HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-12-24, Page 4tirich Herald..
•I The NS B]NK 1
ra v
Incorporated 1855
CAPITAL a $3,500.000
na REST FUND *3,800,000 ez
• Has 65 Branches in Canada, sad. Agents and Correspondents in al.
the Principal Cities in the World.
' at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. n
gZurich Branch - J. A, CONSTANTINE, Agent • I
Df OD(l1111AdD®QDMIIDGO1MIIIIQDC111111WID®aD611111Dam
lieitor, Notary Puiilic, Hensali, Ontari o.
At 'Zurich (Ze11er's office) •every Mon
,,. isteesi Solicitors, Notaries Putilic,
dluder5eh, Canada ` W. Prolidfoob:'K.C.
C. Hate. G. F: Blair;
.•M,EDICA B- —.
R. 'fi`. ,I': McLAUGHLIN, for...
,neriy with . Drs. Jansen,
gfltslie sand Biers, .of Berlin, Ger-
n7 '; also assistant surgeon . at
'-n1 oorofields' (Royal LondonOpthal-
'am1o) eye Hospital and .Golden
Bq.uare : Nose and Throat Hospital,
London England, eto. , General
praotiee, with special attention to
Isere, ear, nose and throat. Eyes
tested (Retinoscope used) • . and
glasses supplied.
TEM 1M::
' FRIDAY DEC. 24th, 't9O9
• W. CTT .. U.
ade, if you can't stand anything
stronger its merely to pledge
frierad�shlp, The speaker's tone
'WO particularly irritating to Ben's
already smelting pride.. He went
in And drank,. drank as strong a
glans as: irhis new , acquaintanoe
himself; hist he promised himself
SS s he rlrank that he would avoid
this gentleman in the future ; he
did rr ;t„:relish his assumptions
The p tr. stepped from the saloon
door directly in the path of a
passer by. It wet. no other than
Mr, Spoffard He sent a swift
upward'glance into Ben's face ; it
was a glance of mingled anger and
dig gutit. den's oompanion laughed.
"e little sore-headed'yet sees you
are xtretty well from under his
thumb.. You'll have no more
trouble: $roof that quarter,,'. but
Ben ' kiaew : his trouble had Cul
urinated rW lie`: turned homeward
with oc'hee'sv'y heart. Mr. Spoffard
was nit:;ioo' Bore headed, though it
is donate" „whether Ben's ',Com-,
passion as 1 • s well read; ik,.,the
ethios ol..t:this latter ailment; Be
had really mole to like the lad, but
gays mim up for that moment a
hQpQlees-prottlena. He was not
a► reformer;, didn t uide`rstgind'boys;
-wish; heartily,; lie, had neper seen
this once. 13e wished, ,too,,that
Dr Drotttly .•was .' at home. .He
feared for the boy, hated • to set
him:•adrift but he could not keep
hina.:to eet:'iit•naught his' authority.
Strange, strange providence. That
very, day. john Drontly embarked
on an Oman' ,;.steamer and turned
his eyes toward his native land.,
A few more 'days, and he would
have met this need with his kind
firmness, his heart felt interest, his
earnest words and prayers. But
he was yet afar, and every day save
Ben drifting a little further out on
that, stream whose currents all set
one Stilly the. way of death.
(To be continued)
Ethel M.. Williams,
Pres.. Supt.
Already he had been reprimand-
ed by Mr. Symonds and told • plain-
ly enough thatsome of his, habits•
were offensive to his employer.
He had bitten his lip to .•restrai;n
the hasty reply, but hiseyes- were
'lighted -dynamite and said that was
necessary. It was bard for him to
Submit to rebuke. Something in
him longed to defyauthority. tp.
plunge deeyier in proof of that
defiance ; but lie did ' make 'an'
effort at control and succeeded in a
measure. It was then he induoed
his mother to move, hoping „time
to avoid some of the difficulties in
histh Once' in disgrace it
seemed easy for Ben to go farther.
Only a y P
few days after this rep-
e -
BU SINESS CARDS. t rimand he meta young man from
_ --••- - - -- la neighboring establishment with
Pl�YM.�..�P.'S� whom he had a slight acquaint-
. i ance, who offered him a cigar. Ben
AUCTIONEER, Exeter. k wanted to take it, but thought
best to refuse with thanks, saying
he seldom smoked. "Is that a fact?
Don't know what you miss, then,'
old fellow, makes you sick, hey?"
"No," Ben answered with un-
necessary dignity and emphasis
"I can smoke us well ' as the next.
Sa1es•condueted in all parts. Satis-
faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms
seasonable. Orders left at this office
• will be promptly attended to.
ce"agent representing the London, one." "You're quite off in your.
