HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-11-26, Page 1Vol. X.
The Official Organ. of Z"ltra.al and Hay Township.]
No. 18
Miss Blanche Laporte of the
LOCAL NEWS. Sauble Line left on Monday morn-
ing to attend the Ursuline Ladies
csera .it-m°a rr,•4104-1yA-s, 4-a0 College at Chatham, for the winter
Mr. Moyes, of the Molsons Bank months.
visited his home, at Luoknow, on Mr. George Denomy of the Lake
Sunday. i• Road, left on Monday for a two -
These aro ideal winter days and weeks' visit with his daughter Mrs.
many such will be welcome for the Capt. Granville of Cnatham, his
next thre e months. son. A. J. of Windsor and friends
Father Loiselle's furniture and in Courtright.
effects were shipped from Hensall Dr. Oven's Surgeon, Oculist
station, on Wednesday. specialist will be at Royal Hotel,
Mrs, (Rev.) A, D. Gischler will Hensall, on Friday, Dec, 24th
give as temperance address at the Hours all day. Glasses properly
Temperance Rally in the Dashwood fitted, Catarrh, deafness, fail -
Evangelical church next Sunday
Miss Victoria Maass, only daugh-
ter of Rev. and Mrs. 0. C. J. Maass,
will be married here on Saturday,
to Mr. Bernhardt of Preston.
Mr. Conrad Thiel has purchased
the Demuth property at the North
end from the Executor, Mr. F. W.
Hess. The purchase price is
$600 00.
Mr A. T. Cooper, of Clinton will
deliver a temperance address in
the Evangelical church next Sun-
day evening. Mr. Cooper is one of
Huron's formost temperance work-
ers. Came and hear him.
The Dominion Parliament at
Ottawa opened November 11th and
our readers can keep thoroughly
posted by reading The Toronto
News daily and THE HERALD once
a week. Both papers can be had
by applying at this office, for $2.20
a year.
Lut1 Bran Church—The evening
service in St. Peter's Lutheran
Church will be conducted in
English. Sunday being the first
Sunday in the holy season of
advent, and the beginning of a
new church year, they, subject of
rneditatation will he "The coming
of Christ." All are invited to
The modern conditions of farm-
ing which. necessitates the use of
so much machinery compels the
farmer to be a machinist in so -
much that he must make a study
of all labor-saving devices for
farm werk. The use and care of
this machinery, because of the
expense its purchase involves,
makes this department one in
which economy is of first import-
ance, Every implement used on
the farm, big ox little, costs good
hard-earned money. Machinery
left exposed to the weather is ono
of the easiest ways of losing money
that the fernier has.
The W. C. T. 11 v'U1 meet Wed=
nesday afternoon Dec. 1St, at the
home of Mrs, 1 A Williams,
It is reported that Mr. J. J.
Morner intends erecting a brick
evaporator, next year'.,
A large .number from here at-
tended the wedding if Mr. Elmore
Thiel to Miss Kochi , at Dashwood,
on Wednesday. •
Mr. and Mrs. kid Welhelm of
Baden spent the past two weeks
with the latter's parents, '1llr. and
Mrs. David Sararas, Sauble Line.
Many school children suffer
ing eyesight and throat troubles from constipation, ''which is often
The sacrament of the Lords
supper will be celebrated in the
Evangelical church next Sunday
at 10 a. m. Preparatory service
will be conducted by Rev. A. Y.
Heist of Berlin, on Friday after-
noon at 2 o'clock the members of
the Quarterly Board will meet
immediately after the service.
Read the London Daily Adver-
tiser, the Best Metropolitan paper
in Western Ontario. Contains
latest market quotations and all
general andlocal news worth
Send x+2.00 for the London Daily
Advertiser for 14 months in ad-
vance. This offer must be accept-
ed before January 1st, 1910.
Rev, John Miller will preach on
Sunday Nov. 28th, at the Baptist
church at 10.30 a. m. All are in-
vited to attend. I was glad to
visit my old home after 31 years.
A good many of my friends have
died and gone to their reward.
When I. stand at the graveyards
and read the names of my dear
old friends, I was thinking the,
days are gliding swiftly by and
we shall soon follow them into
that happy land where there is no
parting and no sorrow. I extend
my hearty thanks to all my friends
for the royal entertainment I re-
ceived. I was treated like a father
and brother, they made me .feel
that I was welcome in there houses
as one of their own. May God
bless them for it, I was not able to
visit all my friends but hope that
I will be able to do so in the
future. In a short time I will
leave Zurich for Mich. I wish
you all God's blessing until we
meet again.
the cause of seeming stupidity at
lessons. Chamberlttip.'s stomach
and Liver Tablets are an ideal
medicine to give a child, for they
are mild and gentle in their effect,
and will cure even chronic con-
stipation. Sold by JJ 1'derner.
