HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-12-24, Page 2a li
+ f3f giplly deARMS
It is offi�lolly declared that the
,mall holdings act of 1908411as given a;
-.great, stimulus to the provision of^
f ust the Sort of Case That Proves snaaIl holdings by private land^':own-
to the World That the Best ers direct. The result of the first
year's work for the country at large
Liniment Ever Made Is
• "t 'here it comes to determining the
real merit of medicine, no. weight of
evidence is more convincing than the
straightforward statement of some re-
liable. and well known person that has
been cured. For this reason we print
the verbatim statement of Juan E. Pow-
ell, written from his home in Carleton.
'I am a strong, powerful man, six feet
tall, and weigh nearly two hundred. I
have been accustom-
ed all may life to
lift great weight,
but one day 1 over-
did it, and wrench-
ed my back badly.
Every tendon and
musele was sore. To
stoop or bend was
agony. I had a
whole bottle. of Nerviline rubbed on in
one clay, and by night I was well again.
I know of no liniment possessing one-
half the penetrat'on and pain -subduing
properties of Nei- -aline. 1 urge its use
strongly as an invaluable liniment and
household cure for all minor ailments,
such as strains, sprains, swellings, neu-
ralgia, sciatica, lumbago, rheumatism
and muscular pain."
No better medibine for curing pain
was ever put in a bottle than Nerviline
—over one million bottles used every
year—better try it yourself. 25c or five
for $1. At all dealers or the Catarrho-
zone Company, Kingston, Ont.
• - -
Handling Chicago Rubbish.
A disposal service for the handling of
material excavated at buildimg founda-
tions, building rubbish, ashes from pow-
er plants, etc., is being operated by tke
Chicago Subway Company, whick owns
a system of some 40 miles of small, deep
level tunnels under the city of Ckicago.
Spurs are run to deep basements or to
shafts where the materials are loaded
into cars, which are hauled by electric
locomotives to a disposal station on the
west bank of the Chicago River near
Madison street. Here there is a shaft,
over which are the runways for two
electric trolley hoists, each operated by
a man riding on the machine. When a
car is set at the bottom of the shaft,
the body is hoisted up and run out over
a hump scow moored alongside the sta-
tion. The car body is lowered and the
bottom released. discharging the con-
tents into the scow. The empty body
is then run back and lowered upon the
car -frame at the bottom of the shaft.
seed, free whin full
Instructions, my home treatment whit*
postively cures Leucorrhoea. Uloeratlox
•Displacements, Falling o: the Womb, Pain-
ful or Irregular periods, Uterine and Ovar-
ian Tumors or Growths, also Hot Molina,
Nervousness. Melancholy, Pains in the Herd,
Back or Bowels, Eidaey and Bladder troubles,
where caused by wealmoss poeuliar to our
sex. You can continuo treatment at home at
a cost of only 12 cents a week. My book,
"Woman's Own Medical Adviser,' also sent
free on request. Write to -day. Address,
Mrs. M. Summers. B'oxH. a, Windsor, Ont.
That's Different.
".11ay I offer you this little gift, Frau-
Iain Irate?"
"Excuse me—I never take presents
from men."
"But it is only a copy of my book of
"In that case I will accept. I thought
it was something valuable."—Fliegend
Penelope was bewailing the protracted
absence of Ulysses.
"I might as well be the wife of a com-
mercial traveller," she said, "and be done
with it t"
Scorning to avail herself of an easy
divorce, she plunged deeper than ever in-
to the pages of the Ladies' Home Jour-
nal for consolation.
Do you trap or buy
Furs? IamCanada's
largest dealer, I pay
higbeatprices. Your
shipments solicited.
I pay mail and ex-
press charges; remit
promptly.Also largest dealer in Beeihides,
Sheepskins, etc. Quotations and shipping tags
;Sent 9
Provision of Providence.
Hubby—The old saying is true: "It
is only fools who get marled."
