The Herald, 1909-08-12, Page 1The Official Organ of Zurich: wad Ilay Township.;
Vol. X.
51RIDAY MORN1 A,110. 12, 1909.
Dr. Campbell is having a stone
foundation put under his office:
Mr. Alonzo Foster and family
visited at Simon Dietrich's, on
Mr. John Broderick is offering
his farm for sale. See particulars
in this issue.
We give special values in table
cutlery during the threshing
season at Hartleib's.
Mr. Abel,6ohilbe has a climbing
•ros'etliat;made a growth of eleven
feet,this season.
Mr. Garnet Magel of Detroit is
visiting his brother Edgar and
Other friends here, this week,
Mr, • Louis Sipple, of Detroit,
visited relatives ili this vicinity for
a few days this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schnell are
visiting relatives in Pigeon, Mich.,
for a week.
Miss jean. Bagleit of Clinton is
visiting with Miss l'gv` Weber. \sikaa6MdalliWAydatf\AINVAMighmtwiwamisiccmw.
Mrs. Little of 4filnladelphia is
visiting with her son, Mr. H. H.
Sunday wasabout the 'warmest
day, this, simmer. Everybody
complained of the inte'ase heat,
Messrs. W Q
• tri- , ncl T. Free -
ter spent a few 'day- ' ls '0,Teelt pike
fishing at the Pinel
Messrs. Carl and James Innes of Overcoat lost On e iitli lust
Moorefield visited their brother. on road between (ri. A Bend end
Mr, 'Geo. Innes, here, for a few Dashwood. Find.eTease notify
this office.
Mr. R. W. Williams, of the days last week.
Molsons Bank London, -visited his
parents here, over Sunday.
Mr. Jacob Smith and family of
Detroit arrived in their auto on
Wednesday for a visit with re-
Mr. Kampmann and children of
Berlin spent a few days of last
week at the home of his father -in -
la -vv, Mr. Geo. Campbell, of this
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Steinbach of
Detroit, accompanied by Misses
Lizzie Truemner and Annie Heide-
man arrived here on Tuesday even-
ing in Mr. Steinbach's Auto. They
came by way of London and
Chatham, and. made 192 miles in
the day's trip.
You are invited to attend the
Public Mass meeting and Stereop-
tion Entertainment in the Town
Ball, Zurich. next Friday evening
Aug. 20, meeting commencing. at 8
o'clock. Striking cartoons, elegant
addresses, interesting pictures and
attractive music will be some of
the pleasant features of the meet-
ing. Admission free.
Mr. E. Zeller, the promoter of
the rural telephone bas acquired
the Bell this section and it
is the intention to make the
telephone service first class find to
give a local niett serv%%.1
as number
red, 'TI:C6fe ,•
and about 15 more will be
during the next few weeks.
NOTICE—$5,00 reward will be
given to the person who can give
me imformation for the recovery
of a Jack Screw loaned to a party
last fall and -who failed to return
the same. C. Hartlelb, 'Zurich.
N. B.—The following stamped on
jack in an oval border will help to
identify the property :—
11 & B Co,
A nice shower earlir ,Mondaymorning, had a cooling effect on
the atmosphere, and gave the
growing crops another big boost,
We have just received. a large
shipment of table cutlery. Prices
rang from 50 cents per dozen kniv-
es and forks up. All good value.
J. Preeter.
Mr. Herman Appel of New Ham-
burg spent a few days in town, this
week visiting his brother Mr. Ed.
Appel. • He will also go to Walker-
ton for a few days before returning
The eveningservice in St. Peter's
Lutheran Church will be conducted
in English, On the basis of Prov
3: 3 the Pastor will enlarge on the
nature and the great importance of
soul writing. All are cordially
invited to attend.
Mr. Ben Shert of Woodstock,
who will be remembered by many
here, died in that city, last week.
He was a son-in-law of Mr. Andrew
Johnston, who lives near Hensall,
but was formerly a resident of this
section. The late Mr. Short work-
ed at the shoe trade in town about
fifteen years ago.
A day in a large city cannot help
but impress ono with the fact that
the residents, for the most part are
striving aftor an artificial standard
°II. jet! 3"4rO,':',X,..xtreme fashions -holci
t everyone strives to
in the style no matter how poor
the material. Paint and powder is.
used freely and a false idea of the
art of living seems to prevail
everywhere. It is after all the
rural communities where simple
living, simple fashions and simple
enjoyments suffice, where one's
rest is not disturbed by the ever'
,present street car and other noises
that one finds a saner idea of life
and conditions that make for bet-
ter citizenship. •
Mrs.3.0100ermielt;if tiring her
fine brick house atA , ;Novi. 1-1 End
for sale at a'Aet, ,;ii):Ice)etn.riicset:
Possession will be'i
Don't forget 0-1 tou,rZurich
b all garne this M.ttr ,.;e,,:e303,g at
5 .30. An excitiiig N' i lig 'race
immediately after' tb. enaie.
, .
