HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-12-03, Page 5New Jeweliery. Now for Bracelets, Brooch- es and *Poles, Cud' Links, Ladies and Gentlemen. The Latest in Every Line. New Stock of 11Iouthorgans Single and 1?ouble Keys. Hohner's Best Makes Watch, Clock and Jewellery Repairing "YOU BET" F. W. HESS, JEWELLER' 1 DCIPICIMMINDGMINDOUCCUIDCIDGMODCDONDOCKIIMIMMIDOZI Big Reduction Sale • : • nor en at the Blake Store,. Come in fwd see how well we can suit you, both in quality and in 8 price. Highest Prices For Farrn Produce 1 1 1 a Ne. DOU LASS General Merchant, 13 L AK E. 6DORIMDOD07790D®ODQL104DOZED4) 'DODO®DOD019:04 ,• That New Winter Suit, 4Vhen.ki g for your new WTinter.Suit, do not forget to give us a call. We have a fine range of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., to choose from. Our prices are as cheap as any. Suits made at short notice. We also have a large number of Samples to select; from. Laundxy in connection. W. EIDEMAN a s ZURICH o a n MEAT MARKET E keep •in stock a full line o fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim ,is to keep nothing but the best. • We make our o'wu sa1lwages. Give us a call. YLIN6LUT ELC T. 'THE PROGRAMME FOR THE FAIR GUELPH, DECEMBER 6-10. 1909. A special feature in connection with the lectures to be delivered at the Winter Fair this year is the discussion of proper types to be sought for in the breeding of • the -various pure breeds of live stook, Animals will be used for illustra- tion purposes and the discussions will be of :t practical • nature of 'benefit to the farmei who is.trying to 1mprobe hiskrtrvde stock as well - 48 to the breeder of pura•bred animals. The question of profit• able feeding. as dealt with in Dairy oath) and Poultry Sessioatls, will be of interest to all in these Um when feed is so expensive; general subject of special val will be `Under drtiining." Pr W. H. Day will explain the o clitions under which it is advise, to under drain, the principles to followed in laying out a plan a the materials and appliances well should be used. The following is a synopsis the subjects to be taken up at t different sessions, On Tuesd evening, December 7th, there w he the session for poultry wi addresses on "Profitable Prod tion of Poultry on the farm" Prof. Graham, Guelph, and "Fir less Brooders'' by J. W. Olari Oainsville. The session for Da Cattle will be on Wednesday mor ing beginning at 9,30 a. i "Lessening the cost of milk pr duction"will be discussed by Pro Dean. Guelph and the "Bre Type of Ayrshires, Holsteins a Jerseys" will be taken up separat ly by Messrs. A. Hume, R. Stevenson and R, Reid, respeetiv ly. Wednesday afternoon at 1. Prof. W. H, Day will take pp t question of "Under -draining" a at 3.30 there will be addresses the "Breed Type of Shorthorn by Robert Miller and "Hereford Aberdeen- Angus and Galloways" by Pr G. E. Day. On Wednesday evening 7.30 p, m. there will bo a public me ing in the city Hall at which address will be delivered by prominent men a a musical programme will `bo renders Thursday morning will be taken up addresses on the `Breed Type of Clyde dales, Shires.. Hackneys, Thoroughbred Standard -Breda and Yonies." These w be discussed in the order named by W Smith, John Gardhouse. D. Grange, D J. H. Reed, Dr. Routledge and Robe Miller. On Thursday afternoon at 1. "Breed Type of Sheep" will.be taken u Shropshires and Cotswold by Robert Miller, Southdown by Lt.. -Col. McEwen, Dorsots by R. H- Harding, Leicesters by A. W. Smith and Oxfords, Lincolns, i<lampshires and Suffolks by Prof. Arkell. On Thursday afternoon at 3.30 Prof. G E. Day will discuss !the "Breed Type of the different breeds of swine..' On Thurs- day evening at the send session, the addresses will be, "Best Types of En - es A 118 of. on. ble be nd eh of he ay ill th 110 by e- k, ry n.. n. o• f. ed nd e S. e• 80 he nd on s" 8, of. at et - es nd d. by s- s, ill m. t 4 o'clock in Zion Lutl;ran church, 30 Rev. Mr, Thun being the clergy - p, man. Mr. Adam Thiel cousin of the groom was best man, while Miss Laving Koch sister of the bride was bridesmaid and wore a frock of white silk muslin. her bouquet being white chrysanth- emums. Miss Laura Erafe cousin of the bride played the wedding march. The bride entered the church leaning on the arm of her purpose of demotes sir apprecia- tion in the form of a daughter Myrtle, who ,has been acting in the ist in the church herein above mentioned,: Immediately after the ival of the guests at the Horner home, 3 Horner was called to the front whet•' she was made • the recipient of a well • ed purse, pre- sented by Miss Bessie urner aecompan. led by a complimentary address which was read by Missrindv Dowson. Myrtle, although take by surprise re. sponded in a clever and propriate man- ner, and while expressiq to the donors her sincere tbanks for thi r excellent re- cognition of her servioeie, assured them that she would do her utmost to oarry to completion the expectations and confidence which they had placed in her, Mr, James Delgaty of Bayfield thenaddressed the audience in a clever spe' oii'ii;u Miss