HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-12-31, Page 5.loved! Moved!
You will find this
Establishment on
direotly;,Westoof Dominion House
Ready to supply you with just a
---little bit tho Nicest -
Rings, Silver
Thimbles, Fobs,
Necklets, Watches
Brooches, Bracelets,
Veil Pins, Collar
Pins. Everything
in this Line.
try to PLEASE YOU.
G. R. HESS, Assistant.
That New
Winter Suit.
When looking 'for your new
Winter Suit, do not forget to
give us a call. Wo have a fine
range of Tweeds, Worsteds,
etc., to choose from. Our
prices are as cheap as any.
Suits made at short notice.
We also have a large number of
Samples to select from.
Lanndey in connection.
The weather during the past
week has been very cold and dis-
agreeable and things in general
bave put on a real winter like
Mr. J, A, Corriveau our genual
merchant and Postmaster recently
purchased a, building site for his
new store and post Office. The
ground for the new building is
situated on the lake shore roan
which adjoins the village and con-
sists of about one quarter of au
acre situated on the north half of
the property now owned and oc-
cupied by Mr. H. Soward.
Christmas passed off very quiet-
ly in this vicinity, a number of
boys spent the day in roaming the
woods with dog and gun in search
of the furry quadrupeds, while
others spent the evening reclining
in the cosy corners of parlors in
the homes of the fair sex.
The holiday season has brought
ahost of visitors to our burg,
Among the arrivals are the follow-
ing, Miss L.. Horner, and Messrs.
L. Challett and A. Ings of London,
Miss E, Sterling of Goderich Coll.
Inst., Miss R. Sterling of Stanley,
Miss L. M. Snider of Seaforth Coll.
inst., and C. Durand of Belniore.
The closing day of the school
term of the Drysdale public school,
was characterized by an entertain-
ment given expressly by the pupils
under the sleitfui guidance and
management of the teaober Miss
Thompson of Hensall. At the close
of the programe the pupils present
ed their teacher Miss Thompson,
with a beautiful water set hand-
somely engraved as a token of
their appreciation of her services
during the sobool year. Who Miss
7.'hompson's successor for the year
1010 will be is not yet known and
the trustees of the school board are
negotiating to secure the services
of a legally qualified teacher to
meet with the requirements, which
result in the receipt of the school.
grant now granted according to
the school laws as laid down in the
Departmental regulations.
q'aacaoaowan anoGUM ao,111110aaa:sa DMOW aaarra ag
General 1.3erchant, B L A K E. 8
-[ )< E TAKE this opportu-
nity Of wishing our
Customers a Happy
and Prosperous New Year,
and thank each and all for
having made the past year
our most prosperous year
since we have been in busi-
ness, We ask you again
for your liter f v - t-.ltrrnrt
for 1910, lend v +' will do
our best ts. rrtiit; is, by
giving you value for your
.j.aasoa aMa/ aaa 121117 an) D CD 011111D
WE keep in stock a
" full line o fresh
meats, hairs, etc. etc
Oillt cuts• are noted
for .their tenderness
and Wholesomeness.
Our' aim is to keep
nothing but the best.
We make our own
Give us a call.
Clubbing rates.
,l1 W e have made arrangements
-to offer the following low clubbing
rates with THE IlliIRALD
D,kiiy Globe .4;25
Mail & Enipire 4.25
Weakly Globe . 1.60
' Mttil & Empire 1.60
Berliner Journal (German) 2.50
Fal ily, Herald. & Stam 1.75
' Daily Advertiser 2.75
Weekly Advertiser 1.50
Weekly Sun 3.75
f"arzeita,.'aa Advocate 2.25
this omission, rendered a very
pleasing "0 Salutaris." The cere-
many over, the newly ordained
priest and his relatives were the
guests of Rev. Fr. Landreville at
the presbyiety, where they par
took of a sumptuous repast. .After
Benediction of the blessed sacra-
ment s,t baif past two the party
required to the family residence in
Drysdale. Dinner was served at.
six o'clock after wbfeli a very en-
joyable evening was spent. Dur
ing the evening Rev. Fr, Brisson
was again tbe recipient of a pres-
entation, This time it was a check
for a godly sum, from his brothers
and sisters. Rev. Fr Brisson is
the fifth son of the late John Bris
son of this village. He received
his primary education at the little
red school near the church here,
He made a classical course at
Assumption College, and bis theo•
logical studies at the Grand Semi-
nary Montreal The best•wishes
for a useful career in the priest.
