HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-10-22, Page 6peat. eo'cllcl <l 5 ;:rtstioe to the applau- se with whale this .speech was greeted ne, tare gamins. Ben felt, thoughhe did not see, the shook that went through the group drawn Upon the curb yonder. The whole Fah, had. teken but a moment of wee but it; seemed to him that ages had passed since he left his coin,. ades, so old :o stricken did, he feel Io steadied i is father against the cure and walked across the street, is lips firm];;' set, his eyes glitter- ng with a fixed purpose. "Gentle. en" he said what you have heard s the truth, there is no affinity etween •us, you will have to go our way and I mine, "But he tried, with sudden emotion," you ill never know how much 1 thank ou for your happiness of the past ear ; it has been almost heaven to e" then he •dashed his hand over lois eyes to wipe away the blinding tears as he rushed back to the other side, and he did not see the out- stretched hand that would have been to hint like a glimpse of Paradise eat. Bear Keith Weswick's pitiful, ' a sorry for you from my soul,-f3iltz " "It is done," he grasped, as he drew hie father's arm . through his own. "It is done," and all the joy of that first, best life of his was buried under the words,� he had chosen. He bad his chopped atldiy�eiT, and hex shudderfor ed as some rea]hzation of what that struck his sensitively soul. He had chosen prophetic? Was he to ever with his father's that as it might he rtient as if all the bliss known had faded out ;.He did not look back the boys lingered . the corner and then LEGAL CARDS. IR. J. D. COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO - 'leiter, Notary Public, O'leitcer,NotaryPublic, Eensall,Ontaiio. At Zurich (Zeller's office) every Mon- day.' PRODUFOOT, RAYS & BLAIR, BAR - riders, Solicitors. Notaries Public, etc., Goderioh, Canada. W. Proudfoot. K. C. R. C. Hays. G. F. Blair. ME©IOAL DR.. T. P. MaLAUGHLIN, for. ��innerly with Drs. Jansen, Halle and Biers, of Berlin, Ger- many ; also assistant surgeon at Moorefields' (Royal London Opthal- mic) eye Hospital and Golden, Square ; Nose and Throat Hospital, - London England, etc. General practice, with special attention to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested (Retinoscope used) and glasses supplied. OFFICE DASHWOOD, ONT. BUSINESS CARDS. B. S. PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms -easonable. Orders left at this office will be promptly attended to. ANDREW P. HESS, FIRE IN SURAN- ce agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every- thing in tire insurance. DR. P. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- te of the Ro al College of Dental eons, To leo honoiradu- ate of Departmen of Dentist,. , To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon- day. 7-26 E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER ANI) Notary Public. De e ds , Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care fully and promptly prepared. Office— Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. FOR SALE. 50 acres, all good Iand, with good bank barn, frame house, all in good repair. The farm is well drained, plenty of good water and will be sold for w3000.00. Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich. Splendid 100 -acre farm for sale, Lot 14 ()on 12 hay Good clay soil and all in fine working condition, with about 3 acres of bush ; well fenced and well drained. Good brick- -house rickhouse and kitchen, good bank barn uproarious lath hter from his con - 40 x 60. Driving shed and wood p g shed. 2 acres of good orchard. federation. "This epithet"the Good spring never failing wells. 10 gentleman hissed Ben was used to acres in fall wheat. For further having hurled at him, he was used particulars apply to Peter Duch- to hurling bank something beside. arme on the premises or address words, and the street rabble about Zurich P, O. 11—tf. his neighborhood had come to re- spect the "gentleman's" fists. They scattered now at the glance from his eyes, howling as they went. Take good care of your daddy, Court Zurich No. 1240 Bennie or you'll be losing him C. O.F• meets every 1st and 3rd someday" cried one. ' How haw- Tkursday of each month at 8 o'clock p. in. fel thiug for ha gentleman like you in the A. O. U. W. Hall. to lose 'is honly support, hand be J, J. hIErxER, 0. R. thrown hon the world penniless," added another, while poor, consc- ious Ben knew these dreadful words 111 El • .1•11-4 "Lt, PUBLISHED BY E. ZELLER. FRIDAY OCT. 22nd, 1909 W. C. T. U. THE CRY OF THE TWO-THIRDS Passersby