Wifie---That's how Providence takes
care of them.
Wifie—By giving them wives to look
after them.—Roseleaf.
since the act came into operation has
been that 23,285 applications have
been received by county councils for
373,601 acres; that 13,202 applications
have been approved provisionally
as suitable; that the estimated quan-
tity of land required far the suitable
applicants is 185,098 acres; that 21.417
acres have been purchased, and 10,071
acres leased; that the land acquired
will provide for about 1,500 of the ap-
plications; and that of 504 of them
were in actual possession of their
holdings on December 31, 1908.
Out of the approved applicants
about 34 per cent. were agricultural
laborers. It is estimated that at the
end of September of this year not
less than 50,000 acres was obtained,
but few of the applicants desire to
purchase their holdings., Out of
23,295 applications received during
the year only 629 or 2.7 per cent. ex-
pressed a desire to purchase. No
doubt considerable land has been
supplied by land owners direct, main-
ly through the intervention of county
councils, stimulated by the provisions
of the act.
During 1908 there were in Devon
and Cornwall 722 applications for
12,271 acres. The councils purchased
440 acres and leased 120 acres. In the
southwest of England there are large
areas of crown lands once under cul-
tivation but now neglected that will
doubtless be brought back in the near
future to suitable and profitable hus-
bandry by the hands' of the people.—
From Daily Consular and Trade Re-
70 Years Old
"Though I had passed my seventieth
birthday," writes R. A. Silvera, from
Duncan P. 0., "I am paixfully aware
that one of the penalties of old age is
the slowing down of the activities of
the system. One of the most dangerous
conditions of old age is constipation, an
indirect cause of many sudden deaths.
I have used many medieines, but none
so suited to old age as Dr. Hamilton's
Pills. They are wonderful regulators—
keep the stomach and bowels in perfect
condition, prevent indigestion, bilious-
ness, liver complaint and constipation. I
recommend Dr. Hamilton's Pills because
they never grip nor cause distress—just
mild tonic laxative."
By using Dr. Hamilton's Pills regu-
larly you have a guarantee of good
health; 25c. per box, at all dealers, or
The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont.
Alliterative Aphorisms.
Marriage makes most men meek.
et hippy hearts ha or higitast hopes.
Weeping women are oft most win-
Man, maid and moonlight make
Pessimists picture pleasures pernic-
ious plagues.
Divers dark deeds drive directly to
divorce decrees.
Love lights the lamps that illume
the cline of life.
Saints, unlike sinners, shun society
to. seek solitude.
Alimony alievates the ailments at-
tendant upon altered attachments.—
Left Montreal Oct. 23 at 1 p. m. to walk
to Vancouver, 2,896 miles, over the C. P.
R. tracks, wearing GATSP AW RUBBER
King passed Port Arthur, 991 miles,
Dee. 14.
When will he rental 'Vancouver? 113
prizes offered nearest guessers. Contest
is free to all.
Each guess given a number in order
received and prize list mailed.
Prizes mailed free to winners.
Guess on a postal card.
Write plainly. Address, Dept. A,
Bitter Cold.
A South Side man claims that the jani-
tor of the flat building in which he lives
is the meanest janitor on earth.
"IIe never gives us half enough steam
during the day," said the complainant,
"and at night the conditions are simply
awful. Why, I frequently wake up and
hear my wife's teeth chattering on the
bureau."—Chicago Record-Heradl.
,> s
of household work is taken
awaywhen Sunlight Soap is
brought into the home.
floors, metaleWork, walls
and woodwork, Sunlight
is the most economical both
in these and money. ' e05
Jots of News.
London's underground tubes have a to-
tal length of 145 miles.
The life of an eight -inch gun is about
?00 rounds.
Tramuatlsntic communication will be
greatly facilitated by a submarine line
from Manhattan Beaeda to Newfouind-
The method of raising sunken lessees
by compressed air pumped into tke hull
has been found successful.
Tlae electric railway up Mont Blanc is
now opens tt, the public as far as the Col
de Vmaa, 5," feet high.
The new .:iuncipal laboratory of St.
Petersburg is to be neared after the Rus-
sian biologist Met hnilcoff.
The additional illumination provided
by the city of New York for the Hudson -
Fulton celebration amounts to 26,200,000
candle power.
Fmgl la -vas spoken by 22,000,000 peo-
ple at the beginning of the nineteenth
century. Now more than 100,000,000 peo-
ple speak it,
In klassachusets tree ple.nting is sys•
tematieally conducted along the public
highways. Fifteen thousand trees have
been planted in a few years.
An eight -track swing bridge across the
main channel of the Chicago drainage
canal, near Thirty-first street, will be
operated by electricity.
The Caar rules over 160,000,000 people.
The flims of a flying bee vibrate as
high as 440 times a second.
Wages axe higher in England than in
Germany- or France.
The British Patent Office business
elbowed a deesease during the past year.
e -o
Tea made from red clover blos®dms is
a good blo - u 'fier.
quickly stops coughs, euros colds, heals
She throat and lungs. - • - 25 cents,
In 1920.
The aerial sergeant: "You saw the
collision, die? you?"
The aerial monoplane cop: "Yep. Oth-
er fellow was all to blame. Full of
ozone, I fancy."
"Did you get his number?"
`Nope. He flew behind a cloud and
hid in a bunch of mist."
"You'd know his flyer if you saw it
again ?"
"Sure. It's a high gear Action with
six flippers and a Zephyr exhaust."
"Any passengers?"
"Three musical comedy blondes and a
vaudeville brunette."
"Evidently a borrowed ear?"
"Well, find the owner. I'm going to
break up this high speed carelessness if
I have to fill the aerial police station
so full of speeders that they drop out
every time the door opens. Get busy."
—Cleveland Plain Dealer.
. The Pleasure of.,rl3oasitig.
• Mr. S-- offered a young tcolored
man 15 cents to eut the grass about his
home. Returning a few hours later Mr.
S-- saw the Barky whom he had
hired lying in the shade of some trees
watching another darky cut the grass,
"What's the matter, Sam?" inquired
Mr, 5—.
"Na•wthin', sah," returned the negro.
placidly. "Jim just happened along tines
done offered to take the job offen my
hands, and I 'lowed he could do just as
•well as T. .could,
"Oh, it's all right, Sam. 1 suppose
you are malting something off the deal,
aren't you?" :I.Ir. 5--- queried, amused
at the lordly air of Sam.
"No, sah," replied the negro. "T done
tole that Jim I'd give him two bits (25
cents) to cut that thar grass."
- "Two bits!" exclaimed Mr. 5--.
"Why, Sam, you are an awful fool. That
is 10 cents more than I ani going to pay
"Yes, sah," Sam rejoined, amiably. "I
knows dat, sail; but I calc'late it's
wurth 10 cents for pie to be boss for
whole afternoon, sale"-Harper's Maga-
There is no other medicine for little
ones as safe as Baby's Own Tablets; or
so, sure, in its beneficial effects. Tnese
Tablets speedily cure stoenach and bowel
troubles, destroy worms, break up colds,
thus preventing deadly croup, allay sim-
ple fevers, and bring the little teeth
through painlessly. Mrs. 0. A. Weaver,
Saskatchewan Landing, Sask..:ays: "1
have used Baby's Own Tablets far my
little one in cases of colds, stomach and
bowel troglllale,s, and other minor ail-
ments, and, have never known them to
fail in speedily res•t•)ring the :hild',s
health. 1 think there is no medicine for
babies like the Tablets." Sold by medi-
cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box
frsm The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Following Orders.
Charlie—What have you been doing
to your face, dear boy?
Percy—I tried to shave myself this
Charlie—What on earth for?
Percy—The doctor told me that \I
ought to take more exercise.—Illustrat-
ed Bits.
• .r
Mineral's Liniment tneres Garget in
A druggist can obtain an imitation of
MINARD'S LINIMENT from a Toronto
house at a very low price, and have it
labeled his own product.
This greasy imitation is the poorest
one we have yet seen of the many that
every Toon, Dick and Harry has tried to
Ask for MIN_4RD'S and you will get
Henry Gladstone's Courtship.
Mrs. Gladstone is well known to be
wrapped up in her husband and his car-
eer. He was 47 when he first met Miss
Paget. He became Home Secretary soon
after their marriage, and though he is
in print perhaps the most abused man
in the Government he has to those who
know him personally both charm and
humor, a "glad eye" and a delightful
singing voice. He has an extreme rev-
erence for his father's memory and gave
to his wife for her engagement ring the
same great emerald circle that the "G.
0. M." gave to his wife when they be-
came eugaged.—From the Bystander.
Red, Weals, Weary., watery Eyes.
Relieved By Murine Eye Remedy. Try
Wig l*J ike MurYine. EyeISoothes. 50oles. YAt
Your Druggists. Write For Eye Hooks.
Free. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Toronto.
Early Fuel Consumption.
When steamers first came into use
very little attention was bestowed upon
the consumption of fuel. It was not
until the Cunard steamers were started
crossing the Atlantic in 1840 that reli-
able records of fuel consumption began
to be kept systematically. The Britan-
nia, one of the early Cunarders, used to
make the run from Liverpool to New
York in about 14 days on a coal con-
sumption of about 4.7 pounds .per indi-
cated horse -power an hour. The mod-
ern steamers do the work on about 1 1-2
pounds of coal a horse -power an hour.
Lifebouy Soap is delightfully refreshing for
bath or toilet.. For washing underclothing it
is uneaualled. Cleanses and purifies.
w •
Serves Him Right.
mare .a,_.—what is the greatest punish-
ment that a man can receive for big-
Snarler•Two mothers-in-law. — Ilus-
tarted Bits,
4, ,,..o
Minard's Liniment Cures ,Diphtheria.
Fol ly.
All men have folies. Those of the
wise man are known only to himself;
those of 5lae fool to all men but himself,
—Smart Set. ey :algi
Minard's Liniment Dures Distemper.
- 5:,19()9•
1. —buy suburban lots wlzi15 they are loW.
Building lots 25 x 100 for $l5 and upwards.
Terms—$6 down and $1 par 'week. Wr1to fot
booklet A—Burke & Co,, 204 Meng street east. •
E OIi.
La 10 CENTS EACH, 12
Js., packages containing G packages Needles,
aeeorted sizes, will give FRISE, A DOLLAR
INK PENCIL. Send 60 cents with order
ano goods will be mailed at once. W. K.
Mowat. 23 Scott St.. Toronto.
Dorset Horn Sheep.
Polled Angus Cattle
Breeding Ewes and
Ewe Lambs for Sale
Also Two Young Bulls
Write for prices
Forster Farm,
Oakville, Ont.
Highest Golf Course in Europe.
The highest golf course in Europe is
that at Maloja, in the Upper Engadine.
The course of nine • holes, varying from
170 to 350 yards, is between Maloja and
the pass which leads from the Engadine
to the Lake of Como and eammands •
lovely views of the Silser Sea and the•
snowclad peaks; the hazards are chiefly
depressions between the hills. Tho alti-
tude of these links is about 6,200 feet
above sea level.
The small course at St. Moritz is -
about the same altitude, while that at
Samaden, one of the finest links on the
continent, is about 5,500 feet, the next
highest being that of Montana, above
the Rhone valley, about 5,000 feet.
Maloja is an ideal spot for those who •
wish to be quite off the tourist track;
and in a country like Switzerland it is
not easy nowadays to get away from
the crowds of August. The nearest
station is ton miles away, at St. Moritz.
