HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-12-31, Page 6OARSE TO SPEAK merlcan Doctor Tells of the Grand Results Achieved With " Nerviline" hada patient with Quinsy that I d great difficulty in curing," states Wilson. "Every time he caught or got chilled, he suffered intensely ix sore throat, huskiness, throat and soreness, After every attack his 'Jet and ehest seemed more emisi- This patient lived in the country, couldn't come to the city for treat- ment. I concluded NERYILI"NE that the best rem edy would be an honest liniment, and because of it's enormous sale and well-known merit, .1 sed ' ervr ins.' Morning, noon, I night Nerviline,was rubbed over neck and chest, and once a day di- ed with water it was used as a gar- . In a day or two my patient report - an improvement, and by con- ning the treatment with Nerviline was cured. I can recommend Nervi - e for breaking stip colds, for chest htness, throat inflammation, quinsy, tsilitis and similar conditions." ;lot a druggist or doctor who has ex - :Med the formula of Nerwiline who n't tell you how good it is—why it xtains the best medicaments known to ence and for general, family use has equal. PRIVATE HYGIENE. rat It Means to the Individual and to the Race. °rivate hygiene is even more import - t, and means a revolution in our bits of living. It means fresh air per- :ually flowing through our houses d. more of our lives spent outdoors. means common sense in diet—the oidance of bolting food, from which spepsia springs, and the re-education normal food instincts, the avoidance gluttony on the one side, and body trvation on the other, the avoidance alcohol, the most potent of the pre - !posing causes of tuberculosis, and the oidance of dirty, infected milk and 'at. It means the "simple life," free ma over-exertion on the one hand, and iolence on. the other; the habit of rmai sleep, and the emancipation from >rry. In giving this prescription Dr. Tru - au once said to ore: "It is as simple bathing in the waters of Jordan, and at is why people are so slow to fol - v it." But to -day people are following, and lowing rapidly. When they see a man, o.only a few years ago was so f CURES QUfNSEY DRAGON TREES OF TENERIFFE.. Giant Asparagus Said to be Thous- ands of Years Old. The dragon trees of Teneriffo are really a species of gigantic asparagus. One tree, situated at Laguina, the ec- clesiastical capital of the island, is said to be several thousand years old. The growth of these dragon trees is very slow and they throw out no branch- es until they have blossomed, which sel- dom takes place_ weforo their fifteenth year and sometimes not until their thir- tieth. The oldest dragon tree known in the island was that at :Orotava, which was at least 0,000 years old—some botanists say 10,000. It was about sixty feet high, with a trunk forty-eight feet in circum- ference at the base. The ancient inhabi- tants of the island, the Gnaucho.s, per- formed their religious rites in its hollow trunk. In 1867 the upper part of the tree was broken off during a storm, and though every effort was made to preserve the re- mainder it gradually decayed and. there is now no trace of it left. The sap of the tree, a resinous sub- stance like dark treacle, is called drag- on's blood. It becomes brittle and crum- bling when dry and is an article of commerce used in medicine. There are' other. . kinds of dragon treee 1n different parts of the world, but this particular species is peculiar to. the Canary ''and` Cape Verde Islands.—Prom the Wide World Magazine. m_4• FARMER TELLS INTERESTING STORY Whether Sick or Well, in Weather or in Stormy, Obliged- to Work Always. Good H is HOUSE CLEANING instead of being a , rnono-• tonous drudgery becomes a labour of love when Sunlight helps you.''Remember—Sun- llght does all the work, at halt the cost and in 4F half the time of other ,�.. Soaps. Market people complain about prices they have to pay for farm produce. They forget that rain or shine, warm or cold; the farmer must keep at it or else the narrow profit, his bare living, will be lost for him. A well-known Haldimand , farmer, Mr. J. P. Pelletier, writes: "Por near- ly three years I was in poor health. A drenching storm caught me in the fields and wet me to the skin. I got home only to find I was threatened with inflammation of the bowels. I never got over it and felt weak and heavy and by system never worked quite right. But a farmer has to work—and I found myself going down hill with stomach, liver and kidney troubles. Failure seemed to follow everything. I remained wretched and sick until advised to use Dr. 