might well judge it was "sport" being discussed when their ears caught the merry laugh• ter of the lads who sauntered along side by side, but all the mirth died instantly out of one face when, in turning a corner, they oame upon a drunken man. It was Ben's filth. er ; the son recognized him at the first glance, the wretched man was scarcely able to stand and several rude boys were teasing him by pul- ling his coat-tail, seizing his hat, pushing him first one way then another. A quick flush arose on Ben's cheek as ho glanced at his friends, there was amusement written on some of their counten- ances, as they took in the scene. unmistakeable disgust on one and that the face of his special friend, Keith Weswiok. "Faugh" he ex- claimed, "why will men make such beasts of themselves? let us go on the other side" Come Ben, be put a constraining hand on his com- panion's arm, Keith was vain enough to be flattered by the look of adoration Ben gave him as they crossed the street, but there was a fierce struggle going on in the lad's breast. Should he leave his miser- able father to his fate or acknow- ledge him? His friends took up the conversation where it had drop- ped, but it had lost its charm for one of the company, Ben could not listen ; he glanced uneasily over his shoulder. Ah, the man stumb- led, was falling, Ben's arm was hastily withdrawn from his friends as he sprang across the road. Keith shrugged his shoulders with a comical grimace. -Hiltz is troubled with an overdose of heart, I take it" he said laughingly, but he stop- ped good naturedly to wait for his return. Not so bad a thing either, only a little uncomfortable," as- sented another as they drew up on the curb to watch the affair. Ben was stooping over the poor wretch, who claimed his allegiance, trying to lift him, when one of the raga- muffins, recognizing him, cried : My eyes, it isn't the gentleman hisseif come to rescue his daddy !" which remarks was greeted with might imp organize 4. was the• link asw shame felt tha" he had.' of his:11, to see awhile reluctently scattered. They were lads wits kindly impulses, but they kneeMot how to address him now.; theyrwould see him to -mor- row at solol and he would find himself the se:me in their regard as LODGE MEETINGS A �{ WRickbeil Lodoe No. 3 h3, meets reached other oars than his own. ®. �J • • A moment before. just ashe sprang the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month, at 8 o'.olook in their Hall, Merrier Block. `across the street, he had heard a ' FRED. Women ,M. W, fresh little voice say," Isn't he kind, papa! 0 the poor man, I hope he isn't hurt !" and he knew it was Princess. "Very kind," he Beard Girls wanted, operators ou Lad. the king reply," he is a noble fel- ies waists and whitewear. Good low 1 and now they and Keith Wes• wages. Stesdy work. wick and the fellows were hearing The Star Whitewear M'fg. Co. these cries, learning •that' not Berlin. Ont. charity but duty had. brought him to this man's side. Here, you vagabonds," it was Keith's voice, hot with anger "do you know who you axe insulting? 1 have a mind. to thrash the lot of you. That gentleman is my friend." "Apply to 'lae hit; gov'nor" shonted one ever. HEL P WANTED Your c' on haclii membra want to want re; Uhambe' byJJ; SINGL ONTA' LOCAL OPTION—In reply to an enquery we might say that a pet]. -tion for Local Option must be filed with the Municipal Clerk by the 1st of November. The petition re, The itorially observati; , "1'axati e continued) Ethel M. Williams, Pres., Supt., la annoys your Keep rend tearing the delicate of your throat if you annoyed. But if you ft want to be cured, take in's Cough Remedy Sold er. X ASSOCIATION OF 0 Yonge Gt., Toronto. twelfth are seldom observed, First year, cotton ; second year, paper ; ]lits. year, leather; fifth year, wooden ; tenth year, tin ; twelfth year, silk and fine linen ; fifteenth year, crystal ; twentieth year, china.; twenty fifth, silver ; thirtie- th, pearl ; fortieth, ruby ; fiftieth, golden ; sixtieth, diamonds te, of Toronto, ed - s the following wise relating to taxation : n may be so levied as to encourage and almost force in- dustry and enterprise. It may, on the other hand, be so levied as to obstruct, retard and even destroy the sourcefrom which the revenue must • bei ) drawn . The French window i x led to the closing of many windows and a proportionate lessening ness of tax on dot_ down o • •many trees. Larger amounts -might have been raised by methods which would encour- age the best and fullest use of the property from whiph the revenues were