HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-08-27, Page 4The Herald.
D4311102.4411KIREDSIDON11043>41,1111WASIODGEMODOMI‘43D MID( odilipaa
ineorporated 1$55
CP.P1TAL $?:f5 0 0 , 0 0 0
REST FLDD S3,500,000 es
Has 65 Branches in Canada., snd Agents and Correspondents in all.
the Principal Cities in the World,
at all Branches.
Interest allowed at highest current rate.
- Ti. ARNOLD, Manager
Zieriele. Branch
s D4=11)131) oesseem3D ,tee GD
1-4114 =4,
lieiter, Notary Public, 'aensalf., Ontario. I
At Zurich (Zellee's office) every Mon-
: • • Soliciiors, Notaries Public, etc.,
• oh, Canada. W. Proudfoot. K.O.
• ` Pl‘ Hays F. Blair.
11. T. P. Aldr.,ATIGHLIN, for.
inerly with Drs. Jansen,
Haile and Biers, of Berlin, Ger-
Many;. also. assistant surgeon at
Moorefields' (Royal London Opt hal.
Into). eye Hospital and Golden
Square; Nose and. Throat Hospital,
London Ereila.nd, etc, General
practice, -with special attention to
eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes
tested.• (Retinoseope Used) and
glesses supplied. •
.PtrBLISHED BY E. zcnize.a.
FRIDAY ATJG. 27th. 1909
W. C. T. LI.
The doctor met George coming
from the coach house, and they
hastened back to the house toget1
Unlocking thnparlor door, he call-
ed to his brether, but there was no
answer, and Stooping closer he
found him a helpless heap on the
floor. "Thank God" whispered the
relieved man. Together he and
George bore the poor fellow to his
chamber, took off the few articles
of clothing he had flung on, and
then John turned once more to go
••He must not be left a moment."
he said. "You understand George?
We must bear this together. I will
relieve you when I can." Back to
the lone parlor and his knees he
went; he had no other resource or
refuge He felt he would be a,
maniac himself that night but for
that high tower. • 'Somewhere
AUCTIONEER, Exeter. there is light." Dear Lord. give
Sales conducted in all parts. Satis-
me enough to take the next step
action guaranteed or no pay
Terms anti hold. my lia.ncl. The house that
-easonable. Orders left at this office Dr. Droutly had brought this
Will be promptly attended to. strange company was an heir loom
in his mother's family and his by
heritage. John's farm. had _always
ANDREW F. IIESS, FIRE INSURAN- been fend for merriment in the
ce agent, representing the London, enmity, especielly with Mkturice,
.. Economical, Waterloo, Moutirch, *Stand- I
who dubbed it, the "Field Spar
to tell his secret of shame to any-
one. yet part of it, someone mast
share, He must confide in his old
friend, "Jane," he began, and
soinething in the voice she loved
smote her tree heart to sudden
alarm. "Jane," I am in trouble; 1
must trust somebody : I am sure
can trust you.Indeed you can
mastor john,.. you can trust your
old Jane till death and after it too,
sir. "Jane yen have heard nie
speak of little Dorthea,my brother's
elaild, zoy mother's namesake?"
His voice shook a little. I showed
you her picture when hero last.
'Yes, master John, I remember
well the wee bright face and sunny
curls." John unlocked the parlor
door, his back to his old friend,
"she is here Jane," "Derry our
,darlin g ;" with almest mech. "Why,
master John; in this cold room,"
John lifted.the small lamp and led
the way to the table. The woman
looked: at the quiet face without a
word. '•Lift a 'curl from the left
temple, Jane." She did and uttered
an exclamation of dismay. "Jane,
he said solemnly, and the sound of
his own voice startled him it was
,so strained, so, unnatural," "Jane.
Maurice is out in the barn chamber
in delirium tretaens " He stopped
abruptly, but she understood it all,
no need for further words. "God
help you, master John," she said,
"we inn.St Ft1 him, he was mad,
must go to Europe,
1? and she—Helen—
trolled voice broke
I um a very. weak man tonight
Jane, he • added humbly. "God
help you, master John ; again said
the woman,awl this time she laid
a loving hand caressingly on the
bowed bead.
(To be continued)
Ethel llet.
Pres.. Supt.
ve • 'uardiau. Every- en . ,, i •
ry Of ifs rockinees
hours, ne ss, in the youth
OR. 'F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- and arly manhood of the two,
the Royal College of Dental and in later years Maurice could
A te of
Surgeons, Toronto, also honor giele-
ate of D.epartment of Dentistry, To-
ronto -University. Painless extraction
not prevail on his brother to sell
t.••It is running to waste, and a
drain on your resources rather
At than an income," lie would say.
of teeth. Plate work a speciality.
