HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-10-01, Page 5rhe Zurich Hmr
Now for (Bracelets, Brooch-
es and Ebbs, Cuff Links,
Ladies and Gentlemen. . .
The Latest in Every Line. . ,
New Stock of Moa>tthorgans
Single aid ,double Keys.
Hohner's Best Makes
Watch, Clock and
Jewellery Repairing
,.P EWEL L Edi'
Q8 We have opened up our
Spring and i
i Surnrner 1
i Dress Goods.. i
i consisting of— 1
'rints.Ginghanls, S
1 Musliris Etc. ,, 1
New Stock of
i,®ODS. 6
Come and inspect before ItIt
1 buying elsewhere. G
Our prices as listed are S
114 v
i Highest Prices
For Farm Produce i
it R. N. DOUGLAS e
General Merchant, B L A Ii E.
i ,,,,�
fsD®CDeisisess• OD®eDC.ssess Bei se1Del3H,a
,.,...RIGI{T 8
ctrl .=fit" " a .si
That New
Winter Suit.
.., .,rhe. co
live us at call. Z'G e have a fine
range of Tweeds, Worsteds,
etc„ to choose from. Our
prices aro as cheap as any.
Suits intuit) at short notice.
We also hove a large number• of
Samples to select from.
Laundry in connection.
Wet and disagreeable weather in
the forenoon of the second day of
the Fair, Sornewhtat spoiled, what
would have been the best show
ever held here. The hall was till.
ed RS it never was beforeancl the
exhibits were the equal of any
shown at the larger fairs, while
the show of, horses was really
surprising, The crowd ' arrived
rather late on the second day, and'
evorbody was surprised itt the
lirge turn -out. The gate receipts
were less than former years althou-
gh the directors think they will
not fall so low as to leave a deficit,
The local society is in a prosperous
condition and good weather .this
year would have nearly wiped out
the small debt still owing on the
new grounds, The following is a
list of prize winners :
• Brood mare accompanied by foal,
John Campbell; foal, John Campbell;
one year old, W. Love, :J. Geiger;
Year old, G. Moir„ A. Pennington, A..
Love ; span. in harness and wagon, H.
Brood mare accompanied by foal
Wm. Pepper, Wm. Lamont; foal, Wm,
Pepper, A. Stelek, Wm. Lamont; one
ear old, Wm. Pepper two year old,
J. Campbell, ... Reichert., E. Troyer;
three year old, I?, Ryckman ; span in
harness and wagon, F. Willert, A,
I3rood mare accompanied by foal,
P. Beichert, A. Stelek, T. Consit;
foal,'. Consit, Wm. Pfaff, P. Beichert
Baldwins, V. Truemner, 1) ITanch ;
It 1 Ureenings, A, ,Cl,eig ek°, 'W Dignan ;
Spitzenburss endel by ith, D. *etch
Canada Reds, 1I, , W esloli,'O. Trtrpinner
itibson Pipl)en, 0, E:lope;'.Golden Rus-
sett, O. Kiopp, Smith Vic,, Son; Ben Da-
vis, 0, Kloktp, 0, UacJa.; bwaars,
'a.lopp ; Wegners, u
V.; Truener, O.
Klotu ; Mann, J.• £tm
aborer, S. J3eebler;
Maiden's I3lushe L, ]leder, O. l lepp
Blenheim. Pippen, • G. Q14usins,
.ilader; 1'evaukcc, 'C. Truemner, L,
Rader; 'Colverts,. C Truunxncr, J,
fluff Gloria MuIdi, 0, Truemner,
\'Via. Bader 2th oz, 1.'iltpen, lar, Elopp
W. ,Smith; Tolman 'Sweet,, O. Klapp,
3, lluberer; col. • 1tuelset apples, 1✓
'I:ruemner, E. Kiopp fall pears, a.
Huberer• ; col. fall and -Winter' pears,
W. Battler; Bartlett pears, J. Iiaber-
er, W. Battler; blemish IBeauty, J.
