HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-10-22, Page 1The °facial. Organ
of Zurtc14 and Hay Township,
Vol. X.
MYM O R N I N G. OCT. 22, 1909.
For a big stove bargain, call on
C. liartleib
Miss Laura Fuss is vititing
friends in Blyth, this week.
Farm produce taken in exchange
for goods at Appel & Gellman's,
A Ball and Supper will be held
at Rau's Hall, on Monday evening,
Oct, 25th, (Thanksgiving.)
Dont forget to call and see the
$6.00 ladies black coat, at D. S.
Our readers should
noir forget
that Monday neat is Thanksgiving
Day, and all business places in
town will be closed.
If you are inneed of boots and
shoes, call at Appel & Gallman's,
prides right.
Rev. J. Hart of Hcoxall will
preach in the Evangel -owl churchnext Sunday evening. Everybody
invited to attend.
Miss Minnie Lang and Mr. Fred
Lang of Philadelphia are visiting Dominion
at Johnston's at the'
House, and other relatives in town.
The anniversary services will be
held in the Methodist church Kip -
pen, next, Sunday. RevA. D. speaker for
Gischler will be. the.
the evening service.
Mr. and Mrs, Allan Esler who
left for the West about a year ago,.
mourn the death of their son, a
bright young fellow of about three
years of age,. which sad event took
place this week.. Their many
friends extend deepest sympathy in
their loss.
The death. of Mr. John Brisson,
of DryStiale, on Monday evening,
eaute as a surprise to his friends in -
this section. Mr. Brisson was ill
only a few days, and had been in
'sass his usual • health last - week. He
y'3Kas over° rs years age, and -came
to this section from Quebec Pro-
vince, then Louver Canada, about
fifty years ago. He was of a genial,
good natured disposition and had
many warns personal friends, who
sincerely regret his death. Of a
family of fifteen children, thirteen
are living, also his aged partner
in life and their many friends
sympathize with them in their loss,
The fnneral took place on Wednes-
day morning, at St. Peter's church,
Mrs. Min , Geiger and Mrs,
Abraham Geiger left on Thursday
morning for a visit with relatives
in Michigan,
.0. H•artleib is making the stove
business hum. He sold no less
than six fine Ranges, and several
Heaters last week.
Mrs. McWaters and little daugh-
ter left on Tuesday for Detroit,
where they will make their future
home. -
D. S. Faust has just received a
new lot of black stiff hats. Regular.
price anywhere $2.50, now for
Mr. Gibson of the 13e11 Telephone
Co., Hamilton and Mr. `Fred Mc-
Donell of Hensel). were in town on
Messrs. Jacob Brown and Henry
Koehler returned from the West,
the latter part of last week. They
were away several months ancl
report a pleasant trip. •
According to a decision of the,
courts, once a mauls placed on the
Indian List, he must remain there
for a year. A Chatham woman re-
cently put her husband on the list
then changed her mind and tried
to get the name struck. off, but did
not succeed.
There comes a period in the
year when everyone looks forward
to a °•straightening up." Bills azo
already being sent out and all who
owe know just. where they stand.
At this season the newspaper man
looks for his dues; the sum to each
individual is but small, a dollar or
two but the aggregate is consider-
able. When settling 'yo ,r other
accounts in or around the town, do
not forget the newspaper debt, and
we will be in a better position to
pay those who look to .us for
A St. Thomas man, whose wife
had'left him, advertised that he
would not be responsible for any
debts she might contract in Ms
-name. The woman in Vie' case
"evidently has a mind of her own
and got back at him the next day
in the following vigorous fashion:
"With regard to the notice -publish-
ed in last night's Times over the
signature of J. L. Parker, I wish
to state that I have been support-
ing myself and child, without his
aid, for the past six months, and
also that I have no intention of
contracting debts in his name, as
his credit is of no value in this
No, 13
A new line' of Thanksgiving pocks
cards at D. S. Faust.
Mr. 0. Rau of Crediton, is the
new shoemaker at Appel & Gall.
D 8. Faust is giving a bag snap
in dress shirts.: Regular pride any-
where is $1.00, now for 60 cents.
Mr. Jacob Ort Jr, , who has been
out West for about.four years, ar-
rived home last week.
D. S. Faust is the plAee for good
underwear, for the stittiNstmoney`
Mrs. Leo Gelinas, of ,the Bauble
tine died on Wednesday evening.
The funeral is being held this
(Friday) morning itt J ' o'clock, • at
St. Peter's church, Dzy4.ta1e.,
: will: be'
rico era n
tb - inst.