drawn. Similar influences can be discerned in the -incidence of business taxation according to the value of buildings." To obviate the tendency to dis- courage energy' and improvement is exaotlyitbe intent of the propos- ed chatnge in the Assessment AO, granting powers to municipalities. to fix a, lower rate upon the business and improvement values than upon the land values. Over 200 municipalities have already returned it favorably. Returns are coming by every mail. The stars were glimmering over- head when. the farmer rose from his drowsy bed ; he yelled as lie rapped at the bedroom door : "Get up, boys, ttp ! It is nearby four ! When I was as young and as spry as you, I always got out of bed at two ! Boys nowadays aren't worth a hang ; I never saw such lazy gang it's four o'clock and you're still .in bed, and the cows not milked and the hogs not fed! I reckon you'd sleets all day more, if I didn't break down the bedroom door ! Get up. get up ! It will soon be dawn, and the best of the morning then is gone !" The boys obeyed him and quit their snores, and donned their raimene and went outdoors. The farmer sat by the kitchen range, where his wife was working, and said : "It's strange how the boys are crazy to qnit the farm—the city life has a wondrous charm. They have lots to eat and a place to sleep, and they're always sure of their board and keep, and why they're anxious to quit the land, is something I .cannot understand" The good wife said, in an undertone as she placed in the skillet a piece of bone, and stuck her fork in some tbingumyjigs : "It's maybe because they are not pigs. "—Walt Mason. f the value and useful. ildings. The Egyptian trees led to the cutting A Hint to Ministers—A clergy- man in a neighboring town had been much annoyed by the way members of the congregation had of looking around to take stock of late comers. After enduring it for some time he said on entering the reading desk one Sunday—"Breth- ren, I regret to see that your at- tention is called away from your religious duties by your natural desire to see who comes in behind you, I propose henceforth to save you the trouble by naming each person who may enter, and hope that the services will then be al- lowed to proceed without inter- ruption." He then began—Dearly beloved" but paused half way to interlope -'Mr. Stubbins with his wife and daughter" Mr. Stebbins looked rather surprised, but the minister with perfect gravity. re- sumed his exhoration. Presently he again paused -"Mr. Curtiss and Wm. Diggle" The abashed con- gregation kept their eyes studious- ly bent on their books. The service ccntinued in the most orderly manner, the .parson interrupting himself every now and then to name some new comer. At last he said with the most perfect gra- vity—"Mrs. Symons in a new bon- net" In a moment he felt his mis- take. but it was too late. Every feminine head in the congregation had turned, around. quires to be signed by 25 per cent, of the fiyaways, E's my friend too, of the total number of persons on hi has cultivated 'is hacquaintan- the last revised list for municipal ce, hi assure you, E's ha niihty elections. Voting takes place on the sante day as municipal elections aro held, and in case three-fifths of the electors voting on each.byMaw •atpprove`of tho' sante; the Council ' shall, within three .weeks ,from grttter .filler, hand . young Ben •suchvoting,finally pass the by-law. Ililtz, gentleman and scholar, "ho fine gontleman, e'is and that hairy that 'e might be taken for the Prince O'wales hisself, hifhonao. quaintanee hi has. Hi 'knows themal, snobby, hold Ben Hiltz„ the WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES Just why certain • materials have come to be associated with the celebration of the several wedding anniversaries is not very clear. One might find two or three plau- sible reasons for choosing cotton as the symbol for the first anniver- sary, but why paper should sym- bolize the second, or leather the third, is as much a mystery as why the fourth has been skipped, alto- gether. Some ingenious person hassuggested that paper is given theSeconcl year because by that time the bride and groom have got over their oblivion to outsiders, and are ready to renew neglected correspondence. Anyone interested can study out reasons to suit him- self or herself—they are Iikely to be right as any others. One feature that is gratifyingly suggestive of Increasing content in marriage as the ;years roll on, is that each suc- ceeding anniversary that is observ- ed brings more precious gifts. The list of anniversaries 18 one that editors of correspondence columns are asked for every little while, lt•is given complete below, although the third, seventh and Born TnomsON--At the 2nd Con, Hay, on the 15th inst., to Mr, and Mrs. George E. Thomson, a son. Diserosnr-At the Salable Line, Hay, on Tuesday the 19th inst., to Mr, and Mrs. Frank Denomy, a son. M'ARIi lrT REPORT. --The fol- lowing is the report of Zurich markets corrected up tc Thursday, Barley , 53 to 55 Peas Bran Shorts Oats Wheat.... 