Horn- er's behalf, after which,✓,a dainty Iunch consisting of all the delioaies of the season and carefully and tastefully prepared by the numerous ladies present was partaken of. The remainder of the night until a late hour was spent in a sociable manner by the young people, a principal feature being a fine musical programe consisting of vocal and instrumental music, combined with an excellent sele,tion of choice phonograph records. Q.,. very enjoyable evening was spent and eak 1 member re- turned home feeling quite confident that Mr. and Mrs. Horner and family had all sone their utmost to hospitably entertain the guests. stome .to. theiTrouble ctime past opacity of organ. DASHWC4b0 A very pretty 'wedding took place Wednesday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Koch, when. their second daughtese Amelia E., was united in marriage to Mr. Elmore Thiel of Enrich, third son of Mr. and Mrs; .Andrew Thiel, The ceremony was Performed et silage Corn for the various stock raisin districts of Ontario" by Prof. (irisdal "Observations and conclusions from th Judging seed exhibits at the Wint Fair" by Prof. Buchanan; "The seed Control Act and the farmers" by T. G. Raynor. There will also be some short addresses giving practical lessons obtained by the jubecs from the work itt judging the fields of standing grain in Ontario during, the past summer. •The judging of the different classes of live stock will take place at the following times: Horses, 258 entries,—Tuesday, 7.1`5 .p. in? Welnesday, 3.00 p. m; Thurs- day, i 3c�p. 10. and 8.30 p. m; Friday, l otrLt r -t -;;ad 1.30 p. n1. Beef cattle, 135 o i les,--Tnesday, 2 p. .m; Wednes- day, 9,30 a. in, continued till finished. Sheep, 400 entries, --_Tuesday, 2 p. m, Wednesday, 10 a. m, continned finished. Swine, 2,30 entries,—Bacon hogs, They. day, 2 p. m; other classes. Wedn,,dav 10 0 m. Poultry, 4,500 entries,—Tuesday 8• a. in. Single fare on all railways. g father and^wore a dress of white e; silk cashmere desoie, trimmed with ° silk ;noire braid, her bridal veil er being- trimmed with lilies of the valley and she curried a bouquet of white chrysanthenxeunls. After the ceremony all retilnred to the borne of the bride's parents, where a 1:retty wedding dinner was serv. ed, about one hundred guests being present. The evening- y was well enjoyed by both young and old until an early .hour in the morning and all repnrtecl a sant time. The preeenreceives ;-`ire-num..er• ons and costly. Mr. and .Mrs. Thiel Will ntttke their future hone in Zurich. Their many friends extend congratulations. The Y. P. A. election of officers on Monday evening, resulted as follows : Pres. Miss Martha Oes- treichcer, 1st vice, Mise O. blilligctn ; 2nd vice, Miss E. Tiernan ; 3rd vice, Miss Tillie Miller ; •lth ,rice, Miss 'Ida Goetz ; Sec. Miss E. Horton ; w Tress. Mr, L. Kellerman f Organist .Miss A. Seibert ; Assistant, Miss y E, Horton. • The Misses Jennie and Irene Hardy of Exeter were visitors here, e on Sunday. Ed. Stier ]eft on Monday for a Y few weeks visit; with friends at 1+ isherville and Dunnville. . DRYSDALE The zero weather of the past fe days hos closed ploughing opera tions with the farmers and the now fent. aintisenrent in social con versation around the fireside. E. 13, Horner, who has spent th past three months at Filmore Sask., arrived here on Thnrscla last. Blake looks bale and hearty and seems considerably recuperate( from the effects of his great west ern tonr. Miss E. Thompson, teacher of the village school spent Sunday under the parental roof in Hensall Coarse grain in largo quantities is daily finding its way to the mar- kets from •all parts of the .farming districts and in some cases the cls. grand greatly exceeds the supply. These facts combined with the consistent high prices paid for fartn stock and other produce in. general materially assist in increa- sing the farmer's bank account. Business is daily increasing at J. Corriveau's general store and Jerry's courteous manner and ole- lilting disposition continuo as for- merly to gain for hitn - the liberal patronage of a large circle of cus- tomers. H. W. Talbot the veteran thresh- er, who for the past three months has been creating. for himself an enviable resold bas almost corn- pleted work for the season. The following problem will amuse our mathematicians and as- sist in developing their mental faculties. A farmer has two cider barrels and for the two a single cover Worth 90 cents. If he puts the eover upon the first barrel it will be worth 1 times as muoli as the other. If he puts the cover upon the second barrel it will be worth 1 tines as much as the first barrel What is the value of each barrel? An answer to the ' above problem will .appear' in a subsequent• edition of 'this. paper. Oa. Friday evening :et,. last : cweai!h r the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Horner wits the scene of an unusual happy gathering when a large number of young people con- sisting principally of members of the Union church, arse mb',ed, expressly for the Mr. R. (Alen of Berlin spent Sunday with friends Isere. J