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The Herald, 1909-12-03, Page 1
The Official Organ of Z1i a b xld Hay Township.] FRIDAY MORN'6 DEC. Vol. X. LOCAL 'NEWS, '4 Ca.Miss Eleanor Hartleib is visiting friends in Blake, this week. Messrs. C. Fritz and W. Koffman shot ten white rabbits Wednesday afternoon, in three hours. Rev. Mr. Green of Clinton will Teach in the Evangelical church, next Sunday morning and evening and in the 14th Con. church in the afternoon. There is no way of improving a .place so much as by encouraging good merchants, good schools and good people to settle among you, and this cannot be done unless you spend. your money at home. Mr. J. I. Byler of Toronto, is holding a ten day Singing Conven- tion, in the old Baptist Churoh. Every one is invited to attend. The course will consist in Rudi- ments and Sight reading. A Local Option meeting will be held in the Town Hall, Friday evening Dec. 3rd, commencing at 8 o'clock. Rev. Miilyard, of Hen. sall and Rev. Bean, of Crediton will deliver addresses. Everybody invited to attend. Mr H. Well made a sale of a fine piano to H. Young, at Porter Ilill, Goderich township, and states that November was a record -breaker of any previous month of business. Sold 2 planos, 4 organs and 4 sewing machines. Aey one wanting to buy his line will do well to call or write flim. The regular meeting of the W 0 T U was held. Wednesday afternoon .Dec. 1st, at the home of Mrs. J. A. Williams. Mrs. S. Merrier ably conducted the devotional exercises, after which Miss Ethel Williams r, reeved 1 tr- P ,E t ' in *1.�:rt.t - es s' 'of the. le k. The business was.. then taken up. It was decided to send a box of fruit to the Francis Milliard home in Toronto: Our of- ficers elected for the coming year sae as follows: Miss E. Williams, Pres. Mrs. 0. I-leyrock, Vice -Pres. Mrs S Merger, Cor -Sec; Miss Lizzie Rennie, Roc -See; Miss Ella Rennie Tress; Miss L. Rennie, organist, Mrs D Koehler assistant organibt. The meeting closed with singing the Temperance Doxology. t�. c a 1 9 1 1;7 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 Mr. Charlie Eilber is engaged in Mr. J. Preeter's store. Altai en sale of stock and other chattels, in Zurich on Wednesday Deo. lith. Leon Jeffrey, proprietor. Blake school report and the Rondeau-Ducharme wedding wore Dr. and Mrs. Will day at the honni Campbell, at St.' a, Monday next mill will be run f•ei this season, providi is favorable • 3 1909. No. 19 k4peSun, iii` Mrs. Geo. ixer's cider the last time the weather Dr, Ovens Surgeon, Oculist crowded Yout'of this issue but will specialist will be et' •Royal ''Hotel;' appear next week. Hensail, on Fridat Dee. :240. NOTICE .-As I have disposed of Hours all- day• rtlaeaes,, properly fitted, Catarrh, d armies; fail - my shoe business I desire that all ing eyesight and groat troubles accounts owing me are to be paid treated. by the 15th inst. C. Fritz Zurich. The Ladies Aid of the Evangelical church, will meet in the church on Tuesday afternoon at 2.30 p.• m, All are invited to be present. "You've been at the jam, again, Billy. I can tell by your sticky mouth." "Don't be rude, pa; I don't say you've been into the wino cellar again every time I look at your nese I" Lutheran Church,—Rev. C. C. J. Maass being absent from town for a week, there will be no service in St. Peter's Lutheran church on Sunday, Sunday School will be held in the forenoon, commencing at 10 a. m. sharp. Hay Council met on Wednesday and beside% some routine business, the local option bylaw and a bylaw to borrow $15,000.00 for the purpose of building all culverts and bridges of cement were passed and will be published in nett issue. The Parliament of Canada. is a work legislating this great and glorious country into the pros- pective, ownership of a navy. If we must have one the sooner it is constructed the better but it is a pity that we are compelled to, follow the barbarians of Europe. Meetings in the interest of the Local Option Campaign will be held at the following places. ,x', ,*ilkil?y,pt seer , . Pao.eerd- at`8 pyo, re`;' -the Town Hall. Dash- -wood, Evangelical church Monday, Dec. 6th at 8 p. m. Speakers Mr. Jones of Goderich, Rev. E. H. Bean, Crediton. 