HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-11-26, Page 5New
Now for Bracelets, Brooch-
es and Fobs, Culls Links,
Ladies and Gentlemen. . •
The Latest in Every Line. . •
New Stook of 1VI.outhorgans
Single and Double Keys. .
Hohner's Best Makes
Watch, Clock and
Jewellery Repairing
Dl1116ir =0.DaoOaDa®aDaliii,aDa1111110DDallibaDaMa
Big i
Reduction i
We're sent into this world to
labor, and do bur suints the best
we can ; to lend a band to friend
and neighbor, and help along the
needy man. We're wasting time
when we are roasting the foes
across whose path we've run ; we
are not here for idle boasting of
sordid triumphs we' have won.
We're to make our best endeavor.,
but not that we may hoard and
save, and pile the plunder up for-
ever. till we are piled into the
grave ; we are not here for ostenta-
tion, to ride in yachts and motor
cars ; we're only here to earn
salvation, and hew a pathway to
the stars. Each man is here to
help another, to give, where'
charity is due ; and to all men to
be a brother, and to the Lord a
servant trne• And so, when we
are filled with yearning to talk of
things we've done today. to boast
of wealth that we' are earning, of
wealth that we have laid away,
let's think about this thing of
living, and what life's for—and
whence—and why ; let's think
about the wealth we're giving—it's
better for us when we die 1—Walt
Mason. a
the enthronement of these pure prin-
pies in the heart. It has no sin, strife "
misery in it.
n 18. In these things --The Jew and the.
:utile who have these principles of
e kingdom in them. Serveth Christ—
ses in obedience to Christ's commands,
KI takes such a course tta is well -pleas -
6 to him. Acceptable to God --Our
rt and highest duty is to please God.
'proved of men—Of all wise, honest
10. good men.
XII. Various admonitions (vs. 19-21).
Follow.... .. peace—Put away c•on-
Ftions about non -essentials, and insist
the essentials of Christianity. This,
'Weyer, often involves what rnany call
s `little things." Mify another—
ieoura.ge and aid those things which
ild up Christian character. lntemper-
ee does the exact opposite of this. It
itreys good morals, social standing,
home, happiness, character. the soul.
e law of love forbids the use of in-
dcating liquor. forbids its sale to
Ors, and will not permit us to assist
e Lose persons who sell liquor to others,
Merchant, tut B L A It ther by lending thein money, 1y rent -
The executive co, mittee in con.
nection with the•liatis entertain-
ment, consisting of the following,
G. Kellerman, A. Birk, J. 1 . Goetz,'
E. M. Brokonsliire and G Edig-
laoffer, met and decided to hold the
entertainment on Xmas night as
the most suitable time to serve the
best end. No dou btx this will be a
grand affair, as the program corn-
mittee are putting forth great
effort to make this the best ever
yet held in connection with the
school. Remember the date Xrnas
night, doors open at 6 o'clock, pro-
gram to begin at 7 o'clock sharp.
Miss Barbara Effinger of Huron
County in the State of Michigan is
at present visiting at the home of
her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
F. Gossmt4•n.
1 5
1 now on at the I
.8 Blake Store.. 1
Coyne in and see how well
we can suit you, both i.
in quality and in
price. a
d Highest Prices
1 For Farm produce
i O. t.00UOLA9E i
General�' ere t ,
• • •
• • •
o g our buildings to them, or in any
6Dmaoaoa.IDaD®(DOD®aDOIED4D®4001111DaDala,Datlay giving thein our support and show -
,g thein favor. 20. For meat --.A small
ad trifling matter. Destroy not the
l>, i' DASHWO0D
That New
Winter Sint.
When looking for your new
Winter Suit, clo not forget to
give us a call. We havea time
range of Tweeds, Worsteds,
etc., to choose from. Our
prices aro as cheap as any.
Suits made at short notice.
•We oleo have a large nnmber of
Samples to select from.
aunday in connection.
.t.■ZURICH .■.
tvE keep in stock a
" full line o fresh
heats, hams, etc. etc
Our cuts are noted
for their tenderness
and wholesomeness.
Our aim is to keep
nothing but the best.
.We make our own
Give us A call.
Miss Ida Willert of Exeter spent
Sunday under the parental roof.
