HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-10-08, Page 8ik It's a fact that the bird catches the sorra, and' his fact holds good in our Men's Tailoring Depart- ment now, for wo llfi,re to hand our New Fall Suitings in the popular smoke shades, brown, and greys, blacks and blues, in worsteds and tweeds. If you need a new suit this season. don't fail to come early and let us convince you that this is the right right place for Ordered and Ready-made Clothing. We handle the Broadway Branch Clothing, This Brand is particularly noted for style and well made clothing. Not only do we buy direct from the leading sources, but we take special care in lining and in- terlining every suit and are proud of the fact that for fit, style, and general workmanship We are second to none, We uarantee a perfect fit or no pay . e 'h` u l4ttenti To ?` ress We the giving our Dress Goods department special prominence for the coming Fall Trade. We have bought liberally, we have chosen care- fully. Every dress is fresh from the looms, new in style, new in quality, right in price. This broad assortment is very enticing for there sure- ly is a magnificent display of fine dress goods to be seen in Our Dress Goods Department. Buy your dresses early, and get a long season's wear. 'a4..4 -,v.2. `'. 5'wE' igite"' r-;r''ryedy to .1,-t.per"" 1n and look through our entire stock. Remember the early buyers always pick up the very best. The Gospel of Good Overalls and Jackets • Peabody's Overalls, the •highest grade, Union Blade and wear like a PIG'S Nose. We preach it. Don you believe it? Boy a pair and you will be convinced. A Case Guarantee Toon cents a button. Twenty.five cents a. rip. For every button tla:it conies off one of the Rail - Road King or 1iieeisanic Ring Overalls ts;e will give you ten cents, and for every rip in a scam we Will give von a quarter of a dollar., within 3() days from date of purchase. h� TyB Local Option Campaign. Tris ,space lies been .reserved by the Local option. Committee of the Township of Hay. LICENSES AND PROPERTY VALUES • The argument that hotel proper. ties would decrease in value. ;when the • licenses -were removed; .one frequently brought 'tip by the op- ponents of the recent license re- duction campaign in Toronto, seems tobe proved entirely ground- less aeoording to the following item, which appeared in the Globe .on Tuesday morning: "Tie owners of properties form• erly used as hotels, and from which for varying causes, the licenses have been cut off or sold. are not likely to sti'Ifc.r much loss so far as rentals are concerned, or in the sale prices of such properties when sola. This ie niore especially true of Erich properties lying between Spadina Avenue, Church. Street, College Street and the Bay. '"A few days ago one owner was offered exactly double what he paid for the now vacant hotel pro- perty twelve years ago. There are rumors of other owners being offered big prices for such. pro- perties, the object of the would -bo purchasers being to turn the former hotel premises into stores or -warehouses. "The Dineen Manufacturing Co. have leased for a long period the premises on Bay Street, formerly occupied by the Crown Hotel, the license of which James Walker sold recently. Messrs. Dineen will use the premises as a show room, warehouse :and factory for their ever increasing trade, and. the rental they are paying is in ad. vane(), of the e1,1500 'whit°ti the licenseholder paid. In addition the Dineen Co. are to pay all tuxes and keep the building in repair." Ivanp'pILROgp eke.' aa'1"' MZEM 0041 1'4ANU1'ACNE!) IN We handle all kinds of Farm Produce. . GENERAL MERCHANT Ontario The above represents the Sehau (:old - Set Tire Setter ready for operation. • This famous machine is a marvel in simplicity of construction and in the wonderful results produced ---performing the work heretofore dons by the black- smith—doing it quicker, and better. No tires are taken off. No bolts are taken out ,and thrown away, Any degree of dish can be put in the wheel. • No burning or inarrfng of fella°. No spoiling of wheels by welding the tires too short. It does far neater work than can be done by taking the tire off. No boring of the fells() for, now bolt holes, Do not lot your wheels bo spoiled by having loose tires, bring them along; and have them set while you wait. LConte in and see this is Machine E I `mV Blacksmith .- Zurich �,,,t'i1 r11k > k y about our Stove Thi 261h Ceid r 1 � e and Steri Range And no wonder, when the people can buy a Malleable Steel Range $20.00 lest' than the peddlers sell them ,through the country, besides our Range is far bigger, has a 20x22in. oven and takes 24in. wood Call and see this wonderful Stove Same price as other stoves with cast iron top. 0 inaarsommemze.ososesamom.S4.1711.3calmonnatataista.......tawl war, PI-IONE 13 ZURICH ir75��FC3��i' LARCEGT COMBINATiON STORE Zurich's in Now is the time to b SPRhui y your ES We have the Very Best and fates'—all sizes and 'colors. Come and. examine before Puyi preen wff save you money. P. ENDER, Zurich A The general public will take notice that I am doing business in Exeter in the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap. Highest Market Prices Paid for Scrap �,a�tgs9 Rubbers, Horse= Hair, 3Copper, Etc. All purchases to be delivered to J. PR„EBTER'S HARDWARE, ZURICH, where the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of scrap inay be left at the same store, prompt attention will bo given. . 1 kl av(ti:i Jird IK M SE :i 19 Er ER ran 1 Just , ,‘arrived. Iive closest est prices for quick sale: F ci. KALBFLEISCU, Zurich' n1. 0 g r 0 ID tom_. ._.yv. .am_..:,...�..-. >, E. "1 ii � rl'' c.;-3—• rn L ' 8 E--{ Owr one thousand stn 'lents cnr•ollf l by our chain last year. It pays to at- tend a link of this groat' uar sn chain. for °fi:� r:rr;i:i: is sTfa!N(Tir." The demand for our t+.''a ihr.te�upplS isT REE Tin.,, Other sehool:3en`rage Our graduates as touchers. A special course for teachers Graduates of two years, ate are :now c°aruin°. $ i,ollo per annum. Three courses—Commit- CI. N. Srn�oc:r. Pix and TmrF aLI il Toren BIBB Atig 3o Write for particulars. • CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE 1. . to. SPOTTM PRIX. rg� �L� THE SCHAU ' r , i p i "1 Zi We handle all kinds of Farm Produce. . GENERAL MERCHANT Ontario The above represents the Sehau (:old - Set Tire Setter ready for operation. • This famous machine is a marvel in simplicity of construction and in the wonderful results produced ---performing the work heretofore dons by the black- smith—doing it quicker, and better. No tires are taken off. No bolts are taken out ,and thrown away, Any degree of dish can be put in the wheel. • No burning or inarrfng of fella°. No spoiling of wheels by welding the tires too short. It does far neater work than can be done by taking the tire off. No boring of the fells() for, now bolt holes, Do not lot your wheels bo spoiled by having loose tires, bring them along; and have them set while you wait. LConte in and see this is Machine E I `mV Blacksmith .- Zurich �,,,t'i1 r11k > k y about our Stove Thi 261h Ceid r 1 � e and Steri Range And no wonder, when the people can buy a Malleable Steel Range $20.00 lest' than the peddlers sell them ,through the country, besides our Range is far bigger, has a 20x22in. oven and takes 24in. wood Call and see this wonderful Stove Same price as other stoves with cast iron top. 0 inaarsommemze.ososesamom.S4.1711.3calmonnatataista.......tawl war, PI-IONE 13 ZURICH ir75��FC3��i' LARCEGT COMBINATiON STORE Zurich's in Now is the time to b SPRhui y your ES We have the Very Best and fates'—all sizes and 'colors. Come and. examine before Puyi preen wff save you money. P. ENDER, Zurich A The general public will take notice that I am doing business in Exeter in the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap. Highest Market Prices Paid for Scrap �,a�tgs9 Rubbers, Horse= Hair, 3Copper, Etc. All purchases to be delivered to J. PR„EBTER'S HARDWARE, ZURICH, where the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of scrap inay be left at the same store, prompt attention will bo given. . 1 kl av(ti:i Jird IK M SE :i 19 Er ER ran 1 Just , ,‘arrived. Iive closest est prices for quick sale: F ci. KALBFLEISCU, Zurich'