Economical; Waterloo, Monarch, Stand -
rt ' n Guardian. Every -
daute of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu-
ate of Department of Dentistry, To-
ronto tTuiversity. T'ainlpss extraction
of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At
Dominion 1'lonse, 'Zurich, everyrNon-
Notary Public. lie e (Is , Mortgages,
:Trills and other Legal 1)oeitments:care
fully and promptly prepared. ,•Office—
Zeller block, Zurich, Ont.
,r= OR SAL.E•
conclusions," replied 'Ben," accept,
inn, a eight* at ,this." The fact is
Mr.. Spelt ed, prefers bis- clerks
should not use tobacco." Then
followed an outburst • worthy of
the occasion, astonishment that a
',Youth of Ben's caliber should take
into consideration the opinions of
such lin old fogy ;'a, tirade • itgainst
;111 such tyranny, a strong presenta-
tion of this particular gentleman's
attitude on the subject of personal
liberiy and every uuin's right to
the exercise of the sante: The
youth had an oily tongue, an in•
sipient mustache, a couple of years
seniority. was 'well 'dressed and
made quite an impression on his
audience of one. It is needless to
add that Ben again offended, was
reprimanded, and this time • report-
ed to me. Spoffard, the gentleman
spoke to him kindly enough, too.
30 acres, all good lnn'l, with gond hank -Minn Mr. Symonds reports fob -
barn frame house, all in .good repair. 'The j aeoo upon you again." "Is that
farm is well drained, plenty of good water
and will be sold for $30UU-00. Apply to
E. Zeller, Zurich.
Splendid 100 acre farm for sale,
1:-,t 14 (;on 12 hay (rood el ay soil and
all in fine working oonditien, with
about 3 acres of bosh ; well fenced
end well drained Good brick
house and kitchen, good bunt: barn
:1 x Go. Driving shed and wood
shed 2 acres of geed orchard.
(I.;od spring never failing wells, 10
acres in fall wheat For further
particulars apply to Peter Duch -
:,rine on the premises or address
Zurich I', 0, 11--tf
I'Al.1.1 FOR SALE.
„(; 1„;;,1„ Wnst. hslf Int 18 S. B.
•ii;,ndev. f::,,: -,d frame ho'tye :old kitchen, iof the morning. "well Hilts. how
,r, > l barn 31x71.. with cement stabling I did it work?” was the greeting
,,mderneath. Plenty of good water, well ' It didn't work at all,” answered
-',•.pined t.u::9 i, need, aid will : 0 sold at going inglnto details. "I should,
- r,;ar•a,n;abin lig tare. Yossrrsixl will be a a
,Z von tiny tine. Apply 10 id. Znpfc on
The promisee or addrer libel::; P O.
anybody's business but my own?"
retorted Ben hotly.. `Perhaps not,"
was the quiet reply, "but I can find
young omen without such habits to
serve me, and prefer then. I have
found that almost in variably the
plan who smokes, drinks, and the
pian who drinks is apt to befuddle
his brain, becoming in the lad of
little value to his .employer. Ben
thought it wise not to answer; the
length of the gentleman's remarks
had given him tirne to consider.
"11 you take my advice, Ben, you
will give up this vice before it
fastens on you and will steer clear
of companions who use the stuff,"
without a word in reply our young
friend turned on his heel and
went out to fall in with the orator
HE net proceeds from stamps sold
will be used Per the extension of
the work o$ the Muakoka Fres
Hospital for onium tires. - The avail-
able beds were trebled ae the remelt of
last year's Stamp''Oampaign. ' •
ONE CENT E'Aini.'...`
Not, a single patient ; has. ever been'
refused adnuseion'to the Muskoka Free"
Soepitel.for Consunipti es' becaniferof
kis or her iaabiiit ' to pay. • •
If you ale interested in farming
for profit you have probably notic-
ed :that: there has, been recently a
great:revival - of ;interest ,in fruit
growing:. No • other branch of.
agriculture offers so large a•finan-
•cial ret rrt at the present time. ands
it* because of this'fact that largo`•
ILutribe a pf leglected .,orchards are
Nein ferg liits 1, pruned"
and SpeaYeali°SrhaliniPlendid ' profits
i re'beiix realized that wide awake
man are setting mit new planta-
tions of thti best varieties in the
firm belief thg,t -they will return a
high percentage profit on the capi-'
tal •invested. These men have care-
fully looked into the situation and
any who do likewise will most
certainly come to the same con-
clusion. Ontario possesses beyond
all question unrivalled possibilities
as a fruit producing province. The
climate and soil are unequalled on
this continent. Markets have never
been fully supplied with strictly
high grade fruit, and are demand-
ing larger quantities each year. To
those who are looking for a more
profitable' line, we earnestly re•
commend a study of the fruit situa-
tion. The best informed and most
expert fruit men in the province
will be assembled at the Ontario
Agricultural College, Guelph, for
the Special Course in Fruit Grow-
ing, January 25th to February 4th,
1910. Come . and hear them tell
their experience if you doubt the
truth of these statements. And if
yoti are already interested you and
your neighbors cannot afford to
mise the wealth of practical know-
Iedge and up to -date information
which will be presented at that
time. There is money in growing
fruit, and this free short course is
worth dollars to you and your
friends. The program will in these
columns Watch for it. For fur-
ther particulars write J• W. Crow,
Department of Horticulture, • or
President Creelman, O. A. C.,
If not' on rale in 'your town, ^write
J. S: Ronite:Tscisr, Seo.-Troaa. National
SauiteriuM.Association, 3i.7' Sing Jit.