hood 'accompany .him from this
parish and all who know him. Ile
shall be stationed at Walkerville,
twentyfirst of December 1909
shall not soon be forgotten a-
mong the good people of St
Peter's Parise Drysdale. The °e-
mission was, that of the return to
his native Parish of Reverend
Denis L. Brisson to offer up for
the first time the holy sacrifice of
the Mass. Although the weather
was rather inclement, the church
was Crowded to the doors. The
front ]iews were reserved for
brothers, sisters and near relatives
of the newly ordained priest. The
altars were tastefully decorated
and no pains or expense had been
spared en the part of tho pastor,
Rev Fr Laml.reviller t i ninku the
event tte solemn aucl etlif in ; ay
All the imposing eennncrni,tls of
the ehnrob ti:t°rt, usc:t Thu young
Priest was assisted by Rev. Fr
Stroeder of Zurich, as deacon and
Rey. Fr Landreville as sub deacon,
while his nephew Mr. Stanis latus
Brisson, of Assumption College,
acted as master of ceremonies. At
ten- o'clock a solemn procession
was formed and marched from the
pastoral residence, to the church,
entering it by the front entrance,
The principles were preceded by
some thirty altar boys, who. robed
in black cassocks and white Burp•
hoes. bearing lighted candles,
foomed in imposing scene, as
with bowed heads and hands
reverentially joined, they slowly
marched up the aisle to the altar
On reaehsng the altar the celebrant
intoned the •'Veni Creator" which
was then sung by the choir, after
which the ceremony was proceeded
with in the usual manner. After
tbe Gospel, in the absence of Rey.
Loiselle, who was to bave
preached. Rev. FP Lanclreville
gave a very touohing discourse on
the dignity of the priesthood, tak-
ing as his text "Tu es sacerdos in
aoternum." In the course of his
!sermon ho refer(' very feelingly
to the joy and consolation which
must fill the heart of the recently
widowed mother, as she saw her
son oiferipg no to God the holy
sacrifice of the Mass, After the
Mass the young Hien of the parish
former fellow students of the
, priest, represented by Messrs Eli
Gelinas and P. Bedard, read an
address and presented Rini with a
costly "rick call outfit" The re-
cipient thanked them in a few.
appropriate and well chosen words.
After this presentation the con-
gregation 'approached the altar
railing and Rev. Fr Brisson im-
parted his first priestly blessing to
each individually The music of
the ceremony was that of "Dum-
onts Royal Mass" which was very 1
efficiently rendered by the well
trained choir of the Parish under
under the direction of Mr. J. P.
Laporte. Miss McCort of Clinton,
officiated at the organ, and the
solo parts were taken by Mr. J,
Corriveau and RIeh. • Denomy.l
During the oflortery Mr. Max A.
Briesons of Assumption College,
who was assisting the choir fort
Chambe a `s Diarrhoea RemColic, Cholera ed
Never fails. BUY it now. St may save 11 e.
KALBWLEISCH-At the ,16th Con„
Hay, on the 28th inst., to Mr. and
Mrs. L. Kalbfieiscb. a daughter.
KOEHLER-At the Goshen Line
north, Hay, on the 28th inst., to
Mr. and Mrs. Osokr Koehler, a
HEY -At the Goshen Line South.
Hay, on the 25th inst.. to Mr. and
Mrs. John Hey Jr-, a son.
ComeiveAL--At the Sanble Line,
Stanley, on the 29th inst., to Mr.
and Mrs. F.'Corriveau, a son.
LAPORTE-At the Bauble Line,
Stanley. on the 25th inst., to Mr,
and Mrs. Chas. Laporte, a son.
Notice is hereby given that. the
35 annual meeting of the members
of The Hav Township Farmers'
Mutual Fire Insurance Co., will be
held at, the Town Hall, Zurich, on
Tuesday. Jan. 11th, 1910. at one
o'clock p. m. Bnsiness-Receiving
the Directors' Auditors' and Trea-
surer's reports ; Election of Direct.
ors, and such other It reiness as
may be nese;ssary for-tht•-,vend and
welfare of the Company. You are
reonested to attend.
John Sherritt, Henry Ililber,
Local Option By -Law
A By-law to prohibit the sale by retail of spirituous,
fermented or other manufactured liquors in the Mu-
nicipality of the Township of Hay in the County of.
The Municipal Council of the Township of Hay, hereby enacts as follows:
1. -That the sale by retail of spirituous, fermented, or other manufactured
liquors is and shall be prohibited in every tavern, .inn or other house or place of pub-
lic entertainment in the said municipality, and the sale therefof, except by whole-
sale, fs and shall be prohibited in every shop or plane other than a house of public en-
tertainment in the said munieipali by.