Decker, sr„ J. Haber cr ; , Olapp's Fav
orite, J. Roberta, H. Mader; .Peaches
0.. Oswald, IS. Llliott ; prunes, Mrs,
'C..11ess, J. llaberer ,crab apples, red,
II. Boehler, A. Eeichert;.crub tipples,
Yellow, L. Mader, 1'. Deiclilrt; grapes
J. 'laborer, lilr•s.. V. Bess; eel. ;grapes
J. liaberer,W. Battler; plate -o;: plums
C. Truemner, C. Fritz.; col .of plums,,
O. 'Copp, T; Johnston; col, of canned
fruit, J. Decker, sr., R. R. Johnston;
special, W. River,. J 'uara.ras.
• Judses, •D, A. Oantelon,. i ensall ; A. I.
Mittel -bolts, Zurich.
White Elephant potatoes, 1I, Rader;
'Colorado red, A. Kaereher ; rural New
York, A. Geiser, E„Git:,auy variety
early, A. ltannie, J, Decker, tr., A.
Foster ; any variety late, G. Clausins,
W. leader, Pf liruegur,i. Empire potu:
toes, 2. Gies, Il.,lizueger,;J. llaberer;
Small white beans,' W. Battler, G.
Clausins,' any variety beans, P. Rei-
chert, G. Clausins ;yentas' cern, C.
Oswald, ,G. Clausins, sweet corn, S.
13eehler. C. Oswiild black'sweet corn
W. Battler, J. Brown ; red onions, 11,
one Yertr old, A. St,*lel. A. Love, S. Boehler, F. Rummel; yellow onions,
1 Jacobi; two year o l'l S. 'Sararas, S. I Rummel, P. Schwalm; Clutch setts,
i T tcobi, L. 11"urm ; ,rhes u year old, J. B. Pii.le, li. Krueirer; white field car-
rots. J. W. 0 rtwein, W. 'smith; red
Decker, jr., Jacob Weber, E. Rader; field carrots, S. Bechtel -W. Battler;
span in harness and buggy, 1). Schnell
red garden carrots, W. lintt'cr, Goo,
J. Decker, sr., E. Rader. 1 Clausins ; swedish turnips, 3, Hes, jr•,
CARRIAGE E.. Rader; long red reansoids, ,A.
brood mare accomp•inied by foal ,,_ _.,_
er, W. smith: Jong yellow
L. Wurni, L. McArthur ; foal R. Me- iaangolds, C, Bauch, W. iiedax ; Ox-
ford cabbage, W. Battler, 0, Clausins;
flat Dutch cabbage, J. lley, sr., A.
Zoster ; back ,Spanish re'dash, W.
Battler, 13. i'file ; iu: ii over, A,
Fester ,.yellow pump ut 1 • leader, L.
Rader Mammoth Pon",%13,1. R. It.
Johnston, G. Clausins;•
Johnston, R. It. JohosIssi leash, .E.
Rader, G. Clausins; :blocs
Rader, W. Smith rooter beets, W.
Battler ; watermelons, S. 1Bechler, J.
11,0y, sr. ; muskmelons, 1'. t. Lwalm, G.
0 -aurins ; red tomatoes, tit . a & 'Son;
11. 11 e11 ; yellow tomato: W. Batt-
ler ; special, sugar loser, A i aercher,
Judges, J. D. Merner- d. Drys -
da le.
Arthur, L. Wurm, D. Schnell; one
Year old, L. Wiirm, it, McArthur ; two
year old, G. Clausins; .three year old
11. Iioehler, J. Decker, jr.; span In
harness end buggy. J. Decker, sr.;
buggy horse in harness and buggy, J,
Geiger, W. Ruby, S. limiter.
Brood mare accompanied by foal
J. Decker, jr., G. Moir, W. Love;
foal, T. 3. Amy, AV. Love, J. Decker,
ir. ; one year old, 3. Decker, jr., J.
Weber, S. Jacobi; two year old, H.
Rader. 1). Schnell, II. Kraft; three.
year old, Wes, Miller, J. McBride, J.
Harmer ; span in harness and buggy,
Truemner, G. Hepburn, T. Sherritt
bulgy horse in harness and buggy, 31.
D,ttes's, P. Fassold, G. Todd; lady
driver, J. ,Decker, sr.; P. Fassold, G.
`„isM fr "tear i c eu3r bi t" " .' Mc-
Lean for heavyaught mare and
coal. John Campbeii.
Jud e, Richard Welsh,
Cow. E. leader, P. Beichert Jacek
Baker; ' year old h,il,r, P Beichert
K:opp; senrlin; heifer, C Mauch
E. Rader, P. i)eich.'rt heifer calf, W.
McAllister. E. leader 2nd and 3rd.
