's Hymn. r., new-born year, on glad eyes 'lions vdices move! -ne! thou cant not mai Ise tollovee.. r had "1tin •n "xeet; ill doth stay,.? w Year comes; but Spirit ewel u vest not away. Our hearts in tears may oft run o'er But, Lord, thy smile still beams; Our sins are swelling evermate; But pardoning grace tli1 streams. Lord! from this year more service wil Moro glory, more delight! OI Itske dayss with sless sad •ve i thee more bright! Then earthlymay cheerbless should precious thi come, Or gladsome mount on angel wings If thou shouldst take us home. -.Thomas N ecessary 9 xeuses W' hereby Y on Alabreviated it eforms. --lerom the January Bohemian. We all bate the people who said just the bright things we were going to say. SUGAR MARKET. St. Lawrence sugars are quoted as fol- lows: Granulated, $4.85 per cwt. in bar- rels; No. 1 golden, $4.45 per cwt., in barrels. Beaver, $4.55 per cwt. in bags. These prices a're for de';very here. Car ATTENDED BY FIVE DOC But Got No Relief Unt Used Dodd's Kidney Wonderful Cure of A. F. Who Was Tortured by tism and Kindred Pain lots 5e less. In 100-1b, bags, prices are Kent County Talking. 5c less. St. Ignace, Kent Co., N. B., {Special). -After being tortu ,four years with Backache, Rhe Stiffness of the Joints and the Loins, and getting no re ,five doctors whom he called ,Antoine F. Richard, a well -k BRITISH CATTLE MARKETS. I ane,- living near here, is spre• London -London cables for cattle are steady at 13c to 14 1-2c per lb. for live cattle, dressed weight ; Liverpool, 12 1-2e to 13 1-2c; refrigerator beef steady, at 10 1-4c to 10 1-2c per lb. BRADSTREET'S TRADE REVIEW OTHER. MARKETS. WINNIPEG WJIEAT MARKET. Wheat -December $1.01 1-4, May $1.- 04 5-8. Oats -December 34 1-8c; May, 37 1-8c good He'n's that he is once mo man, and that he owes his Dodd's Kidney Pills. Speaki wonderful cure, Mr. Richard "I was a helpless man in J For four years I had end greatest torture from Backs matism, Stiffness of the J Pains in the Loins. I had di under my eyes, my head ached often dizzy. I was attended b tors, but not one of them me. "Then I began to use Dod Pills and after the first few began to improve. I used f in all and and now I am woe day on the farm a well m my wonderful cure to Dod Pills and nothing else." There is no case or kind Disease that Dodd's nine not cure, Montreal reports to Bradstreet's say trade there has shown little change during the past week. The weather has been hardly told enough to aitch en- courage the movement of heavy winter dry goods, but there is now an excellent business moving in all sorts of ,holiday lines, attd re -orders for these goods are not infrequent. The volume of general wholesale trade is .seasonably light, al- though a good volume of business is still coming infor spring goods. Countrytrade is reported active. Toronto reports to Bradstreet's say the retail holiday trade hi now in full swing and the volume of business being done is well upe/eto'the optimistic ex- pectations of edrlier in the season. Wholesale tradh is moderate, although a great many t'e-orders for Christmas goods are Wiping in. Western orders are particularly good. Winnipeg reports say an excellent trade is. Moving in all lines of business. Vancouver and 'Victoria reports say an excellent trade is moving all along e coast. Quebec reports to 13radsareetse: More In the carpenter shop of t P. barracks at Fort 'Basket tardily morning, Henry Z. was hanged for the inueder on Sunday. Sept. 12 last. A name of Hilntes, of Winnip hangman, having conducted lion of Barrett, in Edmon tiary, last July. Heelay was 62 years old, He killed hi whom he was separated, ;, after accusing her of steal snow has had a desirable effect and then mutilated himself.