Dominion House, Zurich, every Mo"Bm
ut y mother's burying place,
7 -26n -
day. brother." That generally silenced
Maurice now to the spot, made
E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND sacred by memories of youth and
Notary Public. Deeds, Mortgages, mother this man had come in his
Wills and other Legal Documents care darkest hour. It was a clear, cold
fully and promptly prepared. Office— I night as John Droutly crossed the
Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. yard from the door of the farm
-- house to the barn. The stars were
MUSIC shining brightly over head ; there
• was a stillness abroad as if all
nature slept while God kept watch.
* I S 8 V. MAASS, Prepares
But as be neared the barn bark!
As be opened the door, a shriek
that made tbe silence tingle with
horror. It was Maurice. With a
single bound.. John was over the
stairs at the door. George opened
it at his command and there -oh.
sight for human eyes • or eyes
FOR SALE. divine, there stood a man made in
the image of God robbed of his
heritage, grovelling under the
foot of the ruin devil. "God 1 God !
that was what this selfmade mad•
man cried, and an ice cold shudder
shook John's stout frame as he
realized how terrible beyond all
comprehension to the eare of the
dennned must sound that name
adorable beyond all utterance
to those who love their Maker.
Oh, Jack, saveme. save me! God!"
The manias sprang forward. seized
his brother pushed him before
him, as if to protect himself. ••He
is after me. See! There are ten
thousand devils at his heels. They
are after me—me—e-,e Ob, Jack,
sa.ve me. John stooped. above him,
clasped his arms about him—tender
protective arms. "I will save yon ;
nothing can touch yon, you are
safe with me,. trust me, will save
you." There—there ! and she is
with them Oh. Jack, see there's
blood on her brow, and so on over
and over, until at length exhausted
nature gn.ve way and the two men
got him into bed again and he
seemed to doze. All was still in the
house: Baby as if understanding
the exigency of the omission, slept
peacefully on the couoh. John
watched him a moment, then went
to the hall. He listened, inounted
the stairs and listened again, then
opened the chamber door noise-
lessly. A sleeping face on the
pillow and old Jane nodding in her
chair was what he SaW: He stepped
lightly to the servants side, touch-
ed her arm and with finer on his
lips, beckoned her to follow him,
It, was like death to this proud man
rum mad
you andersi
"The quiet
Pupils for the Toronto Con-
servatory of 'Music and other
Address :
Western Fair Attractions
Sept. 10-18
Programmes containing list of
attractions for the Western Fair
have justbeen issued, and thou -
'sands Of them will soon be scatter.
ed 'throughout the country. A
glance over it will satisfy the most
skeptical that it announces the
best programme ever presented to
Western ]?air audience. Ahnost
every person enjoys seeing well
trained animals, of which there
will be plenty this year. Herzog's
stallions, six beautiful black hors-
es, will perform twice daily on the
track before the Grand Stand.
Herbert's dogs and cats will be
both amusing and instructive. Ol-
son's Lions, tigers and bears will
show what patience andkindness
can do in training wild animals.
The elephant "Toddles" will amuse
the children.The Goodnight,
Horse "Mazeppa" is the wonder of
all who see the almost Truman per-
formance of this wonderful horse.
Tbe Holtnans, the De Monios, the
Greet Heres Family. the Flying
Dordens, and other famous troupes
will furnish a programme twice
daily. In addition to the above,
music will ' be given by the 7th
Fusiliers Band of London, and the
Band of the 9ist Regiment Cana-
dian Highlanders, forty-one men
strong, under the leadership of Mr.
H. A. Stares. Each.evening there
will be a magnificent display of
fireworks by Hand & Co fifty-eight
separate and distinct pieces, con-
cluding with that thrilling Pyro-
technic Marvel, "The' Battle of the
North Sea." Programmes and all
information sent on application to
the Secretary, A. M. HuntsLondon,
'Farm &sale, south half of lot 15, Con.
,12; Townshib of Hay. On this propel ty
•'.e.there th a good frame house, kitchen and
good Bank barn and hog home
aCre.o young orchard, and never
-ffillIng,,.supply of water. This farm is a
eltki3ii,,e1,ey soil and. in good state of culti
-vatiZthc�pVOnifltlY ituated VI miles
from. ZaiipbWon]d take a suitable pro.
pertyCO-P5.!611.1.0 aeres in exchange. For
terms feniVpiirtieulars apply to B. TREF-
PREY oriVel4ses, or to Taos. CAmraoN,
auctioneer, Farquhar P. 0. "
50 ,aereq, all goof:Hand, with" good bank
barn, frame house; ell in good repair. The
farm is well drained, plenty of good water
and will be sold 'for 83000.00. Apply to
E. 'Zeller,. &icicle
fr) 1.,Ti Court Zurich No, 1240
.4' 6 meets every let and ard
Thursday of each month at 8 cftlock. p.
in the A. 0. U. W. Ball.
