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The Herald, 1909-08-12, Page 4
1. I The AN Sri 1 Incorporated 1855 CAPITAL, - •• •• 83,500,000 REST ;FUND 83,500,000 Has 65 Branches in Canada, sed Agents and Correspondents in alp the Principal Cities in the World. © A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, v ea 0 SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT i0.n at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. t Zurich Branch =D(5fM(ID H. ARNOLD, Manager QD %1DG.rarti' r3GOOD QD dDd !©D 3®ea LEGAL CARDS. ii. J. D. 000KE, BARRISTER AND SO- lieitc'r, Notaryublie, Henault, Ontario. At Zurich (Zeller's ofiee) every Mon- day. PROUOFOOT, RAYS & BLAIR, BAR- ristors, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc., GodArich, Canada. W. Proudfoot, K.C. R. 0. Trays. G. P. Blair. BUSINESS CARDS. DR. T. P. MCLAUGHLIN, for- merly with Drs. Janson, Halle and Biers, of Berlin, Ger- many ; also assistant surgeon at Moorefields' (Royal London Opthal- mic) eye Hospital and Golden Square ; Nose and Throat Hospital, London England, etc. General practice, with special attention to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested (Retinoscope used) and glasses supplied. OFFICE DASHWOOD, ONT. B. S PHILLIPS, AUC'T'IONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms ^gasonable. Orders left at this office tall' be promptly attended to. ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSURAN- co agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every- thing in fire insurance. geons, = oro n ry,T ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon- day. 7 -20 E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. De e ds , Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care fully and promptly prepared. Office— Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. Pig US/0 1'�'S I S S V. MAASS, Prepares 1 Pupils for the Toronto Con- servatory of Music and other Centres. , Address : LUTHERAN PARSONAGE, Zurich. FOR SALE. Farm for sale, south half of lot 15, Con, 12, Township of Hay. On this property there is a good frame house, kitchen and woodshed, good Bank barn and hog house 21 acre., of young orchard, and never failing supply of water. This farm is a deep clay soil and in good state of culti• nation, conveniently situated 2,a, miles from Zurich. Would take a suitable pro- perty of5 or 10 acres in exchange. For terms and particulars apply to E. TnEF- 'PREY on premises, or to TFYOS, CAri'ERON, auctioneer, Farquhar P. 0. 50 acres, all good land, with good bank barn, frame House, all in good repair. The farm is well drainlacl, plenty of good water and will be sold for -$3000.00. Apply to B. Zeller, Zurich. LODGE MEETINGS " 1 e 3' a Court Zurich No. 1240 meets every lst and 3rd 1 Thursday of each month at 8 o'clock p. in. in the A, 0. U, W. Hall. J. 3, N./EBNER, C. R. A 1Zicicbeil Ledge 4 • o✓ . W. 'No. 393, meets ] rho 2nd and 4th Friday of every month, t 8 o'clock, in their Hall, Merner 131oek. FRED. ‘VrrwER ,M. W, $ Y HL L P WANTED d r Girls wanted, operators ori Lad les waists and whitewear. Good wages. Steady work. The tar6Whitewear M'fg, (1o. Berlin. Ont. TEE NE, Lig PUBLISHED BY E. ZELLER. FRIDAY AUG. 12th, 1909 W. C. T."11., THE CRY OF THE TWO-THIRDS John saw the protest in Helen's eyes, the start •she made. He stooped over her and whispered "I will trust and not be afraid." There was plenty of good plain food in the house and they all ate heartily, except John who tasted nothing, "have you nothing fit to drink in this house Jack? I have got to have something or die." nothing stronger than coffee,- .John said, you need a sedative, and will be better by and by, though he scanned his face a little anxiously. "Is the south chamber ready Jane? "all ready, sir.- ]•Then I think we will have Mrs Droutly in it, there is a fire there of course?" "Yes sir" and plenty of blankets? "yes sir," again. "Then you would better give see the baby and get Mrs. Droutly in bed." but Helen refused to go with the wo- man, Maurice, who is walking the floor in a nervous fashion, stopped as his brother's pleading voice came to his ears ; "You must take some rest, Helen, please obey nie and go at once." "What is the matter with Helen? Is she sick? asked her husband, for the first time scenting trouble. "Yes, sheds sick, Maurice, nd I want her to go ,to bed to rest" -i11'gr.