HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-08-20, Page 1T The Official Organ of Zurichncl Hay Township.1 Vol. X. FRIDAY. MORNING, AUG. 20, 1909, Frz, LOCAL NEWS. •Mr. Norman Kibler o Listowel is visiting relatives in town. Miss Susie Johnson returned home, after spencling'a week with friends near Bayfield. Mrs. J. B. Dennis of Galt is visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Holtzman. Mr. S. Rennie is showing signs of improvement from his severe illness. • Miss Clara Wenzel of Detroit visited at Mr, 0, Eilber's, last 'week. Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Johnson and family of Clinton, are visiting at the home of Mr. Thos. Johnson, Miss Graham and Miss Burk of Cleveland, are visiting with Mrs. J. J. Merner. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Merner of Elmira are in town. They returned recently from a trip to Europe. Miss Tillie Well of Toronto is in town this week, visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Well. Eight young pigs for sale. .Ready to be taken away any time. Apply to John Hey Jr., Zurich. Mr. and Mrs, John Foster, of • Pigeon Mich., are visiting the lat- ter's sister, Mrs. H. Warm and other relatives and friends in town. Mr. and Mrs, 3. Smith of Detroit paidMr. C. Trnemner and Mr. S. G. Merner a flying visit in their auto, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. • Hemberly of St Louis, and Miss Cleve, Wild of Nokomis Illinois. visited. on Tues. day with Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell. There will be a Public Mass Meeting in the Evangelical Church 14 con. on Monday evening com- meneing.at 8 o'clock, r-leizzibc2ti is in Miss Flossie Merner of the 14th Con., is visiting with friends in Milverton. Mrs. Turner and two children of Stratford, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. D, Book. Messrs. C. Hartleib and A. F, Hess were Detroit visitors,. over Sunday. Mr, Norman Prang entertained a number 'of young people at the home of Mr. Conrad Truemnor on Thursday evening last. An enjoy- able time was spent in music, games and other amusements. The Indian runners did not put in'an appearance on Friday even- ing, so a two mile race was put on between Riokert of HenSall and Schroeder one of Zurich ball players, the former winning by, about, 5 yards. The statement is made, on apparently good authority. that no newspaper proprietor, editor, pub lisher, 'manager or printer is now or ever has been a resident in Kingston penitentiary or in the Central Prison, Toronto. - Not a bad record for the great Fourth. Estate . S. 0. S. Celebration at Seaforth. Tho Sons of Scotland are having a big celebration in Seaforth on Wednesday next, Aug, 25th. Special features are the Huron Marathon race, bioycle races; the Kilties Band of Lucknow, local races, etc. Baseball match. Goder- ich vs Mitchell. Grand con- cert in the evening. when Eddie Biggott will be assisted by the Kilties Band andpipers and dancers. Single rates on all railways. BOWLING. On Friday afternoon two rinks Miss Mabel Wilhelm has return- ed home, after an extended visit with Miss Flossie Merner, and other friends and relailyeiL, • Remember the Pnblie Mass Meet- ing in the Town, Hall -this (Friday) evening at 8 o'clock. The public is most heartily invited Conic I, Mr. 3. Leslie Kerr '0 lgr- Of..t4.0 Bluth Standard, gavel,. g'Ittiti,r,t414 friendly call, on Frid Mr. Kerr is a Meif Clinton baseball teal. his first visit to Zurich Now is the time to choisest feod-hone, has a good supply at_1-4 prices :--1No 1, extrk6, llr, including Larger quantitie,t311 4 tion. Oomb honey ::.r4 doz, No 2, $1.39. Buu1 cts per lb. ' BAs:E B • r A good exhibition -as • " put up here on Friday occasion being the,' with Clinton. TO V' good on both sides: an been for a few costly , 4 team and a number of decisions by the umpi feat -would have been another victory. AO; mado 7 runs, they three safe hits ' off certainly speak S well ing. Tasker, the via.; has improved since Clinton and did fin Tho Zurich diamond v ced by the visitors, tc the best they played o There was a good turn tators, the gate receip4. to over $45.00. It; itli); tt-short time as the:;;: N 0. 4. WONAMAMMANWWWM016: AMiVail/ a .*L Ell ... i , .:,.. g lit 46s ,..r_ . tauetasurnacmagnzatazuratams.orpacuarrrunotr,....masaser......taara.sracectcctrosuaczneeculammarem.... t Prints, iluslins and Ginghams .....,:piit.,,19d fast color, 30 . •Aluslinfi regular 15 and 12 1-2 . ' • inehes wide for .now for itqc,.', 4 yd, 1 c a• yd. 