2. -That the vote of the electors of the said Township of Hay will be taken on
this by-law by the deputy -returning officers hereinafter named on Monday the third
day of January One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ten commencing at nine o'clock in
the morning and continuing until five o'clock in the afternoon at the undermentioned:
No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
No. 4
No, 5
No. 6
No. 7
No. 8
School House No. 2.
School House, No. 14
Town Hall
Town Hall
. School HonseNo. 12
Ha-tleib's Hall
School House No. 3
Spencer's House
D. R. 0. CLERK
J. Hawkins, J. McMahon,
D. Burns, W. D. Tomson,
A. F. Hess, W. G. Hess,
I). Surerus, E. Merner.
B. Surerus, S. Merner
J. Voelker, Wm. Snell,
Jas. Hagan, E. Troyer,
S. Spencer, F. Ducharme, ,
3. -That on the 27th day of December A. D., 1909, at Town Hall in the.
Village of Zurich, at the hour of four o'clock in, the afternoon the reeve shall appoint
in writing, signed by himself, two persons to attend at final summing up of the votes
by the clerk, and one person to attend at each polling place on behalf of the persons
interested in and desirous of promoting the passing of this by-law, and a like number
on behalf of the ;persons interested in and desirous of opposing the passing of this
4. -That the Clerk of the said Municipal Council of the Township of Hay shall
attend at his Office at Town Hall at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon on the
fourth day of January A. D., 1910, to sum up the number of votes given for and
against this By-law.
5. -This By-law shall come into force and take effect as from the first day of
May next after the final passing thereof.
Council Chamber, Dec 1, 1909.
Clerk. Reeve.
Take notice that the above is a true copy of a proposed By-law which has been
taken into consideration by the Municipal Council of the Township of Hay and which
will ba finally passed by the saki Council (in the event of the assent of the electors
being obtained thereto, as provided by "The Liquor License Act" and aurendmeuts
thereto,) after one month from the first publication thereof in the Zurich HERALD the
date of which first publication was Friday the 10th day of December A. D. 1909 and.
that at the hour, day and places therein fixed for taking the votes of the electors the
polls will be held.
Mrs. S Rennie and family have
meeee to their new house opposite
the Evangelical church,
Air 7nlins Thiel of Kincardine
is visiting his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Henry Thiel.
Township of Stephen Nominee
1 time -For reeve, S. Sweitzer, Hy.
WiIlert : for denuty-reeve, W. An-
derson, W. l7 Sanders; for cnun•
cellars. F Wuertb, .I. Love, Wm.
Yearley, 0. Kellerman, M. Fink.
Mr Fred Rickbr'it son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. F Rickbeil, is renew-
ing acquaintances here after an
nhsence of four years in North
Dakota. Fred is in business there
and reports things as booming. He
will remain for a while and his
ninny friends are pleased to see
The proposed loan of $10 000 for
putting all bridges and culverts of
the Township into eermanent
shape should be fully considered
be- every ratepayer of the Town-
ship. Nearly every year hundreds
of dollars are, spent in repairing
old bridges and culverts and this
outlay is practically wasted, as in
a few year$ at most these same
bridges and craettrieettattin need
attention. Then there is the more
important consideretrnn of liribil.
ity in case of an accident throngli
horses and vehicles breaking
through the coverings etc. One
damage suit alone may pay the
interest on the debentures and
even deaths might be caused by
faulty bridges and culverts. This
Township is in a good financial
position, as there is no debenture
debt, and we honestly believe that
the annual outlay to pay the de.
bentures and interest will be less
than under the present system,
It is also a known faot that if the
whole work is contracted for at
one time, that at least 10% can be
saved in first cost. Vote for the
1 by-law,
May be largely increa.:ed by knowing the
es,ret rori8ition of the farmer's market,
and by learning of the best method in
farm practice. This -IS precisely the
•t,rt cf information the Farmers' Weekly
Sikh gives in every issue.. It has no equal
ss a Farmer's letisiness Paper. •Good
farrier* rely en For price see our
Township of Hay. By=law No
To provide for the issue of $10,000.00 Debentures to pay the cost for per-
manent Bridges and culverts in the Township of Hay.
Whereas it isnecessary to build_ many culverts and some bridges of a per-
manent nature.
And whereas the council is of opinion that, it would be burdensome to the
ratepayers of the Township, to pay the eort of the ;Ages and culverts in the
short space of time in which they require to be
And whereas the amount of the whole x,.,
Hay, accoarding to the last revised nssessmen,
And whereas the corporation of the T.
debenture debt.
