HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-10-22, Page 10eV- 1. 1 I ■ h ltili'iL If f. N. 411110.411.11P411.110 41104411104SPIN0011104111 Zurich's Most Popular Store =j, ered g Taik It's a fact that the bird catches the worm, and his fact holds good in our Men's Tailoring Depart- ment now, for we ha le to hand our New Fall Suitings in the popular smoke shades, brown, and greys, blacks and blues, in worsteds and tweeds. If you need a new suit this season, don't fail to come early and let us convince you that this is the right right place for Ordered and Ready-made Clothing. We handle the Broadway Brand Clothing, This Brand is particularly noted for style and well made clothing. Not only do we buy direct from the leading sources, but we take special care in lining and in- terlining every suit and are proud of the fact that for fit, style, and general workmanship we are second to none. We guarantee a perfect fit or no pay . . e To We are giving our Dress Goods department special prominence for the coming Fall Trade. We have bought liberally, we have chosen care- fully. Every dress is fresh from the looms, new in style, new in quality, right in ' price. This broad assortment is very enticing for there sure- ly is a magnificent display of fine dress goods to be seen in Our Dress Goods , Department. Buy your dresses early, and get a long season's wear. We heartily welcome everybody to call in and look through our entire steels:. Remember the early buyers always pick up the very best. •K; The Gospel of Good Overalls and Jackets Peabody's Overalls, the highest grade, Union Made and wear like a FIG'S Nose. • We preach it. Don you believe it? Buy a pair and you will be convinced. PEA OVERALLS SPG A Cash Guarantee Ten cents a button. Twenty-five cents a rip. For every button tLat comes off one of the Rail - Road King or :Mechanic King Overalls wo will give :von ten cents, and for every rip in a seam 'we.lvihl give Too a quarter of a dollar, within 30 days from date of purchase. masessoneftwomendetacomeosommose _rte„ EIANUFAETURED IN CA We handle all kinds of Farm Produce. . GENERAL, MERCHANT Ontario Ordered.clothing will be our special line;If you are neon of a new snit. Call early. Appel Mailman's, • Zurich, Local Option Campaign. This space has been reserved by the Local Option Committee of the Township of Hay. WHAT .IS LOCAL OPTION. On na phase of the temperance movement bas there been more muddy thinking or "thinkless" talk- ing than upon the subject of Local Option. The growth of temperance senti- ment and the present indication that Local Option is the shortest road to general prohibition make it high time that those who favor Local Option should be assured that their position is notwrongsimply because it is sensible, and that Local Option victories are not mere "temporary expedients" or worse, but are posit- ive steps in adante. What does vial Option mean? Local Optitto is fundamentally option to prohibit. In the absence of law un the question, intoxicating liquors may be sold anywhere. Therefore, originally, the only pos- sible option is option to prohibit. Failure 'to exercise the option to prohibit, or ib maintain the prohibi- tion, permits the sale of liquor as at the beginning, but the original option to pr ibit still exists. The Century D' tionary defines Local Option as fos'ews: "The determina- tion by vot a of the people of a town or other ming political community as to whet sell intoxic grauted."_ The definition is incorrect: A legally aeeuratedefinition of a Local Option law is. "A law under which the, people of minor political sub-, divisions determine whether or not they will xearcise their option (or right) to pi iiibit the sale of intoxi- cating liqu ''.. A State prohibitory law is finer' `;;,State -widened instead of local ex, • Ise of this option to prohibit. T ; )size of the unit is im- •materia1 . tb - 'principle is the sane." @The argiltxkent that Local Option is option to permit as well as to prohibit is absurd, except in the sense that failura to prohibit is permission. 3y the same reasoning "Prohibitii itself permits. for if the probibi law fails of adop- tion when ,bitted to the people of the St ', the': liquor traffic is perinitted continue. When we submit tt proposition to a vote in the hope of winning we must take the chance of failing to win; but acceptance of that chalice is neither retrogress%OI"r} nor compromise. For eon,, or not any licences to -,ng liquors shall be Aferybody Ta1kin% about our Stove The 20th Century .Malleable and Steel Range And no wonder, when the people can buy a Malleable Steel Range $20.00 les8 than the peddlers sell them through the country, besides our Range is far bigger, has a 20x22in. oven and takes 24in. wood Call and see this wonderful Stove Same price as other stoves with cat iron top. prohibitor') ish to try to..A eat to opt method, of 0, the fact that a State w may some oday be o reason for refusing ,pre it. It is inconsist- e Local Option as a Own claim gladly its victor:es as Prohibition victories. '1'hcy arc 'Prohibition victories, and if “Local Option" i 'good enough to be called "Prohibition” when it raaches the victory wage, it is entitled to recognition as 10001 prolail,it. iiia] in the preliminary sages. `i`,'at is, if al,pliontion of a 1.rin=alt}e r sults in l,reld'oltion, it• is a pr.hibitory Stainless. sg. ' IL HURON'S LARGEST OOm {NATION STORE PHONE 13 ZURICH The general public -will take notice that I am doing business in Exeter in the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap. Highest Market Prices Paid for Scrap iron, R gs, Rubbers, Horse= ,.c Hair, Copper, Etc. 411 purchases to be delivered to 3. PREETER'S HARDWARE, ZURICH, where the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of scrap may be left at the same store, prompt attention will be given. a F1EXLER, JUNK DEALER, EXETER C,.2 4.7` Csea covi 1 Ono year, ago, Air, tk•ori;o W tkeanan was earning about $100 per year as farm laborer. Now he is arming at the rate of $062 per year. Sixmonths' training at our Business College made the clif- fereneol Was it a good in- vest/mut? Ite thinks so. His address is New Osgoode, Sask. Pour Courses; PREPARATORY COMMERCIAL ,S T,E.NO GRA.PIIY TELEGRA.17:1E :Enter any time. Individ nal Instruction. Write for partieulars. CLINTON BUSINESS .COLLEGE One, sr(reOit. Pant. sus-nell C • 11104 111 0311* -421111 EIT2LIMIZZI 142021-61 kstin J H St arrived. Will give closest prices for quick sale R Co KALBFLEISCH, Zurich All kinds of Ready-made cloth- ing and (dents furnishings at Appel & Galltan's. GRAND BEND A very successful shooting match was held in connection with the Hotel Imperial on the 13th inst. The following is the score. 1st Event, 10 live birds—J Docicis 10, F. Kerr 10. E. Brenner 9, E. Sheardown 5, 3. P. Ran 7, 3 Brenner 4,,. U. Brenner 7, i Bossen- berry 8. 2nd Event, 10 live birds—F. Kerr 9. E Sheardown 10, J Dodds 0, E. Brenner 7, J. P. Rau 7, l3, l3ossenberry 8,. 3rd Event, 10 blue rooks -3. Dodds 9, F. Kerr 8, J', P. Ran 6, E. Brenner 7, P. Sipple 6, 3. Bren- ner 8, M. Brenner 7, 13, Bossen- berry S. We have thein all skinned on harness. In spite that good harness leather is 40cts au lb, we are still selling team harness at, ,$'25,00 a a set, at I3srtleih's . . $2200,00 private funds to loan at ,s on good farm security. Apply to E Zeller, Zurich. t ,• IJLI ', iIII jig 111 i�'. Needless Waste • pf-timc • an4 energy can'she avoided by ,the, use of our` ClassifiedlWant Adsy ,Timeiand energy•• represent gobslydollars in this age. bo not e»- liaust them in�;an aimless sedreh fox ,,..good •'tlse eur.,Want Ads. and :the help will come to -you; .»f4.Ae.4 i* , e, N Mehra,. .. -..