HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1909-08-12, Page 5New
Now for !Bracelets, Brooch-
es and robs, Ctltf Links,
Ladies and Gentlemen. . .
The Latest in Every Line..
New Stook of 10douthorgams
Single and Double Keys..
Hohmer's Best Makes
Watch, Clock and
Jewellery Repairing
We have opened up our
New Stook oft
Spring and
Dress Goods..
consisting of""sib
Prints. Ginghams,
Muslins Etc.
Come and inspect before
buying elsewhere.
Our prices as usual are
Highest Prices
For Farm Produce
General Merchant, BLAKE.
,rad;;», • kcS'! .,
That New
Winter Suit.
When looking for your new
Winter Suit, do not forget • to
' give us a call. We have a
rangeels, c W
etc., toy'
prices are as cheap as any.
Suits made at short notice.
We also have a large nnmber of
Samples to select from.
For many years there has been a
growing feeling among students of
public affairs, that the essential
differenoe between the value of
,land, whioh is due to the presenoe
of the community, and the value of
houses and other labor products,
should be recognized in our system
of taxation. Land value increases
in direct ratio With population, A
town of 5,000 inhabitants will have
land value five times as great as a
village of 1,000, and a city of 100,-
000 will have more than twenty
times the land value of a town of
5,000. This land value is increased
else by public improvements, such
as water -works, schools,police
protection, good roads, and in fact
everything that makes a location a
more desirable place in which to
live. On the other hand, the value
of houses and goods is not increas-
ed by good roads and public im-
provements, Is it not just, there-
fore, that the only class of property
which derives a pecuniary benefit
fromtax expenditure, should con-
tribute a larger proportion to the
tax fund than the other values
which are not increased by the
conveniences which snoh expendi-
ture provides. Should not the
community value be applied to
community purposes?
In order to give effect to this
very desirable reform in assessing
for taxation, it has been proposed
that municipalities be : giveh the
power to reduce the rate of taxa-
tion upon improvements and in-
crease them upon land values. The
cities of Ottawa and Toronto have
both petitioned the local legisla-
ture for this power, and we see no
reason why it should not begranted
to them, and not to them only,
but every othex,municipality in the
In another column we print a
petition to the legislature asking
that municipalities be given this
right, and we would be glad to
have our readers sign the petitions
and forward them to this office,
where they wi11 be collected and
given to our local representative
for presentation at the next session
of Parliament.
August time, tells on the nerves.
But that spiritless, no ambition
feeling can be easily and quickly
altered by taking what is known
to druggists everywhere as Dr.
Shoop's Restorative. Within 48
hours after beginning to use the
Restorative, improvement will be
noticed. Of course, full health will
not immediately return. The gain,
v , -.'i11 surely follow. .And
, ;you will realize , ,nd
4 f ar'yo r rength and ambition as
it is returning. Outside influences
depress first the ''insid'e nerves"
then the stomach, Heart and
Kidneys will usually fail. Strength-
en these failin„ nerves with Dr.
Shoop's Restorative and see how
,quickly health will be yours again.
Sold by ernes.
Laundry in connection.
SlaJ J M
.. a ZUR ICH a
WE keep in stock a
" full line o fresh
meats, hams, etc. etc
Our cuts are noted
for their tenderness
and wholesomeness.
Our aim is to keep
nothing but the best.
We make our own
Give us a call.
!! There 's no need :of anyone suffer-
ing long with this disease, '£dr to
effect a quick cure it is only nieces-
sary to take A few d' res of
Cha:. Yheiiah s
Clic, Cholera an
xl'Qrrhea Remedy
In fact, hi most cases one dose i
Sufficient. It never fails and can be
relied Upon in the most setrere and
dangerous cases. It is equally val-
uable for children and is the means
of saving the lives of many children
each fi
In the world's history no medicine
has ever met with greater success.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Weismiller and
children spent four days at Drys-
dale Beach, last week. They took
a tent with them and had a most
enjoyable time. They think Drys-
dale far ahead of the Bend for
comfort and enjoyment.
Hensail is to have a new bowling
green. The game is becoming 'very
popular in town.
Mr. and Mrs Joseph Case were
in town last week, on their way to
Toronto, after a visit to the Seattle
William Yungblut of Sask.,
visited friends here last week„
A gang of Indians from the
Muncey Reserve are engaged in
pulling flax.
Postmaster Sutherland has ar-
ranged with a Canadian firm who
manufacture post office fittings, to
put in a modern and up•to-date
cabinet of boxes. After the cabinet
is installed the office will be ]eft
open till 9 o'clock or perhaps later
for the benefit of lock box holders,
which will prove a great. conven-
ience to the farmers.