Kellerman is tit present at home, being treated by a local Doctor. Mrs Rev. L. K, Eiclt left on Sat- nrlay to visit her father atLisbon, he being very ill at that place. • J. Finkhoiner spent a few days last week at his brother's borne at this place. Messrs. Tiernan Edighoff er have their store lit rip with a fine light;. i • Miss Eckstein of near Zurich is learning dressmaking, at the Miss- es Tiernan. BLAKE Friday was a busy day in our village. Farmers from the surrounding ;oountry where bringing in their turkeys to R. N. Douglas to be shipped to the Old Country market. There are a great many people laid up with a cold or In£uenz i around the village and neighborhood. A • party near the village made the remark the other day. "I(ihave been subscribing for some of the large papers, hut I think this year I will subscribe for the TatsMOULD as I would get all the latest local news." We were glad to hear that at last people's eyes are being opened to the truth. 1f the editor of '.Cox 1-11.12arn will give me a dollar I'll tell him who the intending subscriber is. FARM PROFITS May be largely increased by knowing the exact condition of the farmer's market, and by learning of the best method in farm practice. This is precisely the ,sort' of;iatfo_rmatiion'the,Farrnera' Weekly. Sun gives in every issue. It hate'no,equa] u a Punter's Business Penes. *Geed farmers rely Ait. For ese oat clubbing offer, IN BAKING II; YOU USE Royal Household Five Roses or other Brands of Flour from Rannie's Flour ,and Feed Store. The best in Groceries at close Prices. All kinds of Feed on hand. • S. RANNIE, = ZURICH Highest price in Cash paid for Butter and Eggs l E SOUL'S AW Beautiful Picture For The Home Welcome News to the Readers of THE HERALD j]A most beautiful picture is that issued by The Family herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, entitled "The Soul's Awakening," by James Sant, of the Royal Academy. liThe publishers of The Family Herald have secured this picture at enormous cost for their 1910 subscribers, and we have coneln ded an arrangement by which oar readers can secure a copy as well. '"The Soul's Awakening" is 191024 inches, ready for framing. JEvery home will he the better of a copy of this beautiful picture. It can only be had through The Family Herald and Weekly Star. HERE IS OUR SPECIAL OFFER— ¶The price of The Family Herald and. Weekly Star is one dollar a year 'rile price of Tut IIRa&tD is one dollar a 'year. ei You may have both papers for a full year each, ineluding a copy of the beautiful picture. "The' Soul's Awakening" for oue dollar Seventy-five cents. A copy of the picture can be seen at this office. To see it is to want it as once. ¶Senu,your• order NOW to Tim- IInit .v, Zurich ' i€ s Colic Cholera ono ChamberlainDiarshoea Remedy. i`leVer fails. 1''luv it naw. It may save life. For Zuri^,h and surrounding district for Fallantt1Xinrer months, an energetic reliable agent to take orders for nursery stock. GOOD PAY WEEKLY, OUTFIT FREE. EXCLUSIVE TERRI'1 ORY goo Acres under cultivation. We guarantee to deliver stock in good condition and up to contract grade. We can show you that there is good money in representing a well known re. liable firm at this time. Established over 30 years. Write for particulars, PEJO r NURSER Y CO TORONTO, - ONT, Many persons find themselves affected with a norsistent cough after en attuok of influenza. As this cough titin be promptly cured by the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, it should not be allowed to run on until it becomes trouble- some. Sold by J. J. Merner. Clubbing rates. "We have made (arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with THE HV BALD Daily Globe . $ 4.25 „ Mail & Empire 4.25 Weekly Globe . 1.60 Mail & Empire 1.60 Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Patnlily,Herald Stier; Daily Advertiser 2.75 Weekly. Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sun 1.75 Farmer's Advocate 2.25 THE SCHAU COLE -SET TIE_ SETTEE Tho above represents the Schou Cold. Set Tire Setter ready for operation. Thi., faniousmacliin3 is a marvel in simplicity of construction and in the wonderful results produced—performing the work heretofore done by the black- smith—doing it quicker, and better, No tires are taken off: No bolts are taken out and thrown away, Any degree of dish can be put in the wheel. No burning or marrfng of felloe. No spoiling of wheels by welding the tires too short. It does far neater work than can bo done b.y taking the tire oft. No boring of the felloe for new bolt. holes. Do not let your wheels be spoiled by having loose tires, bring them along and have themset while you wait. Come in and see this Machine J. DEI +C IE RT, Blacksmith - Zurich If you are suffering from bilious. nese, constipation, indigestion. chronic headache, invest one cent in a postal card, send to Chamber- lain Medicine Co., Des Moines, Iowa. with your name and address plain- ly ou.the back, and they will for. ward yon a free sample of Cham- berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab. lets. Sold by J, J. ,Merrier,