HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-12-31, Page 4The MOLSON BANK 1 CAPITAL $ She °hanged ' her position oo• nasinnally s the little one gr CHRISTMAS STA PS weary, putting his firms About heer neck, his farce on . her shoulder,. ti eor°p ora ted v then back to her lap ; but size never flinched in bee devotion, though her little bade ached sorely. , "1 _ Y _ _ _, `"'" w ResT fear he is very sick,,, said Mrs. FUN i w $a,800„000 A Hiltz to the a woman on her return. l >As 85 ]ranched in Canada, sial Agents and Correspondents in ale. the Principal Cities in the World. A GENERAL. i3ANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. G9 SAVINGS ANK DEPARTMENT NT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. v RI Zurich .Branch . — J. A, CONSTANTINE, Agent ta'Q,OD eletteteenaleeeKil>4210041eiteekeLVED elneteliellegelMece LEGAL CARDS* IXRIE1 Ss 'vi IA fit. J. D. COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO- t PUBLISHED BY E. ZELLER. li:oitc+r, Notary Public, T3ensali: Ontario. I At Zurich (teller's office) every Mon- day. 1 ROTJDPOOT, RAYS & BLAIR, J3AR- risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc., Goilerich, Canada W, Proudfoot, K.C. R. O. Hage. G. P. Blair. MEDICAL. Drt. T. P. McLAUGI:ILIN, for- merly with Dr's, Jansen, Hello and Biers, of Berlin, Ger- many ; also assistant surgeon at Moorenelds' (Royal London Opthai- rnic) eye Hospital and Golden Square ; Nose and Throat Hospital, London England, etc. General practice, with special attention to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested (Retinoscope used) and glasses supplied. OFFICE DASIIWOOD, ONT. ;BUSINESS CARDS. • � . S. PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales eondnett•d hi all ;darts. 5atis- 1 +t rive guerenteed of no pray. Penis -, tremble, Orders left at tris caro ,.ill be promptly attended to. NDRENV F. IIESS, FERE INSI•nAN- co agent, repre:,t 1tine Ler.doer Economica), ard, W 1flrg FRIDAY DEC, 81st. 1909 W . C. T. U. . THE CRY OF THE TWO-THIRDS When Ben came none trona, the store the Saturday night after his unfortunate encounter with his employer he handed his mother only a half a week's wages and his breath was thick with the fumes of cheap liquor. quest on,hei d come tod several times of late in like condition. Monday morning he did not rise when she called hire and when she rapped on his door a second time, reminding him of the hour, he told her gruffly to slant up, he wasn't going to work. He made no ex- planation to her, but he never went back. .Among the first things which Dr. Droutly did on landing in his native city wits to inquire concerning Ben. Mr. Spoffard met hien with a troubled face. "Had I known yon were so near coming home, Droutly, I would have borne Timer a while, longer!" he exclaim- ed. Creat was the pressure of business waiting for this honored physician but he took time to call at the address Ben had given to learn for himself something coo, eerning the boy in whom he w "But Meg has_taken excellent care of burr " t•I re. . be skit? Kiss yer little nurse, Pt tsy and come home wid Soar marnmey, He war hot all night. I shoot its only €t cold." But it was zteore than a cold, Tim next day he lay en Mrs Hiltz's bed white his ndtther was gone the ay Z'S n, r. rt r- ue p y ot is d n g. re 17 e funeral at night, after her usual prayer was said, she add- ed with intense earnestness " Dear Gcd,if you're not too busy, won't you please tete little Patsy blos- som up in yeas: arms and rock hien awhile, cane he's so little he'II miss his magna and me so much." Bessie laid 'down her work, then she could not tee to sew though her tears, and sobbed her fill as she held the tiny pleader to her bosom, for there was a strange fear in her heart, a fear not without foundation" In another week Meg too was sick. Oh, the horror of those days? The fight for bread just as imperative as ever the daily need of necessary work not a wit diminished, and her child upon the bed dropping, perhaps dying, want- ing the (lure she could give. (To be riontinued) Williams,Ethel M. Pres. Supt. whole forenoon; the clay after th summoned the doctor as M Hennesy called the city pnysicia and he pronoun d it scarlet fere Then Bessie shuddered, her hea standing quite :till, as she gathe ed her darling to her arms for o brief moment ere she again took u her sewing. Yes, dear little Pelts blossom had scarlet fever, and n many days' after they folded h