HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-10-01, Page 1Vol. X.
k • .
The Official Organ of Zurich and Uy Township )
Mr. S: Hardy of Exeter was in
town on Tuesday.
A quantity good hard wood for
sale, at Hartleib's.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jeffrey left
on Friday for GranCagorks, N. D.,
to visit relatives.
Mrs, Dilinan Kraft, Mrs. Jacob
Sehoeman and Master Irwin Fink
trom Preston, are visitors at the
Lutheran Parsonage.
Misses Nettie and Mary Demuth
returned to their home in Ashland,
Wis., on Friday, after an extended
visit with friends and relatives, in
this vicinity.
Cell in and see the malleable'
steel range, its the kind yon can
not break with a sledge, It will
not cost more than cast -one. At
Mr. James /Cameron, formerly
teacher at Hillsgreen has taken
Mr. McLeod's place as principal of
the pnblio school, for the balance
of the year.
We would call the attention of
readers of Tin HERALD to °lir
clubbing offer with The News, To-
ronto, whereby they can obtain
the two papers for $2.2o. Tbe
News is unquestionably one of the
most influential papers published
in Canada, its editorial comment Losr-On Zurich FairDay, a collie
being quoted from one end of PriP, black, 'with white Markings.
Canada to the other. For any.one Name, "Sport." Plettee notify
wishing to keep in tonch with Wm. Ruby, Zurich. P. O.
Canadian -affairs, there is 110 better . Mr. Ed. Dummy has , sold, his 30
eiaper than The News- Sample acres in the Lake Road West to Mr.
copies can be obtained by drePPing Ale- Mo -,,s and has purchased Thiel. The wedding.' match was
a post -card to this officethe imetiere farm on the Town pledbv Miss Ida. leippela and the
Misr.; Elizabeth Truemner attend-
ed. the Goderich Fair this week.
Mr. Fred Humphreys is employ-
ed as clerk in Mr. 0. Hartleib's
hardware store.
220O,00prisaate funds to loan at
on good farm security. Apply
to E. Zeller, Zurich.
Mr. August Weseldh. of Berlin
was in town this week, attending
the wedding of his niece,
Mr. Wm. Weide and wife, of
Dennox Mich., are visiting rel-
atives here this week: •
Owing to the wet weather the
Fair day races had to be declered
off, The traok was altogether too
soft and muddy.
Mr. John Durst and Mr. Lesslie
Flick of Colborne, were callers at
the -Evangelical parsonage during
the Fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wickens,
of Ingersoll spent the past week
with the latter's parents, Mr. and.
Mrs. Johnfley Sr.
Mr. Hy. Bolden and -wife, of
Pleemi, Mich., are visiting friends,
and relatives in this vicinity at
Mrs. Cl. Holtzman, who has been
ill for some time, is slowly improv-
ing and is able to be out of bed
pari of the day.
Roe, John Miller will prteech at
the Baptist Church, Sunday morn
ing at 10.30 a, M. The public is
respectfully invited to attend.
. o. 10
See our kitchen stove, 20 ia,
oven with reservoir, oot0. Oe wood,
for $16.00. A.t Hartleib'eas
The concert given btr thehewers
of London on Fair night, proved
succese, and those who attended
were pleased with the performance,
Mr. S, Rennie is build. a stable
at the rear of his, new Louses
Building operationi 3C•EE fairly
brisk bore the past summer, and
many changes and. irnprvements
are noted. •
Merner's evaporator is running
full blast and. entploys uearly
twenty hands, Two 'power teselers
are added, run by a 'small gasoline
engine, which was installed -11- Mr.
F. Hess Sr.
. We are in receipt ef eprogram
of the Teachers' Irta*arite, of
Huron Co, Mich., from' our friend,
formerly of Zurich, Mr,20.:F. Hey,
commissioner of school* tor that
County. The meeting is being held
this week at Bad Axe. 'There are
1.05 teachers in the County and 122
school districts,
A very, pretty eveddirte was
solemnized in St. PeterWitietheran
Church on Tuesday 00 28t1i of
September; when Miss Oliva, eldest
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. 11. Wese-
lob, was united in marriage to Mr,
William Thiel, eldest son of Lir.
and Mrs. Andrew Thiele The bride
was charmingly attired ' iti white
silk and carried a bonsfnet of wnite
asters. She was attended 'by her
sister, Miss Alvada, WeeIr el., who
wore a very pretty .' gl..'n of mile
blue silk. The groom. '347,.;t4 ably as-
sisted by his brother, ..Mr. ,Elmore
A 'very earl event occurred here
On Thursday evening, in the death
ot Mrs. jamb Kipters daughter of
'taw/ A 44,
Under the management of
one and. all to Viblt iny
store for Up-to-date Hats
Farm Produce taken in Exchange.
ll ICH
3 J3 , .t
Line, from Mrs, ,Tolin ,Johnston. ceremony was performed ky Rev, Q
Lr. Leon eet!rey has his dwol: 0. 0, J. Maass, after Was,,'-ieli. the
. .
