HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-10-01, Page 43 I IFt! a :� , 4 y '��� r: v � ..ata. :w�. ��i ,,{.��1 Iracor•pox atecll 1855 ttv G'1 es Zurich Branch - J. A, CONSTANTINE, Agent r pee gee 13u'eD t -s. ED eel eDnfe Eli eeMeee =0,0DG + to Has 65 Branches in Canada, snd Agents and Correspondents in ale the Principal Cities in the World. at A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, IS WINGS BANK DEPA TMENT , .-r,,.,,,vr�-.,. •,.�.. ,,=.,.,cue,r .._ .,,, .b-m-,n."*.cr'r-tWaxi AmEr...�,r- CAPITAL 'REST FUND $3,500,000 $3,500,000 • at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. LEGAL CARDS. 43. J.1), (OOIiH, BARRISTER AND SO- • neater, Notary Public, :Ieneaii... Ontatte. At Zurich (Zeller's ogee) every Mon- aaty. PROL=!)FOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, .PAR- t-ieters, Moli•.it•ors, Notaries Peelle, etc., tee:ere:h, Canada. W. Proudfoot. K.C. lt. t . nays. G. P. ]daily. PEI3LISRED BI B. TELLER, FRIDAY OCT. 1st, 190e W. C. T. U. n.!<:0fy.L THE CRY OF THE TWO-THIRDS ' '!N, for. t::':- Jensen, Ger- :von et Opthail- Golden . ,l�itaal, noneriti ,it!on to t:. Eyes •.'t) and ONT. Aline tteleitilien Exeter. cal:•, tron:luctel in all parte. Satis- saeunit guaranteed or t:.3 pay. Tends •t:,,.tmabie. Oi'irro Int at this oiiice will be promptly attendee tt?. ANIil Els' F. liE': , l'Illk: IN t goat. ropie t'1a' ing the I vi:in. 1•, ,at.t ,u ei e ttcrieo, :gumtree, eutnd- ard. `;Veliin_&ten eet,1 t;u trdiau. Every - tithe; e; in file Inset -eaten DR. P. A. SELLER Y, DIN TIi T, GI A- •.- x n t, • J '• a t•r1I c ; 'i I)euta [f a, 2'uroute, also nenor grade - a, e „f Dee ,rtn .>f enti •tr} . To- ronto it a it;, 1'ai111t E+:tr.tctinit or t<3eth Mete •,•tyle :t eruct iality. _lt I)orai.ti.: t ,; .n;:•, ''Invite, evte11 :,Ion - de. 7 -'-i "I ].now, Jack how willingly you'd take my' e'place, hut its all my Fault. I knew all along I could not tamper with the stuff that had ruined use : my reason eondemmed me I had everything to hold me haek, but 1 threw it all aside you and Helen and-Dorry. Jack I am • self stain. and nobody to blame but myself, nobody can help me." "Except your Lord," said his brother, "no, not even Him, now, I would not let Him before, I cannot 'now, It is too late. too late 11 Helen's- purity shrinks from eon tar. t with rue, how much more His?" "Now you mistake, Maur. ice. He i:: not like us. Even Helen is net to be compared to Him. That night while his patient seemed to seep, John sought his sister. She ;was in the parlor pacing back and I forth, restlessly. How strange that Manx -ice should be sick and she away i'ro'n his side. "Helen," :said John gently, "Helen, Ihuve 1 came to tell you that your husband its dying." She started nervously and eanght him try the sleeve. "Lie is dying in darkness" said the !doctor. •'He will soon be in the. presence of God, I3uve you done , all you can to teach hint the liter enri a fT im".' 'i))'assion o the t eerieur of Men?" "Oh, John, what can I do?" -Yen can forgive bat) Helen." "I do, weeping, I do forgive ]rine." "Forgive and shun ! Ilelsn, is that the way our Lord forgives? Is that the impression - i yen would give Maurice of our ;Christ?" Still she wept, what chap I du "What you would wish done even you iii his place." He rose to go, but she put out a detaining' E. 7I•ILL'a ctaNV.r.l'ANt•Eit .1Ni) enettry Pe,4.c. 1!e;. .11,41t:atges, Nettie and other Leant noeutnelthl nitre fully ani a.rr::r.. l ;aa•llareel. OBirt)-leneto ?nen,. owe - hand. "Oh, John, 1 want to forgive. MUSIC, lain), but my whole being refuses to - - go to him. Help me. John, help e IS e-• �iAAS -•l?r ell rye's fine : That is beyond my power, ▪ Preeils for the Toronto ('on- ; Helen ; yon need a stronger friend servatt)t;y of 1lusic and other . than I now. So he wont cut and Centres_ she went to her knees- 'tinny ArltlrF : have been an hour afterwards.' Ia.Tti..:t:ax I'at:.�te�::u=x, lurirh. .lohn sat bolding his brother's hand, when the door opened and Helen entered. "Helen," said. her • Husband feebly, and held out his hand to her. John detected the 50 acres, all gond Earl, „;unci haul. , shudder that went through her barn, frame house, all in acuncl repair. The frame, as she put her own into the farm is wen drained, plenty of gond water clatitnm ratlnl. "I do not blame and will he sold for :7::100o.00. Apply to ! you, deal that you find it so herd I:.'Zoller, Zurich' to forgive g' me, you must not blame !yourself. But now that I sun going to die, yon will try to think kindly of me, tier the sake of the past � 1 g v Court Zurich No. 12401 darling -yon will try?" he pleaded. C %. • . meets every l:st ants sr'el ! "Yes, yes." she murmured "I do, Thursday