small hands ver his `breast an buried Irina, 1Vo one, not eve his neothtjr: vvti i as stricken as Me She begged to see him, to kiss hi once more, tale was utterly broke hearted when she was denied. Sh was very that:ehtfnl all the day o thetai.d. t NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Ramie latematter of testateSamuel theViltur.ofoZu rich in the county of limn. Retired farmer, diseased, 't:and- J e0 inter+: steer. As 'eve already know. 1V"oticed laeroby given that all persons "cert'- Mrs, Blitz, and he r family were no having any claire or demands against the j longer in that lacaiit �, and in that I late Samuel a die, who died on or. about even.; ; telran n yr district nobody', Oct. I1th r,,t t' the fere•.titl Village of pre - z; +'. t , t, to i i the I; ri$l lm i n Jtsr}cli,{ 0, t; to 'send b�* post pea- r.r• SILL ]Kt1�-' t.aear ii lrurearT,ot.:i . anti h.'.nt- hen ; e,uid car to +r^';rt :r r:u the :uundersionee ex. lu:tte ']f the v,•*t '?)ental Ines• 0ti 1 lived there he would { thvi of dee ase will ,rn,t testament of y t '/It. .ecus, Terme tih:: Jt' -Yl'&dei- i have prei ll?t ;• the said deceased their il:x 1.1 t:i and ad... of L)e,artlrcn • f lton•'� 4 - ; rrelived the desired'eiesseeend full particulars in writinee I ''I tri Tn. ; in rho; r nto ii„icer•-its. f•ttitilei•-.-e.ivection „i. =ti, T}tn, and woman their of { hn�l It'ft � the i claims and et•Ite-nenti of their bey t'rientls • l tf P v a to securities, esh, I'' r't a ' :., t, }' ie nete;111iorktooti even accounts and the nrture of tl 'it:llillvtr II ••,•,r, ": e'ltt,:t , indeed, she had at held by than •rayl Ir)tttc t 1 ,r1,Le.t r ;t \ t r: 1;,;rnd ,, , ' t t t ,.. •_ntt f' 411 'hap HELP CANADA'S NEEDY CONSUMPTIVES IMI net proceeds from stamps sold thewill v orke eoffor thehe Musskoka Frextension e he avail- ablespital for beds wee trebled Consumptives. asthe result of lasts year's Stamp Campaign. BUY TIIEM. 'SE TIIBDr. IIELP THE GOOD WORK ALONG. THE BEST INVESTMENT YOU .BV.ER MADE. ONE CENT EACH, Not a single patient has ever been refused admission to the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives because of his or her inability to pay. EVERY STAMP SOLD IS A BULLET IN THE WARFARE AGAINST TUBERCULOSIS. If not on sale in your town, write S. S. ROBERTSON, Sec.-Treas, National Sanitarium Association, 347 Icing St. furn- ished and stamps mailed promptly on receive of order. 'Stamps may be purchased from J A. CONSTANTINE, Agent Molsons B ank, Zurich. aLAPCE Mr. and Mrs P Douglas Jr rived home from the West, and spending some time visiting th numerous friends in this neighb hood. At the annual meeting of ratepayers of ;school section No on Wednesday Iast, Mr. J. Manson was elected trust ee three years, A nephew and niece from Mioh are visiting at the home of Mr. Douglas .Dr, nes Sohoellig and wife, Detroit are visiting at the hom of P. Douglas. The many students and teach° of the? neighborhood spent vac tion at their several homes We are sorry to report th accident which befell Mr. R Alla Sr., while going to the been attend to some chorea on Christen day. He slipped and fell breakir Iris arni above the wrist. The greatest danger i!xoni in4 thinza is of its resulting in pneu: rnonia, This oan be obviated by using•Chanzberlain's Cough Meme ly as it not only cures influenza, but counteracts any tendency of the disease towards pneumonia, Sold by J. J. Merner. MARKET REPORT. ---The fol.. lowing is the report of Zurich markets corrected up to Thursday, Barley.... - 50 to 5.e Peas Sa. Bran 21,00 Shorts Oats .. ' . 34 00 24.00 Wheat 36 35 1,02 1 r,3 Hay , , . , .. 12.00 Dried tipples ... Clover seed....... 0 5 Potatoes....• 5.00 5.35 Butter 222. 2322 Eggs , ... 26 Hogs Iivewei et, , 26 55 g 7.55 HENSALL MARKETS L'ook's Best Flour.. 3.00 Wheat 98 98 Oats .. 37 37 Barley 55 55 Peas . ,., 70 70 }logs liveweight .. , , ..�.. 7,55 Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. NY person who is the sole bead of a naay homestead anquarter•sectio •a male over 18 of availars . ar. 1 able Dominion land in Manitoba, Sask• are utehewan or Alberta. Tbe applicant must err appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the district, or- agency,bon y certain conditions, ons,be Liby fathede at e the mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of 9, intending homesteader, fon and r cultivation on of the landr indeach oence fthreeyears. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by hint • J' or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in of coed standing way pre-empt a quarter -see. e tion alongside his homestead. Price $$,00 per acre. Duties—artist reside six months in each of six years from date of homestead rs entry (including the time required to earn a. homestead patent) and cultivate frfty.aeres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his e homestead right and cannot obtain a Aro- n emption may take a purchased homestead to ie certain districts. Price $3.00 per acre. as Duties --Must reside six months in each of g three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300.00. f w. it', CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N. D. --Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. Dlr. J. Corriveaupost master c jj rysdaie has purchased the old „�sd even one of the factors in I7..;awRie�s 1 t.'t.i, that after the I"•; s III ther 1 store in our' village from Mr. R, t day rf Tarlo^r V Deni 1 d l quarters; , it was to c r will premed totlake. a re- 1�'tt °'lenge of c uarte s) 19th, the e.e •I 3' - Denglas an las the slam room, , tr ..si the assets of the .tit die. moved to the lake shore road, Ili rt neer this kind Irishwoman's 1 c}aceaaled where he inteeds to fit it ftp for a neve nl), rt ".,et ttTang the persons cntitlee thereto, baring post of ice dna general store. 1 "it Led his rnL,th• re rd only lire},tits= s,t tt ural, iter; er Tire 3 ,t•,•; :. ! •' t t • ly *lad t,ru •t:t1t t,rNl,..r.., II n)t be }rt I • 6' 'cc— iltt':t],rteil aa1 .]i t John tll"C1l+hiv � ;;,rl nL .tat the salt? j Fe:, lir. Cowan, of 'Toronto :°ler block, Ze art,'}n». ne th fo lel; FOR aALE. ou eo teres „ 11 noel land with 1111: ..rn, frame house, all in'aooet repair. good bank ,n ie well drained, plenty ot good grater ail be sold kr $3COt).00. Apply to Zeller, Zurinh. wholly give up his search. ough hindered in its . peeeu,tnee r a time. Re kept a keen Ionk- t and ever] advertised, lint 'with - t resits; ttnd if in the rnsh of s busy life the young lad thrown on his sympathies seemed for. teen. who was to 'hittu]e? Meanwhile, Ben was going down hill at a very rapid rate, and took on a recklessness both at home, toward his mother and the child- ren and abroad, that differed from anything seen in him before, Back to the neighborhood from which he thought to separate himself, back to the fellowship] he so lately thought unworthy, be went and night after night came in laze, the odor of stale tobacco and strong drink about hire, the scents of the low saloon and street earner. In ^I' ' uleredid 100 ner•e farm for sale; • 1.1 Can 12 hay Goodeh .vsoil and fine working eanLlitinn.. with 's••nt 3 a.nre, r'f i„ash:wall fenced 1 well drained (Tnnt1 briek and kitchen, tinned bank barn 00. Driving died and wood i1. 2 ecree t,f good, orchard. otl spring never felling- wells, 10 •mart in fall who'at For farther "ti'ttittrs r,T1i;1r• to Peter Daich- ,'te on the premises or address d ';.irich F. 0. 11—tf p JiAItJI .FOR SALE.. I a J -acres being, ''eget hate Lot 18 ,e. E tr,ley. flood frame house and kitchen barn 34x7- with cement, stablin (bimetal. Plenty c, good water, 14.01/ ued and fenced. and will be sold at reasonable figure. Possession will be ea any tint:,. Apply to TA.'J.apie on Aspromisee! or address Blake P. 0. mond he read, unmoved tits ester's acivertisemeet in a paper f ut into his hand by a friend of the : D4i,s M. `Teresa Ragan Ieaves en ruggery. He guessed- who was i D'Ionday 3rd for th [) t .:r tike �aitl t Ivered an able address on assets or any part thereof to any person t Sunday last on the of whose claim, he shall not then havej temperanceiatient received notice, (cinestion. Mr. Cowann is a finent speaker and handled his subject in good shape. Dated Lal Ilensali this 231,1 day of Dec. ember 1909. E. ReeeJa Executor, 73ensall, H l LLSGR,E EN Ohristrtaas was spent in its usual good cheer, and being provided with good sleighing. Mr. f Detroit visited t e Iatterr'e mothee, Clark r, Mrs. Jas Hagan Sr. Among those who are visiting friends here from the West are Mr, and Mrs. Jas Forrest, Miss Jean Cochrane, and Mr, Alvin Workman, all ot Moosejaw Sask. Mr. Win Love of, Shedden visited under the parental'roof, un Christ Iiia . nz°ant, and made his comrades College, e saline promise C oil° e, (,hatham to talcs a s ] i not to divulge his whey°. 1 it course in music. Miss Regale's •'abents. Mrs. J3ennesr, who I]nd mans friends wish her success, hardly known 'Joey to get along JockyAndy Kain ]s training >1 with her babies without Bessie's Archie Gurria s trotting horse, i help, was happy enough to have �her once more under Om same roof, Mr, Jas, Cameron, principal ur.td they soon returned to the old Zurich public school called division of labor and spoils ; an friends here, last week. arrangement as delightful to the Miss Dollie Hagan has ohildren es it was satisfactory to from Hibbert, where LODGE MEETINGS their elders Clue znornin; Baby nursing. ! Patsy's cheokt were veru red, his head heavy, is eyes bright. Us - nail y a perfe t busybody, making plenty of work for the little boys i and Meg to simply keep hind out of mischief, to clay he was quiet and drowsy, creeping up close to Bes- sie ants begging to be ;locked. "Poor baby l I fear you are sick," CI 0. FCourt Zurich No, l2' meets every 1st and :ird Thursday of (Inch month at 8 o'clock p. tn. in the A. 0. L. 7T. 1T14i kitsaNrn, 0. R. AeO,TT, 1Lirkbell Lodtre { said • le `a'.nd anti •Ith Friday oof eve y •moth, darl10 t, 8 o'clock, an their Sell, Alcrner BJoek. chair Fun». WHICBS,,M. w ,does Ido na The peculiar properties of Chant-' herito se berlain's ConghRenaecly have been ; bark a etoroughly tested during epidemic's; the ba 1 influenza, and when it was taken ; her la a.titie 'we have not heard of a. girlie• angle case of pneumonia. Sold by oon fi. Merrier, j tuothe Mrs, Hlitz. "Here, Men, g, climb into the old rocking and cuddle Patsy a little. He not feel well." Too busy to ore than arrange the pair rtabiy, the woman resumed wing and Meg swayed gently nd forth, crooning a song to by, who, with hot face in p, lay dozing,. The vee got very tired, before the hour brought . the. .child's r, but she did not conlplai i. • of On returned she was HIGHEST SALARIES. Graduates of Canada's Greatest Chain of High Grade Modern Busi- ness Colleges, receive salaries ranging from $600 00 to $1200.00 per year. The Clinton Business College which reopens Jan. 3rd is a worthy link in this great chain. Those who can not attend in person may study at home through the Spotton Gorrespondence Schools. The following report shows the relative standing of the. pupils of U. S. S. No 0 Stanley, for the month of Decetn;ser. V al M. Douglas, A. Keys. IV M. J. Meyers, E. Zapfe, A, Gaschn. III E. BechIer, U. Nicholson, M. Kennel. Sr II L. Manson, J. A. Meyers, E. Oenclr, Jr II A. Finlay, N. Brennerznan. 0. Zapfe. , Pt II W. inIanson, C. Parke, A. Zapfe, Sr Pt I A, Meyers, E. 13oyes, J. Moyer. Jr Pt I G. Zirk, 1: I. Moyer, G. S. Howard, Teacher ss a e i O. Farmers and Others: I invite everybody to look through our Warehouse and see if we can't show you the Best Li ne of Machinery ever shown' in Zurich. I also sell the Best Line of Gutters that can be put on the Market, From $26.00 up.1 CALL AND SEE THEM I brant' persons' find themselves Aisn Repairs for A11 Kinds of Massey.lialtris Machines Jas. Whyte, Ag't. fluted whir. a ttersistent cough utter an ttttrzok of influenza. As this cough can be promptly cured by the use of Chiannbelein';a Cough Remedy, it shot-dd. Ape he , allowed to rim on.'until it beco sieS•,, trouble- eome. Sold by J. JPASf•trrer, e Savings and • 4 L `'art H'EAI) oreeest LONDON - . ONTARIO Money- advanced on good Farre Mortgages, Prompt attention ari's'en to applications for loans, E ZELLER. Zurich, Tbe following is the report of S. S N ble , • o ay, for the month of Dec. Sr IV Laurette Decher, Cornelitits Poster, Adeline Baeohlc. Jr IV Lizzie Eisenbach, Rennie, Herbert Hey, IColettta, Post- er, Albert Eley, Cora Haugh, Adle- ber't Smith, Fred Regier. Sr III Eddie ReY, R, Eisenbaclr, Jacob Gin;erioh, Jr III Id Row )3echler,RGaifield rStaubus, Leila, McFails, 13. Witmer, Sr II Philip Eisenbach, Theoht, Smith, Isidore Smith, Louise Re- gier, Pearl 'GVitme Jr II Clayton Wildfong, Herbert [Debris, Silas McF ails. Sr pt I Willie Witmer, Jr pt I Rhineman ldowald. Ros- etta tabus, Tedor Smith, Irene Re- gier, Martena Regier, Class A. 'della Rader, Garnet Wildfong. The prize for good conduct for the fall term was won by Eddie Hey, M Sparks, •Teacher, A sprained ankle will usually disable the injured person for three or four weeks. This le duo to :lack of proper treatment When °Dain- berlain's Liniment is applied a :cure may be•effeeted in three ;or• four clays. This liniment' is one of the beet and most remarkable;prel5tcra= Wens In use, Sold by J. J,' M,eruer