'emu owe that he sou •i scarHamilton's Pills. It is not easy to self out upon a • .. tribe the sort of feeling a sick man when he strikes a medicine that to s ,..p" s .e iii can see is doing him a lot of good. ?ide of half a year dont . , ,. was overjoyed—Hamilton's Pills put 3e through rational diet a a new life into me and everything work en • they learn that .ex-Pressirent ed right. Since cured with Dr. Ham- osevelt developed from a weak and ilton's Pills I haven't had a single lid boy into the personification of symptom of stomach, liver or kidney ength and courage, and that Cornero, trouble. I am free from headaches, rut to die at thirty-seven, abjured all languor and weakness, as strong, ro- rygienic habits and prolonged his life bust as a man could be. No better one hundred and three, they begin to medicine for general family use than line the practical valuof personal Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They are mild ld diene. -From Professor Irving Fish- healthful and certain tocure. Sot' on the Great White in yellow 25c boxes, alldealers,Kingston, or The "The War p Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont.. gue" m the September Century. c - • • e0 SPURIOUS QUOTATION. BETTER THAN SPANKING. In concluding a disquisition on plagiar- panking does not cure children of ism, an English writer mentions as some- -wetting. There is a constitutional thing worse the fabrication of spurious 'se for this trouble. Mrs. M. Sum- quotations. He quotes is illustration a s, Box W. 8, Windsor, Ont., will send story of Samuel Warren, who once kook to any mother her successful home part in a debate during which Roebuck tment, with full instrutions. Send boasted that he was not a party man. honey, but write her to -day if your "Warren rose and said that 'my learned iren trouble you in this way. Don't friend's boast reminds me painfully of 1e the child, the chances are it can't the words of Cicero. "Re who belongs to it. This treatment also cures adults no party is presumably too vile for aged people troubled with urine dif- any. " At the conclusion of the debate ties by day or night. Roebuck came over to compliment his adversary on having made a successful Straining Her Eyes. his, adding: 'I am fairly well up in Ci- cero , but I have no idea where I can find the passage you quoted.' 'Neither r she cast her eyes far down the have I,' said Warren. 'Good -night.'" y slope of the mountainside. After • •. • bad rested them upon the topmost 4 ^hes of a near -by tree,she let them :s• upon the waters of a placid lake e;,, y }, MUSHROOM POISONING. Considering the fiigl.tful consequences. of gathering and eating poisonous mush- rooms in mistake for the edible, variety it is little short oz marvellous that " a person without knowls••ige should dare to, go into the fields an4 woods and pick and eat any of the fungi growing there. If you are thoroughly familiar with som eparticular variety of edible mush- room and can distinguish it at sight from all others, however similar in color and form, it is safe to eat that particu- lar variety; but yoi must beware of other kinds that resemble it, for how- ever slight the differeaee in appearance one niay be edible and the other poi - JOIN SHOES. Solos and, Heels Slipped in • Place Like Shoe Laces. Revolution in footwear seems to be promised by an ingenious Inv ea which shortly will be placed on the mar- ket. The idea, says the London Grepbic, is no less than. a reprovable sole—tau., nitl wears through, the new is slipped in, for all the world like a, new pair of levee: The heel resembles the ordinary v ori- ety, but i:1 made in two parts, the wear- in- portion. of which can be removed, interchanged or renewed in a second lir so without the use of tools or intl.le- ntent:. lla:ughlt eighty 'thousand patinae a year .will be saved by the Wax Office in boot repairs if, as ie expected, this inven- tion is adopted for the army. Apert from this, there is the immense import once from the military point of view of the fact that the adoption of the sys- tem would dispose of the difficulties of transit during a campaign. Instead of heavy wagon -loads of new boots would be the incomparably lighter load of soles and heels. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. OVERSTOOJ. E.D. Madge, as the eldest of a family of girls, has evidently heard and' taken to chart the disappointment of her parents 'Over the excessive femininity allotted by the fates of the' family quiver. When recently the fifth little daughter was born, Madge was playing In the gar- den with one of her sisters, and as a neighbor considered was decidedly rough with .the child. Madge, don't treat your little sister so," remonstrated the neighbor. "You might kill her." "Well, if I did," was the cool response, "there's plenty More1 the house." sonous. There is no absoluta rule for distin- guishing the edible from the poisonous kinds, and it is better therefore to give no general rules, butte follow only one. Suspect every mushroom which you do not know positively to be edible. To this rule perhaps may be added a sec- ond: Learn to distinguish the white spored agaries and avoid them all, for although there is an edible species it re- quires an expert to tell it, and the poi- son of another s cies is deadly and there is no known vntidote for it. The chief poison in mushroms are two in number—Muse:trin and phallin. The first of these pr ;duces symptoms re- sembling those of