�wil•,li me. Come my: a> ; ' be advaeaicect toward her *arid offered to take her arm, .but she sprang from him with a shriek. John was beside her in a second his band on her arm', take this child Maurice, and let her alone;" sternly he said "let ber alone, yourself" cried his brother, ashe is my wife" "Yes, Maurice, bro•. ther, she is your wife, but she is my patient now, she is very sick and not herself. Indeed Maurice I shall not answer fqr results if you excite her, I am alarmed over her condition, laying his hand on his brother's arm. "Oh Maury boy," he entreated, you can surely trust Jack, leave her to me I am her physician and know how delicately she must be handled now, if we would avoid the most terrible re sults." "Have your own way" he grumbled, he took the baby and began to walk up and down, but with a tremor of fear at his heart, a flickering consciousness of some. thing terrible that had happened. ]Meanwhile John had taken Helen's ]land and drawn her from the oom. Up the stairs he led her and into the big bright chamber. Now Helen, I want you to undress and eo to bed, when you are in I will come back and see you. "Be'a good girl' and see haw .quickly you pan get quiet, I will stay right outside the door when you can call me" he said. "Poor child" he thought as he waited withotwt 'while Jane' disrobed her, "She knows some. clow that I have her choicest trea- ure. In losing sight of me she seems to lose sight of ber dear one, Ah my, poor bruised darling if I could only have borne it all and S you" Jane_ opened the door she wants you master John" she E As he stepped in, Helen sat up in bed and stretched out both her hands. There was an "eager fight in her eyes she was wonder- uily changed. "1 remetnber" she NC ""'remember, it is Dorry I want, Dorry ; John, I want Derry, you know where she is" and John Droutly groaned in his very soul as le took her bands and bent over her. "Helen, Dorry is safe, 1 sav• it, d you never doubt me. You shall SI her very soon if you will shut our eyes and go to sleep now.. I are not let you sec her before you st, it would be harmful." Would it harm her John?" The fig eyes looked into his as she uestioned lain, ?'No, nay darling, t would not harm her, it would arm you." "But 1 don't mind Bing harmed." "No, 'my darling, know ,you don't: "' . Where was f a c q b ESQt iltllllediate relief fro almost a sob in his voice. ""And 1 Pil want to see lorry now, Oh John I Ur. Shoop's Ma¢if OiEat¢ptili� fool.tafraid j oaan't. Wait,,, "'Not to please ane Helen. 1 know you will yield to me and trust nie just as you have always done," He spoke gravely, slowly, holding her by his strong personality.. She sighed. "And when I;'awalie you will take me to her theta Jolla?" "I will surely take yoat ao her when you awake. ;l'ttru pies" and go to sleep and God bless tax." She obeyed hien and'he sat effown beside her and waited till elle slept, then he motioned Jana t• take his place and he left tae re.... "John curd" Maurice as be caubt a glimpse of his brother'see, "John, for God's sake, tell me Naliat I have done?" "Is Justin: as op?" he asked. "I believe he is," 1 forgot I held him. John tookthe baby and wrapping a shawl aron''J tire; laid him on the lounge', r,, isle ],'still walked back and tort]'. eaatollihgl his broth- er all the, tine. "For God's sake, Jack,' ho brollre out again piteously, "tell' me 1,hat I have edone or I shall go road." The doctor ran his arm through' the young span's and begun paoin, the floor beside him. -'You are aeetdy mad," he said, but in so quiet a voice that it sooth- ed rather thjui. added to the pert- urbation, (To he continued) Ethel M. Williams, Fres.,' Supt. The footp is of Dyspepsia have been direct]" traced to the .t ,tornach nerves, \Vh 'those ',inside aer-es" fail, indigestion and. . stomach distress mist surely result. For this, drug "'(sty everywhere are supplying fi,. rescription known as Dr. Shoop). Restora'ive. First. these tiny side Stomach, Heart, and Kidney }nerves fail. Then gas belching, Heart palpitation, or failing Kidneys follow. Don't drug the Stomach, or stimulate the Eeaat or Kineys. That is wrong. Strengthen these failing nerves with Dr. S oop's Restorative. It is the nerve{, not the organs that are calling for help. Within 48 hours after arting the Restorative treatment, ou will realize the gain. A to will tell. Sold. by 3 J Merner. I SARNIA-DTROIT EXCURSION. The ane cl popular I. 0. 