W., Toronto. All inforanation , iinna-
iahed and'stamps mailed promptly on
receipt of order.
Stamps m" ay be purchased : from
J. •A.' CONSTANTINE;., Agent ' Molsons'
Bailr, Zurioh.
The ,greatest danger from in-
flunza is Of, its • resitltiug,•in pneu-
monia. This can be phviated-by
using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
as it not only 'cures . influenza, but
counteracts any tendlenoy, of the
disease towards, pneumonia. Sold.
by J. J. Merner:
lowing' i's the: report of.ofe Znrao)
markets,00rrected up tosThursday =e
Barley 50 to 52
Peas 85
Bran , zl001,
Shorts ...1. , 23 00 24,0D
Oats. • ;� ^35: 3t
Wheat -.• 1.02 1 63
Hay °• • 12.00
Dried tinplates:- sire...,. ...Q' 6
Clover peed 6.75
Potatoes, •36 35
Bntt'o r` 22 23
]HBgs Iitiv-eweiget t t.. ^. 7.51,
Cook's Best Flour. 3.00
Wheat' .a,+...nee98 98
Oats.... ;.i...+•.•v37 37
Barley55 55
Peas! ... . . 70 70
Hogs'livewdight. . e�:-. r 7.56
Synopais of Canadiee,'Northwestrpand
ANY person who is the sole head''•'of a
family, or any male over 18 yearisold,
The public generally 'will be • may homestead a quarter -section of avail -
p g 9 able'1)ominion land^in. Manitoba, Sask-
pleased to learn that the appeal en- atohewdn' or Alberta. The applicant must
tered against the trial Judge's
judgment, re • opening of road to
Lake Huron, near St. Joseph, has
been,;dfsmiased 'with costs: The
following is taken from ' Friday's
Globe : •
The Divisional (✓ourt has dismis-
sed with costs the appeal by Oliver
Bissonriette and Napoleon Cantin
from Mr. Clnte's judgment 'on. 22nd
June last hi,favor of the Municipal
corporation ' 6f ' the township of
Hay, county of Huron, ' plaintiff in
an action to obtain • a .deoleration,
that .certain highways ,opened for
pu,,blic• traffic, by ;. a by-law of the
cor•portition are ,.pnblia, highways,
and,that Bissonnette he restrained
from pccupyitig or` ollstredting
tbtetn and be •ordered tt, go ` out of
1p'osseseiob andellitari* 13si a.414,
remove•atil obstenetione t-hcret Ota,
Mr. Justice, ••y4'•uth„erland, Who
writes the judgment of the court;
thinks the trial '"jtid inent should
be'affrrmed: 'He says, "The Conn-
dii seems to Bade rioted within its
powers in passing the by-law in
question and in what it thought
the' best 'and' most enconomical
way to secure the end sought by
the opening up and establishment
of the highway' (-viz., that of
obtaining access to Lake Huron.)
The attack by the defendants upon
the plan, says his Lordship, seems
to have been an afterthought, and
for the first time. mentioned or set
up in the statement of defence filed
on the Oth ot, March, . 1909, seven
months after the by-law ' had, to
the knowledge of the main defend-
ant, who is a farmer • residing in
the township, been passed.
Parties to whom lands had. t3
the knowledge of the defendants,
been conveyed according to the
plan filed, and with reference to
the said streets and whose rights
might be affected by a declaration
that the by-law opening up and es-
tablishing the said highway was
invalid. were not notified of the
action by the defendants nor added
as parties. Under these circum-
stances, his. Lordship bolds that
the defendants should not be suc-
cessful]y heard in opposition to the
by-law. Chief Justine Falconbrid-
ge and Mr. Justice Britton agree in
the result.
Y -""'t Cnnit Iu.i'd, No. 1240
appear -in person at the Dominion Lands
Agency or Sub -Agency for the district.
