HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-10-22, Page 7•
Now for Bracelets, Brooch-
es and Fobs, Cuff :Links,
Ladies and Gentlemen.
The Latest in Every Line. a
New Stock of Mouthorgans
Single and Double Keys.
Hohner's Best Mak'es
Watch, Clock and
Jewellery Repairing
F. W. HESS-,
We have opened up our
New Stock of
Spring and
Dress Goods..
consisting of-^' ..
Prints. Ginghams,
Muslins Etc.
Come and inspect before
buying elsewhere.
Our prices as usual are
Highest Prices
For Farm Produce
General Merchant, B L A K E.
That New
Winter Suit.
When looking for your new
Winter Suit, do not forget to
give us a call. We have a fine
range of Tweeds, Worsteds,
etc., to choose from. Our
prices are as cheap as any.
Suits made at short notice.
We also have a large nnmber of
Samples to select from.
Laundry in. connection.
I have a large supply of the very
best tile on hand, from Vs in, to six
inch. If you need any call, write
or telephone to John Foster, Zur-
ich, Brick .and Tile yards, 11 tf,
Heavy Draught—Brood mare, ac-
companied by foal ; foal not to be
judged with mare, John Stowart
Son, Elliott Bros, foal, John
Stewart & Son, Elliott Bros ; geld-
ing or filly, 2 yrs old, Morton
Elliott, John Campbell ; team. Sal-
keld Bros, Elliott Bros.
Agricultural—Brood mare ac-
companied by foal. foal not to be
judged with mare, Treasurer Reid,
John Stewart & Son ; foal, A Dun-
kin, Loris Aldworth ; gelding or
filly, 2 yrs old, Jas Sterling, A
Anderson ; team, John Sparrow, R
G Delgaty.
General Purpose -=Brood mare
accompanied by foal, foal not to be
judged with. mare, L Aldworth,
Elliott Bros ; feta, Treasurer Reid,
L Aldworth, gelding or filly, 2 yrs,
S Sararas, 5 Cleave ; gelding or
filly, 1 year, T Brownett, Elliott
Bros ; team, Elliott & Son, Win
Truemner ; Single roadster, A Mc-
Guire, Geo Lindsay.
Carriage—Brood mare, accom-
panied by foal, foal not to be judg-
ed with mare, R McArthur ; foal,
R McArthur, Geo Cooper ; gelding
or filly, 1 yr, R McArthur ; team. 16
hands or over, R Scotchmev; single
carriage, Wallace Johnston, Jas
Sterling ; lady driver, Miss Bella
Delgaty, Mrs Geo Brownlee.
WE keep in stock a
" full line o fresh
meats, hams, etc. etc
Our cuts are noted
for their tenderness
and wholesomeness.
Our alin is to keep
nothing but the best.
We make our own
Give us a call.
Y UNC SLUT &c �1
Grade Cattle—Milch cow, Trea-
surer . Reid ; heifer, 2 yrs, Beatty
Bros. Tress Reid ; heifer calf, T
Cameron ; steer, 1 yr. Treas Reid ;
fat cow, heifer or steer, Treas
Durham—Milch cow, Tress Reid ;
heifer, 2 yrs, Beatty Bros, Treas
Jersey—Milch cow, R Smith,
R Smith.
Wilbert Bengough is selling
goods for the Marshall Tea Co., of
R. Carlise lis moving into his new
residence, on Albert street.
J. Steacy has finished painting
the County bridges, fourteen in
Jacob Linderfeld suffered from
'blood poisoning on his left hand and
had to have ono of the fingers
Mr. and Mrs, T. Palmer Jr
mourn the death of their infant
son, aged about four months.
For a good pair of horse blankets
the hind that will stay on, at
Wise, M Brethour; white oats, M Brethour,
K Wise; black oats, M Brethour, J K
Wise; •timothy seed, T'::lt. Wise,' 14L Breb.