98 99 Hay .,. 7.00 8.00 Dried apples .... 5 5 Clover seed ..... 5.00 5.75 Potatoes -... , . 35 35 Butter 18 18 Eggs 23 23 Hogs liveweiget..... , . 8.00 HENSALL MARKETS Cook's Best Flour. 3.00 Wheat 98 98 Oats 37 37 Barley , 55 55 Peas. . 70 70 Bogs liveweight 8.00 Hearing a man raving about the taxes and the money uselessly spent in town improvetnents and condemning the action of the council for their know nothingness and extravagance. we . began re- flecting on the value 'of ,that man to the community. In our opinion he is a drag on the wheels of pro- gress. The man who becomes e. citizen to get the educational, re- ligious and other advantages the town affords paying only what the law demands from him towards the maintenance of its public in- stitutions and utilities should not become a "grouch" and every opportunity denounce all and sun- dry who week to aid in the up - building, up keep atnd progress of the town. They know its good points and should exploit them and leave the complaints unexpressed. The grumbler who knows all the bad features of a town and men- tions them at every opportunity, is not only a poor citizen, but he is one who does nothing to improve the town in which he lives. It is good enough. to provide a home for him and perhaps a place for busi- ness or an occupation, but that is forgotten in the general flow of complaint.—Exeter times. 83 20.00 22 00 22.00 35 36 Hoarseness in a child' subject to croup is a sure indication of the approach of the disease. If Cham- berlain's Cough Remedy is given at once or even after the croupy oough has appeared, it will prevent the attack. Contains no poison. sold by J J Merner. Clubbing rates., lar We have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with THE HERALD : Daily Globe . $ 4.25 „ Mail & Empire 4.25 Weekly Globe . 1.60 Mail & Empire 1.60 Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald. & Star 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2.75 Weekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sun 1.75 Farmer's Advocate 2.25 EXETER. The anniversary services of Caven Presbyterian' church have been postponed to Sunday 31st. A tea meeting will be held Monday following, David Gibb of near Hensall has the contract of carrying the mail between Exeter and Mitchell. Mr, Gibb.and family will move to town shortly., Work on the construction of the new dam has started and will be rushed through as rapidly as pos- sible. James Haan . formerly G. T. R. freight agent, here has been .a;p- pointed station toaster at St. Mary S. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has become famous for its cures of coughs, colds, croup and influenza. Try it when in need, It contains no harmful substance and always gives 'prompt relief. Sold by J J Merner, Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. ANY person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter -section of avail- able Dominion land in Manitoba, Sask- atchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear irl person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. Duties.—Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by hint or by his fatther, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts in homesteader in eood standing iray pre-empt a quarter.sec- tion alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 por acre. Duties—Must reside six months in eaeh of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre- emption may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties—Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300.00. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N. B.—Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. The pleasant purgative effect ex- perienced by all who use Chamber- lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and the healthy condition of the body and mind. which they create, makes one feel joyful. Sold by T J Sterner. Agricultural Savings and • Loan Co,. READ Oi OE LONDON - - ONTARIO Money advanced ongood Farm Mortgages, Prompt attention given to applications for loans, E ` ZELLER. Zurich,