Entry by proxy • . may be made at any
agency,'on-•certaiu conditions, by father.
mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of
intending. homesteader.•
Duties.—Six months'residenbe upon and
dultii,•ation of the land i a 'each of -three
years. A homesteader may live within nine
miles of his homestead on a farm of at least
80 acres solely owned and occupied by him
or by his father, mother, son, daughter,
brother or sister.
In certain districts a homesteader in
good standing may pre-empt a quarter•sec-
tion alongside his homestead. Price '33.00
per acre. Dutiea—Must reside six, months
in each of six years from date of homestead
entry (including the time required to earn
'homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres
A homesteader wit. has exhaust .,,.,.h
A sprained ankle will usually
disable the injured person for three
or four weeks This is due to lack
of proper treatment When Cham-
berlain's Liniment is applied a cure
may be effected in three or four
well too, for ;
say it did work, and well This liniment ' is one of the
best and most remarkable prepeiitl-
beginning," said the new friend 1 In the matter of the estate of Samuel
with enthusiasm. •'1 like to see I Raunie late of the Village of Zurich in tions in use. Sold by J. J. Merner
thesis gentlemen haul in their Lite county of Huron. Retired farmer, .---.�
horns. The old fossil was going diseased Mr. Herbert Hey of Bad Axe,
to dismiss you to begin with, if Notice is hereby given that all persons Mich, is visiting relatives here.
you used tobacco at all, and in the
end he gets down to a few musty
�. .. - . meets every 1st sari ayd remarks. That's the way these
Tkurc+rley of •'':'i, to, -:it s .leek p• 111• • always end. livery man is re-
in tiro A. 0. U. ',",-. ]tall' p
J. ,r. 1r,,r,,,m,, c. 1t. sponsible to his Mellows if he allows
anybody, be it his employer or
otherwise to tamper with his per-
sona] liberty Here we are under
'I'entr•,n's a first class place you're
a .little under weather. suppose we
go in and have a drink? 1 don't
often indulge, but to emphasize
this stand of yours 1 should bo among the persons entitled thereto, having
happy to pledge you eternal com- regard only the claims of which he shall
The peculiar protnrties of (Sham- radesliip in this light for personal then have had notice, and that the said
berinin'$ Coughliemedy have been liberty. You need not take any -.executor will oat be liable for the raid.
thoroughly tests;d during epidemics thing strong" seeing refusal yvrit• exec or any part thereof to any person
of infinenv,a, and when it was taken ten on Ben's face, for, to tell net 01 whose claim, he shall not then have,
in trrno we have not heard of a' troth, he bud little heart, just then received notice.
gated at Hensailtihis-23rd day cf nec-
�j `� t �y % lil('ii111s11 Lodge
( m . 0..J . t No. 71 11:}p meets
the2ric? and Lill Friday of c,,_ry month,
at 8 o'clock, in their dall, 'Verner Block,
Faze. C11. irwaaa,M, W
having any claims or demands against the
late Samuel Rennie, who died on or about
Oct, 1 lth 1909 at the foreaid Village of
Zurich are required to send by post pre-
paid or to deliver to the undersigned ex- NIr• August -matting and Miss
scoter of the last will :tinct testament of. Maria Hildebrand were married on
the said deceased their naives and ad- Mari.clra
dresses and full particulars in writing of y
their claims and statements of their Mr. Maurice Rau of Chatham,
accounts and the nature of the securities, , returned home on Wednesday
if any, hold by them and notice is urther evening, to spend the holidays.
given that after the lath day of January
1910, the executor will proceed to dis-
tribute the assets of the said deceased
farmer should. know that the
price offered by the dealers for cattle,
hogs, ete-, is a fair one. How can he
know this if he does not take a farm
business paperl What dooter or lair-
yer or business man would be without
his .business paper? There is but one
farmers' business. and market paper, that
is The {Weekly, Sun, _ $teirt 1910 Fight by
9ttbfier11111t r .e. es, ,:::c !:rC}QP,^I
Mr. Alex McLeod of Toronto,
formerly principal of Zurich
school, was in town this week.
in certain di'stric'ts. Price'$3:-00' per + re.
Duties—Must reside six months in each of
three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect
a house worth S300.00.
W. W. CORY,,.
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior.
N. B.—Unauthorized publication' of this
advertisement will not be paid for..
single lc ca .e of 'reumonia. Sold b for any kind of indulgence, Scme- l ; ltmtrrrxa l3xeeutoi,
,,' Y I ember 1808 Iieiis>yll.
faille _lint: t9" c iestioisely. lenient.
Savings ' and
. . Loan Co
Money advanced on good
Farm Mortgages.
Prompt attention given
to applications for loans.
E ZELLER, Zurich,
This remedy can always be depended upon and
is pleasant to take. it' Cnntains no opium or
other harmful drug end May begK'ven asconti-
dentlpto a baby df Tali e tt. ,
Price 25 sella,°urge Site to ea h