Thanksgiving servi
held in. St. '.'Peter'
church on Sunday, tb.
The evening service y
ducted in English. Al
ly invited10 attend. +.:
Those •of our citi2•exig
Spring; -Wish they had
gorgeous tulip t beds„
around thein, ; should `
.now for that desired
the time to get res
he'd in shape, make t
what size you wan
your bulbs and allO it--
this month planet t
spring you will have
bloom that will nyorts
for the outlay and ti.s.
The local ,newspn.n•
,Found in every ho o
.will grow up ignorant.
taught to appreciate
paper. It is the stew,
intelligence in all tF+i
not to be learned in::
your children. a'ft),
which contains not oast
any person, place, or -I
they ever saw or ?"
heard of, .net 13,07 c;i,
then-'• to be iiitetg
them have a good ie•„paper,
read of persons the: i,`neet and
places with which they; 're familiar
and soon an interast i awakened
which increases with > every ar-
rival of the local paper. Thus a
habit of reading is formed, and
those children will'read the papers 1
all their lives and become intellig- I
ent men and women, a credit to I
their ancestors and qtrong in the j
knowledge of the wo4d as it is R
to day. 4.
trout e'
fa('i ale :4�i°
rf .;l the
I invite you to come and visit my store
this fall for cheap buying. I am sure you can
buy your winter supplies right: such as
Dress Goods, Flannelettes, Hosiery,
Wrapperettes, Ladies' Underwear,
Ladies' Coats, full assortment of Furs.
FOR MEN—Readymade Snits, Underwear, Caps,
Fur Lined Coats. FOR, BOYS—Readymade
Suits, Caps, Underwear .Etc `
The very newest in Ladies' Hats and Trimmings
M1 Farm Produce taken in Exchange,
M 1 , 1
o:� «p:Cy.4 C1 0 �4 bcgo•4 C4 c�i ......o -�
V\Te have .m'stock a large, assortment . cop
of Fall Ptiotv.tear aizd.t..your wantsp0Q ''
'' Oita) '1), supplied' here with .a�
.i3 gg °i+ 38•>” ' - 0-,: 3i s 5��.. � `"�-r•A �' Zge,14� � .'1.:l. -e i
Our prices are always foonal to be
very reasonable and a visit to our
store will be appreciated,
uricb 4
4t � "
With the cool. days here and your fall requirements demanding urgent attention, we collie to your si t -neewith
the great array of cold weather necessities ever displayed in this store. All our energy, ambition and
directed toward giving the buying Public the best of everything: for the least money. Inspection of: our Fall ;b oa" :. Win
surprise you and a comparison of values will convince y oil .
OurZline;of Ladies' Coats and Mantles for fall and winter wear is
now complete and comprises the latest and best that this ,scarrna'a styles
have produced. They are noole in the most approved' outs, in all
the latest;,clotiis and. colors, and prices are right. Call and look through
our stock whether you buy or not.
Our store is still to the front with the largest and best selected
stock of Dress Goods ever displayed in Zurich. Plain and fancy stripe
staitings, Tricatine, Venetians, Santry, Melrose, Corded Velvet, Costume
Cloth, Duchess, etc., etc. In fact we carry all the most popular lines in
all shades and colors:
We have been fortunate this eason in again ;'a lin;' eat` :tela
of Miss ,',i:\in to take charge o1 our 'Millinery 1) pii:ll Lt. �)• :'
fall op: l trig will lake platy.; on lVF t)N ESD 1 VSEPT. i`.1)., and
following slays: and we cordially invite the ladies of Zurich and
vicinity to visit our Millinery Department, where the la -test in hats and
trimmings for fall wear i . 00 display.
Washing Machines Etc.
Our leader in Washing Mach-
ines is the Theme. They run easy
and wash clean. Wo have a new
wringer, with covered cog wheels
at saute price as the old kind. See it.
pi s
and all Farm Produce taken
at' Highest Market Prices..
Fall is a good time for painting
around the Homme. We carry a full
line of the+' `herwin-Williams paints
and varnishes, made to paint every-
thing from a chair to a .souse.
Stoves, Ranges, Heaters:,
Do not fail to see our line of
Peninsnlar and Grand Jewel Rang-
es' before you buy. Every stove
folly guaranteed. As perfect bak-
ers they cannot be excelled. We
also carry a full line of Oak Heat-
ers, Basebnrners, and Air Tight
Beaters. 0311 and get prices before
you buy.