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The Herald, 1909-10-08, Page 4
Th+ • ZxiriCh Herald. 0 p ✓iD(rom c,°.:, ©E+Q EY fCD flk9 Cl COM0(i1 N i is it f G9 v gel dor for a.tecl 1855 CAPITAL, m $-3,500,000 1 as ESq' FLMID r.$3,500,000 a Has 65 Branches in Canada, sod Agents and Correspondents in all, the Principal Cities in the World, a A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, d SAVMIGS BANK DE ART E T +:J at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. q Zurich Branch -- J. A, CONSTA.1°TTINE, Agent aalt/ 6clfl©fDOPIEDlla t LEGAL CARDS. T au lY . Id. J.1). COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO-; PUBLISHED BY E. ZELLER. t't, Notary Public, Hens ai , Ontario. At 'Zurich (Zeller's office) every Mon- day. PROLfl)FOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, BAR sisters, Solicitors. Notaries Public, etc., Uoderich, Canada. W, Proudfoot. $. O. Hays. G. P. Blair. MEDICAL- DR. EDICAL- R. T. E?. IYTaLAUGHLIN;, for-. merly frith 'Drs. Jansen, Haile and. Biers, of Berlin, Ger- many ; also :assistant surgeon .tt Mo r ffeldis' (Royal London Opthai- n'ic) eye Hospital and Golden Square ; Nose and Throat Hospital, Linden England, etc. General practice, with special attention 'to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested (Retinoscope used) and giasses supplied. OFFICE DASIIWOOD, ONT, BUSINESS CARDS. AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales eondueted in all parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms -easonable. Orders left at, this office will be promptly attended to. ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSt'RAN- re agent, representing the London, Eednomical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every- thing in fire insurance. DR. P. A, SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- F }L; - i a tr r i suppo•. roan. university .. I )unless extraetion of teeth. Plate work a speeiality. At - Dominion House, Zurich, every 'Mon- day. E. ZELLER , CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care fully and promptly prepared. Office— Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. MUSIC FRIDAY OCT. 8th, 190 W. C. T. U. THE CRY OF THE TWO-THIRDS "The river is deep but He pro- mised. never to leave or forsake, you'll help me over Jack !" for somehow as he drew near death, his brother and his Lord seemed one. At last as it grew dusk he cried; "Jack! Jack ! where. are you?" starting up. "Here, brother, Iam here" ""if He's like you, Jack, I can trust Him, I hope—before the Sentence was complete Maurine Droutly had drifted into eternity, and his brother wept above his clay. He rode three milet for a coffin and some flowers, and again digged a grave. A minister from a neighboring village read prayers and Helen, and Ann, and' George with old Simeon saw the body low- ered to its last resting place. And none but Helen suspected, what George and Dr Droutly knew, that the man w o ay in ' a resting place was a suicide. So his partner was dead, Mr. Spoffard was not wholly unmoved as he read Dr Droutly's brief letter, had been a time when he cherished great expectations for the talented son of his old time partner and friend, when Dr Droutly was in his office so few days ago, there seemed bat* , a. I S S :V•. MAASS, Prepares Pupils for the Toronto Con- servatory of Music' and other Centres. Address LUTHERAN PARSpNAGE,. Zurich FO‘R SAL.E. "yes, sir, its tile, I Mr., Dro d ly is dead yes, shortly, can youtell nae the cause at " his death? what did he die of sir?" "Rena!" he said He was a sznart 'elan and a kind one, a gentleman too" said Ben "All that . and much more while be let stimulants akin was the crisp reply "but a man Cannot drink his body into the grave and his soul into hell, and keep his faculties unimpaired dur- ing the'process. Did you wish to say anything more? inquired the gentleman "No sir," answered Ben meekly, "then I wish you good -day "Good day, sirs" "'.flab !" ejacula, •ted our triend through closed teeth as he strode,on, these rum -sellers ought to be proud of the work they turn out ; they evidently believe in finishing a job before giving -it up. Good God ! death may be preferable in a chdfee of eviis," yet, oh read- er, this far seeing critical minded gentleman was runong loudest in poohing the idea of a temperance plank in the platform of the politi. cal party he represented! to say that Bessie Hiltz was a disappoint- ed woman would be but tritely ex- pressing what ton thousand wo- men of our laud agonizingly are. Ben no longer struggled, he had yielded to. the enemy ; and she no longer struggled, she had yielded up hope. A woman must leave somewhere, must have. some