Mrs. Wm. Karbf .'
is visiting -with
Ral bfleisch . . She, ; tii eon -Tamed
by her mother. ;v87.1'er, 'a resident
of Toronto. 43 I- 1 '4'''
Remember the -0. ilio' Mass
meeting in the l';''T,'L'N -Hall next
Friday evening con-4".ncing at 8
o'clock. Ilinstratede'' miisic by
W. A. Scott, B. –4 .•:?: .r Master
University and F. Ct.' oyer B, A,
Victoria University; 'IY. *nto, .
Tho Ladies Aid onnection
with St. Peter's Eva:. ,Lutheran
Church, celebrated '1' itieir first
anniversary on :-
Wedrik ay the 4tb
of August, when, the re ar month-
ly meeting was held i t• e Parson-
age, at 8 p. m. The CO -or in his
capacity as•president 2 4101d give a
very favorable report. !' one.year
the membership 7a- r -own frame'
32 to 40, a slow but: ':g'il. growtli.'
Strenuous efforts li:ii.v,''. Den mode
to work fcir thee'';14 ') of ".the
congregation, arict 41&!,
active interest for Mise a.,r7,--Work.
The best - result,keie 04. t,.ift't
,t lire -tied'
society, Most of the c .'ii neinh:
ers have been drawn'1 closer
relationship:ivith. each o he'. After
the meeting a sqcial gat er gl, took
place in which e hush nd of the
ladies.participa„ed, in pitcf the
threatening raib. all nal, articipants
spent a happy time for: which
honor is dtte -to the ladi - who in a:
most efficient' way. diseh rged their
duties as hosteSses, Alaythe ensuing
year be as prcisperoli for the
society as has been t ,la year now
passed. I.
•:ef Ottawa
Prints, nuslins
Prints, good fast color, 30
inches wide for
t c a ,yd.
and Gingliams
ilviuslins regular 15 and 12 1-2
now for
Ginghams regular 15
now for.
and 12
„These are new goods
This iSJiTh
u get your rnoney's worth.
A1J Farm Prodnce taken in Exchange,
F A S-ir
/6 .: Any kind of shoe you Feb
out for, in all the ' latest
styles. We are showing
some very fine lines in IVo-
-.4b men's and Men's Tan and
Ox Blood Oxfords this season
IS and the stock is winning
on see of
t... ti
friends every day. The more
VIO13f1'61,Z. SON s..) ',..
SHOES , ,,s, l'...-4'''
".I ' the better ye;Will like tln. ',I.73.0 i
Q`'", Tbey give genuine service ' .
;IN because they are made rig.,,lit 11, 4'
V^ • and are fitted right. The
Q of style shows for itself. q"P
refinement and individuality
v- N They represent built-in quid- 0
0 QA ity and aro such shoes at:
1 wo like to sell.
0' r
: i 0 FRITZ ... am ZUF?I01-1 A
,..,.., •
V • .
A.....: ...z.,z.,...,z........,..._.....,...,........,...,....„47.,.,-,..,,,,.,,,,, .,...,. . .
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=i1peellteiCiAITMATCOMENE241=484:34331:38:=74E3t=8)EM8Caos.313M% telleICZP.3.04-riM-3£41-aar'38188Z-=
This entire poge would not be 'suifficie t to cOntain the ,Jeat lists of specials
in all kinds of things for summer wear which we have arrayed for your ChOGS=
ingVoi can't do better than by makim a selection fvorra ouf oi? summ
Dress Fabrics, Silks, Ready=to=VVear Gam -lents, 1-osie,ry9
Collars, telts, Parasols, etc.
ler Dress Goods
Our stock of summer Dress Goods
has been the talk of town, and our se-
lection still comprises some of the most
fashionable lines. We cordtally invite the
ladies to call and look through onr Mus-
lins, Linens, Voiles, Silks, etc. You can
save dollars by making your purchase
Baby Carriages. Etc
We are offering some special values
in baby' carriages, go—carts expref1S
wagons etc. All. new goods and'strong-
ly built.
see us about .,your
guaranteed first class.
Binder TWiTie
We aro sole agents for the Fa-
mous Plymouth Twine.
Best by Tt3st.
Gold—Medal, 650 feet to pound,
Silver Sheaf, 600 "
Plymouth Special. 550 4 4
Prices right, Quality the Best
ea,vetrougliing, roofing, o any iron woric, our work in ;1
Ail kinds produce w rated.
, -
C..b(*If" !'" f•N • ;7
.i...› i.... k li /.4 fki., 9 ‘0
c'll TRU PP c'"iii3
We des:re, to call the attention of: i
the men to our StIMITIOr Suits. Why not i
keep cool during tho hot weather by
Wearing suitable clothes, We have a
: .
large stock to select from at prices rang-
, A
Mg from l'',8.00 to $15.00. They are made
up in the latest styles and cloths. Call
in and look over them, kl.
P ri
' 4'
.WO 1080 eair y n large stock of! boys' g r
and youth's snits. See, our stock of men's
shirts, newest and coolest, belts, collars, m
ties, socks, etc.