of each month at 8 o'clock p. rn. t I do." He pressed her hand, oh, in the A. 0. U. W. Hall. i so feebly ! "And God forgives you I, J. eleneena, C. 11too," she added eagerly, "you must believe that, He is so dif• A,f i, T W Rickbeil Lodee • ferent from me ; He is like John, �J' tHe forgives and loves you ; loves o • • • Ne. 3 a3, meet, . you as dearly as if you never had the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month, at 8 o'clock, in their Hall, Merner B1oelt. done wrong. "Loves" said the Fee" Wrrwee \1 w, dying man, catching at the word that voiced his hunger "Oh, Helen HELP WANTED are you sure He loves such as me?" ' •Yes, yes," she answered. "Loves Girls wanted, operators on Lad and forgives a murderer?" he ask- edies waists and tivliitetvear. Good slowly. John saw the light 'wages. Steady work. figure quiver and it was .his voice The Star Whitewear M"fg. Co. that replied "yes." "And a Berlin, Ont, suicide?"he questioned. John met the honor of two blue eyes lifted suddenly to his, yet he answered A commercial traveller on his as tenderly as before, yes, Maurice, way to Toronto from Owen Sound He will forgive anything; love tells a good story of a than up in anyone who will let Him. "1 that "dry" town who got a circular believe you Jack," he said as if stating that for $2 a certain whole- forgetful .of the presence of his sale firm in a distantlocality would wife ; 'you never have deceived send him a keg of hard stuffs He me ; have always loved nie through sent the bank note and smacked everything," and his eyes closed as his rips in anticipation. In clue if in sleep. Then John gently dis- time the keg came, but instead of engaged Helen's hand from his being filled with old rye malt or brother's and led her to the door, corn juice, it was filled with scrap "God bless you," he whispered as iron, and was accompanied by a he let her. go. Another day dawned letter stating that it wasn't hard and still Maurice lingered -so enough they'd send hirn a keg cif strong a hold has even a thread of spikes at the usual i`ates. It was life on life. During the forenoon fun to see that Owen Sounder going Helen again sought his side., HIS around trying to kick himself for eyes were closed when he smiled. • being "sold" at his own price, and said; "Thank you love," with FOR SALE. LODGE MEETINGS. T h. e 2111Hr.h Herald. a touch of h's olden court lines., As she looked down on him she knew she ought to kiss the lips that spoke so graciously, and even as she thought they opened again. "If you could forget what I am for a nomeiit, Helen, and remember me only las I once was, could you not kiss me?" he said. "Oh, yes, yes," she cried brokenly, anxious to pioafte him. As her lips touched his he cl!>eped her closely, but it was a deathly face that lay on his bosom ; he spoke into deaf ears ; she had fainted. He lay in a stupor most of tele time. It was in one of his intervals of oonsciousness that he said. "Ithink she made a mis- take John." "No, I think not," answered his brother, catching at once the drift of his thought. 'She married the only man she ever loved." Later he said ; • "I do need to ask you to look out • for Helen and the baby, John; you always Have." "And I always will, Maur- ice." The sick man put out his thin handand drew one of John's between his own. "Oh, John, true brother !" he mermured. Then a little after : "Is there not a verse somewhere in the Bible that calls Jesus our Elder Brother? I could almost believe in Him, when I think get you Jack," •'Almost? said John;: brokenly," oh, no dear brother, you can trust Him alto- gether. but'the invalid had drifted again into unconsciousness ; yet he seemed to have caught the words, for be, spoke of the Elder Brother several times that day, whispering to himself Once as John prayed aloud he , said, "I hope, Jack, I hope !" after awhile he murmured that it wds growing dark and he bad. far to go. "But our Elder Brother will go with you" "yes. I Know, you always stuck to me, old fellow, was the wandering reply. (To be continued) Ethel M, Williams, Pres.. Supt. To quickly check a cold, druggists Are dispensing e ' erywhere. a clever Candy ColeVere Tablet called Pre- ventics. Preyentics are also fine for feverish children. Take Preventics at.the sneeze stage, to bead oil' all colds. Box of 48-255. Sold by J J I1erner. • y. The third quarterly meeting for this yea i the Huron County -the Yronnt ,44,sn's soemtion was held in M. 0. A. . C. me to Christian Win;ham,en the Association rooms, Tuesday evening, Sept. 21. Present were Messrs. G. F Blair, 1 Gederieh; J. Scott, Clinton ; Mr 1 R. Maxwell. Wingham, and County Secretary Fleeting After devotional exercises by, elessrs. Inerning and Scott. tho ininutes of theprevious meeting were read and oonfirrned. The treasurer's report, which was as follows, was then received. Receipts for the quarter just closed..... $453 35 Disbursements............. 