love to keep her heart from hardening or breaking. As Bessie's hope died in one direction, it took root in another, she centred all her heart in her little son Ben, her tender hands soon became rough and horny; but she managed to find the family in bread if not butter, and to keep her son well dressed. Other children were given to her arms, but neither of them unperil- ed for a moment her first born's place in her affections. Ben was nearly twelve when Jamie; a wee white faced baby dune. (To be continued) Ethel M. Williams, Pres., Supt. To quickly* check a cold, druggists are dispensing e a erywhere. a clever h 1 th t c n of Candy Cold Cure Tablet called Pre 1 ventics. Preventies are also fine for feverish children. Take Preventics at the sneeze stage. to head off all colds. Box of 4 —2,ac. Sold by J J klern er. a are.'„e • fiii"lit``tts'°no niisY'?a°l:e;' aarad John spoke more plainly to this old tried friend of his father's than he would to any other. ""Yon will please in- sert a notice of his death ' in the papers and still held his 'share in the business for My ward, Justice Droutly" then the epistle ended "Heart liailttre," was what the old gentleman gave at the newspaper office as the cause of his partner's death. "•1*,laurice Droutly, late of the firm of Spoffard and Droutly, died very suddenly at H—of heart failure" "heart failure !" some smiled and some sighed. as they read the words, and Mr. Arlington, a distant relative of Maurice on his mother's side twisted his mous- • tache and frowned under the heavy brows after reading the paragraph alond to his wife. He wondered— also aloud—whether, if the popular Dr Droutly .were not involved in the affair, somebody would not think it necessary to investigate into the strange death of a roan and his daughter both perfectly 60 acres, all good. land, with good bank barn, frame House, all in good repair. The farm is well drained, plenty of good water and 10,11 be sold for $3000,e0. Apply to E. Zeiler, Zurich. "living room," a cheerful gather - Splendid. 100 acre farm for sale. j well a few months since, and spirit• ing place for the cheerful In ta r- (lat 11 (Jon 1"L hay Good ciaaysoi] tang. ed away from their home by night ways than one the young people of all in fine working condition, with to an isolated country village :about 3' acres of bush ; well fenced where no one of their friends could rand well drained. Good 'brick I reach them? This gentleman did ] ' groom, acted as best man. The o.tlier happy occasion. was the marriage of Excelia, - the, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Alex Etue, who became the bride of Jos Bedard of Chatham, son of Mr. Mrs, Simon Bedard Jr. The bride Was assisted by her sister Clarrise, and Altred aoreenan ably supported the, groom. Both cere- monies were preformed by the Parish Priest, ' Rev. 6, A. Loiselle, at High Mass, in the presence of immediate relatives and friends. The wedding march was played by Miss Florence Laporte, after the Ceremony they all returned to Mr. and Mrs, A. Etue, where the wedd- ing dinner was served. The evening was spent at Mr. and Mrs. Simon Bedard's where a very enjoyable time was spent by all who were Present. The brides and grooms received many handsome'gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Cadotte intend to make their future home at Pain Court, Mr. and Mrs. Bedard at Chatham, he being an employee of Blonde Lumber Co. The two young couples commence weeded life with the good wishes of their many friends. Mr. Hy. • Howard spent a couple of days in. Bayfield preparing for and assisting in the erection of a monument over the late a12rs. Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elliott spent Sunday at the home of Mr •Howard. Mr. Jno. Horner is now connect• ed by telephone with the outside world, Jack thinks it a great convenience. Miss Emma Sunday under in Hensall. Our popular returned from hard at work ag THE OLD TIME PARLOR 'elan eeold and middie- 'ailt •pe2audderila ly retell!. at ' ogee Si I rsal cha itber of. horror? Still. fo•mal, precise, for- mally darkened tad with its fur- nishing shroude in grave -like l linen wrappings, It was a place to be avoided except on solemn oc- casions lime fu'i,erals and when "Company" was .expected. Then it was ruthlessly exposed • in all its -enormities. On one wall father in crayon ; on the other, mother in ditto. In the centre the marble -topped table, with its ostentatiously -displayed family Bible and the inexitable floral design done in wax by the eldest daughter. Doing sentinel duty around the wall were the chairs, each one decked out in a -tidy," and proclaiming loudly by their appearance their infrequent Use. A room