0th•r than 1horou,•hbred Barham
--Cow, J. I1nb re r E Gies, A. l.tich-
, rt ; 2 yea r old h.'ife t . J. Ila here r,
Est, 2nd and rid. , yd.'nriln'' heifer, J.
H ii)erer, E. I111'er•. P Beichert; two
year old steer, C. Mauch. E. Klapp, 2
and :;rd; yearlin; ste,,r, C. Hanel 1st
2ncl and ;3rd ; 'steel• c;iiE, 0. Bauch;
Jersey cow, W. Hoffman, F. Rummel.
Judge, I1. 'Smith, Exeter.
Long Woo:—Aged ram. Snowden
Bros.; yearling ewe, J. Iiaberer, W.
Battler; ewe. lamb, J. Iiaberer 1st
and 2nd tram lamb, W. Battler 1st
and 2nd ; z•wc having raised lamb
in 1999, E. 'Copp, W. Battler
Fine Wool.—Aged ri m. A. Dunkin
Yearlinz ewe, A. Duncan 1st and 2tid;
ewe having- raised lambs in 1UOP, A,
i)unkin 1st and 2nd,
In the Berkshire and Tamworth
classes Snowden Bros. took all the
Homburgs, W. Battler 1st and 2nd;
Plymouth hocks. Snowden Bros.;
i,:lick Spanish, W. Battler; Light
I3rahmas , W. Battler; Dorkins, W.
'Battler 1st and 2nd; Black Minoreas,
W. Battler lst and 2nd; Red Caps,
Wendel Smith, W. Battler; White
Le.lhorns, S. Hechler, G. Clausins ;
S. 0, Brown Leghorns, W. Battler,
G. Clausins; It. I. Reds, W. Battler ;
pigeons, 0, Clausins ; Buff "Wyandottes
J. 'Iaberer, •J•. W. Ortivein ; Silver
Crest Wyandottes, J. W. Ortwein 1st
and 2nd; ,R. C. Brown Leghorns, G,
C",::eosins 1st and 2nd; J3nff Orpington
W. Bottler 1 and 2 ; ,Andalusians,
W. Battler 1st and 2nd; .Lansshans,
W. Battle 1st and 2nd.
Pekin China .Ducks, Snow -den tl3ros.
Rouen ducks, 0. Cousins; geese, C,
Trire.mner, G. 'O:ausins turf eys, G.
Clausins,.Snowden Bros.; Toulouse
geese, Snowden I3ros.
Judge, •T, B. 'Carling, 'Exeter.
White fall wheat, Wm, 'Rader ;'red
fall wheat . C. Clausins, A. Reichert,
W. Battler ; spring wheat. T.. England
1st and 2nd, .0. Clausins; Ti -rowed bar-
ley, A. Reichert, Wm.' Rader ; white
oats, A. Reichert, A, -Rennie, 3, Eng-
land; ,small peas, G. Clausins, C.
Truemner, J, Brown; rya, E. It:lopp ;
black barley, W. Dignan; collection
of grain, G, Clausins, •H, Npeb ; closer
seed; 1': Schwalm, W. Dignan, J, Hab-
erer; timothy tseed, E. Rader, W.
13attler; grain.in sheaves, G. Clausins.
Judge, .Wm. Lamont, Zurich. -
Collection of apples, 0. Klapp, 31.
l 1opp, • J. Iiaberer; fall aplles, C.
Truemner, 0 ,I1'opp, J. Pfaff; winter
apples, J, Pfaff, D. Hauch, S. Dodder ;
King Tompkins; O, 'Copp,. C. Hauch;
snow' apples, C. Truetnncr,, C. }Touch;
Northern Spies, W. Dignan, 0. Klapp;
c a n a o a
E. keep in stock a
full line o fresh
meats, hams, etc. etc
Our cuts are noted
for their tenderness
and wholesomeness.
.Our aim is to keep
nothing but the best.
We make our own
Give us a call.
Y UNGBL 11.1 T
Weak e
To weak and sailing women, there is at least one
way to help. But with that way, two treatments,
must bo combined. One is local, ane is constitu-
tional, but both are important, both essential.
Dr. Shoop's Night Cure is the Local.
Ire Shoop's Restorative, the Constitutional.