It is reported from Toronto that
among% the municipalities which
have decided to enter upon local
option campaigns,looking to a vote
on a by-law next New Year's, are
the following ;
Towns Brampton. Clinton, Co-
bourg, Collingwood, Cornwall,
Dundas; Galt, Lindsay, Meaford,
Orangeville, Port Hope, Sault Ste.
Marie, Strathroy, Uxbridge, Wing -
Villages—Acton, Ailsa Craig,
Blyth, Bradford, l3russels, Dund alk,
Dutton, Elora, Fergus, Georgetown,
Port Perry, Shelburne, Teeswate.V.
Townships --Colborne, Downie,
b,lma, Grey, Hay, Lobo, London,
Oxford North, Stephen, Turnberry,
Tuokersniith .
.Altogether there is a list of 106
municipalities in which it is expect-
xpected a vote will take place at New
All the ProvinoeS:will be in line
with exhibits inthe Provinces
building at the Canadian National.
Exhibition this year. ' tiaacli Previa
cial Government It at ' work on li
display that will 4 .:justice to its
territory, and the g'ldld and fruit
of British Oolum th the golden
grain of the prairi rom Alberta,
Saskatchewan, axh Manitoba. the
various products a�a minerals of
Ontario, right dAn the best
coal and farm pill* is of Nova
Scotia and Newcif swiok,' will
form one of the xral 'ny ` features
that makes the Fair lily National
in character,
Thirty-two pages of Ogled rending
including new fashions, short stor.
ies, and beautiful illustrations,
make the August issue of The
Home Journal the best ever
published of that progressive
woman's magazine.
Special articles andOillustrations
on "The Pure Milk Cahipaign" tell
about the splendid work being done
in the vicinity of ToroiItto. "Regatta
Day in St. John's, ;;NM.," is is
graphic description of one of the
greatestcelebrations of that ancient
colony. It is writtenliy' Lady Gay
aid is in her best sty.rw.
The second big instalment of the
serial. ''The Myslry Barry
Ingram,'.' will doubtless be read
with interest by those: having read
the opening chapters, this ab-
sorbing mystery stow;, in the July
"Wild Flowers of ngust"
be closely read by the interested
in nature study. Agnes Norton
has contributed "East is East and
West is West," It tabs one back
to the days when avarships and
sailors made life hap' at Halifax.
The "Household Viz ts" and
Culinary Conceits" paws are brim
full of interesting nok,i. "Cabbag.
es and Kings" and "But That's
Another Story" are n a lighter
vein and the splendidillustrations
and deseriptive matte of fashions
for young and old he to snake the
August issue the lar 'st ten cents'
worth ever offered' to Canadian
women. The special fall fashion
number will be out Aug. 25th,
Don't drug the stdr`laloli, '' stim-
ulate the Heart or • 14!dney's. That
is wrong, It. is the v4;tit nerves
that are Drying on for help,-
Vitalize these weak i de controll.
ing nervus ivrfth S-lhoo/3':l R.
storative, and see t:tieklygood
health will 'come to you again.
Test it and see l Sold by J3-Merner..
Mrs. Graham of Goderich is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Charles
Mr. J. Eidt ,has ;opened a flour
an& feed store in '.the premises
vacated by J, W. Broderick.
Mr. Thos. Dearing, who tor a
number of years has been a respect-
ed resident of Exeter died at his
home Elizabeth Street, Mcnday of
last week aged 83 years, the cause
of death being apoplexy. Several
weeks ago he had a slight stroke,
while working, in his garden, from
which he never fully recovered.,
although he was able last week to
take short walks up town, The
deceased was born i Devonshire,
Eng., and when 94 years of age
cameo Canada,. taking up land on
the Fourth concession . of Stephen.
which he cleared and ' worked for
twenty years. He then came to
Exeter and for some years conduct-
ed a story, lie retired to private
life several years ago. Two years
after his arrival in this country he
was married to Hannah Horrell,
who predeceased him four years
ago. In religion hewas a Methodist
and attended the James Street
church. He is survived by one son,
Isaac, and three daughters, Mrs.
Bohn Moore, " of Wowata, Sask.,
'Mrs. Burk, of rs anoolona, Mich.,_
who was with. him during Ms
illness and Mrs. Sahli. Wisler of
Manoelona, Mich.
Pain fn the head—pain anywhere, has its rause
Pain is congestion, pain is blood pressure --nothing
else usually, At least so says Dr. Shoop, and td
prove at he has created a little pink tablet. Thai
tablet—called Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablet
coaxes blood pressure away from pain centers.
Its effectis charming, pleasingly delightful. Gently,
though safely, it surely equalizes the blood circa.
If you have a headache, it's blood pressure.
If it's painful periods with women, same cause.
If you are sleepless, restless, nervous, it's blood
congestion—blood pressure. That surely is a
certainty, for Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets stop
it in 20 minutes, and the tablets simply distribute
the unnatural blood pressure..