—The Queen.
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc.
4 -
Sure of Himself.
"111 give you a position as clerk to
start with," said the merchant, "and
pay you what you are worth. Is that
"0hi perfectly; replied the college
graduate, "but—er—do you think the
firm can offard it?"—Catholic Standard
and Times.
This FINN AIN 4PtPL.L, nickeled steel barrel peep ■Ights, polished walnut sto
belt Air
Famous Vegetable Pills, aQ9so. a box. These
weak and impose blood, ndipeetior,
atsaaa:h trenYles, conatiprtien,ao ' o diseases, r
time, etc,
3inst sea& year raise and address plainly written, sad we will tread you S boxes of our Pills
and 8 Saacy Pias to giro away, as a premium, with oaah box sold. When you have sold the 8
wo send as the y m $2.80 Eo a the Pills ars soldand we wilb andwe taseed ke backen s what you cannot Rifle.
We do iaotas3t tusy�ey
Address—TILE OR, MATURIN MEOICIRE CO., Dept. 57. Toronto, Ont.
Everybody Who Eats Bread
Should avoid danger of impurities in delivery from the oven to
the home. Insist on your baker wrapping his bread in
We are the original manufacturers of bread wrappers now
used by leading bakers of Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and other
The E. -B. EDDY COMPANY, Limited, Hull, Canada
V® I' This is a flee, handsome, clear -toned Violin, Highly polished, richer colored'
complete with string bridge, throe gut strings .bony flniahpess, lona Sow
pryp� of whits bora. hair, and box of resin. Ererythin oa plaete sort securely
®� packed in a box. Just eond us �gooe Hama and a rose, and agree to s11
tttiii only 8 boxes of Dr. Matnrin r resume Vegetable Pills, at 26c. a box.
A grand remedy and cure for weak and impure conditions of the blood hill-
gestion, stomach troubles constipation, nervous disorders, diseases of the, liver and kidneys,
rheumatism, and Female troubles.. A mild laxative, Grand Tonic and Life Builder. They arro
easy to sell as each customer buying a box of pills from you, moires, at the same time, a nice
fancy Pin, which we send you with the Pills. 'Do not mase the chance of yourllfo.
Don't Bend any money—Only your name and address, at epee, and we will promptly send
you by mail, postpaid, the 8 boxes of Pills and the Pins. When sold, remit to us the $2.00 and
we will send you this handsome Violin, etc. just as represented. Write to -day.
Dept. 156, TORONTO, ONT
A Gents .r Lulls' Solid Geld Watch cosies -Nom
62B to 5301 Do awl throw year mons away. If
you desire to immure a Watch which to keep time
and last well will bo equal to any Selig Gold
Watch, send us your name and address immediate•
1.1 and agree to sell le boxeo only, of Dr. Matarle'e
mous V, olabls Pine, at 36o. a box. They are
the greatest remedy on earth for the cure of peer
and impure blood, indigestion, headaches, consti-
pation, nervous troubles, liver, bladder and kid-
ney diseases and all female weaknesses; they are
0, the Groat Blood Purifier and Invigorator, a Grand
Ton -o and Life Builder. With the pills we send
10 articles of jewelry to give away with the
this makes thorn easy to sell. M. is the c sacs
of a lifetime,. Da act miss It. Send us your order
and we will send you the 10 boxes, post paid.
When you have sold them, send us the money 4.260
and we will rend yon oft
A agliTs. or LAW 5 WATCH
e saline day the money ie eecorms&
We are giving these beantifnl Watches to advertise.
our Remedies. This leu grand opportunity to se -
ours a valuable Watch without having to spend a
cent. And our Wateh is a atom wind and stem set
a"d not the cheap back wind article genorall
gii gti as premiums. Send far our pills it hou
delay. Address TUE DR. MAUIRU1 Mm
CO., Watch Dept. 20 Toombs. Ont.