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The Herald, 1909-10-08, Page 1
T The Official Organ VoL X of iiiic11 and Hay TOvnship•S' FRIDAY ' MORNING, OCT. aLOCAL NEWS. Car load dried apples wanted at Hartloib's, Mr, Daniel Smith 'of St. Joseph has a good fresh cow for sale. Go to D. S, Faust for your dress goods and you will bo suited.. Miss Pearl McCormick left this week to study music, at Berlin. Mr. John Dumart of Berlin is here at present renewing aoquaint- a.nces, Mr. Frederick Witwer bas pur- chased the tannery property from Mr. S. Rennie. Miss Maggie Campbell returned to town on Saturday from a six months stay with her sister, at );merlin. Mr. Fred McDone11 of Hensall and Mr. Gibson, of the Hamilton office of the Bell Telephone Co., were in town on Tuesday. Mr. C. Hartleib has sold a 20th century malleable iron steel range to George Clausius, last week. Mr. Clausius has now one of the finest ranges in the county. Mrs..) O. A. Williams, was opera- ted on this week, by Dr. 'Gunn of Clinton. assisted by Dr. Campbell. The operation was successful and the patient is making good pro- gress, The Bible will soon be printed in every language or dialect known throughout the world. Last year, according to the 105th report of the British and Foreign Bible Society, the languages in which either complete Bibles or parts of it were issued reached a total of 418. Here is something for the boys and girls at school to think about. A great man whose accomplish- Ments have been the marvel of all Mr. Willis Powell ' of Exeter made his rounds here, this week. A new range of corsets at D. S. Faust.. $2200,00 private funds to loan at Seo on good farm security. Apply to 1'l, Zeller, Zurich. Mr. and. Mrs, Joseph Brenner of Grand Bend, visited in town, this week. • Mr. F. W. Hess, has the old tin - shop moved out and is excavating for the new building. Winter apples are a very good crop in this district and large quantities are being hauled to the station. D. S. Faust got in a new line of ladies coats in black. regular price was $,10.00, will sell them out at x+6.00. Now is your chance. Mrs. Wm. Fritz of Grand was hereon Saturday, and it is report- ed that she will make her home here, shortly. Rev. John Miller will preach on Sunday Oct. the lath at the Baptist church at 10.30 a. m. and in the evening at 7.30 The public is respectfully invited to attend. A meeting of the members of the Bowling Club will be held in the Town Hall this (Friday) evening at 8 o'clock. A fall attendance is requested. The fine weather this week has been made good use of by the farm- ers, and as a consequence business has been quiet. There is a good outlook for fall and winter busi- ness and the merchants have laid in big stocks of merchandise. The young people of the Evange- lical church, listened to an up-to- date program rendered by the members of the Ladies Aid on Tuesday evening, The members of the Ladies Aici were seated on the platform from which the fol- lowing program was rendered : Miss Lydia Faust opened the meet- ing with a short song service, Mx. who knew him, in his boyhood Herman Well rendered envera) "?ter' " Tc�Et ilt t flei:ta.x n; ea -ae .i t z: let k ag.u'ttt' 1, Hit°i71 h rrrhr;;ta allpreela . • )y fate may be taking- your measttre •the audience, Mrs. (Rev.) A. D. . for a larger place. If he was at school he kept thinking . " I n ust not skip the hard problems, for they may ris.e up in my 'manhood, and testify against my faithfulness as a boy. and pay defeat me, 1 must see an opportunity