Hag up .froin- St. Joseph and is happy couple repaired toPb home
Mr. Jacob Moyer. The deceased i basy with :the cement fonndationof the bride, where tiAssOeasived
was a victim of Bright's disease, It will be a oreditalale -addition to the congratulations of tt:.isi,esteuds. QA
and as other complications, set in, the 'wrest end. The guests, ' abouts4V :'ea....taneber, A
-.• ,„,.,..t.ls., ,if, --- ,v.,-..:-., , . sat .doven' to te very suttee'''.t'?cl .
•. 4....,,
and are fitted right. The
Any kind of shoe you- set
out for, m all the latest
styles. We are showing
some very fine lines in Wo-
men's and ;Ilen's Tan and
Ox Blood Oxfords this season
and the' stock is winning'
friends every day. . The marcyou. see of
eta„,se ate . -dove to r , , -caTarat
'.. bringher through. She NNTS about the at CS , 1
.Alt to
thirty-eight years of ege, 'and - gram next Tuesday evening, at 8
' leaves. besides a sorrowing Mee. o'clock. Come and bring your
band, her aged parents, and a , friOnds• ,
number of brothers and sisters The local telephone exelienee
and many friends 'Who sincerely.; has ninety subscribers connected.
mourn her early death. The funeral! A new switch board will shortly be
on:Sunday, was largely attended I installed to isecomodate a timber
and was conducted by Rev. Noah i of town subscribers. The new
Stauffer of- Berlin, the interment i board Will have a capacity of
taking piece in the Mennonite 1 eighty individual lines and twenty
cemetery, C4oshen Line. ' rural party .lines.
414 r
cettnle v(?ere serenadeten tit.••.11.1b1,-
lee Silacir Band. .Mr.t . „and .Mrs.
Thiel were the recipieneA of many
beautiful ancl costly presents,
which showed the high esteem in
which the young couple is held
by their many friends and relatives
in partictilar, and the eitizens of
the Village in general. Mr. and
'Mrs Thiel will make Zurich their
future home. Along with. many
friends, TH
HE ERALD extends con-
refinement and individuality
'because they are made right
of style shows for itself.
alley represent built-in
its and are such shoes- as
we like to sell.
et o
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With ill .%.! cool days here and your fall requirements urgent demaudino•attention, we ,..,,oe t.:. yoUr. v.s.i.:',.1..,•.., ',,,1 ..':i.
tile gTeat arr. ' c.)f eold weather necessities ever displayed in ill -is storAll e. our enorgy, a%11;i1 ion. and ,r3:1:i=.111-:--,91. iy
(ted towa.rd giving Hit) ' buying publio, the hest of evcrything. 1,.:,r 'the lemt money' Inspeotiolioin I'viii ,-i:•;,!. -.;:',...
surprise you and a eoinparison of values will convince you.
LA TM 0,5' MAN
Our1ineof Ladies' Coats Old Mantics for fall and winter wear is
now complete and comprises the latest lied best that this season's styles •..
Have product d. They are Made in the most approved outs, in all.,
the latest -cloths and colons, and prices are right. Call and lookthrough
our stock!whether you buy or not.
Our storqis still to the front with the largest and best selected
stock of Dress Goods ever displayed in Zurie,h. Plain and fancy stripe
suitings, Trieatine, Venetians'Santry, Melrose, Corded Velvet, Costume
Cloth, Duchess, etc., etc. In fit We carry all the most popular lines in
all shades and colors. .
t 1,711
tlr, litto, JAL 9
Al LL& P1/4,4 T3 RY OPE N. ri r'sj, a
We have been fortunate this season 111 again seerito..; 11.10*
of Miss Colvin to take charge of our Milliner,. l(8('( (11,1)
fallopening will take place on E DN ES DAY, 4.11:1°'1'. R,lean
following days; mid we cordially iuvito the heflts, Zesnse 911,1
vicinity to 'visit Our Llilfln&ry Department', where the laiest in hals and
trithmings for fall wear is on display.
Washing Machines. Etc.
Our leader in Washing 'Mach-
ines is the Themo. They run easy
arid' w ash clean. We have a
wringer, with covered cot!: wheels
at same pride as the old kind. See it.
4 !tit
/ 0 9
and ail F rni Produce taken
at Highest Market Prices..
Fall is 5 good time for paintieg.
around the home. We carry a full
line of' the hhcrwin:Willint paints
and varnishes, made to panrt eyerea
thing from a chair to a hoie4e.
Stoves, Ranges, He tters.
Do not fail to see our line of
Peninsula.): and Grand Jewel Rang-
es before you buy. Every Fent,
• fully guaranteed. As pet feet
ers they cannot he excelled, We
also carry a full line of Oak Heat.
Basehuruers, and Air Tight
Petitevs. Cill and get pries before
you buy.
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