The fornmi-1)r. Shoop's Night Cure--iss: topical
-mucous membrane suppository remedy, while Dr,
t,hooi's Restorative is wholly an internal treat-
nnent ' The Restorative reaches throughout the
entire system, seeking the ,repair of all nerve.
;all tissue, and all blood ailments.
The "Night Cure", es its naive implies, does its
-work while you sleep. It soothes sore and intiain-
.cd *Moons surfaces. heals local weaknesses and
discharges, while the Restorative, eases nervous
aixeitement, gives renewed vigor and ambition
builds up wasted tissues, bringing about renewed
strength, vigor, and energy. Take Dr. Shoop's
Restorative --Tablets or Liquid—ansa general tonic
lo the system, For positive locai•holp, use as well
Irm Shoo's
° ,t !ore
NXWWnn �r
Buggy harness, C Ilo.t. ter' , .double
team harness, C • liar " rot.. .of
shoe-, . Frit ;tai, iw .Y e, 0,
35:bs butter, R. Elliott. W. Smith,
J. J1 ck1u .u'.; a i:ouitt. butter, Miss
trul.l;::l, J1, 1.'11d•, J. 'lIarbercer;
1 butter in 1�oe:n1 prints. A. haercher,
A. ite tehert, G. ,C,susi, • 'home. made
eh.'-'. ,l, Geiger, E. E:opp; home
n1 tde• bread, X11.3, C it SS, C. Trgi'm-
uer; estraet,•d honey, 0. Clausins, J.
Hal); rel.; roll, ction hc,tey, rJ. tblaberer
hones in .comb: r3. 11•,1,r.'r, G. Claus -
1,.s; ni.Yplc syrup, 11 ,''aiith, J. Decker
Drunrnentiil. — Emt:toidered five
o'clock, tea cloth. Wellington Vow,
_II. Well ; c mbroicicretl tray cloth, Mi.s
1•. Maass, 11. Koehler; embroidered,
centre piece. II. 11'. ,'.. mith & 'eon •
cnsbroider.d (loyaes, IL Well, F. J.
Wickwire; embroid •red side -board
scarf, E. h lopp ; c•nibroidered sofa
cushion in silk, I'. Wickwire, T. John-
son; embroidery Roman, I'. Wickwire
embroidery Jewel, F. Wickwire ; fea-
ther stitching, .ii
Miss , Campbell, 3.
G.. Forrest; :work ba Miss V. Maas,
F. Wickwire ; embroicl.'ry on flannel,
no ...thee; col. ctubroidery,work,F.
Wickwire, Ii. Well ; lloniton lace
handkerchief, F. Wickwire, T. John-
son, point lace collar, 'Wellington Fee,
1''. Wickwire ;I3attenbnr; oentre piece
It Appel, F. Wickwire; • bettenburg
doylies, J. G. Forrest, Miss M. Mc-
Gregor; battenbur; troy cloth, B.
Appel, Miss V. ;loess; battenbnrg
sideboard scarf, Weiliu;ton Foe, (Miss
V. Naass; b.ttten bur ; tett, nosy, F.
Wickwire; battenburl; Shams, Ie.
Wickwire; col. bat tenbnr3 work, W,
Fee. E. liaercher; Taneriffe Mice
centre piece,. T. ,Johnston, .C. Hart-
Ieib ; netting centre piece or doylie
Wellington Fee, T. Johnston; drawn
thread work, R. R. Johnston, 11,
Wcllco'1. drawn thread work, F.
`Vick:vi.re, 13. Pfil•e ; 'atahing, T. John-
ston, J. G. Forrest; pillow slums, T.
Johnston, 13. Pf]3e;sofa cushion, Wel-
lington Fee, Miss V. •Maass.; apron.
Miss A. Carlisle, J, W. • Ortwein ;
Mount M'e]lick embroid.red cloth, -E.
Appel, lIel:iss M. McGregor., Mount
Me1Iic1: embroidered centre piece, T.
Johnston, F. Wickwire; .l ttindry bag
crochet, II. Koehler, A. l eer•oher!
crochet lace cotton, Mrs. G. Reiss, E.
Klopp; crochet toilet mats; J, Brown
IV, iJi.;nan; crochet table rants F.