0. F excursion ••Sarnia and Detroit will be hel on Saturday, August 14th. 7'rair leaves-Kippen at 8.23 a. m. Retu fare to Sarnia is $1,35. Per steam & "Tashmoo" Sarnia to Detroit, r rn fare 75 cents. Re- turning '1 train ..will, leave Sarnia ata -° tn. " c3n Saturday, August 16t . This is the trip of the season. FARM; FOR SALE Lot 3, concession 9, township of Hay, containing 100 acres. On this property there is a two storey brick cottage, large bank barn, with shedand cement pig pen an - der, Two acres orchard, good sup- ply of water, 8 acres of splendid bush, mostly maple, convenient to church, school and market. This is a beautiful home. Nearly all seeded down. Will sell reasonable. Possession given in fall. Apply to John Broderick, on premises, or Sarepta P. O. rallyr Mr HURON NEWSPAPERS. The latest Newspaper Directory gives the following papers publish- ed in Huron, with the dates when establishedl. T: Blyth; Standard...." , ,1887 Brussels Post . . :1873` Clinton New tilt, 1865 Newty.Reoord—.1878 •..•...;1887 1873 1896 • 1848 1859 1885 1894 Exeter Advocate " Times :Fordwioh Record Goderich Signal Star.;.... Gorrie Vidette I3ensa1l Obsertrer Seaf orth ":Expositor . , , .. . ," Now Wroxeter P1aitet... , .. .4909 Zurich Herald: ........... !1900 AN APT RETORT. Traveler—Say, boy, your corn looks kind of yellow. Boy -Yes, sir, That's the kind we planted, Traveler --Looks as though you will only have'a half crop, Boy—Don't expect any more. The landlord gets the other half, Traveller -(After a minute's thought) --Say, there is not much difference between you and a, fool. Boy --No, sirs Only the fence. The mail matter at the Toronto General Postof Ice grows steadily, and brings with it a large amount. of mail improperly addressed. So great has thisbeoome that as many as five men atre constantly engaged looking up addresses of people and making an effort to send the mis• sive off in the right direction. There are an average of 5,000 bit properly addressed letters culled from the incoming and outgoing mail eve*. day. The men who ]slake an effort to correct these mistakes work night and dii '•. FARM , LABORERS' EXCURSIONS 20,000 Men. Wanted fon Western Harvesting To meet the% demand for farm Iaborers in Manitoba, Saskatch- ewan and Alberta, special second class exoursions will bo run by the Canadian Pacific Railway from, all Ontario stations. Cost of one. way ticket to Winnipeg is $10,00, and from Winnipeg to points where laborers contract to work they will be parried without charge. After at least one month's work in the harvest field, a . ticket .back to Ontario starting point will be issued at $18 00. Tickets are only good on Farm Laborers' special. trains. Tickets will also be issued to women, but no half -rate for children. Leav- ing dates of excursions are as follows:— August 19th ancl. Sept. 7th, from all stations in the territory between Toronto -Sudbury line and Toronto - Sarnia line of the Grand Trunk. August 23rd and Sept. 7th, from all C. P. and G. T. R. stations on Toronto -Sarnia line and south thereof (in Canada) and all stations in Ontario on M. 0,, .P. M. and T. H. & B. Rys. August 27th and Sept. 10th, from all stations east of Toronto -North Bay line, to and including King- ston; also stations on C. 0. and B. of Q. Rys. and stations on K. and P. south of Renfrew. For the three excursions in Aug- ust special trains will be run from all points on the C. P. R If you are in any doubt as to date of excursion from your district apply to local C. Y. R. agent. who will also furnish times of special trains, or write to R. L. Thompson, District Passenger Agent, 0. P. R. Toronto. Mr A Robinson of Druniquin, Ontario, has been troubled for years with indigestion, and re- commends Chamberlain's stomach and Iiver tablets as "the best medi- cine I ever used." If troubled with indigestion or constipation give then a trial. They are certain to prove beneficial. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect Price, 25 cents. Samples free at J J Mer- ner's store. PETITION. To the Honorable and the Legislative the Province of Ontario. The Petition of the undersigned municipal voters of the Province of Ontario Sheweth that :. Whereas buildings, and other improvements, are the products of individual industry, and are acknowledged by all to be beneficial to the community, and taxing them discourages their production and is thus detrimental to the interests of the community- And ommunityAnd whereas land value is not the result of individual effort., but is caused by the presence of the community as a whole. and taxing this value discourages holding land out of use for speculation, and encourages putting it to productive uses. thus conducing to the prosper- ity of the community. Therefore your Petitioners pray that your Honorable Body will amend the Assessment Act so that municipalities may tax improve- ment values at a lower rate than land values ; business assessments, incomes and salaries to be classed with improvement values, and the difference in the rates to be deter- mined by the municipality. Name , of. ncx,aa,or,earscxscu,oaeeie,nnjo Edison Phonograph A FULL LINE IN STOCK Prices $16.50 Up Edison Standard and Em- berol Records for sale— A large stock on hand. Come and hear them. For close prices on Singer Sewing . ma- chines and High Grade pianos and organs CALL OR WRITE O, WELL - Zurich, Ont} r,ea Foci ,saa=vKuoc scgorma�cu,c , FAIRS EXHIBITIONS, Atwood Brigd en Brussels Blyth Elmira . Sept. 28 29 Oct. 5 Sept, 30 Oct. 1 Oct. 5 6 Sept. 28 29 Embro .. ,, ...... .Oct. 7 Forest , , ...Sept. 29 30 Gorrie Oct. 2 (Goderich .. - - Sept. 28 29 30 Kincardine.,,. Sept. 22 23 Kirkton Sept. 30 Oct. 1 Luckno w , ...... ....Sept. 23 24 i s towel ...... . Sept. 21 22 London.. • Sept. 10-18 New Hamburg......... Sept. 16 17 Parkhill .Oct, 5 5 Rodney ..Oct. 4 5 St. Mary ....Sept. 22 23 Stratford..., .... Sept. 28 29 Strathroy.... . Sept. 20 21 22 Thedford ........ . ...... .Sept. 29 Tavistock Sept. 20 21 Tillsonburg Sept. 28 29 Teeswater , , . , .. Oct. 5 6 Toronto.. ..... Aug. 30 to Sept. 13 Wellesley. • ...........Sept. 14 15 W' tion ....Sept. 23 24 Sept. 16 17 ..Oct." 8 Sept. 22 23 Address Name Address Name Address VOTERS' LIST 1909 MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN• SHIP OF HAY" COUNTY OF HURON, NOTICE is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in the eighth and ninth section of the Voters' List Aet, the oopies required by said section to be transmittedor deliv ered of the List made pursuant to the said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised assessment roll of the said munici- pality at elections for members of the Le- gislative assembly and at municipal oleo - tions, and that said list was first posted up in my office in Zurich on the 26th day of July 1909 and rereains there for inspection Electors aro called upon to examine the said list and if any omissions or any other errors aro feund therein to take immediat, proceedings to have said errors corrected according to law, Zurich Jul o F. HESS SR,, Clerk, y 28th, 1909. DIVS get immediate relief from pr. Shop's Magic Olntmenti "For twenty years I suffered from a bad. case of granulated sore oyes, says Martin Boyd of Henriet- ta, Ky." In February 1903, a gentleman asked me to try Cham- berlain's Salve. I bought one box and used abouts two-thirds of it and my eyes have not given me any trouble since." This salve is for sale by J J Merner. MARKET REPORT.—The fol- lowing is the report of Zurich, markets corrected up to Thursday. Barley Peas Bran Shorts ..... . .. . . . . .. 25 00 30.00 50 50 94 95 7.00 8,00 50 to 50 80 22.00 Oats Wheat Hay Dried apples Clover seed 5.00 5.75 Potatoes 45 45 Butter 17 17 Eggs ,.•„• 19 19 Hogs liveweiget 7.55 HENSALL MARKETS Cook's Best Flour. . , , , , , 2.75 Wheat Oats Barley Peas Hogs liveweight 6 6 1 15 15 44 45 50 50 84. 80 7:56 Pain anywhere stopped in 20 minutes sure with one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. The formula is on the 25 -cent box, Ask your doctor or Druggist about this formula! Stops womanly pains, headache, pains anywhere. Write D. Shoop, Ranine, Wis. for free trial, to prove value of his Headache, or Pink Pain Tablets. Sold by J 3 Merner. Clubbing rates,, '"'gre have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with Tien $irRAL» Daily Globe $ 4.25 Mail &.Empire 4.25 Weekly Globe . 1,60 Mail & Empire 1.60 Berliner Journal (German) 2,50 Family Herald & Star 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2,75 Weekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sun 1.75 Farmer's Advocate 2,25