hour; spelts, J Wise, M Brethour; yellow
corn, M Brethour, R Delgaty; 'dent corn,
w Battler; sweet corn, Tough; any other
variety, R Pephale, Dr. Metcaalf,
Fruit—Grapes, G IIewson, x Campbell;
collection of grapes, 0 'Howson, A Scotch -
mer; collection of apples, A ,' Galbraith, G
Cooper; fall apples, 17 Galbraith, 0 Coop-
er; winter apples, It Delgaty, 0 Hewson .;
collection of pears, _Miss wilds. T Brow -
nett; fall pears, n Galbraith, T Brownetb;
winter pears, Miss wilds; n Galbraith;
peaches, G Hewson, R Penhale; plums or
prunes, Mrs Mcnougall, G Hewson; Bald-
wins, G Hewson, J Voods; northern spies,
G Cooper, T Brownetb; yellow crabs, T
Brownetb, John Compbell; red crabs, D
Galbraith, Miss wilds; king of tompkins
R Reid, n Galbraith; greening, R nelgaty,
R Reid; ribstan pippins, J lough; twenty
ounce pippins, w Johnston, E Reid;
wagners, miss wild, Jas nelgaty, golden
russets, R nelgaty, u. Galbraith; blenheim
pippins. w Johnston, Geo Cooper: snows,
miss wild, R Smith,
Vegetables—Early p,ptatoes, R Turner,
A McGuire; late potatoes It nelgaty, R
Turner; marigolds, long reg, J Campbell;
intermediate mangolds, J Campbell. Geo
Cooper; field carrots, J Campbell, S Tou-
gh; table carrots, J Campbell, S Cleave;
table beets, J Campp$bel.le:' Tough; cab-
bage, J 'founh, R Smith; cauliflower, J
Tough; muskmelons, 0' Hewson, J Camp -
boll; watermelons, W'rough, R Penhale;
parsnips, S Cleave, J Campbell: pumpkin,
Ci Cooper, 'W Battler; squash, W Tough,
S Brown: field turnips, L Beatty, Beatty
Bros; sugar beets, R Penhale; white cel-
ery, J Campbell, J Tough; red celery, 0
Hewson, J Tough; winter 'radish, W Bat-
tler, J Campbell ; citrons; 0 Coop-
er, J Tough; small white beans. G
Cooper, W Battler;• large white
'beans, J Wise, M Bre' our ; yellow
onions, J Howrie,
red tomatoes. J Canal.
son ; large red tomato
R Delgaty ; large ye]
W Battler, J Tough
tomatoes,('7f HewsQr
Salsify, S Cleave, x.`.
Leicester—Ram, two shears or
over, John Stewart ; ram lamb, G
Penbale ; pair ewes, having raised
lambs in 1909, 2 shears or over, A
Duncan, John Stewart & Son ;
Pair shearling ewes, J Stewart &
Son ; pair fat sheep, any breed, G
Penhale, A Duncan.
Lincolns—Ram, two shears or
over, G Penhale, Snowden Bros ;
Shearling ram, 0 Penhale, ram
lamb, 0 Penhale 1st & 2nd ; pair
ewes, having raised lambs in 1909,
2 shears or over, Geo Penhale,
Snowden Bros ; pair shearling ewes,
G Penhale, Snowden Bros ; pair
ewe lambs, G Penhale, Snowden
Long wool—Ram, .two shears or
over, A Dunkin ; ram lamb, A
Dunkin ; pair ewe lambs, A Dun-
kin ; pair shearling ewes, A Dun-
kin ; pair ewes, having raised
lambs in 1909, 2 shears or over, A
Berkshire pigsyAged boar, Snow-
den Bros ; brood. sow, Snowddn
Bros ; boar, six months or under,
Snowden Bros.
'smith ; smell
11. (X Hew -
G Hewon.
all yellow
¢R Delgaty
aty ; yellow
celery, ca•xewson.
Ladies' Work- Pillow shams,
Mrs J 5 Howrie, 11Iri Ross ; toilet
mat, J Tough, S Hust, a ; crochet
table mats, Mrs Hc?=,;>ie, J Tippet
crochet work in wool. S Huston,
Miss Parson ; crochets, -:;Lk in cot.
ss ; crochet
y; Mrs Ross ;
rie, R Pon-
eid, Mrs M
s J Howrie,
ery on silk,
satin or velvet, M 1$++3 !lour, Mrs
Ross ; shadow embroit,tess, 5 Hus-
ton, Mrs Penhale eya.t. embroid-
ery, Miss Parsons, Mrs J Tippet ;
canvas embroidery inc,-+Cton, wool
Geo Nott ;
ippet, Mrs
ble, cover
rs, Heysrie ;
rethour, J
ade, S mis-
in cushion,
ton, 5 Huston, Mrs
or knit slippers, 3
crochet quilt. Mrs
hale ; sofa pillow, J,
Ross ; hemstitching
Miss Parsons ; embr
or silk, Mrs Ross.
embroidery letters,
Howrie ; embroider
five o'clock, S'lust,
fancy whisk holder.