in every lesson and cultivate a habit of conquering, a habit of thorough faithfulness and • accuracy." Such a resolution adhered to is better than a fortune. ' Gisehier, Pres,, of the Ladies Aid, valve an inspiring address on, “The ho ideal young mon and women, ' Mrs. Edward Merner read uninteresting paper, followed with a Ladies quartette, and chorus. Last but not least, the members of the 'Alliance invited the Ladies Aid to the basement where a dainty lunch was •served by the young people. Young and old had a pleasant time. ' i9O9 No, 11 l deer Diana Rickbtifl left on Tues., day' to visit friends in Buffalo, 1Vlerner's older mill and ,Jain factory will be run. daily, except. Monday and Thursday. The Latdie=m Aiil of the Evan. gelieal church will: meet in the auditorium of the church, on Tues. day 12th inst. at 2.30 p, na . A11 are expected to be present. Mrs. D. S. Faust, cor. 800 The evening, servtcr•in St. 'Peter's Lutheran chrirol , will he conduct- ed in English.. The object of the sermon will be the answering of the question, -Who are nun' that shall serve God beyond life?" All are cordially invited. HAY COUNCIL • Council met• on Wednesday with all members present. The minutes of the last meeting were, read and approved. The following accounts were ordered to be paid ; F, Eisen - bitch, cleaning cutch, eon 7-8, +3.50 M. G Cameron part costs re Bisson- netto appeal, 8200.00 ; R l')e:nntny,. road to lake, rep culvert L l ., $.1.00 ; J Green, cleaning u• B N Drain, $ 15..50 ; ,T l3echler, 3 culverts, con 7-9 $4 00; J Meidinger, Ry rare to West, $28.31; ; L Prang, blacksmith. 9.60 ; T Hawkins, sto e o for indig- ent, t3 00 ; R McArthur, rep 3 eats and bridge, con 2, ,x'1.7}• The annual report +9i'. th. ('om 1 missioner of the Yukon Territory! gives forth some cheerilli," news, f Since the valuable mineral ids. coveries in New (.)nt 1•iu, we ho not I hear so much about the 'wealth of the Yukon and some have coy w the conclusion that that sotxen of national wealthys out, This however, is far t o n fee case. Last year r o oni tt of golrl amounted to $1-10,000 more teat t, ,, previeue year. The Territory, t ,: talaiim steady but sure progrr.. more than self suppor revenue o:seeeda. tlr� The Commissioner t•.? -•.ran '•»».c -.;1-e---: .c•.m•,•.a,.. Y._ c been free from t;l'itlar",(;'f it is now ;, ,cvi:ritlrx serlons nature, and the Ii wanted 1kiice have as usual perf,rined /nest 5. A effective ecr°ric:es. .inn must in- teresting statement 1; this: '.The schools throughout mho Territory of eftime+ncy. Under the auspices of tho Ontario Il'partrneiu of Education local examinations were held at Dawson for matrieulution into the Universit7 of Termite. The prreent lg'e of lasses was high as: wall as the avenge of n urks obt;l Wed.." N!i rialaiANWINANNVAMMIWAVAAVVEAVidg RFA Y FOR t!FALL BL4S7 U "; I invite you to come and visit my store this fall for .,cheap buying. I am sure you can. 0 buy your winter supplies right: such as Dress Goods, Flannelettes, Hosiery, Wrapperettes, Ladies' Underwear, Ladies' Coats, full assortment of Furs. FOR MEAT—Readymade Suite; Underwear, Caps, Fur Lined Coats.' FOR BOYS=Readymade Suits, Caps, Underwear Etc MILLINERY JDEPARNMENT The very newest in Ladies' Hats and Trimmings DUTCH SETTS and All Farris Produce taken in Excxza.n vary Z13RIC H zse tet 1 JAAMMINPARRNAVMMTWANWRIMPRNMA "Za C25 c.C� C`a � "�•.a`d .p.� .Q•p•`�•O G O.•`'� h•ca•Q.h Q•�.,C�.�., C�:. c -- • ~ c �� c - cam.' o �..ca.� c �1,r% ©•G",�. `.:.>•G'•r�•/J•rJ•G G:71'••G' •®•`G" G%•r? .i'.1.'