• J., J. MEANER, C. U.
W. 1,o. Rick8 93, meet Lodge
.0 2nd. and 4th Priday of every month,
,8 o'clock, in their Hall, Merner Block.
Girls wanted, operators on Lad•
fes waists and whitewear. Good
was ;Steady work.
The c3tar Whitewear M.'fg, Ce.
-- -- '
Night Scene at Canadian National
Exhibition One to Live in
The "Electric City" will be a
fitting nein; for the Canadian
National Exhibition grounds at
Toronto th' year. All the big
buildings it , being fitted withexterior de ratinns of electric
light and they will turn the Exhi-
bition night,
of days. Thi
nto the whitest kind.
brilliancy added to
the martial zisie, the linavements
of troops and all the panoply of
display should make the night
scene at theOiieadittn• Nutional one
never to be • '..otten.
. -
The footprintsof Dyspepsia have
been directly traced to the Stomach
nerves When those "insidenerves"
fail, indigestion and stomach
distress !mastsurely result For
this, druggists eeery where are
supplying a prescription known as
Dr. Shoop'a Restorative. First.
these tiny inside Stomach, Heart.
and Kidney nerves fail. Then ga.s
belching. Heart palpitation. or
tailing Kidneys follow. Don't drug
the Stomach, or stimulate the
Heaat or Kidneys That is wrong.
Strengthen these failing nerves
with Dr. Shoop's Restorative. it
is the nerves, not the organs that
are calling for help. Within 48
hours a f ter starting the Restorative
treatment, you will realize the
gain. A test will tell. Sold by
Drive Rheumatism from the
"blood with Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic
Remedy. Tablet or liquid. For
Sale by J 5 Merner
Lot 3, conceSeion 9, township of
Hay, containing 100 acres. On
this property there is a. two storey
brick cottage:. large bank barn,
with shed an ,ement pig pen un-
der. Two ac S orchard, good sup-
ply of water, 8 acres of splendid
bush., Mostly maple, convenient to
church, school:and market. This
is a, beautiful home Nearly all
seeded down. Will sell reasonable
PossessionogIVeliin fall. Apply to
John Broderick, on premises, or
Sarepta P. 0. • •
Mr A Robinson' of Drumcp,
Ontario, hiis been troubled
years with Indigestidn,,.,, and -
commends Chamberlain's' stom
and liver tablets as "the best z
eine I ever used." If troubled
indigestion or constipatiou7
them a trial. They are cert0
prove benefioial: They are e
take and pleasant in effect
25 cents. Samples free at 3' 3
ner's store. .
Every farmer should have his
name displayed on his front gate.
The idea is by no means a new one,
nor is this the first time it was re
felted to in these columns. To a
person from the town or city tra-
velling through the townships it
would save long tramps to enquire
the whereabouts of Mr, So and So's
farm, and save the other Mr. So
and So the troublo of explaining.
The cost would he very little. com-
pared to the great convenience it
would afford. Just a white beard
with the name in black would
!easel -de and once
failiitt won
follow the.exan e. It. will never
cense the public to think that a
farmer is proud or seeking for pub-
licity to put lit,esnarne nn tee gate
as a matter of convenience to
the r
• s that
Atwood ...
Brigd en
Forest •
.. ....Sept. 28 -29
Oct. 5
Sept. 30 Oct. 1
Oct. 5, 6
Sept. 28 20
.Oct, 7
Sept. 29 3o
Oct. 2
Sept. 28 29 30
Kincardine.... , Sept. 22 23
Kirkton ..... Nept. 30 Oct. 1
Lucknow • Sept. 23 24
Listowel . Sept. 21 22
London Sept. 10-18
New Hamburg Sept. 16 17
.. ....Oct. 5 6
Rodney . .
Oct. 4 5
St. Mary . Sept.- 22 23
Stratford.-...... Sept. 28 29
Strathrey Sept. 20 21 22
Thedford.... ... ....Sept. 29
Wiax ton
Hon Frank Oliver, who has
recently returned from a trip to
,Europe, in speaking of prospects
for emigration from that quarter
to Canada says that the German
restrictions seem to be effective in
preventing immigration, not only
to Canada. but to any country.
There does not seem to be an
inclination on the part. of the
individual Frenchman. Hollander,
Belgian, or Dane to leave his own
country. The emigration from
Sweden and Norway is sent to the
United States, and owing to the
fact. that do many people from those
countries are settled in the United
States, it is impossible to divert
that immigration te Canada. Mr,
Oliver is of t'ie opinion that for
some time to come °amide will
get the/bulk of • its Scandinavian
settlers from the western Stutes
Sept. 20 21.s
• • • • • Sql).Pt.:.:,2§49:1.,
Aug. 30, to -Sept:p..13
Sept. 14 15
, Sept....23 24
Sept: 16 17-
.0ot, i3
"For twenty years I Suffered.
from a bad case of granulated sore
eyes, says Martin Boyd of Henriet-
ta, Ky." In February 1903, a
gentleman asked me to try Ohara-
berlain's Salve. I bought one box
and used abouts two-thirds of it
and my eyes huve.not given me any
trouble since." This salve is for
sale by J 5 Merner.
lowing is the report of Zurich,
markets corrected up to Thursday.
Barley .
Driest 13
Two Amaranth township farmers,
patrons of the Laurel cheese factory
have been convicted by Police
Magistrate Pattullo of watering
their milk. The milk supplied by
JCS. SMITH'S SIM VE one farmer was found to contain
eighteen per cent of water, and be
was fined $18,
Lord Strathcona, High Commis-
sioner for Canada in London, who
is now in hie ninetieth year; arriV-
ed in New York last week on his
way to make a flying trip through
Canada to Vancouver on the Pacific
coast. He appears to be in the best
of health.
Cuts, Bruises, Burns,Scalds, Chapped
Hands, Cold Sores, Chilblains, Boils,
Ulcers, Pimples, Running Soros, Poivened
Wounds, Sores, Ringworm, Strain, Sive'.
len linees, inflamed and all diseased, in
jured and irritated conditions of the skin,
Mr. Matthias Wurm of Zurich Ont., says
"I was bothered for scene time with a run
ning sore on my jaw, nobody knows how
painful it was. 1 doctored for some time
till I tried a sample of Joseph Smith's
Salve, and the result was so pleasiug that
1 secured a good supply. Joseph Sinith's
Salve eased the pain for the first time. 1
am cured. I am thankful indeed for my
cure and gladly give you permission to
publish my case,"
Mrs. Andrew Thiel of Zurich, • says:—
"For six months 1 suffered acutely from
sore breasts and doctored all that time, I
tried a sample of Joseph Smith's Salve. It
ewas different to everything else I had
tried and ib cured mo. I am grateful, for
the cure, as thieve never been trembled
with it since."
Price 50 cents per. h)x, 3 boxes for $1,50
Obtaiaed from BENnEs Zurich, 'Oa
4.5 to 48
• • 80
24 00 22 00
• 48 50
• 94 95
7.00 8 00
Butte,. 7
Eggs 20 20
Hogs liveweiget 7.55
Cook's Best Flour....... • 2.75
Wheat 1 15 15
44 45
50 10
Peas 84 50
Hogs liveweight 7.55
Pain anywhere stopped in 20
minutes sure with one of Dr.
Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. The
formula is on the 25 -cent box. Ask
yonr doctor or Druggist about
this formula! Stoles womanly
pains, headache, pains plywbera.
Write D. Shoop, Racine, .Wis. for
free trial, to prove valise of his
Headache. or Pink Pain Tablets.
Sold by J 5 Merner. •
Clubbg rates
esel1"Wo have made griangementse
to offer the following low cliebldinge ;4;
rates with Tar, FPI:RA.14:
Daily Globe $ 4.25 .*
„Mali & Empire • 4.25
Weekly Globe . . 1.60
„ Mali & Empire 1.60
Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 •
Family Herald & Star 1.75 ,.!*:.%.•
Daily Advertiser 2.75
Weekly Advertiser 1.50
Weekly Sun 1.75
Farmer's Advocate 2.25
General French, who is coming
out to Canada to look into the
military situation on behalf of the
Imperial Government, will make
only a short stay, but he intends
to visit the chief places of interest
if thy e permits,
Mrs. Eliza Woodstock, a young
woman of Beaver Creek, disappear-
ed ten days ago in the woods
around Cross Lake. She was found
in a demented condition, and was
taken to Rockwood Asylum.
A despatch from Ottawa says
that farmers up the Rideau, near
Newboro, complain of the des -
traction of their grain by grass-
hoppers of which tbeir are clouds.
Savings and
0 0 Loan Co.
HEAD ovviciE
Money adva,nced on
Farm Mortgages,
Prompt attention gry
to applioatiens f r ka