a!aoholic intoxication, followed by convulsions or paralysis, collapse and death from heart failure. These symptoms come on soon after the mushrooms have been eaten. ' In poisoning by phallin the symptoms do not appear until"several hours after the meal. They resemble cholera, be- ginning with severe abdominal pain, soon followed by vomiting, purging and collapse. In all eases of"biushroom poisoning vomiting should be induced as soon as possible, and a large .dose of castor oil may be given to hasten the elimination of any as yet unabsorbed portions of the mushroom. Stimulants are needed to support the heart, and milk containing an abund- ance of magnesia or bicarbonate of sodium may be given. Injections of a salt solution into the veins and—in case of muscarin poisoning —hypodermic injections of atropin are often employed by physicians, with bene- fit.—Youth's Companion. a visit to- an oculist was impera- quickly stops coughs, cures colds, heals -Judge. the throat and lungs. - • - 25 cents. se• s.• LES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS REVISION IN ROME. OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any (New York Sun.) t Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Caesar vas revising the Calendar. In 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50e - a "So the janitor will know when to be - The Proper Place to Feel, gin being polite," he explained. hop Taylor -Smith, of London, is Mills he filled a long felt want. 1 with a strong sense of humor. hing once on charity, he told a story of a gentleman who was one elating to a Quaker a tale of deep es, and concluded by saying: "I not but feel for him." "Verily, .," replied the Quaker; "thou didst in that thou didst feel for thy bor; but didst thou feel in the place—in thy pocket?" Do you trap or buy Pura? 1 am Canada's largest dealer, I pay highestpricea. Your shipments solicited. I pay mail and ex- press charges; remit promptly. Also largest dealer in Beefhides, Sheepskins, etc. Quotations and shipping tags sent free. JOHN HALLAM, TORONTO We believe MINARD'S LINIMENT is the best: Mathias Foley, Oil City, Ont. Joseph Snow, Norway, Me. Charles Whooten, Mulgrave, N.S. Rev. R. 0. Armstrong, Mulgrave, N. S. Pierre Landers, sen., Pokemouche, N. B. Thomas Wasson, Sheffield, N.B. Photographs by 'Phone. Professor Antonio Montagne., au Ital- ran, claims to have invented a practi- cal and simple method for the transmis- sion of pbotographs by telegraph and telephone .using the ordinary wires. The I,ifebouy Soap Is delightfully refreshing for bath or toilet For washing underclothing it 1s unecualled. Cleanses and purifies. Shifting the Loss. Ditters orf--Bere eonte two evil -look- ing rascals. I shouldn't wonder if we were held up. Heinz—I'm air -aid so. By the bye, here's that dollar you lent me this morn- ing.—Meggendorfer Blaetter. •.a Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. "Women as a rule," remarked the moralizer, "have por heads for mathe- matics" "True," replied the demoral- izer; "but they try awfully hard to make their own figures count l"—Chica- ISSUE mar. Ly N O. 52. Iti(), REAL ESTATE, AMuY ON tuaRIO lS eCe,babbnlottswhiilthey aream Building lots 2u x 100 for $78 and upwards. Terms -45 'down and S1 per week! Write tot booklet A—Burke & Co., 204 King street east. MISCELLANEOUS. . BOYS mod GIRLS This' Suaap Shot Camera, complete, for taking photos 2',14x2Vl, free -for :tellies 30, off our beautiful post cards. Send us your unme and address and we will na11 you ,the Dards to sell. Bijou Specialty Co,',Dept.G,HHelnllton,Ont, SHEEP FOR SALE. Dorset lloPn Sheep AND Polled Angus Cattle Breeding Ewes. and Ewe Lambs for Sale Also Two Young Bulls Write for prices Forster Farm, Oakville, Ont. THE REAL LURE. English Girl—You American girls have not such healthy complexions as we have. I cannot understand why our no- blemen take a fancy to your white faces. American Girl—It isn't our white faces that attract, them, my dear; it's our greenbacks. Minard's Liniment tures Garget in cows. In Her Own Way. "Would you like to marry a. widower, Elsa.?" "Rather not. When I marry I mean to train niy husband myself."—Pliegende Sleetter. o.0- Only One "BROMIC) QUININE" Thar is LAXATIVE BR02'IO QUININE. Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Used the World over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 28c. The Young Idea. Papa --Don't be afraid of that dog, Eddie. Haven't you heard that a bark- ing dog seldom bites? Little Eddie—Yes, papa; but perhaps the dog hisn't heard it.