Be it therefore enacted by the munieipal co
Township of Hay as follows:
1. -It shall be lawful for the Reeve :mil Treasurer of the Township of Hay,
to borrow on the credit of the said corporation of the Township of Hay the sum of
ten thousand dollars, being the funds necessary to pay the cost of building of per-
manent bridges and culverts in the said Township. and the Reeve and Treasurerutay
issue debentures to that amount in sums of $1110e, each and pavnble within ten years
from the date thereof, with interest at the rate of live per centum per annum, that
is to say in ten eonceentive installments the first of whish shall become due and
payable on the lSth day of ,)eceml„ •r .1 . 1'. 191'). And all smelt debentures shall be
signed by the Reeve and Treasurer of the Township and shall have the seal of the
corporation of the township of Hay, attached to them. The debentures shall be
payable at the Molsons Dank Zurich Ontario. end shah have attached to theta
coupons for the payment of interest which shall lie paid yearly.
2. -For paying the sem of $10,000, and for eoverit:g interest thereon for 10
years, at the rate of 5 per eentum per aurum. the following special rates over and
above all other rates shell annually be ass, ssed and levied against all the ratable
property in the township and shall be eollected in the same manner and at the same
time as other rates and taxes are levied and c•olleeted upon and from the total rat-
able property of the township and the amount of the said special rate and interest
against the total assessment of the township shall be divided into 10 parts and suelt
part shall be assessed levied and collected as aforesaid, in each year for 10 years
after the final passing of this By -1t w during which the said debentures have to rim
and in the manner as follows:
In the year 1010... • $ 1500. In the year 1915 1350.
" " 1911 •1450. " " " 1916 1200.
t' " " 1912 1400. " " " 1917 113».
1350. " " '' 1918.
1300. " " " 1919 105(11100..
9ivos v6,
e Tovrnship of
the corporation of the
" " 1914
3. -That the vote of the electors of the said township will be taken on this
By-law by the deputy returning offieers and pollelerks hereinafter named', on Mon-
day the 3rd day of January 1910, commencing at 9 o'clock in the morning and eon-
tinuinguntil 5 o'clock in the aft,srnoon at the under mentioned places:
POLL.. 1)1 V, roLr.. rr.A' E
No. 1.
No. 3,
No. 4.
No. 5.
No. (1.
No. 7.
No. 8.
School House No, .2
School House No. 14
Town Ball
Town Hall
Scioolhouse No. 12
Hattleib's hail
Schoolhouse No, 3
S. Spencer's house
0. R. O. POLL. ct,batlt
.1. Hawkins,
D. Burns,
1). 1+'. Hess,
. Surerus,
.iae, Itaf;•:rri,
S. Spencer,
J. McMahon,
W, D. Tomson
IV. G. Hess,
S, Merner.
W. tInell,
lis Tre,yr'r,
F. Dueller 111
4,--i'1►at ou the 27th day of Dee. A, D. 1909, at the 2uwn Hall in the Vil-
lage of Zurich, at the hour of 4 o'clock hi the afternoon, the Reeve shall appoint;
in writing, signed by himself, two persons to attend at the final summing up of the
votes by the clerk, and one person to attend at ertch.polling place on behalf of the
person interested in and desirous of promoting the passing of this By-law and a,
like number on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of opposing the
passing of this By-law.
5 -.---That the clerk of the said municipal council of the township of Hay,
shall attend at his;office at the 'Town Hall, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon
on the 4th day of January A. D. 1910,.to sum up the number of votes given for and
against this By-law _ •
6. ---This I1y-law shall come into full force and take effect after the final pas-
sing thereof.
Passed in open council thisi day of.. A. D. 16110
Clerk .....:, Reeve,
Take notice that the above is a tree eopy of a proposed By-law which has
been taken into consideration by the municipal eouneil of the eorlrnration of the
township of It ay, and which will be finally passed by the said eounei1, in the event
of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto as provided by the "Municioal
Act" and tunendments thereto, after one month from the first pu.blieation therecf in
the ''Zurich Hhn4Ln" the date of which firstpnblicntionwas Friday the 10th day o
Dee. A. 0. 1909, and that at the hour, day and places therein fixed for taking VI
votes of the electors the polls will be held.FRED HESS 81L, • Clerk
, If you aro suffering from bilious. with your name and address plain
!floss, constipation, indigestion, 1y ou the backs and they will for
!chronic headache, invest one cent ward you a free sample of Cham
in a postal card; send to Chamber- beriain's Stomach and Liver Tat
1 lain Medicine Co,, Des ;Minas, Iowa lets, sold by J. J. Merner. •