455,46 Balance in treasury .at end of quarter......... 245 ail Estimate_l receipts for remaining quarter of the year .393m Expenditures • .. 585.00 Probeltle deficit for year 191.50 The treasurer Mr. Scott, recons• mended that the localities not yet canvassed for the year be canvass. ed for the probable deficit, which received the approval of the Com- mittee. Mr. Scott recommended that an effort be made by the Committee, to put the budgets for future years upon a permanent basis, by solicit- ing pledges to remain in force year after year, and termihatble at any time the pledger • finds himself unable to continue the pledge, by giving notice to the treasurer to this effect. This would obviate the necessity. of making a yearly canvass, with its attendant un- certainty. It was proposed by Mr. Blair and duly' passed that the County Secre- tary be authorized to take up with the Provincial Committee the mat- ter of transference of membership from any County Association to any town or. city Association, to the end that any young man leav- ing a local association at any time to go to the city, may have the balance of his year's membership allowed in the City Association without further costee the same transference • to be made always through the County Secretary. The departmental sub -commit. tes, vis., physical, social, education- al and religious, ;were asked for their policies and plans: of,, work. for the year in' these various de- partments. As these were only of a suggestive char toter they were, referred.baek to the oomrnittees for more definite crystallization, after which these sub•cOmniittees are authorised to carry their plans into effect, The' oounty Secretary reported the following : work done during the.guatrter by the .17ca1 associ.a- ;rio is t 2 Bible Study sessions with an average attendance of 20 15, Sunday afternoon meetings of sacred song with an average of 15 taking part. 2 Athletic meets with 36 and 38 entries respectively, and attended by an average of 200 people. 10 Social events with an average attendance of 23. • 20 Physical events of 23 taking part. Evangelist Mason has been se- cured for a month's work in the County to begin Omit October the 5th. Mr, Flemieg also reported favorably on the work he accomp- lished, and the benefit and inspira- tion he received, at the Silver Bay Conference and Training Institute. The pleasant purgative effect ex Reviewed by all who use Chamber- lrain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and the healthy condition of the body and mind which they create, males one feel joyful. Sold by J J Merner. A DISINTERES2ED OPINION. Farmers, are • you acquainted with The Weekly Farmers Sun? It claims to be an indepenrtent jour- nal for farm and home. The claim is fair, It is a clean paper, there- fore fit for the home. It is part- icularly adapted to the farm llotne because it is edited and published with a view to interest every person in the home -the old and young, finale and female -all may read it regularly with profit. Its market page we consider equal to the best in the Dominion for farmers. This is no paid notice or puff ; it is our candid opinion, and we unhesitatingly recommend The Sun to every farm house in Canada It is one dollar a Year, and good value:for the money. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has beoome famous for its cures of coughs, colds. croup and influenza. Try it when in need, It contains no harmful substance and always gives prompt relief . Sold by J J Mern er, BLAKE Miss Weida Stevens paid a flying visit to her home hero last Sunday. The annual meeting of Blake Branch Bible Society, will be held this (Friday) evening at 7.30. Rev. Mr. Cosous of Clinton accompanied by Rev 1,1x. Tttvlc of r ,n ''- aiddresr secrete M,•. Ery. Eilber 141. L. A. was tale village on Tuesday, taking in the Insurance Assessment. John Douglas has re roofed his dwelling with galvanized material. Mr. Garber bad the job. The rural Mail Delivery boxes have arrived and are now ready for use. in Cold weather garments -we have them -quality the best. Do not fail to see our immense stock of fur ruffs, stoles, fur -lined coats, ladies mantles etc. Our values are unsurpassed. .1 Preeter. Hoarseness in a child subject to Croup is a sure indication of the apprelach of the disease, 12 Cham- berlain's Cough Remedy is given at once or even after the croupy cough bus appeared, it will prevent the attack. Contains no poison. Sold by J J Merner. Few people are aware of the immensity of the Canadian Pacific Railway. In addition to the rail- way itself and its equipment and the immense land holdings, the company owns and operate:i no fewer than flf ty-seven steamships. This total includes the company s Atlantic and Pacific fleets, its British Columbia and Alaskan coastal service and its Great Lakes line The earnings of the company for the year ending June 30th, 1900, amounted to $76,313,320, while the working expenses for the same year amounted to $53,357,748, thus leaving a surplus of $23,955,572. The earnings of the company for the year named were made up as follows, From passengers, $20,153,- 000 ; freight, $48,182,520 ; mails, $779,822 ; sleeping cars, express, elevators, telegroph, etc., $7,198,- 977. ' Go to the. blood, if you are to drive out rheumatism. A Wisconsin physician, Dr Shoop, does this with his Rheumatic Remedy -and with seeming suoness. Rub -ons, says the doctor, never did curerheuanatism. It is more than skin deep -it is con- stitutional, always. Because of this principle, Dr Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy is perhaps the most popu- lar in existence. It goes by word of mouth from one' to another, every- where, Grateful patients gladly spread results. It is an act of . hu- manity, to tell the sick of a way to health. Tell some sick one, Sold by J .3 - We W e halve a 'inn stook of 'furni- ture,. 'urni-tura. We sell at lowest'•:.prices, Call and get prices. At I3aartleib's See our malleable iron steel range, $20 less than the Peddler's price and a far larger stcve, with latest improvements, These stoves should comand e quick ,sale, .At Hartleib' ,, MARKET REPORT, -The fol- lowing is the report of Zurich, markets corrected up to Thursday,. Barley 46*to 50 Peas...... 70 Bran 2200 Shorts .. 22,00 2&00 Oats .. 35 36 Wheat „ , , 96 97 Hay 7,00 8,00 Driea apples .. , . 6 6 Clover seed • . 5.00 5.75 Potatoes ........ 45 45 Butter 18 18 Eggs ...... 22 22 Hogs liveweiget 8.00 HENSALL MARKETS Gook's Best Flour 3 00 Wheat 98 98 Oats 37 37 Barley 55 55 Peas • 70 70 Hogs liveweight .. 8.00 Stomach troubles would more quickly disappear if the idea of treating the cause, rather than the effect, would come int) pratiee. A tiny, inside, hidden nerve, says Dr. Shoop, governs and gives strength to the stomaeh. A branch also goes to the hears, and one to the kid- neys When these "inside nerves" fail, then the organs must falter. Dr Shoop's Restorative is directed specifically to these failing nerves. Within 48 hours after starting the Restorative treatment patients say they realize a gain. Sold. by J J Merner. ubb ng rates. 1W -We have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with -Trip I3v:I;..X.LD : Daily Globe $ 4.25 ,, Mail & Empire 4,25 Weekly Globe •. . 1.60 „ Mail & Empire 1.60 Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2.75 Weekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sun 1.75 Farmer's Advocate 2.211 4J The wholesome, harmless green leaves and tender stems of a lung h.ealingmountau o s shy h give., bronchial coughs•'"quickly and sane ly yield to this highly effective Cough medicine. Dr Shoop assures m others that they can with safety give it to even very young babes. No opium, no chloroform -absolu- tely nothing harsh or harmful. It calms the distressing cough, and heals the sensitive membranes. Ac- cept no other. Demand Dr Shoops. Sold by J J Merner. One of the most welcome among the many exchanges which conte to our desk is Tho News, of Toron- to. The News bate recently made wonderful advances, so much so that old friends of the paper would hardly recognize in this great Canadia,nnewspaper the olcl News of a few years ago. The News now contains from fourteen to twenty pages eaoh day, with twenty-four to thirty-two on; Saturday. A specialty is made of political and Parliamentary news and questions affecting the welfare of the public receive fair editorial treatment by clever writers. We are safe in saying that there is no paper more widely quoted in Canada and its cartoons are reproduced by many of the leading journals. Through an arrangement made with The News we are able to offer Trns HER- ALD and The News in a club for one year at the remarkably cheap. price of $2.20. Youi cough annoys your Keep on hacking and tearing the delicate membranes of your throat if you want to be annoyed, But if you want relief, want to be cured, take Ohamberlain's Cough Remedy Sold by J J Merner. Pair of apers ATA BARG,A9 N M0 New Subscribers we offer that popular paper -The Fara ily Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal and this paper FOR. ONLY 25 CENTS Send in your naive and , do it 10W; to4aay. . TfE IIERALD, Zurich