'Wickwire, Miss V. Maass; col. tatting
T. Johnston, 'A. S. Faust ; Hardin3'er
centre piece or cloth, Miss V, Maass.
ao number for 2nd; Knitted lace cur-
tains in cotton, II. Neeb;
ETseful—(guilt wollen coarse, T.
Johnson; do. fine, H. Bender, 'W,
Battler; 'Coverlet woven wool, T.
Johnson, Mrs. G. Bess; Los cabin
Guilt, cotton, IL Rader, 3. beaker, sr,
Patchwork guilt eottcn, T..' Johnson
It. Krueger; do. silk, T. 3ohnson
'Crazywork guilt silk, 1T. Krueger), IT:
Johnson ; .do. cotton, W.;,. • Battler ;
Counterpane tufted, T. Jolinsson, W.
Battler ; 'Counterpane knitted, T.
Johnson, II, Rader; do. c;rooh,et, J,
Becher, sr., Mrs. G. Mess,�';µ counter-
pane etching work, Miss 1y.; McOre-
sor, T. Johnson; ,Counterqtrie drawn
J. Becher, sr. Ladies all Wool cape
crochet, Miss A. Carlisle, ' Waling
ton Fee Home-madd earpct, rag
A., h iY rcher, T, Johnsen ; llomemaci
hearthrug Wool, Miss K. Campbell
'1', Johnson; do. zags, Miss K. Camp
ba:l. T. Johnson; Best wool yar
homespun. I3. Neeb, J. Deeher, sr
tidy, crochet cotton, Miss V. Maass
tidy, knittedcotton, -11. Neeb, W. Ra
der, Afghan or 'slumber rug .in silk
Mrs. G. -Hess, T. Johnston; ;cotton
stockings. J. Brown, 1I. Neeb; han
sewing, II. •Well; woolen stocking
knitted fine, H, Neeb, W. Battler
woolen stockings knitted coarse, W
13rrttler; wool mitts knitted fine, II
Neeb, Mies A. 'Carlisle; wool mitts
knitted coarse, W. Battler, W, Ra
dem blankets home -shade wool, .7
Decker. sr.; blankets, home-made. un
ion, 1i .Rader ; ;•Yuiit sewed on ground
work, II. Well, H. Rader.
.'pe rials—Lunch cloth,- Miss Mc-
Grt or; jewel case. Miss V. Maass.
.J udges, Mrs. W. Fritz, Grand Bend
Mrs. Wm, Baker; Zurich.
011 painting. portrait, J..0. For-
rest lst and 2nd; oil painting-•. land-
sc!ipe, T. Johnston. J. G. Forrest
water color, landscape, 3'. G. Forrest
1st and 2nd; crayon work portrait,
T. G. Forrest; Oil or water color.
flowers, F. Wickwire, J. G. Forrest ;
pencil drawing, J. G. iI3'orrest, Mrs,
0. Mess; painting- on Telt, J. G. ;For-
rest ; painting on silk, V. Wickwire,
Miss V, Maass,.
Judge, R. 'Campbell. Zurich,
Collectionof blowers, E.. •App,J1,H1]ss
N. 'Campbell; maple leaf, a. Johnson
bou:luet of flowers, Miss E. 'Camp-
bell, T. Johnson; Geraniums, Miss
Campbell; Cacti, T. Johnston ; Krill.
Lilies, R. R. Johnston; Tansies, J. G.
Forrest, Miss K. Campbell; 1Euchias,
T, Johnston, Miss K. Campbell.
Judges, J. D. Merner, Zurich, R.
•,T. Drysdale, Hensel'.
s,1 daily passing along. Shipping at
e Goderich has been exceptionally
good this season, and this no doubt
- accounts for the boats pursuing a.
n line,so close to shore as to be plainly
seen from. the village of Drysdale,
Mr, A. Reid assisted by W.
' Palmer of Varna oonducted the
d service in the Union Oburt)h, last
s Sunday morning. Brothers Reid
; andPairner are speakers with
• particularly good theological at-
, tainn.ents and labor unceasingly
to demonstrate the Gospel truths
in an acceptable and instructive
manner, which. always meets with
the general approval of their
Mr. A. Horner succeeded in
obtaining a prize for his fine
brown driver at the Zurish ex-
hibition. Albert's knowledge of
good horses acquired in this way
enables hint to recognize e, valuab-
le animal when he sees it. The
writer congratulates Mr. Horner
on his success in this case.