sacrod to high days and holidays, and uninhabitable at ordinary time by even the boldest spirits in the house. • To -day, that erstwhile sacred but dismal apartment has all but van- ished. In its place has come .the Thompsoh spent the parental roof blacksmith has the West and is ain, The following is the report of S. S. No. 1 Hay, for September. Sr. IV. Maximilian Denomy, Wilfrid LaPorte. jr. IV, Edward Corriveau. Sr. III. Anna Corriveau, Loretta LaPorte, Eugene Denomy. Edward LaPorte, Richard LaPorte, Sinton Bedard, Armond Denoniy. Jr. I1I• Evangeline LaPorte, Paul Bedard, Fabian Corriveau. Sr. II. Philbert Denoniy, Adolp- he Sonha, Lawrence Denomy, Leo Denomy, Teddy Denomy. Jr. II. Chas Bedard. Sr. Pb II. Beatrice Denomy, Emily Badour. Jr. Pt II. Adelia Denomy, Marcel TaaP Theodor.: Sr. 1st. Albina Bedard, Lucy Denomy, Leopold Denomy, Delia •Denomy, Napolean Denomy. Jr. 1. Clotilde LaPorte. Trefiy LaPorte, Beatrice Bedard, Leo Corriveau, Wilfrid Corriveau, . house and kitchen, good bank barn not confine his remarks to his,lived in the era when the "parlor dr, , 60. Driving shed and wood i wife's ears, but repeated themwas a prominent institution in the land. the present have advantages which their elders did not enjoy ; and not the least of them •is not •to have MARKET REPORT.—The fol- lowing is the report of Zurich, markets corrected up to Thursday. , Barley , 46�,to 50 Peas,, ... 70 Bran..,.,," •, 20.00 Shorts .. 22,00 22.00 Oats 35 38 Wheat 26 97 Hay 7.00 8 00 Dries. apples .. 6. 6 Clover seed 5.00 5.75 Potatoes .. 45 45 Butter . ... 18 18 Eggs 23 23 Hogs liveweigot 8,00 HENSALL MARKETS Cook's Best Flour ........ 3.00 Wheat 98 98 Oats 37 37 Barley.. .- ... 55 55 Peas 70 70 Hogs liveweight 8,00 "heel. 2 acres of good orchard. Good spring never failing wells, 10 acres in fall wheat, For further pal:deniers apply to Peter Duch rirme on the premises or address Zurich P.O. • 11—tf LODGE MEETINGS C• 1• Court Zurich No. 1240 o • ;L • meets every 1st and :3rd Thursday of each month at 8 o'clock p. in• n the A, O. U. W. Hall. .5, J. 1Ir'awiii., C. R. A �a .0 • Rickbetl Lodge . • No. 8 96 meets The 2nd and 4th Friday of ever month, at 8 o'clock, in their Hall, Merner Block. Fanb. 'tram ,M, W. HELP WANTED Girls wanted, operators ou Lad. nes waists and whitewear. Good wages, Steady ;work. .•..}. 'The Star Whitewear M'fg. Co, Berlin, Ont. • The pleasant purgative effect ex.- perieiiCed by all who use Chamber. laints Stomach and Liver' Tablets, - and the healthy condztidn of the boay' art d mind which they create, anakes one feel joyful. Sold by J ,3 .\sterner, again and again. Someone rehears• ed them to Ben Hiltz as he sat a barroom that night, adding that in his opinion the doctor had his private reasons for taking his brother off so suddenly. "Its an infernal lie," cried Ben hotly, I dont care who says it, if they wean to insinuate that those reasons were anything but honorable, any- one who ever saw the Dr searching night and day in all sorts of places for leis brother, coaxing, bearing with hint never leaving him, knows well enough that he could not harm him" Ben Hilts had been going dawn hill steadily, when A commercial traveller on his way to Toronto from. Owen Sound tells a good story of a nlan up in that "dry'' town who got a circular stating that for 42 a, certain whole- sale firm in a distantlocality would send him a keg of hard stuff. Ile sent the bank note and smacked his lips in anticipation. In due time the keg came, but instead of being filled with old rye malt or corn juice, it was filled with scrap iron, and was accampanied by a letter stating that it wasn't hard Maurice Droutly lay in his grave, enough they'd send hima keg of Ben Hiltz stili divided his time be- I spikes at the usual rates. It was fun to seethat Owen Sounder going around trying to ]ciek himself for being -sold" at his own price. tween the workshop and grogshop. But it must bo taken into )onside• ration that' Ben did not always have to clo now, while Maurice had been able to do so, he had kept his pledge to Bessie faithfully and• gave Ben work. Later, when their com- radeship in vice would .still have secured his favor, the reins had fallen from his hands and Mr, Spoffard dismissed )tilt', telling. hint never to let him see his face again, he was somewhat surprised a few days afterhis partner's death to have Ben accost' hirci on the street. "Beg your pardon, sir,". touching his old hat, "Oh, its you, is it, Hiltz?" was the response DRY•SDALE, At St. Peter's R. 0, Church Drysdale,was the , scene of two happy events on •Tuesday, Sept- ember 28th, when • Josephine, the second eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Bedard Jr,., became the happy bride of Sohn Oaclotte, of Pain Court, . Kent. •County, a pro- sperous young .farmer. - The bride wets ably supported by her. sister Sarah, while Louis, brother of the Hoarseness in a child subject to croup is a sure indication of the approach of the' disease. If Cham- berlain's Cough Remedy is given at once or even after the croupy cough has appeared, it will prevent the attack. Contains no poison. Sold by J J Merner. Stomach troubles would more quickly disappear if the idea of treating the cause, rather than the effect, would come into pratice. A tiny, inside, hidden nerve, says Dr. Shoop, governs and gives strength to the stomach. 