HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-08-12, Page 8r ott 4-421 Striped Ginghams and good heavy prints; just the thing for Dresses, Ladies' Suits, Boys' Blouses etc. --WET 11/10116.70. Black and C I Voiles re Nothing prettier or more stylish than a nice voile dress or skirt for hot weather. Fancy net- ting for waists, with insertions to match. Ladies' Fancy Parasols 'White and fancy colors are fashionable and we have a fine selection. Lades' .Belting Specials AV-Dof f._r` 'xwv stock of Belting, in black, brown, navy, green, white and cream. Two new things in Belting—Silverine and Goldine— Come in and see what it is like. 2 Specials== =Toilet Sets and Tapestry Carpet Squares , A large stock in these two lines at very special priees. nmemoozemagaumeorrogrann A Millinery Clean=up We want to clean up the Valance of a big season's trade and will cut the price almost in halt. 0 Summer Clothing 2 and 3 piece suits: Fancy Vests, Negligee Shirts, nice Low Collars, Underwear, Fancy Hosiery and Belts. Straw Hats== -Ail Prices We have never shown as good a range of Men's and Boys' straws as we are showing this season. Sailor Hats from 23ets lip to $2.50. UENE AL ME C ANT r k�a •° 9 a tilt Local Option Campaign. This space has been reserved by the Lees' Option Committee of the Township of Ray. Next Friclayevening, Aug, 20th. in the Town Hail, Zurich, common. oing at 8 o'oloot, PUBLIC MASS MEETING, and Stereopticon entertainment in oon- neetiion with•the great Provincial campaign tot"BANISH THE BAR" Illustrated , addresses by W. A. Scott, 13, A.." 2oMaster University tend F. C. Moyer, B A., Victoria University, Toronto. These gentle. men cometinder the direction of the Ontario Branch of the Domin- ion Alliance. 'There will be strip- ing cartoons, eloquent addresses, interesting pictures and attractive music. Everybody welcome.Ad- mission free. Collection and sub- scriptions for Anti -Bar -Room cam- paign fund. + THE COLLEGE -OF,,,er one thousand stu- dents enrolled by our chain last 2 -!ear. It pays to at- tencr4 link of this great chain, for `SIN UNION THERE IS STRENGTH.'' The demand for our gra ;nates is THREE TIM- ES tko supply. Otberschoolsengage our graduates as teachers. A special course for teachers Graduates of two years, ago ate now earning $2,000 per annum. Three courses—Comm ER- CIALa STENOGRAPHY and TEL RAPHY. Fall erm Opens Aug 30 ti'rite for particulars. CLINTON BUSIN S COLLEGE Sro rro r. PRIX. Drive Rheumatism from the blood with lir. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy, Tablet or liquid. For Sale by J J Monier Rev. Mr. ,Milli, a former min ister of the Baptist Church here will occupy the pulpit ' in the Evangelical ,Chuff^ch, next,. Sunday morning, andtin the Baptist Church at 2.3.0 p. tn.t The public is respect- fully invited to attend these services. Rev, Miller has been pastor 35 years ago, af`the German Baptist church. in Zurich and Logan and he has not been in Canada for 31 years and isglacl to meet his friends and see his old home again, al- though some'have died and some have moved to other /arts of the country. His visit to Zurich and Logan will ever be remembered by luta and .his friends, • New Transportation Building. The addition to the Canadian National's Exhibition City this year is the Transportation: Building now under • construction. It is of red pires,sed brick, with. buff stone trimmings and roof supports of trusses of°steel, Its dimensions are 337 feet by 153 feet and it provides 43,000 feet of exhibit floor space. It is one of the finest buildings, from an architectural stand point, on the .grounds, and will be 'all ready to receive automobiles, motor boats and other vehicles of trans- portation when the Fair opens, on August 28th, at Toronto. The Canadian National has now $2,000,- 000 worth of buildings on its grounds, BLYTH POSTMASTER DEAD. Blyth., Ont., Aug. 0.—Mr. D. B. McKinnon, one of the best known citizens of E[tjon County, is dead, aged 73. He was born in . 1836 in the County of flalton, and entered mercantile 1ife:in Milton and later in Brampton In 1801 Mr, McKin- non removed to Blyth. He retired from commercial life a few years ago, continuing the office of post- master, an appointment he received in 1874. In 1 807 • he married Mary F. Atkinson. Who died seven 'ears ago. H4 leaves one son, Mr. J. S. McKinnon, of Toronto, and one daughter, Mrs, (Dr.) Milne, who resides hero. Two brothers and one sister survive, being Mr, S. E'. McKinnon, 'Toronto; Mr. M, Meltinnotw.. Saskatohewan, and Mrs, ,has. Luoknow. in er Tyvi Here we are again, with good news for the Farmer .. .m ue Ribbon binder twine 65ofeet tolb 550 foot twine 500 foot twine ®0 81/2 712 TE f'' Ms CASA or is ad.vance on time or in trade. We have also Gilt Edge, G50ft; made of selected. fibre. Every inch guaranteed. Get price. We Lead the Trade, Others May Follow and May Not. 9 HURON'S LARGEST COMBISi9ATIO PHONE !3 ZU' 1Cli STORE e Now is the time to buy your IN a21 d SUMr S We have the Very Best and atest== 11 sizes and colors. Conte and exa TM - ine before buying :.. prices wi 1 save yyou !no wey0 P. ENiI ES Zurich The general public will take notice that I am doing Exeter in the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap. business in Highest Market Prices Paid for Scrap Iron, "fags, ubbers, Horse= Hair, Copper, Etc: All purchases to be delivered to J. PREETEn'13 HARDWARE, ZURICH, where the cash will bo paid• or trade given. Orders for collection of scrap may be left at the sauna store, `prompt attention will be given. 8 VIEXLERI IERIBEALER. EXET 114 F FT la` Just arrived. Will give closest prices for quick sale. F. C. KALBFLWISCH, Zurich