Two very pretty weddings were
celebrated in this vicinity on Tues-
day last, Events of this character
are always hailed with joy by the
young people. Even the bachelors
themselves look forward to that
happy day when they also shall
stand ander an arch of evergreens
in some pretty decorated parlor, or
on some spacious lawn and thereby
share in the . inexpressible joys
which always surround these
matrimonial events,
Miss Rooke, who has spent the
past week as a guest at the home
of Miss L. Romer, has returned to
her home in London.
Tho consistent high prices paid
for Wheat and other coarse grain
have caused the farmers to realize
that the present markets are ex-
ceptional ones and consequently
nun.erotis loads are daily drawn
Mr. J. Nicholson of Wintlarop
was recently a visitor in our burg.
.Toe always likes to renew oltl
scenes in and around the village
of Drysdale
Mr, T. Westlake was a guest at
the home of Mr. S. Cleave, last
Sunday night.
Mr. A. Orr has secured a situa-
tion with D. Oantelon, apple pack-
ing firm., and is at present engaged
in barreling up the fruit for the
Mr. H. W. Talbot the veteran
thresher, who for the past three
or four weeks has been creating for
himself an enviable record has
I arrived. on the line and is engaged
in shelling out the grain for the
farmers Mr. Talbot has been en.
gaged in threshing operations for
some twenty years and judging
from his appearance, he will bo
good for twenty more.
The library which is at present
installed in the Drysdale public
school, is daily becoming more ap-
preciated by the teacher and the
various pupils of the school. The
numerous books, periodicals and
magazines contained in this small
but beautiful library, materially
assist in awakening the slumbering
genius within the students and in
stirnuliuting and impelling them to
noble thoughts and actions.
Navigation on Lake Huron is
very brisk ac present and the pas-
sing wayfarer can observe boats
A pain prescription is printed
upon each 250 box of Dr Shoop's
Pink Pain Tablets. Ask Eyour Dr
or Druggist if this formula, is not
complete. Head pains, womanly
pains, pains anywhere get instant
relief from a Pink Pain Tablet.
Sold by J J Merner.
Mr. Philip Fassold and Mr. Mark
Brokenshire attended the Fair at
Seaforth, on Friday.
Mr. Henry L. Kraft is now run-
ning his cider mill every day with
the exception. of Saturday,
Mr. Joseph Willert has purchas-
ed the village property of Mr.
Simon Miller, and will move in the
A great many from here attended
the Exeter Fair this year and all
seem pleased with the results. Mr.
Philip Fassold succeeded in
getting third place for his driver
out of a class of thirteen.
The Misses Lousia and Bertha
Etat left last week for Detroit,
where they have secured employ-
The Misses Lillian and Theo
Hartleib left on Saturday. to at-
tend Normal School at London.
Mr. Wesley Miller succeeded in
capturing First prize for his three
year old -.,river.at .Zurich Fair; one,.
Tian Misses Maida Routledge„
Martha Ue'strc'ieher and Tillie
:biller attended tho,V. 1'. A. con-
vention tit Stratford, heat wreck.
airs Miller is visiting her Haugh•
tor, on the GoshenLine,
The ninny friends of Mr. ,iueob
lifin yrtn£tn will be pleased to learn
that of late he is making s'ornti
improvement and though slow it
may be hoped that he will finally
be gree from trouble.
A doable wedding tciok place on
Tuesday in St. Peter's church
Drysdale, the parties being Miss
Josephine Bedard. to Mr. John
• (.'ndnttc, of Pain Court and Miss
Exee]ia litue, to -Mr. Tnseph S.
Bedard of Chatham, Full parti-
culars next week.
It is in time of sudden mishap or
accident that Chamberlain's Lini-
ment can be relied upon to take
the place of the fancily doctor, who
cannot always be found at the
moment. Then it is that Chamber-
lain's liniment is novsr found
wanting. In cases of sprains, cuts.
wounds and bruises Chamberlain's
Liniment takes out the soreness
and drives away the pain. Sold by
J J Merner.
LITTLE—At Zurich, on the 28th
Sept , to Mr. and Mrs. H. H.
Little, a daughter.
Royal 'liousehol
Five Roses
or other Brands of• Flour from Rannie's Flour
and Feed Store. The best in Groceries at close
Prices. All kinds of Feed on hand.
Highe&t.price in Cash paid for Butter and Eggs