'Gingliain regular 15 and 12 1-2 • „' new for he "rubber" will 13.9,A of bowlers from Clinton played. a II friendly game with the locals,' and c after n. very close contest the g n 811,0111A .Clint Ctrni vv.972.1iy-rxr-peaahol,s ?p,...Leach 7344 • 3 ee'• w c ion„ The Ladies Aid of t vangel- Church spent a pleasant afternoon at the home of Mr. Oswald Fisher on Wednesday, the occassion being the celebration of the 84th birthd ay of his mother, Mrs. 'Christopher Fisher. An interesting program was rendered after which the ladies sat down to a dainty lunch prepared by the members of the society. • P. S$, Latn On t skri.14*The scores were as follows: Lamont -Harland skips. Zurich • 141050000311001100-18 Clinton 000603111000210041-20 Sinple—Watts skips Zurich 003012010200011020-13 Clinton 11020010141200101-15 The visitors aro veterans at the bowling game and the home play- ers may congratulate thernselves on the good showing they made. ave signified. their *31:A0v orate back ai a'n cents. hese are new goods NOW IS 'YOUR CIIANCE. usallanmansergralleJaikimovanibmill. f- i 'here you get your MOriey'S worth,, -41-4 t zwt o4rr our •'de- ;Ti.vd into ly Olinfon betted' which jS pi tch- twirler e•ganie at here. pronoun. •ave been his year. t Of. sPec- peen ting that ayed hare nt'on,bays pgness ,to decidi ting °We g -.crowd. ,xoulyvom.); • • U.Diumnroascaroulisemmelis 01 Farm Produce taken irt Exchazgeg .2amaarocuaoccs.s.o.rataer.e40,,-.nlaieernanceascsourwmmeaave==.1.0moattacas. • 4, F ST MWARMARAWARAMYRAWAMM, , s,„,,,.,,:‘,.,...a..„....„..z.,c,.....as_.,:,,,,.252,:„.,,,..•,..,..4.. ' e7-rat47,4%'......cv,"•,2',..::::".•,',4.7.*F2,-'107F'''.c7..::::, Any kind of shoe you set .. out.,.f*, in all the latest AA ••:.,01, st3*. W.a. 4.4, . , Oiowi n g some veryifne lines in NV o- hlen's and Men's Tan an 11 Ox Blood Oxfords this season A. friends every day. The there and the stock is winning in\ you see of ra • P.-ild EW ° Me PHERSON f;P "e..7 •G, tG"..c:7•41:7•,eio0.‹,,) 10. 4, ./ . ,ca.b...1..). ....Itlitc:LE5;fiagievot-ieticiinunt7..111 ,... , 41, 3..., te 11A. . , . a/i sliov 1 .„ -•an.4 -,,'” r,;,1 ' hey give genuine •:,.:,.....14,1-1::::1 . 4,-..* q ,,„,...,...47.,." .4x, ,..:. )h,, Loomis.) they aro inade right ,(0,:-....'-'r. - "te' ' ,r) VA.>) and are fitted right. The• v refinement and individuality ts: 51 we like to sell. . , • ni eA. of style shows for ascii', IP p, ,Aq ''I t, , ' v. N 'They represent built -i;, quid- ity and are suchshoes a.- •kil, ..':-1.•:'' \IP la C. FF?liTZ - ZUF?1011 eh, E Johnston '1 d .,roffacfsa 2J Steep, 2, 8o1 roeder 2h 0 Manning 0 E , urm. ib 0 Alexander 1 Fritz, rf 0 err 0 TiWorm, 2b 0 Twitchell 0 H Weber, ss 1 Tasker 1 Siebert, cf 0 McEwen 2 Little, c * 0 W Johnston. .0HO Weber, p 1 flY INXINC 8 1 2 3 4 5 p 7 8 9 Clinton 2 0 1 1 00• 2 1 0-7 ir r):-,11fi.'Elree.:WV. Zurich 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 3. 0-4 6 ° 0 t . This entire page would not be sufficier.2t to contain the gg-eat lists °I specials hi a kinds of things for summer wear which we av arriayed your -choos- ing. You can't do better thai by makinga selecVott frail] St0CliZZ) Dress Fabrics, 5Hks9 Ready=to=Wear Dari hoery, Con.wts, Unclerv..year, Collars, 11Ik efts, Parasols, e..c0 5urmer tress Goods Our stook- of summer Dress Goods has been the talk of town, and our se- lection still comprises some of the most fashionable lines. We cordtally invite the ladies to call And, look through. our Mus- lins, Linens, Voiles, Silks, etc. You can save dollars by making your purchase here. Baby Carriages Etc We are offering some special values in baby , carriages, go—carts, exprefis wagons etc. All new goods and strong- ly 'built, See us about your eavetroughing, roofing, or guaranteed first class. All kinds produce wanted. .Inastrx LYNUJ 'Or 4 tnder The We are sole agents for the .Fa- mous Plymouth Twine. Best by Test. Gold Medal, 650 feet to pound. Silver Sheaf, 600 " Plymouth Special, 550 '4 '4 Prices right, • Quality the Best J. PREETER 00136.114;30108C381:3431139C3SC38C3438Z310C38C3MX3638C313C3OCSRCK3CKOMX SUIVIIIER s We desire to call the, attention of the men to our Summer Suits. Why not keep cool during the hot weather by wearing suitable clothes. We have a large stock to select from at prices rang- ing from $8.00 to $15.00. They are ulnae up in the latest styles and cloths. Call in and look over thena. •We also carry a large stock of boys' and youth's suits. See our stock of men's shirts, newest and coolest, belts, collars, ties, socks, etc. ny iron work, our work is. ZURICH 1 1 • 1 413C39C,M#C00084538C1X,WZ2t8CX01.28,02:0XItaallM331M10fagiCti fr,