14th Con. church, Tuesday, Ded. 7th at 8 o'clock. Speakers Mr. F. O'Brien Chisel- hurst, Rev. Mr. Jones Goderich. Sauble Line, No. 11, School house, Wednesday, Deo. 8th at 8 p, m. Speakers Rev. Mr. Carriers, Grand Bend, Rev. Jones Goderich. Rous- ing temperance music will be provided for the meetings. Every. bray come. BERN HARDT—MA ASS, - A quiet but prettyvldding: was solemnized in St. P9ster's Lutheran church on Saturday the 27th of November, at highs noon, when, Miss Victoria A. Maat%s, the only daughter of Rev. Mie ,and Mrs.' C. C. J. Maass, was United. in ,mar- riage to Mr. I. A i3eernhardt of Preston. The toren enc, Was per- formed by Rev. O. Hlaebn, of Stria fcird in the presenm6t only the immediate relatives e4feelle contrac- ting parties. To the shins of the wedding march of Lollingrile, play. by Miss Ida Sipple, k,; the bridal party entered the c:urch, the bride leaning on the eetn of her father, who gave here toreaye` She; wore a gown of duchesse:satin and lace over white taffeta,, t beautiful wreath of orange blosee'nis was ar- ranged with delicate tulle veil end a shower ofi'white roses and ferns caught with a. bow of white (uch- esseribbon was carried.' The brides- maid, Miss Adelia Vio;or. of Mit• chell wore a gown o . pale pink tatnoline, trimmed wif'Irish point lace, and black picturehat, carry- ing pinkroses, caught with a bow of pink duchess° ribbon. The groom was ably suppcirled by his brother, Mr. Oscar i3ernl:arclt cf London, The bridal petty left the church to the sweet strains of Mendelssohn's r d sweet.; eeeetie r'h. e -tee °weeny yea`cee tis fen8t party repaired to the dining room where the dejeuner way served amid pink and white decorations, draperies of smilax over anging the table. After the d•jeuner, Mr. and Mrs. Bernhardt eft for Chicago to spend the hon ymoon, trom there they will return to Pres ton, where they will inakb their future hone The bride's travel. ling costume was of dark green broadcloth with hat to match. The bride received many useful gifts, showing the love and esteem in which the young people are held. alm abv READY FOR FALL '►4 USINESS • I invite you to come and visit my store this fall for cheap buying.I am sure -you can Of'buy your winter supplies right: such as Dress Goods, Flannelettes, Hosiery, Wrapperettes, Ladies' Underwear, Ladies' Coats, full assortment of Furs. ,FOR MEN—Readymade 4uits, Underwear, Caps, e• Fur Lined Coats. FOR BOYa—Readymade - Suits, Caps, Underwear Etc :MILLINERY DEPARNMENT The very newest in Ladies' Hats and Trimmings , DUTCH SETTS and All Farm Produce takers in Exchange, D. ae AUT ZURICH, ,; RAMMMWAPMMIWWWRWMIWWWM ,r-.,e., a,,,..,,..,„,„..„,_„....._.,,...„coo' o oa .u...1O oO. a.DOv t :h- � ''�` Y:.l': +� � �� wp s 1'�t, � Mm��r.,�.,, ��e'f;• y�ix'u 1p D:Y Ww: •m,,;-.. A v1',t • .n7 7£Y•,:.:h,•: r.•ra `•� 401 tit D. D.O , DB.. �xvlU1�}ocka f)lka " yt:,,,.+• �*')uuR,tlfiwr R1L1` 000 4p VD o,,, The Very Best i n the flarket o a 6 ---ag 4.0.. Q' 8 Q00 P. BEN §Il`1,1 , Zurich C3 p.Gs.O• Deo ,,vadoc .,,,,cc©c,a,...,,,,,� Our prices are always found to be very reasonable and a visit to our store will be appreciated, £ F.'3s8e 3 :"°. 's: c < s' d af3 �e3 fZ s i t cJ.> ai�L:�' . x : 3 Yar="0�.L, x%r-As" .3 sf3 3'p..- =A?'L •t fid? '? ?4".31) f, E'r,"c> NIts And foilowii -g week. N©w is the. time fo buy. Every item below is And e member the goods are all first class•...uo cheap, shoddy wares. You want to conte early. Tell your friends about the Values we 81'e giving. KEEP YOUR EYE ON OUR SPECIAL SARCiAINS AND a Bargain. Jet uttons We have all sixes jet buttons. Prices 15 cents a doz to 00 cents a doz. Jet Pia carreites We have the very latest in jet barrettes and jet back combs. Big value at 2s eents each. g -iZJB ONS Special line of ribbons. tra value at 10 cents per yard. All colors. Ex - R CHINOS Fancy cord rnchings 25 cents per yard. Hand Bags A new line of Ladio's Hand Bags, neat and handy from 25 cents up. Ties and Braces A new shipment of Neck wear and men's braces just in. The latest colors. Men's Sox Mien's heavy wool sooke regular 35 cents. is �sweiii at :>5 cents rr'r pair 'Yorsteil :y e:.';Y'.t value at 2:r , e:uts •' . "�`` Lined Iitts Men's lined mitts with knitted cuff, gular 00 cents, clearing at 50 cents per hair. Top Shirts re - Men's fine top shirts, regular 75 cents value 'for 50 cents. Dress Shirts to Men's Dress Shirts, regular 50 cents 75 cents value, clearing at 39 eents each., Millinery Sale and We are giving 25 per cent off all shapes, wings, trimmings etc. Special reduction on children's hats. We invite your inspection, Dressed Poultry of all kinds wanted. Highest J. ppLL:ETER, SAVE MONEY Hardware Specials Knife Sharpeners 25 cents ."cif ,sharpen ug scissors 85 cents ,...:‘,..r, T' ?pee, 15 011: (7.,^.1 Sol,•.:•; :5 cent- iP Carpo!'. .,c1:, 2 1'rls for 5 Claw Hamm, rs 1.5 cents u, '.Pack Iiauuners 10 cents Leather mitts, extra good 2:i cents Canvas mitts 10 cents , 50 ft clothes line wire 15 rents 100 ft clothes line wire 80 Bente Large granite dish pans 50 cents Large covered roast pans 50 cents Curry Comes 5 cant, 10 vents, and 15 eta Horse Blankets We are giving extra good value in horse blankets and robes. Produce Prices We take all kinds of Farni 'Produce and are paying following prices. Butter, 22 cents a ib. Eggs, 20 cents a doz. Dried Apples, 7 cents a lb. market prices paid. issi ZURICH ocatioloaeclociacommocsocialciooksaitcooaucistio