•d �! :✓ r�.c;.♦ :t kitu1 c,f sia,e you set rot t'.3r, in all the latest ,4t�le: \VC are sb blah sone very tine lines in \\79. iii nt a atiel .)len', Tui and Ox Blond O :f,:',ts this wte ii and the stoek is winning friends every day. Thu Inor.• you Bre of • • ta61r.:41'44- �.. • "A11� it :,,? iy..ytt�,tr ttaxix a yw . . ,,, 6S' the 1tM.1 •.i3: rttii' k .<'fi;RiF •o. v. r' ]r l art dTh'. 4>ptt.rrl car y c aNr' r. �•ii^, They give gent 111, sfgvi e +IF ;'k tr i �t �.,1,r a;i,� 1lec to*t3 they are nntrlc t i; ht: "?�,"• l"i! "` f': 9. ,tib gad are tittc+l right, 1'lu �tJ 4 1 iic'tneiit ami in•ihvidnalit. ' ,; , e of style ; hours for it -,ally ,� .A They represent ltailt.in final-�. •yr1•.��� (���� {•'t if,). :Intl :t:.:• -nt'h thee-, :i •• w' Acid' 0 we Iike to sell. i t, t,, FITZ ZURICH !'t p ?offa 3a 3%33 3 :3>'i sem'.." E3 £#CZA=3ZZEU.a: w3" it tz 3 s"..`• ~4is, 's :- 3c se," 3��,^ 3' ::;:as 3 si # `rsss 3' £3s"•��a3•,� .. �" ii 5 .'; r t <Jn•ro. 4 ' ... _. _.Ad ,... . r° Wk:....:L,�s •,' 4.G'+a§»t..•.. n.R;. .L\w .d. With the cool days here and your fall requirements deill:lndilxg .li " 11 ut eiltl° the great array of cold weather necessities ever displayed i l This s o; t • .111 o111' lairectecl'toward giving the. buying public the best 'of e\-erydllill:, for the 1,•:; surprise you and a comparison of values will convince you. ^a 11, we come to your assistance istdill;e \'illi energy., ambition and Atte:Ition li10Ilf'i' Illspt": ].C;ll ()t our Fail :;tiiw1' ' LADIES' MANTLES Our•lineTof Ladies' Coats and Mantles for fall and Winter wear is now complete and comprises the latest and best that this setvnn'i styles have produced. They are made in the most approved eats, in all the latest,,cloths and colors, and prices are right. Call and look tliroujh our stocklwhether you buy or not. DRESS 000 DS Our storeis still to the frontwith the largest and best selected stock of Dress Goods ever displayed in Zurich. Plain ' and fancy stripe snitings, Tricatine, Venetians, Santry, Melrose, Corded Velvet,' C;ostumo Cloth, Dtichess,,eto., etc. In fact .we carry •all the most popular lines in all shades and colors. liter, J4 1f ii!' NEU OPEN rum ` 1,..1":'• boon 1•t'1•ta:naiie this cert 1 in as;aiie seeming the s,Jryii.'i's of Miss to takes charge t•,f our Milliuely 1)c•1,lritnol t. Onr fall opt 1:. VN: Will take 111110e 00 \v EDNI SDAY., SEPT. +N 1)., ainl following ; and wo cordially invite the • ladies of Zitriell 011 vicinity to 'ii' our \liiliii ry 1-)l'l'ai-tment, where the 1a'.est in hats and trimmings for fill wear is o11 display. SEASONABL .'^..e Washing Machines Etc. Our leader in Washing Mach- ines is the Theme. They run easy and wash alma, V n have a new wringer, with covered ewe wheels at same price as the old kind. See it. )1 and all Farm Prod l ce taken at Highest Market Prices.. . 9 isirs saw HA a., DWARE PAINTS ETC. F di ie a good time for painting around the home. We Barry a fall line of the td11 vlcin- illiaal'l paints anti varnishes, mails to paint every- thing- from a chair to a house. Stoves, Ranges, Heaters.. •I, iragpag J Do not fail to see our line of Peninsular and Grand Jewel 'Rang- es before you buy. Every stove fully guaranteed. As perfect bale ers they' cannot be excelled. We irlso carry a full line of Oak Heat- ers, Easebnrners, and .Air 'Light Heaters. Call and get prices before you buy. zu /OH 44:48"12";;;14 --334:29"41421"":;31*,,,43454a:/**R8.11;X3,a,POCIKACK/41080AC310,M3CWAZOWN3E,..4863$01C084:30C1COCIgie,*;;CTA.,,co3tizzAorra-cglgzwom 5E24