Miss Bertha Genttner, who has
for some time been working in
Sarnia, is at present visiting friends
here for a few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Gossman, who
have been visiting, for the past six
weeps with friends in Michigan.
returned home on Monday. They
were accompanied by their son,
Wedded at the Lutheran church -
el Mr. Elmore Thiel of Zurich, and
,Miss Anielia Koch of this place,
th joined together for life their hearts
st and hands to share each others
Cljoys and sorrows. The ceremony
"took place on Wednesday at 4 p
Ulm. Rev. Mr. Thum the pastor, he-
feting the officiating clergyman We
wiextend our congratulations and
hope next week to be able to de-
PeIscribe the affair more minutely.
No Trouble
Royal Household.
Five Roses
' or other Brands of Flour from Rannie's Flour
and Feed Store. The best in Groceries at close
Prices. All kinds of Feed on hand.
Mr. Charlie Stier has engltgecl
with P, Fassold to learn black
Dr. McLaughlin made a trip to
London on Wednesday.
Rev, A, Y. Heist conducted the
sacrament of the Lord's supper to
the members of the Evangelical
church, last Sunday afternoon.
The D'[issos Lizzie Uossman and
Tillie Vincent are spending a few
weeks with friends at Exeter.
s ethic, Cholera au,Chamberlai>< s Diarrhoea Remed,i
Never fails. Buy it now. it :nay save litCe.
aa -
Say a GOOD Word
it is wise to say's good
word for yourself or your
stock in trade bo merch-
andise or labor, Want
Ads.;are the most direct
line of communication
to the best.buyers.
C.nn,.IN we X •
Highest price in Cash paid for Butter and Eggs
The most unfortunate class of
people living upon this green earth
.aro the grumblers. They rob
home of its joys, society of its dues,
and themselves of the best things
of life. From the days the child-
ren of Israel 'grumbled" and were
:sent on their tedious wanderings
for forty years in the wilderness,"
lap to the'.present hath ••the : world
has been full of grumblers. It is
"too hot" or "too cold," Moo wet"
or "dry." People in reasonable
ircumstanoes have visions of the
poor house, while' the rich Brum•
bier that they can't get rich fast.
Beautiful Picture For The Home
Welcome News to the Readers
¶A most beautiful picture is that issued by The Family Herald and
Weekly Star, of Montreal, entitled "The Soul's Awakening," by
James Sant, of the Royal Academy.
1The publishers of The Family Herald have secured this picture at
enormous cost for their 1c010 subscribers, and we gave concluded an
arrangement by which our readers can secure a copy as well,
¶c"The Soul's Awakening" is 10x24 inches, ready for framing,
Every home will he the better of a copy of this beautiful picture. It
can only be had through The Family Herald and Weekly Star.
'The price of The Family Herald and W eelcl y Star is one dollar c year
11The price of THE IIRRALD is one dollar a 'vear.
11You may have both papers for a full year each, including a copy of
the beautiful picture. "The' Soul's Awakening" for one dollar
Seventy-five cents.
IA copy of the picture can be seen at this office. To see it is to want it
at once. 6
¶Sena your order NOW to TSiE HERALD, Zurich
Available Beds in the Muskoka Free Hospital for
Consumptives Increased Three -Fold as a Result of
Last Year's Sale of Christmas Stamps. The Number
Can Be Doubled This Year If Everyone Will Help.
Li the success of a
year ago tlreNational
Sanitaiti un Associa-
tion have made large
preparations for the
sale of the Christmas
Stamp of 1000-10; is-
sued on behalf of the
Muskoka Free hos-
pital for Consump-
Tuberculosis that would. bring hope
and joy and gladness to thousands of
homes and communities in all parts of
Nearly $6,000.00 was netted from
last year's sale, making it possible for
the trustees to increase the available
beds for needy patients from an aver-
age of fifty-five a year ago to one
hundred and forty, the accommodation
to -clay.
The trustees are hopeful that they
may bring the accommodation up to
300 beds as the outcome of this year's
sale of this little one cent messenger
'of hope and healing.
