The Herald, 1909-08-06, Page 8Zurich's most o + -1ar Stor Seas .a. Su.i Goo • cotton W.sh ds • '. Striped Ginghams and good heavy .prints; just the thing for Dresses, Ladies' Suits, Boys' Blouses etc. lack and ' olored V II s - Nothing Nothing prettier or more stylish than a nice voile dress or skirt for hot weather. Fancy net- ting for waists, with insertions to match. Ladies' Fancy Parasols White and .fancy colors are fashionable s,11d we have a fine selection, Ladies' Belting Specials Don't fail to see our new stock of Belting, in black, brown, navy, green, white and cream. ,Two new things in Belt-ilig—Silverine and Goldine-- Con1e in and see what it is like. • 2 ° peedals===Toilet Sets . a. d• .Tapestry Carpet Squares • A large stock in these two lines at very special prices. tc, A Millinery le= up • We want to clean Up the balance of'a lig.. season's trade ,and will cut the price ,almost half. L ,r 2 and 3 piece sttit'.e Fifa Shirts, nice LOW' hosiery and Betts. .4 yests, -Negligee 1- ear. Straw Hats—All s We have hover sllov 1 tip r00(1. -a ran6'e .45f. Men's and Boys' straws a,, we, aro. s1ioWi g this season. ' Sailor Hats from 25cts t1pje $2.rk ''• .-OENERAL. c A.NT t ri ealreelf Local Option Campaign. This space has been reserrreci by the Local Option Committee of the Township of Hay. EARNED'A.ND SPENT, c, We view the traf ic'e victim With feelings of..surprise, Because Of all the meaning Which; that sad term impiieai. The coins in hire possession The signs of bondage are c She earns theme "at the washtub ; He spends themat the bar. His youth Teas full of promise, And steadfast was his will : But now,tlirough liquor drinking, His .1attnil. has lost :ts skill. His wife to earn the. dollars, Her womanhood must mar She earns them at the washtub ; He spends them at the bar. And she who as a maiden Was beautiful and fair Is crushed' beneath a burden Of sorrow and despair. She must to gain the nickels Wage anunoeasing war: She earns them at the washtub; He spends them at the bar. .': No wonder hearts are broke And many homes are ; sad. While at the open batelootrk;, ;The liquor may Pe"llad From het who owais lie pelt as Axl joy is banished far F -Se She earns llhem at the; Wnell • Efe spends them at.' s'b''''4 Unto the throne eternal We raise the ea: nest plea That men frena liquor's thraldenn May be at length set free. We riail above the' darkness ` The radiant morning star Which brings towives theirfreedom And banishes the bar. T. Watson. l razathtrst, Ont, July 9th, 1909. 00• COLLEGE_ OF QUALITY OA one thousand stu den is eairolled by our chain ` est Year. It pays to at- tend. di link of this great oa al for ‘`IIT -UNION TECERE I8'StRENGTx: ' The' deniatid for our gradiiates is THE ] S the supply, t elelechoolsen age our i,addilatta$xas'tea0 ers .,A. special ootirse for teachers Graduates of two years it ago are now earning $.2,000 Per annum. Three courses- o'x FR-' OIttL, ;' STaLxoatAsuY and raLEGIAAPar*Y.: firm Opens Aug 30 E Sprite for particulars. CLINTON ' BUSINESS COLLEGE tL. gPOTro'N. Pais, Binder'Twi here we are again, with good news for the Farmer :: Blue Ribbon binder twine 10 I 65o feet, to lb 2 550 foot = 8 � soo foot twine TERMS CASH or 46 advance' on time or in trade. We have also Gilt Edge, GSOft; made of selected fibre. -Every inch guaranteed. Get price. _ - 7/2 We Lead the Trade, Others May Follow and May Not. s e. I4ART • �PPH�OTNE !a HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION STORE Mr. Hamer Well of Seaforth Vieited his parents, over Sunday. Drive B,heennatism from the blood *. itli'D,r. Shoop'•s' Rhes miitie Reined'•.: