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The Official Organ of Zuricltand FTay Township
Vo I. X.
To Tim RATEpAuRil OP T11)31
Tow/oil:up or ELY.
Your vote and influence is re-
specifully solicited in my behalf
n • ennoiller for the year 1910.
3400nomy with efficiency.
Wat. CO/tatT
I have been nominated for police
trustee and if cleated I will do my
best for the welfare of the Village,
and I solicit your vote. Wishing
you a Happy New Year,
Yours truly
Erten- Gneti.
Happy New Year!
Write it 1910 to.merro'w.
Zero weather, how do like it?
Make your geed resolutions now.
Messrs. R. W. Williams of Lon-
don and Abe Bender of St. Thomas
spent Christmas in town
The many friends will be pleased
to hear that Father Loiselle is get-
ting along fine at his new parish at
Canard River. He expects to do a
lut of building, both church and
parsonage in the future and he is in
splendid health.
Lutheran Ohureh—J.the evening
service in St. Peter's Lutheran
Church on Sunday, the 2nd of
January will be conducted in Eng-
lish. The subject of meditation
will be the prayer of Moses : "Lord
teach us to number our days." A
hearty invitation is . extended.
to all.
Mr. Stephan leleidinger of the
14th Con., who hes been a sufferer
from cancer of the stomach fbr
some months, sticcumbed to his
illness on Monday evening, at the
age of 49, years and 9 days He
leaves a widow and large family lePaing:'n.im:Pliants` • . • • •
. • ebeeides 7114111er6116 as and re- zei.V4ei.e wedding Wa 'sadem ni zed
]atives who sincerely regret his at the Methodist Parsonage, Creel -
.early death. The funeral took man, Sask.. on Wednesday after -
place on Wednesday morning to noon at 3 o'clock, when two well -
St Boniface Catholic church Zurich known and highly respected resid-
and was largely attended. Father encs of that district were united in
Stroeder pastor of the parish eon- naarriage, Mr. Norman Bossenberry
ducted the fnneral services. The and Miss Stella McCram being the
deceased was a bard working and
industrious man and a good neigh-
bor and bid fan. to reach a ripe old
age had r ot this inionrable malady
taken hold of his otherwise ragged
constit ution.
Mr. Robert Krebs visited his
parenta Welleeley, this week.
Mr. Williaan Thiel has sold his
driver and cutter to Mr, Norman
Mr. Edmund Deichert of Armada,
Mich.. is visiting his mother, Mrs.
John Deichert.
Messrs. Sweitzer and Willert of
Stephen are agaixt wrestling with
each other for the reeveship of that
The Ladies Aid of the Evangeli
cal church, will meet in the church
on Tuesday the 4thai• of Jan. at
2.30 p. tn. All members expected
to be present. •
There will be preaching service
in the Evangelical church, next
Sunday morning and evening.
Officers for the Sunday School will
be elected connection with the
morning service.
The nomination for police true=
ees brought out a.lot of names,
ut after the resignations are be
he contest will bo between last
ear's beard viz :—Fred Witwer,
W. H. Hoffman and Wm. O'Brien,
he new aspirant being Mr, Ernst
Mr. J. K. Goetz of Dashwood,
who sat in the Hay council for
ight years, has resigned and will
of be a candidate this year. Mr
oetz was a good councillor and
is services will be missed by tate
ownship. -
At the annual school meeting
eld on Wednesday Mr. Simon Se-
ams, whose term as trustee bad
spired was reelected for another
erm, The Board was also instruct -
Mr. Wes Mertter, Minim is
visiting friends liereti!ifiei week.
The Clinton Collegiate Intetiteie
opens on Jan. 4th, not the 3rd as
formerly announced
Mr and Mrs. Sten Fenst have
moved to their new residence and
will soon he comfortably settled.
Mr. . and Mrs. Geerge • limes
visited the former's ptients, at
Moorefield over the holidays. -
The Christmas entertainment
held in thel4th Evangelical church
on Monday evening, was a grand
success. The church' wee"crowded
to its capacity.
A quiet wedding took. place at
the Lutheran Parsonage on Monday'
evenirtg, when Mr. Beene of Buffalo,
was married ' to Mrs.' Ruben Ha.
manlier of Port Arthune eformerly
of Zurich. .•
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, O'Brien and
children are visiting velatives in
Michigan, over the holidays. Vem.
is up for trustee and he should be
home before Monday if hee wants to
put,in a "plumper" for hreaself.
Another old resident of the
Township, in the person of Mr.
George Thiel Sr, died at the -family
residence 14th Con.. on Thursday'
last, having reaohed the age of 84
years. The deceased bad: 'been in
rather poor health for sOnie years
and the end came not nnexpeoted.
fee wee, e or U.,: pioriccn of the
Township, and although of a re-
tiring dioposition, he lea'. %rany
warra personal friends ..‘"e long
standing who mourn his loss. lia
leaves a widow and a erow.n up
family. The funeral pia ce
on Sunday afternoon, the in tecteent
d to take steps to have a truant taking place in the Lutheran deme -
Meer appointed, under the Tinian- terse and was condunted the
y Act. Rev. O. O. J. Maass, i31
Everbody come to the Local euce of a large gathering.
Option meeting in the Town Hall The baseball concert citl..1,1:4,,sday'
to -night (Friday) at 8 o'cloek, evening was finanolal 'se-441MS-
Speakers- Rev. L. M Smith, Pres- Mr. Cameroe, the Toren -to. eniter-,'
byterian clergy of Hensall and tq. tainer, who made his first eye
K. Ireland of Otven teemed. Mr. ewe before, a nerieb, eLe
Ireland is one ref Owen •Sound's. merle
Morodte • etteetee itee. teetfweeste
Dashwood Glee Club, comprising
eight young ladies rendered a num-
ber of good songs ; the music b:v
Mr. Charles Weber's two yoang
daughters ; the orchestra music
and the piano selection by Miss Ida
Sipple and the &tett on piano by
Mrte (Dr) Campbell and Miss Sipple
contracting parties. Mr. Harvey were all well received, while Jie
McCrum, brother of the bride acted songs and highland dance by Miss
Murdock, the little delight -or of
Mr. Alex .eturdoek of If ensall, was
the feature of the evening. The
proceeds amounted to nearyl $00 00.
groomsman, while Miss Florence
ster assisted the bride. Their
any friends wish thetn every
No.'. 20'
•://. ".••• ". • .4/.
My Stook is complete for Xmas. 1 have the Best Stook
ever sbown in Zurich., 1 invite one and all to come and
visit my Store.
Dolls, Xmas cards, Card
Albums, Fancy Plates,
Fancy Jowel cases, Hand=
Range of TOYS for the little Boys and Gilts,
FANCY CANDIES—no better values in town
All Farm Produce taken in Exchange.
Highest Prices for Fowl
D. S. F *UST
•••••••-- •
1/,•, •
'1.4.40, •
ab The Very 'Best -in .
Our prices are always found to be
very reasonable and a visit to our
store will be appreciated.
Ret J
Via P. BEN t tlEb•;;, Zurich
V -
'en .....eneetete-7eaa.ac,...---neeetteenenteea,nenteeetteneteneet..--t---ei
rri-1.4::•.-4•471:.;117V'94.4-1:%3*"flne:47,24•C•07 i=C:fLitt CFA
r ecenib r
gw Below we make special mention of a few of the many specials we are offering for this month. AU goo,ls
are new and guaranteed to be as advertised. We are Reaclquartvrs for Gift Goods and Christmas Now
Shop early and have first choke of a most complete stock of Drygood5, Groceries,
Hardware, Sz-,e.
Just in a new lot of Ladies' Fancy Belts,
the newest and prettiest we have ever had. Be
I sure and see them at 25 and 50 cents each.
Ladies' Hose
Ladies' Vests Sc. Drawers
L. dies' F
ncy Collars
A new lot of Ladies' Fancy Collars just
in. Pat. up one ii a nicely (iecorat'ti bo,
vents and 50 npntz,
•E e9 Liren CAlars
. A special in Ledies' Embroidered Linen
Collars, regular, 20 and 25 cents goods, clearing
at 15 cents each.
Ladies' Fancy Belts
.A special in Ladies' Worsted Ribbed Hose,
extra good vatic, at 25 cents per pair.
A special in Ladies Vests and Drawers.
Regular 35 cents goods, special price 95 cents.
ress. Good's
A special in Ladies' Dre Goods. Good
value at 30 and 35 cents a yard. Our price (luring
Dettemietr 20 CN' a yard.
h••! ;;(11'!Ii /,„:•;(.
• Of • .01./.11...,4 ceeettivare, fence cups
saucers, ash trays phi trays, ete., etc,. Holiday
Price, 10, 15, and 23 cents.
Dinner Setts
We are giving special Holiday prices on
Dinner and Toilet Sets.
Men's Negli,ge Shirts
YOu will eeett a now shirt for. the Holidays.
Our new stook just in. Call and look through
our Gents Furnishing Department. Everything
for men.
We are giving special prices on all woollen
blankets to clear. ,Buy now and save money, •
Dressed Poultry of all kinds wanted. highest
tit:100613CatriCIEMPSCIPEr V318apisiopOr.,,,,MCalpilE3CIMit
NVe are Loving specialprices on all
iiig stoves for December. Call and be eonviecal
,el ett enee 25
ierosse....i ..a,e
1.31.aek Ax's, e0 cents
Cow Chain., Diet:, up
Padlocks, 10ets tip
Linoleum Winding, .10 and 15
Britis Linoleum binding, ;20 and is
Hat and Coat Hooks, Nets a doe.
Glass Cutters, sets
Liquid Veneer, e5 cents
Raisin seeders, 75 cents
1-2 11, ass.orted rivets, 10 eents
Tubular and slotted rivets, 10 eeenz
Zenoleum Disin feetant, 2e and so,..ts
Dr. Seott's Stock and Poultry
Compound, 25 and 30 cents
Weather strip, 3 and 5ets a few:
Gillet's Safety Razor, $5.00
2 bladepocket knife, 10 cents
G-ranite pie plates, 2 for .2.5 cente
Tin Dippers, 5 eents
Flour Sifters, 10 cents
market prices paid.
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