Forrest ; fancy lamp
ton, Mrs Ross ; fano
Mrs Tippet; knitting; in wool, S
Huston, Elliott Bros; knitting in
cotton, S Huston, Mrs Howrie ;
knitted quilt, J Wise; tatting, Mrs
Nott, Mrs Howrie ; tea cosy, Mrs
Nott, J Howrie ; vasolique work,
Mrs Nott, M Bretho ; netted doy-
lies, 3 Tough, Mrs brie ; etching
on cotton or silk, 'S , Huston, Mrs
Nott ;plain hand sewgs Mrs Ross,
Mrs Howrie ; hitch apron. S
Hewson, Mrs Rosr; le ndry bag, M
Brethour, S Hnstou. moxican
drawn work, Mrs ;cowrie, Mrs M
Ross hardanger, 5 Huston, Miss
Parsons ; floral tinted centre piece,
Mrs Howrie, S Huston; solid em-
broidery centre piece. J Howrie, J
Tippet ; danish cut work, Elliott
Bros, Mrs Howrie ; oross stitch, S
Huston, Mrs Ross ; patched quilt,
cotton, D Galbraith, . Mrs Nott ;
patched quilt cloth, M Brethour,
Mrs Nott ; silk quilt, Mrs Ross, Mrs
Howrie.; irish point late, Dr, Ross,
S Huston ; honiton or point lace, S
Huston, M Ross ; mountmelick
work, Mrs Ross, 5 Huston; set
ladies' underwear, M Ross ; best
collection ladies' work, .S Howrie,
Mrs Nott ; rag mat, hooked. M
Brethour, J Tippet ; mat sewed, 5
Huston, Mrs Ross ; cotton stockings
homemade, 3 Wise, Mrs Nott ;
wool mittens homemade, 5 Huston,
Miss Parsons ; woollen sox home
made, Treas Reid, D Galbraith,
Aged boar -Snowden Bros ; brood
sow, Snowden Bros ; sow, 6 months
or under, Snowden Bros ; best boar
any breed, Snowden Bros.
Silver grey dorking—W B Bat-
tler 1st & 2nd ; light brahmas,
Beatty Bros, W B Battler ; barred
plymouth rocks, R Smith 1st & 2nd ;
white plymouth rocks, Snowden
Bros, R Smith ; black spanish, W
B Battler, J 5 Howrie ; whit leg -
horns, J S Howrie ist & 2nd ;
brown leghorns, R Smith, H Little ;
silver spangled hamburgs, J 5
Horrie, W B Battler ; black breast-
ed reel games, W B Battler ; red
caps W B Battler ist & 2nd; andal-
usians. W B Battler, J 5 Howrie ;
white vwyandottes, R Smith ist &
2nd ; silverwyandottes, J S Howrie ;
black leghorns, H Little; rhode island
red, R Fitzsimmons; white minorcas, W
B Battler; black minorcas, J 5 Howrie, R
Smith; huff orplungton, J S Howrie, W
13 Battler; black langshans, J 5 Howrie
1st & 2nd; bantams, any variety, 5
Huston, 11 Smith; pekin ducks, Snowden
Bros, R Penhale; Rouen ducks, J 5 How-
rie; teulbuse geese, Snowden Bros, any
other variety geese, Snowden Bros.
Dairy produee—Tub salted butter John
Campbell; 25 lbs salt butter, J K
Wise, Elliott Bros, 30lbs butter for table
use, John Campbell, James Delgaty; 5
lbs butter, for table use, L Beatty, Treas
Reid; cheees, factory made or made on
factory principles, J K Wise; home made
wine, a K Wise, G Hewson; honey in
comb, L Beatty, 0 Cooper; honey in jar,
L Beatty, R Brown; e011ection of honey,
R .Drown, L Beatty; home Made bread, ,T
Campbell, R W Delgaty; maple syrup, R
W Delgatyt S Hudson.
Grain and seeds --White. winter wheat,
SI Brethour, J 1G Wise.; red winter wheat,
K. Wise, M Brethour; spring wheat,
K Wise, M Brethour; large'white peas, M
Brethour, r K Wise; 6 -rowed., barley, .J K
Wise, M Brethour; ,9 rowed barley, J iX
ro Trouble
Royal Household
Five Roses
or other Brands of Flour from Rannie's Flour
and Feed Store. The best in Groceries at close
Prices. All kinds of Feed on 'band.
•Highest price in Cash paid for Butter and Eggs
sorL s A
Beautiful Picture For The Home
Welcome News to the Readers
most beautiful picture is that issued by The Family Herald and
Weekly Star, of Montreal, entitled "The Soul's Awakening," by
James Sant, of the Royal Academy.
/The publishers of The Family Herald have secured this picture at
enormous cost for their 1910 subscribers, and we have concluded an
arrangement by which our readers can secure a copy as well.
`5 "The Soul's Awakening" is 19x24 inches, ready for framing.
/Every home will be the better of a copy of this beautiful picture.
can only be had through The Family Herald and Weekly Star.