'A branch also goes to the heart, and one to the kid- neys When these "inside nerves" fail, then the organs must falter. Dr Shoop's Restorative Is, directed specifically to those failing ;nerves. Within 48 hours after starting the Restorative treatment patients say they realize a gain. Sold by J J Merner. Clubbing rates. Re—We "We have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with THE HERALD : Daily Globe , 4 4.25 Mail & Empire 4.25 The following is the report of Room II. of the Zurich Public School for the month of September, based on attendance, punctuality and general deportment. .lr 1II —Robert Clausins, Gertie Weber, Katie Kipfer, Hazen Zeller, Melvin Braun, Ada Braun, Earl Ram Harry Rosa, Charlie Weber, Harry Bess, Absent—Arnold Hilde- brandt. Jr II.—Roy .Weber, Charlie Davidson, Simon 'Thiel, Lloyd O'Brien, Genevieve Zettel, Clara Weber, Mary Zettel, Coahea Dis- jardine, Carrie Brenner, Leo Mit- telholtz, Walter Bender, Flossie Hayter, Luella Bender, Alberta Mittelhoitz. • Absent—Minnie Merner. Wesley Bosh, Melvin Boch.• Sr Pt II,—Albert Hess, Ward Fritz, Lloyd Hayter. Jr Pt II.—Pearl Stemon, Lanra Sararas, Lennes Calfas, Alzna Uttley, Maggie Deichert, Leroy O'Brien, Ruby 1:ruemner, Paul Jeffrey. Sr Pt I.—Rose Hess, Maggie Siernan, Clarence Foster, Russel Preetor, JrPt1.—Celia Hildebrandt, Olive Zettel, Esther Hayter, Arininii Brenner. First—Hazel Foster, Theodore Leibolcl, Leonard Raiz, Laura Deit- or ch a M, ''. Keys. `reacher. Married KRA'4yAZY7i-SF"bLNII;: In Berlin, on Sept. 20th, by Rev: Paul.' Sobc- zak, C. R., Mr. Anthony Kra wazyk and Miss Mary Spolnik, both of Berlin. . Weekly Globe . 1.60 • „ Mail &Empire 1.60 Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2.75 Weekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sun i .75 Farmer's Advocate 2.25 Tho wholesome. harmless green leaves and tender stems of a lung healing mountainous shrub, give to Dr Shoop's Cough Remedy its cura- tive properties. Tickling or dry, bronchial coughs quickly and safe- ly yield to this highly effective Cough medicine. Dr Shoop assures mothers that they can `with safety give it to even very young babes. A pain prescription is 'printed upon each 25e boat of Dr . Shoop's Pink pain Tablets. "• Ask ".your Dr or Druggist if this' fortnu. a is not complete. Headpains, wondenly pains, pains anywhere get instant relief from a Pink Pain Tablet, Sold by J J Merner, . i . . a ., abet., +:a cal• ms the distressing cough, and heals the sensitive membranes. Ac- cept no other. Demand Dr Shoops. Sold by J J. Merner, • • Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Lancl . . Regulations. ANY person who is the sole Bead of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter -section of avail- able Dominion land in Manitoba, Sask- atchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub•Agency for the district. Entry by proxy inay be made at any agency, on certain conditions, by father, another, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader, Duties.—Six months' residence upon and cultivation .of the land in each of three. years. A homesteader maylive within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least, 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, •mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in rood standing tray pra•empt a quarter -sec- tion alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre, Daties—Must reside six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homnostead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre- emption may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price $3.00 per acro. Duties—Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300.00. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minisb) r of the Interior. N. B.—Unauthorized publication of this advertisernert will ooe be paid for. Agricult; ral Savings and • n . HEAD OFFICIO LONDON . ONTARIO Money advanced on good Farm •Mortgages, • -.Prolnpt ,attention givon to'arpUioat).Cns .for loans, E. ZELLER, Zurich