Bruise your finger, said doesn't it get red, and
swell, and pain you? Of course it does. It's con
. estion, blood pressure. You'll find it where pain
2S—always. It's simply Common Sense.
We soil at 25 cents, and cheerfully recommend
Drs Shod '
,ca z. lets
20,000 MEN
EXCURSIONS] .:141P.11.11.1 TRIFF.
Aub 19
Aug5 23.
Additional for the Return Ticket
under conditions as below.
From Stations north of line of G.T.R. Toronto togssarnia. and Can..
Pao, Stations on and west of Toronto -Sudbury line.
From Toronto and all C.P.R. Stations west in Ontario on and south
,of mainline of Grand Trunk Ry., Toronto to Sarnia, and all Stations
in Ontario on M.C.R., P.Af, and T.H.&B. RYs.
.00i 7 From Stations Toronto and east, includind Sharbot Lake and Kinds -
ton, and all Stations in Ontario west of Renfrew, also stations on
C.•. & B. of -Q. Rya., and stations on K. & P. south of Renfrew:
4.7From all Stations Toronto and west, includind Stations on C.P.R.
A Toronto to Sudbury.
epte 10 ;From all Stations east of Toronto in Ontario.
Representative farmer,, appointed by Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Governments,
will meet and engage laborers on arrival at Winnipeg.
Free transportation will be furnished at Winnipeg to points on Can. Pac, where laborers are
needed'•st of Moose Jaw, including branches, and at one cent a mile each way west
thereof U Saskatchewan and Alberta.
A certificate is furnished with each ticket, and this certificate when executed by farmer
showing that laborer has worked thirty days or more, will be honored From that point
ffos a second bless ticket back to starting points in Ontario, at $18.00, prior to
Noy, 30th, 1909:
Tickets are good only on special Farm Laborers' trains and will be issued to women as well
as to men, but will not be issued at half fare to children.
lFor full particulars see nearest C.P.R. agent, or
9pe11 Increased
to tlig World
Fvlonda y Exhibition
Sept. io = 18
Dog Show
Prize, List
Cat Show
The Great Live Stock Exhibition
91st Highlanders
7th Fusiliers
Program Twice Daily
The Best Ever
Fireworks i Takea Holiday
Each Evening l and visit London's Fair
Special Rates
over all Railroads
Prize Lists, Entry Forms, Programmes and all information from
W.J. RED), President. A. M. HUNT, Secretary.
No Tr
-index l•1
'Zoemz '
Royal Household
Five Roses
cr other Brands of Flour from Rannie's Flour
and Feed Store. The best in Groceries at close
Prices. All kinds of Feed on hand.
highest price in Cash paid for Butter and Eggs
Mr. Francis Duggin of Toronto,
spoke in the Evangelical church
on Sunday last. in the interest of
the temperenee citrase, And in the
absence of the pastor, Mr. Arthur
Kellermon had charge of the even-
ing serviee.:,
W. Miller is spending his holi.
dayswith friends across the border,
Miss Hazel Miller returned to
her home in Battle Creek on Mon-
day after spending several weeks
With friends in this community.
Rev. S, M. Bauch of Stratford
visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Siebert on Monday.
Miss Alice Truemner left on
Wednesday to resume her work, at
John Hall of London was in the
village on Thursday.
Miss Emma Calfas is at present
working for a family at Maple
Grove, park,
Mr, J, Kellerman left on Tuesday
morning forthe hospital at London,
.to again undergo treatment for his
sore leg, which has been causing
him much trouble . of late. His
friends here hope the treatment
may prove beneficial.
Mr. and Mrs. Sinnet of London
are visiting friends in this coni.
triunity at present,
Mr. Albert Weltin is at present
impending his holidays under the
parental roof.
Those who spent Gala Day at the
Bend from this vicinity wore —Mr.
and Mrs, Archie Curry and family,
Mrs. W J Jarrot, Mrs 5 Sharp and
nephew, Master Russel Bowman.
All report quite an exciting outing.
Mr, A Forbes of the Bell Tele-
phone Co,, called on friends in this.
vicinity Sunday last.
Miss M Teresa Hagan took charge
of the departmental store here on
Gala Day during Mr Currie's
absence at Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. W 111 Jarrot leave
for their home in Bridgen this
Saturday, after visiting their
respective parents for the past six
Mr, A Love spent Sunday in
Colborne Township.
Misses Mary and M. Teresa
Hagan spent a few days in London.
Mr Robt McAllister and family
and Mr George Anderson and
family of Stanley. spent Saturday
last at Drysdale on the Banks of
Lake Huron.
Prof. Johnson of Street and.
Walker Co,, is again in our midst.
Miss Maggie McAllister of Hen -
sail, is visiting her sister Mrs S
PILESget Immediate relief from
Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointments,