HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-10-01, Page 8,M> (tit, 41. r•t ere othIIfl It's a fact that the bird catches the Nvorm, and his fact holds good in our Men's Tailoring Depart- ment now, for we hare to hand our New Pall Suitings in the popular smoke shades, brown, and greys, blacks and bines, in worsteds and tweeds. If you need a new suit this season, don't fail to come early and. let us convince you that this is the right right place for Ordered and Ready-made Clothing. We handle the Broadway Brand Clothing, This Brand is particularly noted for style mod well made clothing. :Not oul.) do we buy direct from the leading sources, but We take special care in lining and. in- terlining every suit and are proud of the fact that for fit, style, and ge:v•ral workmanship vce are second to mute. We guarantee a perfect fit Oil no pay . 0 0 ed IL .0.. V. 11414 Irp IVe are giving oily Dress 0 uOilS department special prominence for the coming Fall Trade. We have bought liberally., we have t.hosen care- fully. Every drers is 'Awl]. from the looms, new in style, new in quality, right itprice. This broad assortment is very enticing for there sure- ly is a magnificent displa-y of flue drvsit.1 goods to be seen in Our .Dress Goods Department. Buy your dresses early, and get a long season's wear. We heartily 'welcome everybody to call in and look through our entire stock. Remember the early buyers always pick up the very best. The Gospell of Good Overalls and Jackets Peabody's Overalls., the highest grade, Inion and wear like a PIG'S Nose. We preach. it. Dou you believe it? Buy a pair and you will be convInced. L VI EL ra EI Lee crc,. Twants.tiva cents a rip. For N. -NT button that comes off one of the Rail - 1. -d. King or Mechnnic k:ing Overalls we will iVn pm ten cents, and for every rip in a SellIa NVO I'M1 give You a quarter of a dollar, within :10 days from date of purchase. 0,9"1/444:410;S) NAM FACTIE0 • 1M • We Ilan( le all kinds of Farm Produce, . OENERAL MERCHANT h9 ent rio (3111bi `"7", glinerint Local Option Campaign. This space.bas been reserved by the Loeal Option Committee of the Township of Hay. '. • .A:BSOLUTE WASTE A careful estimate makes it clear that the expenditure of the Do- minion of Canada on strong drink is upwards of $76,000,000 per year. When attention is called.to this great waste, it is sometimes said in reply that this amount of money is not destroyed, that it remains and circulates, if however, some are made poorer by the expenditure, others are made richer and the ag gregate wealth of the conimunity is not lessened. It takes no deep knowledge of economics to demolish this absurdi- ty. The liquor • consumers have' toiled for the production of the wealth which their money repre. sonts, or someone else has toiled for them. If they pay that money for clothing, food purpoees, fuel or other necessities or luxuries, they receive value for their toil. The producers of theseartioles have the money, the purchasers have the goods, and t4. o community possess. es the wealth represented by both, or double the amount which the purchasers have invested. If, on thenther hand, the money is spent in drinking, while the liquor vendors may have the amount of money named. the liquor consumers have absolutely nothing to show for their investment, and there is in the possession of con. sumers and dealers on he whole only one-half the wealth that ex. isted when the money was other- wise invested. What applies to the country at large applies also to a municipality. LU u Over one thousand stn. dents enrolled by our chain last year. :it. pays to at- tend o, link of this great chain, for "Ix 17.1sioic THERE STRENt:71I,'' The t7,0inand for our graduates is THREE TIM- ES t. e .supply. trscheolsengap our &ea. ec6.4. as teachers. A specl course for teadhers Graduates of two years• ap...a are now earning $2,000 per ann11111, - Three courses—OommER- CI AI,, STEN01111APIIY and Foil Term Opens Aug 3O Write for particulars. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE S trt,'-ty TON. r".iN rrxtra:=txrsrgaexsr-c, prersrGtretenorrexacc—.1.1marrenrossmenexcx=rer... .:11113 sSIC".`.11A.T.T T1PX ciTi7m rrar 7'4 ' • The aLove represents the Schatz Cold - Set Tire Setter ready for operation. This famous machino is a marvel in shnplicity of construction and in the wonderful results produced—performing the work heretofore done by the black- smith—doing it quicker, and hotter. No tire, are taken oil', No bolts are taken out and thrown away. Aeeni,ydeftNo of dish can be plat in tlit.e wh No burning or nierrfng of felloo. No spoiling of wheels by 'welding the tires t.'30 It does hr muter work than can be done by V.king the tire off. No boring ()f the folloe for new bolt hates. 1)o not let, yourwheels be spoiled by havino..10060 tires, bring them along and have aimed while you waib, Comoin oilii so this atachige 3". DE ICRET 9 la cicp t h Zurich IlitrnorartitatraMA.19.1...1=EroarlAlairere We pay highest market price for dutch setts this fall, in trade for rdware, Stoves, lin= ware, Harness and Fur= niture. Our prices are always LOWEST. 1.1.14=.1111.irrraddrir.,11.11,42,14.1 HURON'S LAB C 9 6141BiglekTRO STORE PHONE la ZURICH Zurich's Le ST Now is the time to buy yo I r Ti an Slli ,(a 4 We have the Very Best and Latest==all sizes and cokors. Come and examine before buying eisewpere. •lit Jo rices uu 0 P. BENDER, Zurich 2 The gendal public will take notice that I am doing business in Exeter in the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap. -J g Highest Market Prices Paid for p /rorni 9 ['bal. I'S 9 tilb.3er$, hors= Hair, Copper, Etc. All perchases to be delivered. to T. PREETEWS IIARDWA.RE, ZURICH,where the cash will lie paid or trade given. Orden; for collection of scrap may be kit at the same 'etore, prompt attention will be given. MLA JU BEALER9 TA aranosAvirnrarrnmeurmAsommecomourzarm• AlretericomirronArearamAWAsor lament= R LOAD EMS= 6=14191 Just arrived. Will give closest prices for quick sale F. C. KALBIPLELSCH, Zurich