The Christmas Stamp, as a means of
fighting the dread white plague, had
its origin in Denmark in 11104, the sale
from which has financed a hospital for
consumptives in that country. The
idea was taken up by the Red Cross
Society of the United, States in 1007,
and interest has grown each year,
A year ago a Christmas stamp of
special design was put in circulation
by the Muskoka Free Hospital for
Consumptives with the success already
indicated in this article.
The price of the individual stamp is
only one cent, but what wonderful
things can be. -accomplished by so tiny
tun instrutnent. There is no reason
why every qne who writes a letter,
altdreesefs v •pnsttiitikl,'iiiails 'a news-
paper or parcel from this day ont
should not use one of these stamps.
Tito educational value of the stamp
appearing On every piece of mail gaga-
t.r r wouhl he enorntoua. One can
lewdly f1gere nn the material results.
it would :own a routing of the enemy
The stamp of 1000 is more beautiful
than that of a year ago. The design
is as shown in this article, but printed
in red and green, and is of sante size
as the regular guvermnent postage
This Christmas stamp will not carry
any kind of mail, but any kind of mail
will carry it—and carry too the happy
Season's Greetings from sender to re-
ceiver. Tho stamps will be done up in
envelopes of ten, twenty-five, fifty and
one hundred for ordinary selling, and
large users will be supplied in quan-
tities, The price for ten or for olee
thousand is a cent each.
The banks, departmental stores,
drug stores, book and stationery
stores and many other stores will sell
them. Women's clubs, church organi-
zations, bible classes and Sunday
schools, public schools, and ; many
other organizations and individuals
will help this year as last year.
. There would seem to be no rea;;on
why everybody everywhere may not
help in forming an army of willing
workers to sell these stamps ail, over
the Dominion, The Muskoka Free
• Hospital for Consumptives is in the
fullest• sense a national institution
caring for patients from every pro-
vince in Canada.
The first issue of the stamp for this
year is one million, and these will he
put into circulation immediately, but
there can hardly be any reason why
the issue should •t1' be increased
many tithes over befar-e,Oh1.'ts$tita,s,
The direction of the sale. of Christ -
mite Stamps is in the hands of Mr. J.
S. Robertson, 3e, -Treasurer, National
saeitarittnt As.oeiation, 317' Kine
Street, `Waste Toronto, who will ,five
prompt reply to any enquiries tet;ard-
ilr;,", the ststtee.
When a. cold becomes settled in
the system, it will take several
days' treatment to cure it, and the
best remedy to use is Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. 11 will cure quick•
er than any other, and also leaves
the system in a natural and healthy
condition. Sold by J J Mernerr
For Zurich and surrounding
district for Fall and Win ter months,
an energetic reliable agent to take
orders for nursery stock.
boo Acres'
The above roresents the Schou Cold
Set Tire Setter ready for operation.
This famous machine is a marvel is
simplicity of construction and in the
wonderful results produced—performing
the work heretofore done by the black-
smith—doing it quicker, and better.
No tires are taken off.
No bolts are taken out and thrown
Any degree of dish can be put in the
No burning or marring of felloe.
No spoiling of wheels by welding the
tires too short.
It does far neater work than can be
done by taking the tire off.
No boring of the felloe for new bolt
Do not let your wheels be spoiled by
having loose tires, bring them along and
have them set while you wait.
under cultiyation. We guarantee
to deliver stock in good condition
and up to contract grade. We can
show yon that there is good money
in representing a well known re-
liable firm at this time. Established
over 30 years.
Write for particulars.
f Collo, Cholera ane
Chamberlain s Diarrhoea Remedy.
'Never fails. Bite it naw. It may save life.
Clubbing rates.
'°'We have made arrangements
to offer the following low clubbing
rates with THE HERALD t
Daily Globe , $ 4.25
Mail & Empire 4.25
Weekly Globe . 1.60
,, Mail & Empire 1.60 ,
Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 •
Family Herald & Star 1.75
Daily Advertiser
Weekly Advertiser
Weekly Sun
Farmer's Advocate
Come in and see this Machine
BIacksmith - Zurich
Croup is most prevalent during
the dry colds weather of the early
winter months. Parents of young
children should be prepared for it.
All`that is needed is a bottle of
(Jhamberlain's Cough Remedy.
Many mothers are never without
it in their homes and it has never
disappointed thes,. Sold by Ji .