—Chicago News. tl-4 He cannot be a saint who raebes the world sour. DEMORAleiZATTION. (Exchange.) "What makes that parrot so profane?" "Well, mum," aha rered the sailor man, "I s''pose it's part my fault. Every time I hear him speak a bad owrd, it makes me so mad that he gets a chance to learn a .lot of new ones" M inard's Liniment Cures Distemper. WHAT A. YACHT IS. Cornelius Vanderbilt,' at a dinner at Bar Harbor, in honor of his sloop Aur- ora's victory in the squadron run from Portland to Rockland, said aptly: "Yachts like these, then, don't come under the cynical • definition I once heard a Camden lobsterman give. "'What, exactly, is a yacht?' a lady said to this old lobsterman. "Ile plugged a lobster's claws and an- sweerd mockingly: "What's a yacht? .Off, ye just take an' old tub or craft, an' fill her up with whiskey an' chicken an' cigars, an' git yer friends all onboard, an' hey a high old time—an' that's a yacht.'" inventor has discovered a system where- by he can decompose the pictures into elementary and graphic signs, which, when separated, can be designated by letters of the alphabet. The letters are transmitted in the usual way, and the operator who receives them as enabled to reconstruct the photograph by sub- stituting the signs corresponding to the letters. The invention can be used by telegraph, telephone and the wireless system, and photographs can be trans - FREE This FINE AIR RIFLE, nickeled steel barrel, peep sights, polished walnut stock, shooting B13 shot or darta with sufficient force to kill birds, squirrels, tc.onBoys, r. this is he best Air Ride made, and we give it to you PREF for Belling 88 boxes, Famous weak and impurelblood, indigesat tion, stomach troubles,are consticonstipation, nervous diseasesall rheurea- t19m, 9tC. Just senyd your name and address ,fainly written, and we will send you 8 boxes of our Pirie and 8 boxes, end Pins tous the money Mooive d as a we will immediatelemium, with each y, sendx d. When ou his haou have sold the 8 ndsome Air Ellie. We ado sk any DR, MATER what cannot ell MATR MEDICINE CO,, Dept. 51. Tonto, Oat ' imams Tted, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes. Relieved By Murine Eye Remedy. Try Murine Ia'or Your Eye Troubles. You Wi:1ds;T rico Murine. It Soothes. 50c At Your Druggists. Write For Dye Books. Free. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Toronto. He Would Get Away. Wife—Dearest, •if you and I were thrown on a desert island, what would you do? ' Husband -Thank heaven, I can swim, —Fliegende Blatter. yra;,aWSfH Everybdy Who Eats Bread Should avoid danger of impurities in delivery from the oven to used by leading bakers We are the original the home. insist on your faker^ wrapping his bread in EDDY'S BREAD WRAPPERS manufacturers of bread wrappers now f Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and other COMPANY,. Limited, Hull, Canada ir .nn.. -°A. `ac' , n' ;" liitVt - ,.• f..'J'. avi0{ r:y;; ,+d,05• 1 The record price of $75 has been paid for a butterfly at an auction in 'flitted any distance. London. ����(� ry xe M 6 Ibis fs a flog handsome, clear -toned Violin, highly polished, riohlr colored' V4f;1 complete with etringbrtdge, throe Qut abrin a ebony 8nlehpegs, long bow F of white horse hair, and box of resin. R,eryihing complete sent eeoarel�r � Packed in a box. Just send as Vonr name and adddress,and aero. toeeB only 8 boxes of Dr. lgaturin a Famine Vegetable/1111e, at .Eric, a hoz A grand remedy and cap for weak and hnpnreconditions of the blood indi- gestion, stomach troubles, constipation, nervous disorders, diseases of the liver and kidneys, rheumatism, and Female troubles. A mild laxative, Grand Tonle and Life Builder. They are easy to soli as each customer buying a box of pills, from you, roceires, at the same time, a Mee fancy Pin, which we send you with the Pills. Do not mise tbo chance of your life. yd Don't gond any manes—Only your name and address�han eel'remit d we tow Il pro I SAO end mptly se you by mail, postpaid, the 8 boxes of Pills and the Pins. we will sand you this handsome Violin, etc. just as represented. Write to -day. r Address: THE DR MATURIN MEDICINE CO., Dept. 15$. TORONTO. ONT 1ANDSO ' E ATC11 FREE. genie er Ladles &slid Gold Welch ooars toot g to $504 Do met throw your money ewer. I2 you desire to secure a Watch whioh to keep time and last well will be egnai be any Solid Gold ilietoos, send us your name and address Immediate- ly and agree to sell 10 boxes only, of Ds. Materin'a $'rsmeif eaetehle Pills, at °bo. 9. box. They aro the greatest remedy on earth f r the cure of poor and impure blood, indigestion, headaches, oognti- patten, nervosa troubttas, liver, bladder and kid. nay diseases and all emale weaknesses; they are aB, the Great Blood Purifier and Invigorator, a Grand Ton -o and Life Builder. With the Pills we npnd 10 articles of jewelry to give away with the ppitle— this makes them easy to sell. This le the chanes of a lifetime,_ De net mien 11. Send no your order and we wfn sand you the 10 boxes, post peld.. When you have sold thous, send as the money t2.60 and we will rend you re‘ A DENTS. ei LADIES WAiT011l t e me day the money s received. We are giving these beautiful Watches to advertise our Remedies. This Is a rand opportunity to me. cure a valuable Watch without haibegco spend a rent. And our Watch it asters wind and stew and nob the cheap back 'wind ertlotpQ gene Yen as premiums. Send for ear phis wig Address VIE D. M.ATTIS 1(416D1' CO.. Welch Deet. 20 Treats, Oal. smisma