/The price of The Family Herald and Weekly Star is one dollar a
/The price of TI3E IlBRa.LD is one dollar a year.
Plants and Flowers -Bouquet of
flowers large, G Hewson, Dr Met
calf ; bouquet of flowers small. Dr
Metcalf, G Hewson • col dahlias,
Miss Wild, Dr Metcalf; col pansies,
Dr Metcalf, Mrs 1:lowrle; collection
geraniums, 0 Hewson, Miss Par.
sons ; col gladiolus. Miss Wild, Dr
Metcalf ; fuschies, G Howson ;
foliage plants, G Henson, J Tough ;
asters, Miss Wild, Dr Metcalf ;
gloxania, 0 Hewson ; begonias.
Miss Wild, Miss Parsons ; calla
lillies, G Hewson.
Art Work—Pencil drawing, S
Huston, J Howrie ; crayon drawing,
Mrs Ross, J Howrie; watercolor
painting, J Howrie, J Forrest ; oil
painting. 5 Huston, Mrs M Ross ;
kensington painting, J Forrest, Mrs
Nott; lustre painting, Mrs `Ross, .T
Forrest; painting on silk, satin or
velvet, Mrs :Ross, 5 uuston ; draw-
ing by children under, 14 years of
age, J Forrest, Mrs Moss ; burnt
work, S Huston. J Forrest; pencil
drawing by scholars attending pub-
lic school. J.Forrest, Mrs Ross.
Manufactures ---Single light har-
ness. P Wanless. J Tiptiett; double
heavy harness, 1' iVaialess, J Tip -
You may have both papers for a full year
the beautiful. picture. "The' Soul's
Seventy-five cents.
A. copy of the picture can be seen at this o
at once.
each, including a copy of
Awakening" for one dollar
ffice. To see it is to want
¶Senu your order NOW to THE I1rener.n, Zurich
pet ; twisted yarn, J Wise, Mrs
Nott ; woollen yarn. Mrs N ott, Treas
Reid; homemade carpet, Mrs Nott,
W Battler ; flannels, J Wise, Mrs
Special prizes—Best pair of bacon
hogs, Snowden Bros ; best team in
harness, D Schnell ; best heavy
draught agricultural or general
purpose foal, J Stewart & Son, A
Dunkin ; best, heavy mare or horse
any age, J Stewart & Son ; best
foal sired by Celtic Pride, Treas
Reid, J Stewart &Son, W Johnston ;
best carriage or ' roadster foal, R
McArthur ; best pen of bacon pigs,
any breed, Snowden Bros ; best
three one•pound prints of dairy
butter, L Beatty
Judges—Horses, C J Willis,
Clinton ; Cattle -J W Reid 'Stanley ;
Sheep and pigs -J Shepherd, Hen -
sail, J Walters Saltford, Porter's
Hill ; Vegetables—H Warnock,
Goderich ; Dairy -J D Merner,
Zurich, J Connoly Porter's Hill,
W Scott Brucefield'
Thomson Bayfield ; Poultry -Joseph
Caldwell Bayfield ; Ladies', Work—
Mrs McNaughton and Miss Martha
Johnston Stanley; Plants and
Flowers—Mrs J Connoly Porter's
Hill, Mrs (Dr) Stanbury Bayfield ;
Manufactures—T Johnson Zurich,
W Scott Brucefield, James Connoly
Porser's Hill.
For Zurich and surrounding
district for Fall and Winter months,
an energetic reliable agent to take
orders for nursery stock.
boo 'Acres
under cultivation. We guarantee
to deliver stock in good condition
and tip to contract grade. We can
show you that there is good money
in representing a well known re-
liable firm testgaesatime, Established
over 30 years.
Write for particulars,,
The above represents the Schon Cold -
Set Tire Setter ready for operation.
, This famous machine is a mars el in
simplicity of construction and in the
wonderful results produced— perfo) ming
the work heretofore done by the black-
smith—doing it quicker, and better.
No tires are taken off:
No bolts are taken out and thrown
Any degree of dish can be put in the
No burning or marrfng of felloe.
No spoiling of wheels by welding the
tires too short.
It does far neater work than can be
done by taking the tire off.
No boring of the felloe for new bolt
Do not let your wheels be spoiled by
having loose tires, bring them along and
have them set while you wait.
Come is and see this Machine
Blacksmith - Zurich
It is in time of sudden mishap or
accident that Chamberlain's Lini-
ment can be retied upon to take
the place of the family doctor, who
cannot always be found at the
moment. Then it is that Chamber-
lain's liniment is nevsr found
wanting. In cases of sprains, cuts,
wounds and bruises Chamberlain's
Liniment ,takes out the soreness
and drives away the vain. Sold by
J J 11 eoner.