As we have a great many bills
n-.aturing in the course of the next
few weeks. we would esteem it a
real favor if our friends would call
and settle their. subscriptions,
Now is also a good, time to renew
for next year and if you do it now
you will feel all the better for it.
Don't forget us next time you' are
in town.
The "The Torontp,News" is to be
congratulated upon he high class
serial stories, installments of which
appear daily. They are by the
best authors and axe" interesting up
to the last chapte.A. We under-
stand The News has just procured
the Canadian serial rights on "The
Circular Stair Case." Our readers
can have the pleasure of reading
this enthralling story by subscrib-
ing for The News daily and THE
HERALD once a week, $2.20 a year,
at this office.
In remitting for the present year
and for 1910, Mx i. Stumpf of
Mildmay; fors,d,in this place,
among other things says :—"I saw
in your paper of three weeks ago.
how an Editor was shot at and his
life saved. by a. silver dollar he had
in his vest pocket, deflecting the
bullet, so I will send you $2.00
which you can exchange for two
silver dollars and carry one in each
vest pocket to keep. yourself safe."
In reading the letter it just oc-
curred to us that if all our sub-
scribers did likewise we would
soon look like an armored oruiser
of the new Canadian navy.
3C`•:4a1F 3+ 3 a�f M 484- Fr3ts`�"3£3 ?4-1£ii?C30 k 03Cit iS3EiF it8C303 ik3 E0 3E 3:111:iE r
I invite you to come and visit my store
this fall for cheap buying. I am sure you can
buy your winter supplies right : such as
Dress Goods, Flannelettes, Hosiery,
Wrapperettes, Ladies' Underwear, wac.
Ladies' Coats, full assortment of Furs.
FOR MEN—Readvruade Suits, Underwear, Caps,
Fur Lined Coats. FOR BOY`~—Readyinade
Suits, Caps, Underwear Etc
The very newest in Ladies' Hats and Trimmings
Ali Farm Prod . ice ta.kein in Exchange.
oo'-'c�:, 000C:s.aac000000p•G/','p'�
8 P E I
ie.1.1.�� � � � � , G,po
8 F ,,
0 Ai
ai �' e. have in stock a large assortment,
Qi)of Fall Footwear and your wants 4Q0
S�� can be supplied here with 1P
\\+4 .�r..ic»aov^ �,� 4 O `�4 C4i•4� 4 d 4.4
O.4•t1 Ci 'd•O'4
9 4.• IUoO
The Very Best hi the Market
Our prices are always found to be
very reasonable and a \ isi . to (Lir
store will be appreciated,
P. BENDER, Zurich
sins f r S at u r
And following week.
And Remember the goods are
Now is the time to buy. Every item. below is a Bargain.
all first class....no cheap, shoddy wares. You want to co:ne
your friends about the Values we are giving.
maimumurgogammemmi early. Tell
Jet Buttons
We have all sires jet. buttons. Prices
i:. c: fs ;i tlr.y, , tt dt ..
y ,
e.: kap ,. r,.,•a to re fes
We have the very latest in jet barrettes
and jet back combs. Big value at 25 cents each.
Special line of ribbons. All colors.
tra value at 19 cents per yard.
Fancy cord ruchins 25 cents per yard.
Hand Bags
A new line of Ladle's hand Bags,
and handy from. 25 cents up.
'lies and Braces
A new shipment of: Neck wear
men's braces just in. The latest colors.
Ex. -
Men's Sox
Men's heavy wool cooks, regular 35 cents.
Special at 25 cents per pair.
Men's black ribbed worsted sox, extra
value at 25 (cuts per pair,
Lined lifts
Men's lined mitts with knitted cuff, re-
gular 00 cents, clearing at 50 cents per lair.
Top Shirts
Men's tine top shirts, regular 75 cents
value for 50 cents.
Dress Shirts
Men's Dress Shirts, regular 50 cents and
75 cents value, clearing at 39 cents each.
Millinery Sale
We are giving 25 per cent off all shapes,
wings, trimmings etc. Special, reduction on
children's hats. We invite your inspection,
Dressed Poultry of ,all kinds wanted.
ted. P
Knife Sharpeners 25 :•.r•i.ts
Self sharpening s.:issors .,!;°'
Corn Poppers 13 etre'
Coal Scuttles 25 cents u,.
Carpet Tacks 2 brIs l,i ., .
Claw I[:unniers 15 cents up
`.Pack hammers 1'.) , :.;.-s
Leather mitts, extra. good
Canvas mitts 10 cents
50 ft clothes line wire 15 cents
100 ft clotnes line wire :10 cents
Large granite dish pans :,naeents
Large covered roast pans 50 cents
Curry Conics 3 ceuts, 10 cents .and 15 etc
25 cents.
Horse Blankets
We are giving extra goo'l 'value in borse
b;ankets and robes.
Produce Prices
We take all kinds of Farm Produce and
are paying following prices. Butter, 22 cents
a lb. Eggs, 26 cents a doz. Dried Apples,
7 cents a ib.
Highest market prices paid.